Why Perry Can't Win

JoeB, when you are not obssessing on your hatred with Mormonism, we all can see your mind works somewhat well. You need to stay in reality.
Oh crap.

I read too fast and thought the thread title was 'Why Percy Can't Win'.


From my dear sweet friend in Texas:

Texas is the best. The ex govenor of California is called
the Impregernator. There may be another crazy red neck
Texan in the whitehouse in 2012.
You don't like Perry? WHYY?
I would like another Texas crazy redneck president.
You mean a DIFFERENT redneck, or Perry?
Perry For President , I'm your lovable redneck silly.

Perry is just another suit with good hair.

That is why the 'Inside The Beltway' crowd like him.
If the question is "who will connect well", Romney is going to do very well. So will Perry. The questions are only (1) how well will Romney do with the Hard Right and (2) how well will Perry do with the mainstream?

Romney's not going to connect. Even the other GOP candidates don't like him. On a personal level, he's just kind of weird and creepy.

Romney's whole strategy at this point is been 1) the GOP always nominates the next guy up and 2) I'm electable because the MSM says I am.

Two problems with that philosophy.

The first point is, yeah, the GOP does have a history of that next in line bullshit. That's how we got McCain. That's how we got Bob Dole. That's how we get LOSERS. If a candidate sucked 4 or 8 years ago, he probably still sucks.

Second point, if the MSM is supporting you for the GOP nomination, it's because they KNOW you are a loser. They don't want the GOP to win. Ever. We shouldn't let them pick our candidate.

JoeB, when you are not obssessing on your hatred with Mormonism, we all can see your mind works somewhat well. You need to stay in reality.

Gee, guy, I hate a religion that was started by pedophiles, traitors and fanatics. That tells me I have a pretty solid bead on things.

You look at the history of MOrmonism, you see nothing but evil. Abuse of children, armed terrorism, sexism, homophobia, racism... it's an utterly contemptable creed that has managed to put a smiley face on itself.
When you walk down to the recruiter and sign away your life for three years, then I'll take your position seriously.

Then you are an illogical fool, and your emotive reactions may well lead to many, many, many more young men ending up there years from now than might otherwise have been necessary. Way to think ahead, genius.

People like you are very good at volunteering other people's children to die over there.

Address the point. What are we still trying to accomplish over there at this point?

Children? We're not sending Boy Scout troops to fight, sonny. Our military is made up of adults, every one of them a volunteer. So I'll thank you to stop demeaning them by calling them "children" just to score some sort of cheap emotional point.
It's OK. Perry CAN"T win. Right?

I think Perry CAN win. After Bush's victory in 2004, I'm reasonably sure it's possible. To me, the question is, do we want him too?

FOr my viewpoint, the alternatives are worse.

Obama has proven himself incapable of running the country. This is really not even in dispute at this point. Even liberals are doing analyses of what he did wrong right now, which looks more like an autopsy than a constructive criticism. Since no president (not even the Great Reagan) has had a second term that was better than his first, and given how awful Obama's first term has been for, well, everyone, I just can't see a second term of this guy not being a disaster for all involved, including Democrats.

That leaves a Republican. More importantly, it leaves a viable republican, and there are only two. Romney and Perry. Romney is a non-starter for me. Not just because he belongs to a religion I don't trust, but because everything about the guy seems contrived, phony and dishonest. As Mike Huckabee said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off."

Now, I consider myself more centrist than right wing. (And you will get people who will take either position, but it really tends on the issue. I'm right on some, left on others, and I am always rethinking my positions.) So if we were talking just positions, I'd probably be closer to Romney than Perry. As an agnostic, I'm not entirely comfortable with Perry's over religiosity.

But if I were on a sinking boat or stranded in the middle of the desert, Perry strikes me as the guy who would take charge and get us to safety more than Obama or Romney ever would, and frankly, that's what we need right now more than an idealogy. Right or left, these guys inevitably get pulled towards the center anyway.

I'm curious. How is Perry "over-religious"? And please cite specific examples and quotes.
Then you are an illogical fool, and your emotive reactions may well lead to many, many, many more young men ending up there years from now than might otherwise have been necessary. Way to think ahead, genius.

People like you are very good at volunteering other people's children to die over there.

Address the point. What are we still trying to accomplish over there at this point?

