Why Putin wants a Trump victory

A Russian sympathizer is always an enemy to freedom and mankind.

The jrocs and toomuchtimes want a WWIII.

Employ Americans not foreigners ..vote Trump:thup:

In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

The H-1B visa lets companies bring foreign workers to the U.S. temporarily to fill jobs requiring highly skilled labor. Employers say it helps them fill jobs that draw too few qualified applicants. Critics say some companies abuse it, replacing Americans with foreign tech workers willing to work for less.

Sometimes American IT workers are laid off after spending their final days training their foreign-born replacements.

Demand for these visa workers is growing especially fast in Charlotte. Last year hundreds of employers filed initial applications for more than 16,500 H-1B workers in the Charlotte metro area, many in technology positions. That number alone is bigger than the entire workforce of some of Charlotte’s largest employers.

Read more here: In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

You are very funny.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers
March 18 NEW YORK
Here's Donald Trump's dilemma: He is running for president on a platform of bringing jobs back to the U.S. and making America Great again.
But at his private club in south Florida, he has filled his staff almost exclusively with imported foreign workers. And he has been doing it for years.
The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas.
These are foreign workers who are in the US legally. Trump is opposed to Clinton's policy of allowing illegal immigrants to take jobs away from Americans.

This, of course, has nothing to do with the millions of American jobs that have fled to foreign countries because of the Clintons' NAFTA and WTO. The Clintons literally forced companies to move their factories to Mexico and Asia by getting the US committed to these two treaties: once the Clintons opened the doors, it was either move to a country that had lower costs of production or go out of business.

Trump is promoting bring American jobs at the same time he is importing foreign workers. They are here legally that doesn't mean they are not foreign workers taking over Americans.

I have business in China..... NAFTA did not force me to move over seas......... It's the high labor here in America that forces people like me to stay alive.
Maybe you should push for lower regulations here, lower taxes. lower the cost to do business here. Quit siding with the crony capitalist, bought and paid for, piece of shit, Hillary Clinton.:slap:

I cannot help you there.
Aww, did no one tell you the Cold War is over? Apparently no one has told Hillary either.
A Russian sympathizer is always an enemy to freedom and mankind.

The jrocs and toomuchtimes want a WWIII.

Employ Americans not foreigners ..vote Trump:thup:

In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

The H-1B visa lets companies bring foreign workers to the U.S. temporarily to fill jobs requiring highly skilled labor. Employers say it helps them fill jobs that draw too few qualified applicants. Critics say some companies abuse it, replacing Americans with foreign tech workers willing to work for less.

Sometimes American IT workers are laid off after spending their final days training their foreign-born replacements.

Demand for these visa workers is growing especially fast in Charlotte. Last year hundreds of employers filed initial applications for more than 16,500 H-1B workers in the Charlotte metro area, many in technology positions. That number alone is bigger than the entire workforce of some of Charlotte’s largest employers.

Read more here: In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

You are very funny.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers
March 18 NEW YORK
Here's Donald Trump's dilemma: He is running for president on a platform of bringing jobs back to the U.S. and making America Great again.
But at his private club in south Florida, he has filled his staff almost exclusively with imported foreign workers. And he has been doing it for years.
The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas.

Our people are being forced to train their replacements we aren't talking about low skilled workers here genius:slap: seasonal staff aren't permanent jobs

Senators seek probe of claims US workers fired, forced to train foreign replacements | Fox News

Why don't you tell that to trump?

Maybe you should look at the tax plans genius.. Hillary's would kill business, but you don't care, because you're no doubt an ideologue, and profiteer of crony capitalism
Trump is promoting bring American jobs at the same time he is importing foreign workers. They are here legally that doesn't mean they are not foreign workers taking over Americans.

I have business in China..... NAFTA did not force me to move over seas......... It's the high labor here in America that forces people like me to stay alive.
You are forced to go to China not because of NAFTA but because of the WTO which was another one of the Clintons' job killing treaties. Because Clinton allowed China to join the WTO on just promises of making the necessary reforms - which it still has not made - such as allowing the exchange rate of the yuan to float, the US government cannot protect American jobs when China steals them by changing the exchange rate to make Chinese made goods cheaper than US made goods.

That doesn't change any bit that high labor here in America is the killer.
Let say if we do not have NAFTA OR WTO....... Labor here in America still very high. And there is no way we can compete world wide at the same time prices will be a lot higher here.
In fact, if China allowed its currency to float and had the same environmental regulations, the manufacturing costs on most items would be close enough to those in the US since most manufacturing is not all that labor intensive. Since China will not allow its currency to float and will not raise its environmental standards to ours, if not for the WTO, the US would be able to level tariffs on Chinese goods based on what its currency would be if allowed to float and what its environmental costs would be and there would be no incentive for companies to have most products made in China.

