Why Putin wants a Trump victory

No question that Putin prefers Comrade Donald who will weaken America.

Yes, Putin knows that if Hillary is elected, she will declare war on Russia and China. She is hell bent on removing Assaud in Syria and turn it into even a stronger ISIS hell hole the way she and Obama did in Libya. Obama and Hillary have already lost the entire Middle East.
No, she won't. That is far right crazy nation paranoia. Our eyes and ears are telling us the far right is lying like mad, but such won't help them or Red Donald.
Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

very true, but there are many on the left that would vote for her if she pissed in their coffee every morning. Liberalism is a mental disease, it makes them immune to facts.
No question that Putin prefers Comrade Donald who will weaken America.

Yes, Putin knows that if Hillary is elected, she will declare war on Russia and China. She is hell bent on removing Assaud in Syria and turn it into even a stronger ISIS hell hole the way she and Obama did in Libya. Obama and Hillary have already lost the entire Middle East.
No, she won't. That is far right crazy nation paranoia. Our eyes and ears are telling us the far right is lying like mad, but such won't help them or Red Donald.

How was your Hillary piss coffee this morning, snake?
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

The thing is, Trump is saying these things publicly. He's not even trying to spin. But his base is so ignorant they just assume coming from Trump, these are good things.
No question that Putin prefers Comrade Donald who will weaken America.

Yes, Putin knows that if Hillary is elected, she will declare war on Russia and China. She is hell bent on removing Assaud in Syria and turn it into even a stronger ISIS hell hole the way she and Obama did in Libya. Obama and Hillary have already lost the entire Middle East.
No, she won't. That is far right crazy nation paranoia. Our eyes and ears are telling us the far right is lying like mad, but such won't help them or Red Donald.

Of course she will. She totally failed in Iraq, in Syria, and in Libya. Russia and China are supporting these countries now. We are virtually ignored by the entire Middle East now and rightfully so. All the lives lost and money poured into Iraq alone only to see 100.000 Iranian troops in the country today. Hillary has been proven to be totally incompetent as has Obama. She will start World War III and have us engaged with Russia, China, Iran, Libya and God only knows who all else.
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

The thing is, Trump is saying these things publicly. He's not even trying to spin. But his base is so ignorant they just assume coming from Trump, these are good things.

Hillary supports the Clinton Foundation and making tons of money selling political favors to the highest bidder.
Putin prefers Trump because he knows much of our strength comes from our international alliances

Trump has openly challenged those alliances and seeks to weaken them

Putin prefers the isolationist policies that Trump is advocating

more bullshit. expecting the members of NATO to pay their fair share doesn't weaken anything. We cannot afford to continue to go into more debt trying to police the world on our own.

Trump has openly questioned our role in NATO and has inferred that it is obsolete

Putin smiled that day

That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy
America does not believe your nonsense, the human being.

Wanna bet? I get many "Winner' and "Agree" on this board. American patriots believe it. We are informed. I see you didn't actually take on any specific thing I stated by attempting to prove I am wrong.
more bullshit. expecting the members of NATO to pay their fair share doesn't weaken anything. We cannot afford to continue to go into more debt trying to police the world on our own.

Trump has openly questioned our role in NATO and has inferred that it is obsolete

Putin smiled that day

That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

Why hasn't NATO declared war on ISIS if they are so great?
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

The thing is, Trump is saying these things publicly. He's not even trying to spin. But his base is so ignorant they just assume coming from Trump, these are good things.

Trump is playing to the ignorant base that hates the UN and is suspicious of all of our alliances. Any isolationist rhetoric is celebrated by the Trumpites

But Trump is, once again, demonstrating his profound ignorance of international relations and is substituting Bully and Bluster for sound policy
Trump has openly questioned our role in NATO and has inferred that it is obsolete

Putin smiled that day

That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

Why hasn't NATO declared war on ISIS if they are so great?

You know...your posts are not even worth responding to
Putin's Russia knows the Clinton's can be bought.... they also might have some of the deleted emails

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million … Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

Five Questions About the Clintons and a Uranium Company - The New Yorker
That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

Why hasn't NATO declared war on ISIS if they are so great?

You know...your posts are not even worth responding to

That's the Liberal response to truth.
America does not believe your nonsense, the human being.

Wanna bet? I get many "Winner' and "Agree" on this board. American patriots believe it. We are informed. I see you didn't actually take on any specific thing I stated by attempting to prove I am wrong.
This Board is not a representative example of the electorate, guy. You are misinformed is the bet. I don't need to take on anything you state until I can find something with which I agree.
Now we have Clinton is going to start WWIII or can be bought off, from the far right.
America does not believe your nonsense, the human being.

Wanna bet? I get many "Winner' and "Agree" on this board. American patriots believe it. We are informed. I see you didn't actually take on any specific thing I stated by attempting to prove I am wrong.
This Board is not a representative example of the electorate, guy. You are misinformed is the bet. I don't need to take on anything you state until I can find something with which I agree.

That will never happen because I don't carry water for a woman guilty of perjury and who takes money from other nations in exchange for political favors.
China loves the Clintons as well...... Bill is the father of their missile technology program. These people should be imprisoned for treason

Clinton and Chinese Missiles

Clinton Legacy - A New Arms Race

The satellite and missile technology obtained from Hughes by the Chinese army is
critical for the design and manufacture of missile nose cones and electronic
missile control systems. The technology clearly helped the Chinese army field a
new generation of ICBMS, including the Dong Feng 31 missile, which can drop
three nuclear warheads on any city in the U.S.

The success of Shen is a story of missiles, politics and greed. Gen. Shen
succeeded in using Hughes and President Clinton as valuable tools to obtain
weapons that are now pointed at the United States.

China won and the U.S. lost what may very well be the first round of World War
III. Gen. Shen led that victory and he did it with a checkbook. The Clinton
legacy for the 21st century is a new arms race.

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

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