Children? We're not sending Boy Scout troops to fight, sonny. Our military is made up of adults, every one of them a volunteer. So I'll thank you to stop demeaning them by calling them "children" just to score some sort of cheap emotional point.

I'll ask you to stop demeaning them by sending them over to be killed for corporate interests and fruitless political goals...

Give me a compelling reason why we need to keep propping up the Krazy Karzai Regime, or sit down and be quiet.

Or sign up to go fight over there yourself. Then I'll respect what you have to say on the issue.
FOr my viewpoint, the alternatives are worse.

Obama has proven himself incapable of running the country. This is really not even in dispute at this point. Even liberals are doing analyses of what he did wrong right now, which looks more like an autopsy than a constructive criticism. Since no president (not even the Great Reagan) has had a second term that was better than his first, and given how awful Obama's first term has been for, well, everyone, I just can't see a second term of this guy not being a disaster for all involved, including Democrats.

That leaves a Republican. More importantly, it leaves a viable republican, and there are only two. Romney and Perry. Romney is a non-starter for me. Not just because he belongs to a religion I don't trust, but because everything about the guy seems contrived, phony and dishonest. As Mike Huckabee said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off."

Now, I consider myself more centrist than right wing. (And you will get people who will take either position, but it really tends on the issue. I'm right on some, left on others, and I am always rethinking my positions.) So if we were talking just positions, I'd probably be closer to Romney than Perry. As an agnostic, I'm not entirely comfortable with Perry's over religiosity.

But if I were on a sinking boat or stranded in the middle of the desert, Perry strikes me as the guy who would take charge and get us to safety more than Obama or Romney ever would, and frankly, that's what we need right now more than an idealogy. Right or left, these guys inevitably get pulled towards the center anyway.

I'm curious. How is Perry "over-religious"? And please cite specific examples and quotes.

Telling everyone to pray for rain... that would be a starter. Asking an imaginary sky friend for anything is kind of silly to my mind.

But I'm a realist. America is about 100 years away from when we don't need sky pixies anymore. I just want to make sure that Perry's imaginary friend isn't a sociopath. (Because usually, when you worship a sociopathic god, you usually are one yourself.)

Romney is already a deal killer for me. The Mormon God is a complete whackcase.
FOr my viewpoint, the alternatives are worse.

Obama has proven himself incapable of running the country. This is really not even in dispute at this point. Even liberals are doing analyses of what he did wrong right now, which looks more like an autopsy than a constructive criticism. Since no president (not even the Great Reagan) has had a second term that was better than his first, and given how awful Obama's first term has been for, well, everyone, I just can't see a second term of this guy not being a disaster for all involved, including Democrats.

That leaves a Republican. More importantly, it leaves a viable republican, and there are only two. Romney and Perry. Romney is a non-starter for me. Not just because he belongs to a religion I don't trust, but because everything about the guy seems contrived, phony and dishonest. As Mike Huckabee said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off."

Now, I consider myself more centrist than right wing. (And you will get people who will take either position, but it really tends on the issue. I'm right on some, left on others, and I am always rethinking my positions.) So if we were talking just positions, I'd probably be closer to Romney than Perry. As an agnostic, I'm not entirely comfortable with Perry's over religiosity.

But if I were on a sinking boat or stranded in the middle of the desert, Perry strikes me as the guy who would take charge and get us to safety more than Obama or Romney ever would, and frankly, that's what we need right now more than an idealogy. Right or left, these guys inevitably get pulled towards the center anyway.

I'm curious. How is Perry "over-religious"? And please cite specific examples and quotes.

Telling everyone to pray for rain... that would be a starter. Asking an imaginary sky friend for anything is kind of silly to my mind.

But I'm a realist. America is about 100 years away from when we don't need sky pixies anymore. I just want to make sure that Perry's imaginary friend isn't a sociopath. (Because usually, when you worship a sociopathic god, you usually are one yourself.)

Romney is already a deal killer for me. The Mormon God is a complete whackcase.

I give atheists a lot more slack than I would a christian. So carry on
FOr my viewpoint, the alternatives are worse.

Obama has proven himself incapable of running the country. This is really not even in dispute at this point. Even liberals are doing analyses of what he did wrong right now, which looks more like an autopsy than a constructive criticism. Since no president (not even the Great Reagan) has had a second term that was better than his first, and given how awful Obama's first term has been for, well, everyone, I just can't see a second term of this guy not being a disaster for all involved, including Democrats.

