Why Perry Can't Win

Again your bias is glaring. You have part of it right, but the part you leave out (as you tend to do) is that Israel comes back from the brink after they stop worshiping idols, and do what they are supposed to. it presents examples of what not to do. And it is commonly taught in Sunday School.

Not that I take these things too literally, but frankly, that doesn't impress me all that much.

So it's another case of "I'm God, and I'm insecure". Which really describes much of the bible, with God acting like an angry 16 year old girl.

The bible is full of really nasty, unpleasent characters, but God is frequently the worst of the lot.

No, its a case of you having a hate for religion, namely judo-Christian religion because that's what pseudo intellectuals do. You also tend to edit the facts you present, relying on readers ignorance or unwillingness to check the BS you post.

I just read what's in there, dude. What is in there is God inflicting one cruelty after another on his "chosen people", selling them into slavery when they don't worship him, sending plagues when they set up an alternative temple, killing babies to teach parents a lesson.

Your whole argument has been, "The Bible isn't as bad as it looks", when, well, it is. Which is why the Churches avoid reading the unpleasent parts and only concentrate on the parts that make God look kind of okay.
Not that I take these things too literally, but frankly, that doesn't impress me all that much.

So it's another case of "I'm God, and I'm insecure". Which really describes much of the bible, with God acting like an angry 16 year old girl.

The bible is full of really nasty, unpleasent characters, but God is frequently the worst of the lot.

No, its a case of you having a hate for religion, namely judo-Christian religion because that's what pseudo intellectuals do. You also tend to edit the facts you present, relying on readers ignorance or unwillingness to check the BS you post.

I just read what's in there, dude. What is in there is God inflicting one cruelty after another on his "chosen people", selling them into slavery when they don't worship him, sending plagues when they set up an alternative temple, killing babies to teach parents a lesson.

Your whole argument has been, "The Bible isn't as bad as it looks", when, well, it is. Which is why the Churches avoid reading the unpleasent parts and only concentrate on the parts that make God look kind of okay.

Nope, that is what you say my whole argument has been, and the only reason you are still on it is because you got bitch slapped in every direction you went from religion to Hitler and Stalin, On to slavery and back to this. All because you got called to the mat for being bigoted against religion. You read the parts that reenforced your beliefs, but left out the message. I have never been to a church that left anything out. As a matter of fact, in the third grade I was well aware that God had a body count of around 10,000 +. You have only proven that you have an axe to grind, and dont even have a basic grasp on the object of your bigotry. See you around now little one.
[SAB, Judges 11

11:30 And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands,
11:31 Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD's, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.

11:39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed: and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel,
11:40 That the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in a year.

Sounds pretty clear to me... The girl got butchered.

Now, I realize that there are fundies who try to claim the "Sacrifice" was that she lived out her life as a virgin or some nonsense. But there's really nothing in the bible to indicate that. She was slaughtered.

You understand that isn't the text of Bible, right? You understand when it says "and she knew no man" that implies she continued living, right? You understand that the G-d of the Hebrew Bible does not demand or accept human sacrifices, right?

A little knowledge is an absurd thing.

It implies she kept living ONLY if you have a vivid imagination. The fact that she is never mentioned again would imply that she didn't.

I think, "He did with her as he had vowed" is a pretty clear indication what happened to this girl.

Also, in the OVERALL context of the Book of Judges, you have to keep in mind the entire book is about how Israel had fallen from Grace, how God frequently delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and how the Judges were by and large not virtuous men. (It's why this book gets quickly brushed over in Sunday School. Lots of ugly stories.)

Well, Rashi said the same thing and I wouldn't count him as having a vivid imagination. In fact, between Rashi and some fiftyith rate intellect on the Internet who can't read the text I know which interpretation I'd choose.
Oh, so you're waiting for me to convince you? You haven't made up your mind yet? I can give you a very good argument based on American history why slavery stunts economic growth and social development.

But here's the thing. If you want to have even a shred of credibility when attempting to take the moral high ground over another poster, when someone asks you if slavery is a bad thing, the answer is always and every time an unequivocal "yes."

"Don't listen to him! He equates Stalinism with Christianity!"
"Is slavery bad?"
"I don't know."

It sort of undermines your position.

