Why "privatizing" our Post Office would be a mistake:

sure there is.....

what recourse is there, vote them out 4 years from now? What if they get reelected anyway? Then where is your recourse?

are we talking about the Post Office or Politicians?....

It's gone from talking about private vs. public postal and package delivery-to Obama has ruined everything. Democrats are the anti-Christ (joking exaggeration), and other garbage.

I suspect that spiked egg nog and other alcoholic beverages have contributed to these lovely individual's outbursts tonight.
Not a very convincing answer, my man. People who use crude words do not have the vocabulary to convey what's on their minds.

You just proved you're an idiot. Any 5-year-old knows that claim is just plain bullshit. Is this really the best insult you can muster?

Interesting analogy. With your vocabulary level, I wonder how you are capable of filling out voter registration. (If this is how you speak everyday.)

I'll leave it to others to determine my "vocabulary level." You aren't fooling anyone with these pathetic ad hominems. Does it really make any difference if you insult someone using expletives or the language fit for Sesame Street? An insult is an insult. I simply choose to be upfront about it rather than pretending I'm being polite as you do.

Fair enough. Don't expect "libturds" to treat you with respect in turn. If this is how you generally speak to others face-to-face, I would have tuned you out, five minutes into the conversation.

When do the liberal turds in this forum ever treat people on the other side of the fence with respect?

Who are these apathetic people?

Look in the mirror, turd.

That's how despicable they are. If there was a button I could push that would vaporize every liberal in the world, I wouldn't hesitate to push it. I would claw my way to it just so I could push it.

Well, Hitler felt the same way. Perhaps you can plan your own genocide, if you hate others so much. Please sober up before you plan it, though. You don't seem to be thinking clearly at this moment.

ROLF! Aren't liberal turds like you always invoking Godwin's law? Get this through your head, idiot, I only hate liberals. I hate them for the same reason a sensible person hates Nazis. They are destroying this country.
The US Post Office was a fine and honorable institution until the Marxist Union got their hands on it
The US Post Office was a fine and honorable institution until the Marxist Union got their hands on it

they had a lot of help from the Postal Management Frank.....and your friendly neighborhood Congress person.......together they have made it the Institution it is today.....
Dumbass, dumbfuck....seriously? I would crap and fall back into it, if you were to post something that wasn't insulting someone else-with the vocabulary of an alcoholic tying one on at the local honky tonk pool hall.

Anger management, man.....anger management seems to be the key. You really seem to have a deep-seated hatred for others; especially those who don't agree with you about something. A revelation for you: You seem to think that everyone else in the world is stupid, but yourself.....they aren't.

Nah, I just hate libturds because they are fucking dumbasses and they are fucking up the world. You have to be positively retarded to believe the stuff that libturds believe. Allowing libturds to vote is like putting a graduate from Special Ed at the controls of a 747.

I will never treat libturds with respect because they don't deserve it. Some of them are smart enough to know they are destroying this country, but they don't even care. That's how despicable they are. If there was a button I could push that would vaporize every liberal in the world, I wouldn't hesitate to push it. I would claw my way to it just so I could push it.


Fucking up the world? We're the ones who have been advancing society out of the dark and middle ages where your aristocracy saw most fit to reign from.
Fucking up the world? We're the ones who have been advancing society out of the dark and middle ages where your aristocracy saw most fit to reign from.

You're confusing yourself with actual liberals. Modern day liberals are really communists. They like to call themselves "liberals," but only the terminally gullible are fooled.
Fucking up the world? We're the ones who have been advancing society out of the dark and middle ages where your aristocracy saw most fit to reign from.

You're confusing yourself with actual liberals. Modern day liberals are really communists. They like to call themselves "liberals," but only the terminally gullible are fooled.

Funny how you ascribe beliefs to people who don't actually follow them.

Thanks for the blanket though... keeps me warm this winter.

We're liberals hombre... and we're on the move. For this hip, young ideology, tomorrow is today and today is yesterday. You heard me.