That leaves a Republican. More importantly, it leaves a viable republican, and there are only two. Romney and Perry. Romney is a non-starter for me. Not just because he belongs to a religion I don't trust, but because everything about the guy seems contrived, phony and dishonest. As Mike Huckabee said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off."

Now, I consider myself more centrist than right wing. (And you will get people who will take either position, but it really tends on the issue. I'm right on some, left on others, and I am always rethinking my positions.) So if we were talking just positions, I'd probably be closer to Romney than Perry. As an agnostic, I'm not entirely comfortable with Perry's over religiosity.

But if I were on a sinking boat or stranded in the middle of the desert, Perry strikes me as the guy who would take charge and get us to safety more than Obama or Romney ever would, and frankly, that's what we need right now more than an idealogy. Right or left, these guys inevitably get pulled towards the center anyway.

I'm curious. How is Perry "over-religious"? And please cite specific examples and quotes.

Telling everyone to pray for rain... that would be a starter. Asking an imaginary sky friend for anything is kind of silly to my mind.

But I'm a realist. America is about 100 years away from when we don't need sky pixies anymore. I just want to make sure that Perry's imaginary friend isn't a sociopath. (Because usually, when you worship a sociopathic god, you usually are one yourself.)

Romney is already a deal killer for me. The Mormon God is a complete whackcase.

You, as an agnostic or atheist, advising the rest of us on religions and etc is supposed to mean something? When you are not beating that drum, much of what you write makes sense.

Remember that CeCelie is a far hard right reactionary wack, who truly thinks folks like Michelle Bachman are mainstream American. Just understand where CeCe comes from.
People like you are very good at volunteering other people's children to die over there.

Address the point. What are we still trying to accomplish over there at this point?

Children? We're not sending Boy Scout troops to fight, sonny. Our military is made up of adults, every one of them a volunteer. So I'll thank you to stop demeaning them by calling them "children" just to score some sort of cheap emotional point.

I'll ask you to stop demeaning them by sending them over to be killed for corporate interests and fruitless political goals...

Give me a compelling reason why we need to keep propping up the Krazy Karzai Regime, or sit down and be quiet.

Or sign up to go fight over there yourself. Then I'll respect what you have to say on the issue.

Yeah, talking about them like they're kindergartners is TOTALLY analogous to trying to impose your worldview as an objective standard. :eusa_hand:

It's clear you have nothing but contempt for our troops, so I can't imagine why you think your respect is something I would ever want. Please hold your breath waiting for the day I say, "Oh, gosh, I want the shitstain who calls our soldiers 'children' to think well of me."

And by the way, your respect for civilian control of the military rivals your respect for our soldiers, making you a double-threat guy in the whole contemptible garbage category.

Save your breath, shitstain. You have nothing to say on the subject of the military, and will not be honored with another response on that subject.
FOr my viewpoint, the alternatives are worse.

Obama has proven himself incapable of running the country. This is really not even in dispute at this point. Even liberals are doing analyses of what he did wrong right now, which looks more like an autopsy than a constructive criticism. Since no president (not even the Great Reagan) has had a second term that was better than his first, and given how awful Obama's first term has been for, well, everyone, I just can't see a second term of this guy not being a disaster for all involved, including Democrats.

That leaves a Republican. More importantly, it leaves a viable republican, and there are only two. Romney and Perry. Romney is a non-starter for me. Not just because he belongs to a religion I don't trust, but because everything about the guy seems contrived, phony and dishonest. As Mike Huckabee said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off."

Now, I consider myself more centrist than right wing. (And you will get people who will take either position, but it really tends on the issue. I'm right on some, left on others, and I am always rethinking my positions.) So if we were talking just positions, I'd probably be closer to Romney than Perry. As an agnostic, I'm not entirely comfortable with Perry's over religiosity.

But if I were on a sinking boat or stranded in the middle of the desert, Perry strikes me as the guy who would take charge and get us to safety more than Obama or Romney ever would, and frankly, that's what we need right now more than an idealogy. Right or left, these guys inevitably get pulled towards the center anyway.

I'm curious. How is Perry "over-religious"? And please cite specific examples and quotes.

Telling everyone to pray for rain... that would be a starter. Asking an imaginary sky friend for anything is kind of silly to my mind.

But I'm a realist. America is about 100 years away from when we don't need sky pixies anymore. I just want to make sure that Perry's imaginary friend isn't a sociopath. (Because usually, when you worship a sociopathic god, you usually are one yourself.)