The Clintons screwed us with these two treaties, NAFTA and WTO by giving away America's ability to protect its jobs.

I also have business in the Philippines and Central America .... Which has nothing to do with currency manipulation. No matter how you sliced it....... The bottom line ..... Labor here is extremely very high compared to other countries.
As I said......... with or without NAFTA and WTO....... People like me are force to go overseas in order to compete because of high labor.
Wrong, WTO prevents the US from levying tariffs on manufactured goods from all member states. If not for the WTO, the US could protect jobs in the US by levying tariffs to goods made in Central America or the Philippines. Now for some manufacturing that is very labor intensive, you can take advantage of the lower labor costs in less developed countries, but there would be no advantage for goods manufactured in China if its currency were allowed to float and its environmental standards were similar to ours.

For example, most of the world's sweat socks are manufactured in China, but these are made in highly automated factories and the real cost of manufacture would be about the same if they were made in the US or Europe, but China keeps the exchange rate for the dollar or euro low enough that one dollar or one euro will buy more socks in China that it would in the US or Europe. Most of what we buy from China is not labor intensive and if it were not for Clinton's bonehead support for allowing China to join the WTO without first making reforms, most of these things would still be made here in the US. Clinton was a great salesman but not a great thinker and he was a terrible, terrible negotiator.

Let me repeat for you..... It does not matter how you sliced it. Or however you want to explain. Labor here in America is very high.
I do not produce goods in the Philippines.
Trump is promoting bring American jobs at the same time he is importing foreign workers. They are here legally that doesn't mean they are not foreign workers taking over Americans.

I have business in China..... NAFTA did not force me to move over seas......... It's the high labor here in America that forces people like me to stay alive.
You are forced to go to China not because of NAFTA but because of the WTO which was another one of the Clintons' job killing treaties. Because Clinton allowed China to join the WTO on just promises of making the necessary reforms - which it still has not made - such as allowing the exchange rate of the yuan to float, the US government cannot protect American jobs when China steals them by changing the exchange rate to make Chinese made goods cheaper than US made goods.

That doesn't change any bit that high labor here in America is the killer.
Let say if we do not have NAFTA OR WTO....... Labor here in America still very high. And there is no way we can compete world wide at the same time prices will be a lot higher here.
In fact, if China allowed its currency to float and had the same environmental regulations, the manufacturing costs on most items would be close enough to those in the US since most manufacturing is not all that labor intensive. Since China will not allow its currency to float and will not raise its environmental standards to ours, if not for the WTO, the US would be able to level tariffs on Chinese goods based on what its currency would be if allowed to float and what its environmental costs would be and there would be no incentive for companies to have most products made in China.

The Clintons screwed us with these two treaties, NAFTA and WTO by giving away America's ability to protect its jobs.

I also have business in the Philippines and Central America .... Which has nothing to do with currency manipulation. No matter how you sliced it....... The bottom line ..... Labor here is extremely very high compared to other countries.
As I said......... with or without NAFTA and WTO....... People like me are force to go overseas in order to compete because of high labor.
Wrong, WTO prevents the US from levying tariffs on manufactured goods from all member states. If not for the WTO, the US could protect jobs in the US by levying tariffs to goods made in Central America or the Philippines. Now for some manufacturing that is very labor intensive, you can take advantage of the lower labor costs in less developed countries, but there would be no advantage for goods manufactured in China if its currency were allowed to float and its environmental standards were similar to ours.

For example, most of the world's sweat socks are manufactured in China, but these are made in highly automated factories and the real cost of manufacture would be about the same if they were made in the US or Europe, but China .

Wrong? Are you saying that people that run these automation like in S. Korea makes the same as US?
We have sweatshop in Los Angeles ........ Why didn't Trump went overseas?
Are you saying that Central America, S Korea, Philippines, Japan manipulate currencies?
You are forced to go to China not because of NAFTA but because of the WTO which was another one of the Clintons' job killing treaties. Because Clinton allowed China to join the WTO on just promises of making the necessary reforms - which it still has not made - such as allowing the exchange rate of the yuan to float, the US government cannot protect American jobs when China steals them by changing the exchange rate to make Chinese made goods cheaper than US made goods.

That doesn't change any bit that high labor here in America is the killer.
Let say if we do not have NAFTA OR WTO....... Labor here in America still very high. And there is no way we can compete world wide at the same time prices will be a lot higher here.
In fact, if China allowed its currency to float and had the same environmental regulations, the manufacturing costs on most items would be close enough to those in the US since most manufacturing is not all that labor intensive. Since China will not allow its currency to float and will not raise its environmental standards to ours, if not for the WTO, the US would be able to level tariffs on Chinese goods based on what its currency would be if allowed to float and what its environmental costs would be and there would be no incentive for companies to have most products made in China.

