Why Putin wants a Trump victory

1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.
Yeah, the Trump campaign is coming apart.

wishful thinking on your part. the latest polls have it back to a tie. as more crap comes out about the corrupt Hillary Trump's numbers will continue to go up.
You are wishful thinking, Redfish. PA, MI, FL, WI, VA, NH, CO are out of the GOP reach now. OH, IA, NC, GA, NV, and AZ can be taken by HRC with a big push.

The only question is "can Red Donald get 100 EVs?" The tying of Comrade Donald to the Ruskies and the hiring of Bannon seals the deal of Trump defeat.

RCP Poll Average 47.2 41.2 Clinton +6.0
4-Way RCP Average 43.5 37.3 Clinton +6.2
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -29.2 Clinton +18.3
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3

Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8

Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2

New Hampshire 45.5 37.3 Clinton +8.2
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8

Nevada 43.0 40.7 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

When Hillary looses, Jake, RW, g5000, etc. will all be offline

they will run like the losers that they are. I will enjoy watching it.
Trump has openly questioned our role in NATO and has inferred that it is obsolete

Putin smiled that day

That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.

Nothing Putin would love more than infighting within the NATO alliance

More importantly, the lack of support Trump would have with our NATO allies
Neither Jake nor Jim will even attempt to defend the obvious perjury Hillary committed under oath before the House Select Committee. Cowards. Even they (I know you will find it hard to believe) are smart enough to know they can't defend that charge.

I will.

Trump lied under oath 30 times ..

In 2007, Trump was forced to face his own falsehoods. And he did, 30 times.

The man has a mental problem. I am sure of it! Maybe it will come out in the debates. He ain't so good when there is no Teleprompter to read. There will be no Teleprompter at the debates.
emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !

His tax returns are in the hands of Obama's corrupt IRS. If there was anything there, they would have already prosecuted him for it.

That has

Nobody believes that lie anymore. He will probably come up with another excuse to withhold his tax returns before November.

Early voting starts in a few weeks. Comrade Trump is running out of time...

What illegal thing do you claim you would find in his tax returns that Obama's own IRS have not been able to find? Are you a tax attorney?

That has been answered by multiple people on both the right and the left. There is just one answer that matters.


now that is some funny shit. When is the last time HRC had an unscripted press conference where the reporters could ask whatever they wanted? Trump has them every week and destroys the left wing asshole reporters every time.

As to the tax returns:

Where are the records from the Clinton foundation? I want to see a complete accounting of where the money came from and where it went. Would you please post them for us?

Trump gets audited every year, if he was cheating Obama's IRS would be all over the media with it.
That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.

Nothing Putin would love more than infighting within the NATO alliance

More importantly, the lack of support Trump would have with our NATO allies

Putin needs Russia to be successful in the international arena of trade. There is no reason why we cannot have good relations with Russia. We have a common enemy---ISIS and radical islam. Together we could destroy them in two weeks or less.

the members of NATO should pay their fair share, we should not be carrying the majority of the financial or military load. Yes, some may not like it when they are asked to step up, tough shit.
MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.
Yeah, the Trump campaign is coming apart.

wishful thinking on your part. the latest polls have it back to a tie. as more crap comes out about the corrupt Hillary Trump's numbers will continue to go up.
You are wishful thinking, Redfish. PA, MI, FL, WI, VA, NH, CO are out of the GOP reach now. OH, IA, NC, GA, NV, and AZ can be taken by HRC with a big push.

The only question is "can Red Donald get 100 EVs?" The tying of Comrade Donald to the Ruskies and the hiring of Bannon seals the deal of Trump defeat.

RCP Poll Average 47.2 41.2 Clinton +6.0
4-Way RCP Average 43.5 37.3 Clinton +6.2
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -29.2 Clinton +18.3
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3

Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8

Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2

New Hampshire 45.5 37.3 Clinton +8.2
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8

Nevada 43.0 40.7 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

When Hillary looses, Jake, RW, g5000, etc. will all be offline
Trump is going to lose, and you will go away.

How can you and your sock RW be on the same thread at the same time? Do you have two computers going or is he sitting in your lap?
Neither Jake nor Jim will even attempt to defend the obvious perjury Hillary committed under oath before the House Select Committee. Cowards. Even they (I know you will find it hard to believe) are smart enough to know they can't defend that charge.

