Why Putin wants a Trump victory

Hillary is being investigated for perjury before a Congressional Investigating Committee. Her testimony before that Committee was televised and also recorded. In her own words while under oath, Hillary testified that she neither sent nor received any classified materials. We watched her testimony and heard her words.

The FBI director has publicly stated that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified materials. The FBI director works for the Obama Administration.

Now, it is not rocket science here to determine that (1) our own ears and eyes are lying to us as well as is the FBI Director himself lying to us OR (2) Hillary is lying and has committed perjury before a Congressional Committee.

Those are the only two conclusions available to us.

Voters are tired of hearing about the e-mails. Give it up....worry about the psychopath that is representing the Republican Party.
Nope, we need to get rid of the treasonous bitch.
She will leave office in January 2021.
Won't happen, her skeletons will come out. We know you don't care she committed treason.
I think Putin understands Trump and looks forward to dealing with him

Trump is easily baited, he makes rash decisions, he flies off the handle, he is intellectually lazy

Easily manipulated by Putin
Neither Jake nor Jim will even attempt to defend the obvious perjury Hillary committed under oath before the House Select Committee. Cowards. Even they (I know you will find it hard to believe) are smart enough to know they can't defend that charge.
emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !

His tax returns are in the hands of Obama's corrupt IRS. If there was anything there, they would have already prosecuted him for it.

legal isnt the issue .. who, where, and what is all I need to know,

lets see em Donnie

I'll bet you couldn't read them if you had them. CNN would have to find anything for you that you want found.
I think Putin understands Trump and looks forward to dealing with him

Trump is easily baited, he makes rash decisions, he flies off the handle, he is intellectually lazy

Easily manipulated by Putin
Berlusconi redeaux. Pray Hillary doesn't unravel until after she takes the oath. Kaine is goofy, but smart, experiened and a decent guy.
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)


Mean while in the real cluster fuck world obama created.

He was going to bomb Assad, Putin wouldn't of done shit then

Obama showed Putin what a weak ass leader he is

Putin is bombing Isis from Iran

First time in over 60 fucking years Russia is using Iran airbases..
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)


Mean while in the real cluster fuck world obama created.

He was going to bomb Assad, Putin wouldn't of done shit then

Obama showed Putin what a weak ass leader he is

Putin is bombing Isis from Iran

First time in over 60 fucking years Russia is using Iran airbases..

Use your wet noodle RW do you know what this means?
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)


Mean while in the real cluster fuck world obama created.

He was going to bomb Assad, Putin wouldn't of done shit then

Obama showed Putin what a weak ass leader he is

Putin is bombing Isis from Iran

First time in over 60 fucking years Russia is using Iran airbases..

maybe Donnie can get Putin to fix that .. or Manfort,
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)


Mean while in the real cluster fuck world obama created.

He was going to bomb Assad, Putin wouldn't of done shit then

Obama showed Putin what a weak ass leader he is

Putin is bombing Isis from Iran

First time in over 60 fucking years Russia is using Iran airbases..

maybe Donnie can get Putin to fix that .. or Manfort,

Not that bright are you?

You could be looking at a world war in 4~8 years...all because you picked a dumb ass on foreign relations.

Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel
Ayatollah Khamenei says West Bank should be armed like Gaza, and Jewish population should return to countries it came from

Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)


Mean while in the real cluster fuck world obama created.

He was going to bomb Assad, Putin wouldn't of done shit then

Obama showed Putin what a weak ass leader he is

Putin is bombing Isis from Iran

First time in over 60 fucking years Russia is using Iran airbases..

maybe Donnie can get Putin to fix that .. or Manfort,

Not that bright are you?

You could be looking at a world war in 4~8 years...all because you picked a dumb ass on foreign relations.

Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel
Ayatollah Khamenei says West Bank should be armed like Gaza, and Jewish population should return to countries it came from

Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel

bright enough to ignore conspiracy bs ... and your excuse is ?
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)


So Trump is wanting the USSR back again?

As much as I dislike Trump the reality is Congress has to help him with that agenda and even though Paul Ryan is an ass the reality is he will never do what Trump wants...

If Trump I can see the House and Senate setting him up for a Nixon exit...
more bullshit. expecting the members of NATO to pay their fair share doesn't weaken anything. We cannot afford to continue to go into more debt trying to police the world on our own.

Trump has openly questioned our role in NATO and has inferred that it is obsolete

Putin smiled that day

That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.
Well, Putin is bombing ISIS from Iran. Iran now has 100,000 troops in Iraq. Obama and Hillary have lost the Middle East. The next red line Obama draws will be in the ocean. Let Putin take on ISIS. Let Putin rebuild Syria, Iraq, and Libya. We've done enough nation building.
Neither Jake nor Jim will even attempt to defend the obvious perjury Hillary committed under oath before the House Select Committee. Cowards. Even they (I know you will find it hard to believe) are smart enough to know they can't defend that charge.

I will.

Trump lied under oath 30 times ..

In 2007, Trump was forced to face his own falsehoods. And he did, 30 times.

The man has a mental problem. I am sure of it! Maybe it will come out in the debates. He ain't so good when there is no Teleprompter to read. There will be no Teleprompter at the debates.
emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !

His tax returns are in the hands of Obama's corrupt IRS. If there was anything there, they would have already prosecuted him for it.

That has

Nobody believes that lie anymore. He will probably come up with another excuse to withhold his tax returns before November.

Early voting starts in a few weeks. Comrade Trump is running out of time...

What illegal thing do you claim you would find in his tax returns that Obama's own IRS have not been able to find? Are you a tax attorney?

That has been answered by multiple people on both the right and the left. There is just one answer that matters.


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