Why Putin wants a Trump victory

jroc, jason, and human being can see the inevitable defeat of Trump and are frothing.
I think it's funny, you have the liberals on here saying Russia is meddling in our elections. When the truth is that Hillary committed treason by sending classified information on a unsecured server. Then she committed perjury by lying about it under oath. But it's other people's fault that she broke the law? Hey liberals if Hillary followed the law and did things the right way, none of this would be going on. This in itself proves a democrat should never be president again. Also proves that liberals are treasonous assholes. Russia has our classified information and your only worried about how it will affect Clinton.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.
Nope, we need to get rid of the treasonous bitch.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.
Nope, we need to get rid of the treasonous bitch.
She will leave office in January 2021.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.

I know you wish the emails would go away but they are not going away. Congress has asked the FBI to investigate Hillary for committing perjury when questioned under oath by the Select Committee. It is obvious to anyone who watched the Committee members question her that she lied as was confirmed by the FBI director himself. Suck it up. Like her husband, Hillary is guilty of perjury.
jroc, jason, and human being can see the inevitable defeat of Trump and are frothing.

Hardly Jake. We simply do not try to cover up perjury by a politician or the use of a government office to sell political favors. We do recognize that you do though.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.
Nope, we need to get rid of the treasonous bitch.
She will leave office in January 2021.

Then Virginia's Tim Kaine will be elected President. Virginia, the Mother of Presidents will have another.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.
Nope, we need to get rid of the treasonous bitch.
She will leave office in January 2021.

Possibly. Her husband served while being guilty of perjury. He lost his law license though. The BAR Association had more principles than did the Democratic Party.
emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !
jroc, jason, and human being can see the inevitable defeat of Trump and are frothing.

Hardly Jake. We simply do not try to cover up perjury by a politician or the use of a government office to sell political favors. We do recognize that you do though.

Hillary has been investigated more than any Presidential candidate in the history of this country. Her personal life has been laid bare for the world to see.

I dare say that if Trump were put under a similar microscope, he would not fare nearly as well as the future Madame President.
Putin is worried that Hillary will send the nuclear launch codes to Sidny Blumenthal using her AOL account
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.
Yeah, the Trump campaign is coming apart.

wishful thinking on your part. the latest polls have it back to a tie. as more crap comes out about the corrupt Hillary Trump's numbers will continue to go up.
You are wishful thinking, Redfish. PA, MI, FL, WI, VA, NH, CO are out of the GOP reach now. OH, IA, NC, GA, NV, and AZ can be taken by HRC with a big push.

The only question is "can Red Donald get 100 EVs?" The tying of Comrade Donald to the Ruskies and the hiring of Bannon seals the deal of Trump defeat.

RCP Poll Average 47.2 41.2 Clinton +6.0
4-Way RCP Average 43.5 37.3 Clinton +6.2
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -29.2 Clinton +18.3
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3

Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8

Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2

New Hampshire 45.5 37.3 Clinton +8.2
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8

Nevada 43.0 40.7 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

When Hillary looses, Jake, RW, g5000, etc. will all be offline
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.
Yeah, the Trump campaign is coming apart.

wishful thinking on your part. the latest polls have it back to a tie. as more crap comes out about the corrupt Hillary Trump's numbers will continue to go up.
You are wishful thinking, Redfish. PA, MI, FL, WI, VA, NH, CO are out of the GOP reach now. OH, IA, NC, GA, NV, and AZ can be taken by HRC with a big push.

The only question is "can Red Donald get 100 EVs?" The tying of Comrade Donald to the Ruskies and the hiring of Bannon seals the deal of Trump defeat.

RCP Poll Average 47.2 41.2 Clinton +6.0
4-Way RCP Average 43.5 37.3 Clinton +6.2
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -29.2 Clinton +18.3
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3

Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8

Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2

New Hampshire 45.5 37.3 Clinton +8.2
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8

Nevada 43.0 40.7 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

When Hillary looses, Jake, RW, g5000, etc. will all be offline
Trump is going to lose, and you will go away.
emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !

His tax returns are in the hands of Obama's corrupt IRS. If there was anything there, they would have already prosecuted him for it.

Nobody believes that lie anymore. He will probably come up with another excuse to withhold his tax returns before November.

Early voting starts in a few weeks. Comrade Trump is running out of time...
jroc, jason, and human being can see the inevitable defeat of Trump and are frothing.

Hardly Jake. We simply do not try to cover up perjury by a politician or the use of a government office to sell political favors. We do recognize that you do though.

Hillary has been investigated more than any Presidential candidate in the history of this country. Her personal life has been laid bare for the world to see.

I dare say that if Trump were put under a similar microscope, he would not fare nearly as well as the future Madame President.

More wild predictions from the one on here who has been the most consistent in being wrong.
Couple of thoughts...

1. The emails were likely leaked by a now deceased 27 year old DNC staffer, not by the Russians.

2. Red Dawn was just a movie. VDV is not going to show up on your front lawn any time soon.

3. There is no reason we can't be and shouldn't be friends with Russia. The only reason the powers that be maintain animosity towards them is so that we have some boogeyman to keep people afraid.

4. As someone who is legally of fighting age, I'd prefer over isolationism over myself being sent off and freezing in some damned tundra thousands of miles from home after my friends are killed by Russian partisans. I'm not interested in waging war because "anyone who does not bow before democracy must die."

Additionally, the annexation of Crimea was voted upon by the people of Crimea and there is no evidence to indicate that the voting was rigged. I'm pretty sure OSCE checked it out and said it was okay. I get it though, self determination is good unless it doesn't go your way. Second, there is no NATO. The other nations aren't paying their fair share and virtually all the spending is done by us. The Germans spend so little that they bring brooms to drill practices instead of rifles. Basically, we literally do not need them. Third, who the hell cares about Russian human rights violations? It literally has no impact at all on us and to a great extent is none of our business. Fourth, Russia will never be able to compete with us on trade regardless of agreements, our economy is simply too large and too valuable. Finally, isolationism is not inherently bad, and ultimately due to the size of our military really can't do much harm to us.
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emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !

His tax returns are in the hands of Obama's corrupt IRS. If there was anything there, they would have already prosecuted him for it.

Nobody believes that lie anymore. He will probably come up with another excuse to withhold his tax returns before November.

Early voting starts in a few weeks. Comrade Trump is running out of time...

What illegal thing do you claim you would find in his tax returns that Obama's own IRS have not been able to find? Are you a tax attorney?

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