The Clintons screwed us with these two treaties, NAFTA and WTO by giving away America's ability to protect its jobs.

I also have business in the Philippines and Central America .... Which has nothing to do with currency manipulation. No matter how you sliced it....... The bottom line ..... Labor here is extremely very high compared to other countries.
As I said......... with or without NAFTA and WTO....... People like me are force to go overseas in order to compete because of high labor.
Wrong, WTO prevents the US from levying tariffs on manufactured goods from all member states. If not for the WTO, the US could protect jobs in the US by levying tariffs to goods made in Central America or the Philippines. Now for some manufacturing that is very labor intensive, you can take advantage of the lower labor costs in less developed countries, but there would be no advantage for goods manufactured in China if its currency were allowed to float and its environmental standards were similar to ours.

For example, most of the world's sweat socks are manufactured in China, but these are made in highly automated factories and the real cost of manufacture would be about the same if they were made in the US or Europe, but China keeps the exchange rate for the dollar or euro low enough that one dollar or one euro will buy more socks in China that it would in the US or Europe. Most of what we buy from China is not labor intensive and if it were not for Clinton's bonehead support for allowing China to join the WTO without first making reforms, most of these things would still be made here in the US. Clinton was a great salesman but not a great thinker and he was a terrible, terrible negotiator.

Let me repeat for you..... It does not matter how you sliced it. Or however you want to explain. Labor here in America is very high.
I do not produce goods in the Philippines.
That is a factor in trade with Mexico, which is why NAFTA was such an idiotic move by the Clintons, but it has little to do with most of our trade with China. If China had natural trade advantage by virtue of lower labor costs, it would not have keep manipulating its currency to sell its manufactures to us.

The Clintons screwed us but good, and if Hillary should win this election, they will continue screwing us for years to come.
You are forced to go to China not because of NAFTA but because of the WTO which was another one of the Clintons' job killing treaties. Because Clinton allowed China to join the WTO on just promises of making the necessary reforms - which it still has not made - such as allowing the exchange rate of the yuan to float, the US government cannot protect American jobs when China steals them by changing the exchange rate to make Chinese made goods cheaper than US made goods.

That doesn't change any bit that high labor here in America is the killer.
Let say if we do not have NAFTA OR WTO....... Labor here in America still very high. And there is no way we can compete world wide at the same time prices will be a lot higher here.
In fact, if China allowed its currency to float and had the same environmental regulations, the manufacturing costs on most items would be close enough to those in the US since most manufacturing is not all that labor intensive. Since China will not allow its currency to float and will not raise its environmental standards to ours, if not for the WTO, the US would be able to level tariffs on Chinese goods based on what its currency would be if allowed to float and what its environmental costs would be and there would be no incentive for companies to have most products made in China.

The Clintons screwed us with these two treaties, NAFTA and WTO by giving away America's ability to protect its jobs.

I also have business in the Philippines and Central America .... Which has nothing to do with currency manipulation. No matter how you sliced it....... The bottom line ..... Labor here is extremely very high compared to other countries.
As I said......... with or without NAFTA and WTO....... People like me are force to go overseas in order to compete because of high labor.
Wrong, WTO prevents the US from levying tariffs on manufactured goods from all member states. If not for the WTO, the US could protect jobs in the US by levying tariffs to goods made in Central America or the Philippines. Now for some manufacturing that is very labor intensive, you can take advantage of the lower labor costs in less developed countries, but there would be no advantage for goods manufactured in China if its currency were allowed to float and its environmental standards were similar to ours.

For example, most of the world's sweat socks are manufactured in China, but these are made in highly automated factories and the real cost of manufacture would be about the same if they were made in the US or Europe, but China .

Wrong? Are you saying that people that run these automation like in S. Korea makes the same as US?
We have sweatshop in Los Angeles ........ Why didn't Trump went overseas?
Are you saying that Central America, S Korea, Philippines, Japan manipulate currencies?
Are you trying to sound stupid? Imports from Korea such as LG and Samsung do not sell because they are cheaper but because they are very high quality. In fact, these are priced higher than most competitors, including some manufactured in the US, which makes my point that labor costs are such a small part of total costs in most large scale manufactures that while a South Korean worker earns less than a US worker, this gives South Korea no price advantage in the total cost of the product.
toomuchtime is a former commie. end of story.
Aww, did no one tell you the Cold War is over? Apparently no one has told Hillary either.
A Russian sympathizer is always an enemy to freedom and mankind.

The jrocs and toomuchtimes want a WWIII.

Employ Americans not foreigners ..vote Trump:thup:

In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

The H-1B visa lets companies bring foreign workers to the U.S. temporarily to fill jobs requiring highly skilled labor. Employers say it helps them fill jobs that draw too few qualified applicants. Critics say some companies abuse it, replacing Americans with foreign tech workers willing to work for less.