Which should be plainly obvious.
IOW you can only make an economic case against slavery, you cannot make a moral case against slavery.
Thanks for playing. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.


Being chastised on morals by a racist who can't say whether or not slavery is bad. Outstanding! :thup:

Make the moral case against "Why Jews are subhuman" and you've made the moral case against slavery.


I am disappointed. You appeared to be one of the posters with more than 3 functioning brain cells. But I see I was mistaken. You cannot create an argument so you deflect, name call, change the subject--do whatever you can to cover over your lack of debating skill and poor knowledge level.
A shame. I blame public schools and the system.
(edited out non-arguments). You read the parts that reenforced your beliefs, but left out the message. I have never been to a church that left anything out. As a matter of fact, in the third grade I was well aware that God had a body count of around 10,000 +.(edit out more whining)

guy, God has a MUCH bigger body count than 10,000 plus.

Here's someone who actually bothered to crunch the numbers..

Dwindling In Unbelief: How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)

The numbered deaths in the bible are over 2.4 million. The estimated deaths are close to 24 million.

Oh, and how many people has Satan killed in the Bible.

10. (the Children of Job.)

Now, refresh my memory again, which one was evil?
(edited out non-arguments). You read the parts that reenforced your beliefs, but left out the message. I have never been to a church that left anything out. As a matter of fact, in the third grade I was well aware that God had a body count of around 10,000 +.(edit out more whining)

guy, God has a MUCH bigger body count than 10,000 plus.

Here's someone who actually bothered to crunch the numbers..

Dwindling In Unbelief: How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)

The numbered deaths in the bible are over 2.4 million. The estimated deaths are close to 24 million.

Oh, and how many people has Satan killed in the Bible.

10. (the Children of Job.)

Now, refresh my memory again, which one was evil?

How many people did Hitler and Stalin kill? Seems like many more.
Well, Rashi said the same thing and I wouldn't count him as having a vivid imagination. In fact, between Rashi and some fiftyith rate intellect on the Internet who can't read the text I know which interpretation I'd choose.

I don't know who "rashi" is and don't care.

Oh, and we KNOW what interpretation you'd choose. You'd choose the one where God doesn't enjoy Virgin Meat, cooked on the grill.

Sadly, what the Bible says is something altogether different, and the whole, "Well, she got to live a life of celibacy instead" comes off like the time that my parents told me the dog that destroyed their furniture went off to live with a nice farm family.
Well, Rashi said the same thing and I wouldn't count him as having a vivid imagination. In fact, between Rashi and some fiftyith rate intellect on the Internet who can't read the text I know which interpretation I'd choose.

I don't know who "rashi" is and don't care.

Oh, and we KNOW what interpretation you'd choose. You'd choose the one where God doesn't enjoy Virgin Meat, cooked on the grill.

Sadly, what the Bible says is something altogether different, and the whole, "Well, she got to live a life of celibacy instead" comes off like the time that my parents told me the dog that destroyed their furniture went off to live with a nice farm family.

Yes, "I don't know and I don't care" could be your sig line.
You are steeped to the gills in ignorance. Your knowledge of the Bible is laughable in the extreme. And that is even considering your Catholic upringing.
IOW you can only make an economic case against slavery, you cannot make a moral case against slavery.
Thanks for playing. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.


Being chastised on morals by a racist who can't say whether or not slavery is bad. Outstanding! :thup:

Make the moral case against "Why Jews are subhuman" and you've made the moral case against slavery.


I am disappointed. You appeared to be one of the posters with more than 3 functioning brain cells. But I see I was mistaken. You cannot create an argument so you deflect, name call, change the subject--do whatever you can to cover over your lack of debating skill and poor knowledge level.
A shame. I blame public schools and the system.

You're the one deflecting. A simple question was put forward to you and this is what you bring up.

I'm not wasting my time making a moral argument against slavery, just like I'm not wasting my time making a moral argument against why Jews are subhuman with some POS anti-semite like USAR. It's the same frickin' argument. There is no moral ambiguity to it. If you want to take the opposite position of "Why Hitler was right," be my guest. But most people can see that the argument is so blatantly absurd that it is not worthy dignifying by addressing.
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Being chastised on morals by a racist who can't say whether or not slavery is bad. Outstanding! :thup:

Make the moral case against "Why Jews are subhuman" and you've made the moral case against slavery.