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Funny how you ascribe beliefs to people who don't actually follow them.

Thanks for the blanket though... keeps me warm this winter.

What's the difference between what you believe and what a communist believes?

We're liberals hombre... and we're on the move. For this hip, young ideology, tomorrow is today and today is yesterday. You heard me.

There's nothing new about socialism or about groveling before an overseer. That's as old as civilization. That's what modern day "liberalism" is all about: turning us all into a means for someone else's ends rather than allowing people to determine their own ends.
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You just proved you're an idiot. Any 5-year-old knows that claim is just plain bullshit. Is this really the best insult you can muster?

I hope that a five year old doesn't generally speak with such vile words. Maybe in your household? It isn't an insult. You just don't sound very bright when you speak this way.

I'll leave it to others to determine my "vocabulary level." You aren't fooling anyone with these pathetic ad hominems. Does it really make any difference if you insult someone using expletives or the language fit for Sesame Street? An insult is an insult. I simply choose to be upfront about it rather than pretending I'm being polite as you do.

An insult is unneccesary. If you "leave it to others to determine your vocabulary level", I'll bet that many people have "other commitments" when you make plans with them. "Fit for Sesame Street"; disgusting profanity is about 1 step above Sesame Street level. Polite....me? Oh no. I call it as I see it. Your vocabulary is grade school level at best...or perhaps a step above: i.e.-dumbass, dumbfuck, idiot, moron, etc...

When do the liberal turds in this forum ever treat people on the other side of the fence with respect? Look in the mirror, turd.

There are some; just like there are some reasonable conservatives; both of which don't want to vaporize the "other side". Something that you are too blind to see (that left and right are bullshit that has been created by our ruling class in this country.) Has this ever crossed your closed mind? How do you keep the majority from over overrunning the minority (The VERY wealthy ruling class)? We continue to fight amongst ourselves, and this is provoked by our "news" channels.

ROLF! Aren't liberal turds like you always invoking Godwin's law? Get this through your head, idiot, I only hate liberals. I hate them for the same reason a sensible person hates Nazis. They are destroying this country.

Liberal turds....this is one of the reasons that it is so difficult to take this seriously. Turds?
When someone says that they want to vaporize all liberals (which I'm a moderate. sorry to disappoint you with your daim bramage). I seem to recall many of your robots walking around with posters of Obama with a Hitler moustache...which makes absolutely NO historical sense.

If you have such an issue, why not get actively involved....with intelligent people. I would recommend not extremists, as you just seem like the type who would prefer .50 caliber packing. You aren't going to educate people whom you believe to misunderstand by calling them libturds. So smoke your Marlboro Reds, and drink your Pabst, and attend your meetings of like-minded individuals with conspiracy theories.

You really are amusing. I'm trying to have a civil conversation, and you are behaving like an angry redneck. I give up, dude. :cuckoo:
Funny how you ascribe beliefs to people who don't actually follow them.

Thanks for the blanket though... keeps me warm this winter.

What's the difference between what you believe and what a communist believes?

Well... there's the whole classless, stateless and moneyless part I don't believe in for starters. And those are core concepts!

Kind of funny though how every communist country never followed any of those things. They were all state, all the time.
Funny how you ascribe beliefs to people who don't actually follow them.

Thanks for the blanket though... keeps me warm this winter.

What's the difference between what you believe and what a communist believes?

Well... there's the whole classless, stateless and moneyless part I don't believe in for starters. And those are core concepts!

Kind of funny though how every communist country never followed any of those things. They were all state, all the time.

As you so ably pointed out, the communists didn't believe in that crap either. If they did, don't you think they would have at least tried to implement it? When you look at what they actually did implement, it's indistinguishable from what Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid are trying to implement.
What's the difference between what you believe and what a communist believes?

Well... there's the whole classless, stateless and moneyless part I don't believe in for starters. And those are core concepts!