Romney is already a deal killer for me. The Mormon God is a complete whackcase.

So basically, anyone who dares to profess any belief system other than yours is "over-religious", or even whacko. You're a bigot. Got it.

I thought you just hated Mormons, but now I see that you're just the standard-model, universal hater who fears anyone different from you, and thus tries to oppress them to counter your xenophobia.

Run along. I don't talk to religious bigots any more than I talk to racists, and for the same reason: lack of intelligence.

Then you are an illogical fool, and your emotive reactions may well lead to many, many, many more young men ending up there years from now than might otherwise have been necessary. Way to think ahead, genius.

People like you are very good at volunteering other people's children to die over there.

Address the point. What are we still trying to accomplish over there at this point?

Children? We're not sending Boy Scout troops to fight, sonny. Our military is made up of adults, every one of them a volunteer. So I'll thank you to stop demeaning them by calling them "children" just to score some sort of cheap emotional point.


I like to refer to all soldiers, past and present, as men and women, not children OR boys and girls.
We all have now seen the opposite sides of the same coin of the god-hater vs the antigod-hater, got it, and flush.

I mean, really.
You, as an agnostic or atheist, advising the rest of us on religions and etc is supposed to mean something? When you are not beating that drum, much of what you write makes sense.

Remember that CeCelie is a far hard right reactionary wack, who truly thinks folks like Michelle Bachman are mainstream American. Just understand where CeCe comes from.

She's a whack, you're a whack. Whenever I deal with religious nutjobs, I'm dealing with whacks... and sadly, I have to deal with more of them on the right than on the left.
JoeB, you are clearly a wack when discussing religion. You know nothing of which you talk.
Yeah, talking about them like they're kindergartners is TOTALLY analogous to trying to impose your worldview as an objective standard. :eusa_hand:

It's clear you have nothing but contempt for our troops, so I can't imagine why you think your respect is something I would ever want. Please hold your breath waiting for the day I say, "Oh, gosh, I want the shitstain who calls our soldiers 'children' to think well of me."

And by the way, your respect for civilian control of the military rivals your respect for our soldiers, making you a double-threat guy in the whole contemptible garbage category.

Save your breath, shitstain. You have nothing to say on the subject of the military, and will not be honored with another response on that subject.

Hey, even the rightwingers think you're nuts, so I'm not going to worry too much about what you think.

When a soldier dies, a parent loses a child. This is undeniable. If we are going to ask these young men and women to die, to have parents have nothing left of their children but little flag covered shrines in the living room that make their friends and relatives feel akward for the next 20 years, then you'd better be giving me a damned compelling reason to do it.

Which you NeoCons don't really have at this point. There is simply nothing useful to be accomplished in Afghanistan that is worth one more American life at this point.
So basically, anyone who dares to profess any belief system other than yours is "over-religious", or even whacko. You're a bigot. Got it.

I thought you just hated Mormons, but now I see that you're just the standard-model, universal hater who fears anyone different from you, and thus tries to oppress them to counter your xenophobia.

Run along. I don't talk to religious bigots any more than I talk to racists, and for the same reason: lack of intelligence.


Funny, only racist I see here is you. I dislike Obama because he's incompetent, you dislike him because he's black.

I have no use for any religion. All religions are based on superstition. Mormonism is based on outright fraud, so it gets a special mention. Kind of like Scientology.

I think you should be free to keep that superstition and ignorance in your churches and homes. Just don't bring it anywhere that I have to look at it, or I'll mock it for what it is..
So basically, anyone who dares to profess any belief system other than yours is "over-religious", or even whacko. You're a bigot. Got it.

I thought you just hated Mormons, but now I see that you're just the standard-model, universal hater who fears anyone different from you, and thus tries to oppress them to counter your xenophobia.

Run along. I don't talk to religious bigots any more than I talk to racists, and for the same reason: lack of intelligence.


Funny, only racist I see here is you. I dislike Obama because he's incompetent, you dislike him because he's black.

I have no use for any religion. All religions are based on superstition. Mormonism is based on outright fraud, so it gets a special mention. Kind of like Scientology.

I think you should be free to keep that superstition and ignorance in your churches and homes. Just don't bring it anywhere that I have to look at it, or I'll mock it for what it is..

You know very little about religion....that's okay...it's just an observation on my part.

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