I am disappointed. You appeared to be one of the posters with more than 3 functioning brain cells. But I see I was mistaken. You cannot create an argument so you deflect, name call, change the subject--do whatever you can to cover over your lack of debating skill and poor knowledge level.
A shame. I blame public schools and the system.

You're the one deflecting. A simple question was put forward to you and this is what you bring up.

I'm not wasting my time making a moral argument against slavery, just like I'm not wasting my time making a moral argument against why Jews are subhuman with some POS anti-semite like USAR. It's the same frickin' argument.

No, I asked you specifically to frame an argument against slavery as to why it is sooo bad. Your first response was an economic argument. I won't buy that. If it's soooo bad then it should be easy as all get out to make a moral argument.
But you've failed every time. You deflect. You waffle. You call names.
I thought you were smarter than this. Clearly not. You conflate anti semitism with slavery, as though they had anything to do with each other.
You're just the intellectual equivalent of a Happy Meal.
Joe, are you able to read clearly. The aggegrations conclude after his announcement. Joes continues to fail to announce all of the material. Read #204 then check realclearpolitics.

They CONCLUDE after his announce, not begin... Once Perry was clearly in the race and off and running, he cleaned Romney's clock.

Come on, guy, your whole argument for Romney, why we should ignore his evil, stupid religion, his greed, his slimy business practices, his lack of core values or accomplishment, is because a poll said he was "electable".

Except now the polls are showing Perry is just as electable AND favored by More republicans.

And the only thing you have to cling to like Leo DiCaprio in the wreckage is 'Well, he's still ahead in Liberal New Hampshire".

This from a religious bigot who rips of other peoples material and surfs porn ?
You understand that isn't the text of Bible, right? You understand when it says "and she knew no man" that implies she continued living, right? You understand that the G-d of the Hebrew Bible does not demand or accept human sacrifices, right?

A little knowledge is an absurd thing.

It implies she kept living ONLY if you have a vivid imagination. The fact that she is never mentioned again would imply that she didn't.

I think, "He did with her as he had vowed" is a pretty clear indication what happened to this girl.

Also, in the OVERALL context of the Book of Judges, you have to keep in mind the entire book is about how Israel had fallen from Grace, how God frequently delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and how the Judges were by and large not virtuous men. (It's why this book gets quickly brushed over in Sunday School. Lots of ugly stories.)

Well, Rashi said the same thing and I wouldn't count him as having a vivid imagination. In fact, between Rashi and some fiftyith rate intellect on the Internet who can't read the text I know which interpretation I'd choose.

Noticed some of you are talking about religion- I really don't think the pick of the GOP Presidential candidate is going to boil down to religion. We have got a lot more to consider rather than what religion one candidate is.

Jobs--and the debt are going to take the Number One position--while social issues such as gay marriage and abortion are going to set on the back burner.

Perry immediately jumped ahead in the polls--upon announcement that he was running. HOWEVER--most of the American public got their first look at Perry on Wednesday night--and he did have a couple of "deer in the headlights" moments. Number 1--Romney could easily keep up with him in his remarks--it was a fairly good debate between the two. Number 2. His social security comment--which BTW--I agree that it is a ponzi scheme--BUT you're not going to convince the millions that receive their checks in the mail each and every month that it is. Number 3. Perry's executive order to have 12 year old girls injected with a NEW unproven drug--was beyond the pale. (You never get in between a parent and their child as to what is good for them.)

Furthermore--It is Romney that has a real written jobs plan--in fact over 100 pages of it- while Perry was talking in general terms.

In conclusion--we're going to see Perry drop in the polls against Romney.
It implies she kept living ONLY if you have a vivid imagination. The fact that she is never mentioned again would imply that she didn't.

I think, "He did with her as he had vowed" is a pretty clear indication what happened to this girl.

Also, in the OVERALL context of the Book of Judges, you have to keep in mind the entire book is about how Israel had fallen from Grace, how God frequently delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and how the Judges were by and large not virtuous men. (It's why this book gets quickly brushed over in Sunday School. Lots of ugly stories.)

Well, Rashi said the same thing and I wouldn't count him as having a vivid imagination. In fact, between Rashi and some fiftyith rate intellect on the Internet who can't read the text I know which interpretation I'd choose.