Kind of funny though how every communist country never followed any of those things. They were all state, all the time.

As you so ably pointed out, the communists didn't believe in that crap either. If they did, don't you think they would have at least tried to implement it? When you look at what they actually did implement, it's indistinguishable from what Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid are trying to implement.

Nazi Pelosi?


True communism supports those things(none of which I believe in)... and I also don't believe in what the communist countries have created for themselves... the different 'isms'. Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism, Castroism etc. All terrible.

But go on believing in your fairy land world where everybody who disagrees with you is aligned with dictators and mass murdering tyrants.

The post office is better and cheaper than Fed Ex or UPS.

Just like credit unions are better and cheaper than banks.


And your best posts are the ones you don't make.

If you could back this claim up, it would be a real piece of work given that UPS can't deliver mail.

And if the Post Office is better, then why is Fed Ex still in business ????

If the Post Office had to go on it's own, it would fold in six months.

To much Egg Nog/Rum ???
The post office is better and cheaper than Fed Ex or UPS.

Just like credit unions are better and cheaper than banks.


And your best posts are the ones you don't make.

If you could back this claim up, it would be a real piece of work given that UPS can't deliver mail.

And if the Post Office is better, then why is Fed Ex still in business ????

If the Post Office had to go on it's own, it would fold in six months.

To much Egg Nog/Rum ???

Well no shit it'd fold if it operates under the same prices. FedEx and UPS combined would not be able to handle what the USPS accomplishes.

Like I said time and time again, the USPS handles over 600 times more mail and packages than FedEx and UPS combined.

People who think the prices wouldn't skyrocket(and would actually lower! <gasp>) if it went completely private, are total loons.
As you so ably pointed out, the communists didn't believe in that crap either. If they did, don't you think they would have at least tried to implement it? When you look at what they actually did implement, it's indistinguishable from what Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid are trying to implement.

Nazi Pelosi?

True communism supports those things(none of which I believe in)... and I also don't believe in what the communist countries have created for themselves... the different 'isms'. Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism, Castroism etc. All terrible.

But go on believing in your fairy land world where everybody who disagrees with you is aligned with dictators and mass murdering tyrants.


"True communism" is a circle with four corners. Every time you try to draw it, you end up with either a circle or a square. "True communism" is a practical joke, and the people who ran nations like the former USSR knew it. They payed lip service to the principles you're talking about. If you want to see what communists actually believe in, watch what they do, not what they say.

So what do they believe in? They believe in government making all the economic decisions. They don't believe productive enterprises should be privately controlled. They believe money should be little more than a ration card, not a store of value or a true means of exchange. They believe that people are beasts of burden who exist to serve the purposes of politicians and government bureaucrats. They believe people have no right to pursue their own purposes. They believe government should be the final arbiter on how much each person should receive for his labor. They believe government should decide what you should do for a living, where you should live and how you should live.

So tell me, where do liberals differ with communists on those principles?
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The USPO doesn't take a dime from the government.

That's already pretty privatized, don't you think?
The post office is better and cheaper than Fed Ex or UPS.

Just like credit unions are better and cheaper than banks.


And your best posts are the ones you don't make.

If you could back this claim up, it would be a real piece of work given that UPS can't deliver mail.

And if the Post Office is better, then why is Fed Ex still in business ????

If the Post Office had to go on it's own, it would fold in six months.

To much Egg Nog/Rum ???
the PO has been on its own since the early 70's.......
K-rist the ignorance some of you have shown us about about what you don't know the USPO is astonishning.

The USPO is not funded by the government.

So what do they believe in?

I believe in a very well regulated capitalist society.

End of story.

Your attempts to try to paint me and all liberals as communist shows a great lack of insight and intelligence on your part. It shows that the world you live in, in your own head, is full of simplistic shapes and colors of which you can apply to people so you do not have to understand the true complexity and depth of character that people have.

Go open your presents junior. Have yourself a fantastic christmas.

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