Sometimes American IT workers are laid off after spending their final days training their foreign-born replacements.

Demand for these visa workers is growing especially fast in Charlotte. Last year hundreds of employers filed initial applications for more than 16,500 H-1B workers in the Charlotte metro area, many in technology positions. That number alone is bigger than the entire workforce of some of Charlotte’s largest employers.

Read more here: In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

You are very funny.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers
March 18 NEW YORK
Here's Donald Trump's dilemma: He is running for president on a platform of bringing jobs back to the U.S. and making America Great again.
But at his private club in south Florida, he has filled his staff almost exclusively with imported foreign workers. And he has been doing it for years.
The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas.

As a business executive his job is to make money for his investors, under the policies of the us government.

As President his job will be to serve the interests of the American people, by making the policies of the us government.

Your implication that he will continue the same behavior is a different job with different "bosses" is moronic.
Aww, did no one tell you the Cold War is over? Apparently no one has told Hillary either.
A Russian sympathizer is always an enemy to freedom and mankind.

The jrocs and toomuchtimes want a WWIII.

Employ Americans not foreigners ..vote Trump:thup:

In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

The H-1B visa lets companies bring foreign workers to the U.S. temporarily to fill jobs requiring highly skilled labor. Employers say it helps them fill jobs that draw too few qualified applicants. Critics say some companies abuse it, replacing Americans with foreign tech workers willing to work for less.

Sometimes American IT workers are laid off after spending their final days training their foreign-born replacements.

Demand for these visa workers is growing especially fast in Charlotte. Last year hundreds of employers filed initial applications for more than 16,500 H-1B workers in the Charlotte metro area, many in technology positions. That number alone is bigger than the entire workforce of some of Charlotte’s largest employers.

Read more here: In Charlotte, foreign workers replace Americans in tech roles

You are very funny.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers
March 18 NEW YORK
Here's Donald Trump's dilemma: He is running for president on a platform of bringing jobs back to the U.S. and making America Great again.
But at his private club in south Florida, he has filled his staff almost exclusively with imported foreign workers. And he has been doing it for years.
The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas.
These are foreign workers who are in the US legally. Trump is opposed to Clinton's policy of allowing illegal immigrants to take jobs away from Americans.

This, of course, has nothing to do with the millions of American jobs that have fled to foreign countries because of the Clintons' NAFTA and WTO. The Clintons literally forced companies to move their factories to Mexico and Asia by getting the US committed to these two treaties: once the Clintons opened the doors, it was either move to a country that had lower costs of production or go out of business.

Trump is promoting bring American jobs at the same time he is importing foreign workers. They are here legally that doesn't mean they are not foreign workers taking over Americans.

I have business in China..... NAFTA did not force me to move over seas......... It's the high labor here in America that forces people like me to stay alive.

THen a nice 50% tariff on goods from China will force you to bring those jobs back to stay alive.
Jroc, if you want Americans in those roles, then they have to be trained in them. This is on the middle class to retrain.

training our young people for the jobs of the future is the responsibility of our educational system, employers, and parents. NOT the federal government or the "middle class". our educational system has failed. It has failed because it stopped teaching how to do things and began teaching political correctness and social justice (whatever the fuck that is).
Hey, muppet, the middle class is responsible for the educational welfare of the country. Your last statement is an assertion with no evidence.

only because the middle class pays taxes that fund schools. The curriculum is the responsibility of the schools and teachers. no evidence? have you seen the new math? its amazingly stupid.
Have you seen any great retraining by Americans on their own voluntary efforts to find programs and get re-educated?

why retrain for a $300/wk job when you can get $250/wk on welfare? THAT is the problem, my little moronic friend.
As a business executive his job is to make money for his investors, under the policies of the us government. As President his job will be to serve the interests of the American people, by making the policies of the us government. Your implication that he will continue the same behavior is a different job with different "bosses" is moronic.
I hope he understand that we are his bosses if he is elected. Perhaps he does not get that yet, or he is not showing it.
As a business executive his job is to make money for his investors, under the policies of the us government. As President his job will be to serve the interests of the American people, by making the policies of the us government. Your implication that he will continue the same behavior is a different job with different "bosses" is moronic.
I hope he understand that we are his bosses if he is elected. Perhaps he does not get that yet, or he is not showing it.
He actually considered doing Apprentice from the White House.
As a business executive his job is to make money for his investors, under the policies of the us government. As President his job will be to serve the interests of the American people, by making the policies of the us government. Your implication that he will continue the same behavior is a different job with different "bosses" is moronic.
I hope he understand that we are his bosses if he is elected. Perhaps he does not get that yet, or he is not showing it.
He actually considered doing Apprentice from the White House.
Ding ding ding. Democrat outrage!

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