Noticed some of you are talking about religion- I really don't think the pick of the GOP Presidential candidate is going to boil down to religion. We have got a lot more to consider rather than what religion one candidate is.

Jobs--and the debt are going to take the Number One position--while social issues such as gay marriage and abortion are going to set on the back burner.

Perry immediately jumped ahead in the polls--upon announcement that he was running. HOWEVER--most of the American public got their first look at Perry on Wednesday night--and he did have a couple of "deer in the headlights" moments. Number 1--Romney could easily keep up with him in his remarks--it was a fairly good debate between the two. Number 2. His social security comment--which BTW--I agree that it is a ponzi scheme--BUT you're not going to convince the millions that receive their checks in the mail each and every month that it is. Number 3. Perry's executive order to have 12 year old girls injected with a NEW unproven drug--was beyond the pale. (You never get in between a parent and their child as to what is good for them.)

Furthermore--It is Romney that has a real written jobs plan--in fact over 100 pages of it- while Perry was talking in general terms.

In conclusion--we're going to see Perry drop in the polls against Romney.

true I guess. The ones who go to religion to criticize some one are normally to feeble minded to form an opinion with out some one telling them what it is.
Sooner or later Romney will hammer states' rights Perry on, "Your health and morbidity and insurance and children-in-poverty rates are at the near end of the bottom, dude, in Texas, while we did and have done well in Massachusetts. So what you are really saying is that Massachusetts is wrong for improving itself while and sicne I was governor, and Texas is right on for sinking right on down. Is that right, Mr. Jobs Creator Wonderful State Governor? Is that right?"
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Sooner or later Romney will hammer states' rights Perry on, "Your health and morbidity and insurance and children-in-poverty rates are at the near end of the bottom, dude, in Texas, while we did and have done well in Texas. So what you are really saying is that Massachusetts is wrong for improving itself while and sicne I was governor, and Texas is right on for sinking right on down. Is that right, Mr. Jobs Creator Wonderful State Governor? Is that right?"

He can say that kind of crap all day, but the fact is, the people of Mass. were set to bouncy Romney out on his ass until he decided not to run against Devall Patrick because he was trailing him by double digits.

Perry's been re-elected three times.

But, please, I want to see Romney promote more and bigger government. I want to see him tell us all how government is the answer to all our woes. Please, please, please let him do that.
It is Romney that has a real written jobs plan[/B]--in fact over 100 pages of it- while Perry was talking in general terms.

In conclusion--we're going to see Perry drop in the polls against Romney.

Now Romney is locked into a set of proposals that will be gone through with a fine tooth comb and criticized. Perry is not. It is Romney who will drop as this or that detail loses support.
That is how Obama got elected. He never put anything concrete on the table (and still doesnt) so that everyone will think the best of whatever he spouts off about.
I am not comparing the two. But committing yourself to a very specific plan is to alienate people immediately.

Rick Perry’s Newest Fan: Birther Queen Orly Taitz | ThinkProgress
So you are trying the "Guilt by association" angle?

Personally, I think birthers are a little silly and I've said so more than once. But at the end of the day, voters won't care if he was born in Hawaii or Kenya or the Planet Kolob. They are going to care about whether the economy looks like it is going to get better soon.

And the answer is, "Not Likely".
Sooner or later Romney will hammer states' rights Perry on, "Your health and morbidity and insurance and children-in-poverty rates are at the near end of the bottom, dude, in Texas, while we did and have done well in Texas. So what you are really saying is that Massachusetts is wrong for improving itself while and sicne I was governor, and Texas is right on for sinking right on down. Is that right, Mr. Jobs Creator Wonderful State Governor? Is that right?"

He can say that kind of crap all day, but the fact is, the people of Mass. were set to bouncy Romney out on his ass until he decided not to run against Devall Patrick because he was trailing him by double digits.

Perry's been re-elected three times.

But, please, I want to see Romney promote more and bigger government. I want to see him tell us all how government is the answer to all our woes. Please, please, please let him do that.

So you can't answer what Romney is going to hit Perry with. Got it. Romney's electability is much higher, and the NH and the FL primaries and debates are going to force Perry much further toward the center.

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