I will.

Trump lied under oath 30 times ..

In 2007, Trump was forced to face his own falsehoods. And he did, 30 times.

The man has a mental problem. I am sure of it! Maybe it will come out in the debates. He ain't so good when there is no Teleprompter to read. There will be no Teleprompter at the debates.
emails for Clinton

tax returns for Trump

lets see em Donnie !

His tax returns are in the hands of Obama's corrupt IRS. If there was anything there, they would have already prosecuted him for it.

That has

Nobody believes that lie anymore. He will probably come up with another excuse to withhold his tax returns before November.

Early voting starts in a few weeks. Comrade Trump is running out of time...

What illegal thing do you claim you would find in his tax returns that Obama's own IRS have not been able to find? Are you a tax attorney?

That has been answered by multiple people on both the right and the left. There is just one answer that matters.


Yes and Hillary has a PERJURY problem among many other problems. Trump's income tax returns have zero to do with national security.
The quickest way to shut down an OP is to ask him to defend Hillary.

hows Trumps fraud case going?

You are proving my point. You, Jake, and Jim. You simply cannot defend her perjury.

was she convicted of anything?

guilty but not indicted by the Obama "justice" dept. anyone else that did what she did would have multiple indictments.

Why do you think the Clintons should be above the laws that apply to the rest of us?
The quickest way to shut down an OP is to ask him to defend Hillary.

hows Trumps fraud case going?

You are proving my point. You, Jake, and Jim. You simply cannot defend her perjury.

was she convicted of anything?

The investigation has just begun and we have all seen her testimony before the House Select Committee. She perjured herself on national television.
That is a lie. What he questioned is why we are funding the majority of NATO expenses and that all of the members should pay their fair share.

I thought you libs were all about "paying your fair share".

Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.

Nothing Putin would love more than infighting within the NATO alliance

More importantly, the lack of support Trump would have with our NATO allies

What's new? We have very little support now.
If Putin wants Trump to win and I do mean IF... maybe it is because he understands the disaster more of the same from Washington would be. Obama lit a fuse in the middle east and it has never been more fucked up than he and Hillary has made it. Everyone in the world knows it but our media and the liberals in America. Obama has been a disaster for the world and our nation. Putin has asked....how can Hillary and Obama sleep at night with all of the devastation they have brought. Good question....if you vote for Hillary you are voting with blood on your hands.
Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.

Nothing Putin would love more than infighting within the NATO alliance

More importantly, the lack of support Trump would have with our NATO allies

Putin needs Russia to be successful in the international arena of trade. There is no reason why we cannot have good relations with Russia. We have a common enemy---ISIS and radical islam. Together we could destroy them in two weeks or less.

the members of NATO should pay their fair share, we should not be carrying the majority of the financial or military load. Yes, some may not like it when they are asked to step up, tough shit.

Trump has openly stated he will rip up EVERY existing trade agreement

This will open up trade possibilities with Russia as Putin rushes in to fill the trade void left by Trump
The Russian people are good people just like the American people are good people. There is no reason why we cannot have good relations with Russia. The cold war is over. Russia and the USA could destroy ISIS in one week-----------and that should be done.

Putin prefers Trump because strength respects strength. Obama and Clinton are weak and untrustworthy. Good international relations require honest and strong negotiators who want the best for their countries, but also understand that the only good deals are win/win deals. Trump and Putin know how to get things done.

Putin prefers Trump because he knows much of our strength comes from our international alliances

Trump has openly challenged those alliances and seeks to weaken them

Putin prefers the isolationist policies that Trump is advocating

more bullshit. expecting the members of NATO to pay their fair share doesn't weaken anything. We cannot afford to continue to go into more debt trying to police the world on our own.

Agree..... HOWEVER....... That doesn't mean he need to be cozy and kissing and admiring Putin. The same as he admired Saddam Hussein.
Maybe one of the reasons he doesn't want to release his tax returns bc of his business relationship with Russians.
Trump went beyond the funding of NATO to openly mocking its relevance. NATO has been a thorn in Russia's side for 70 years. There is nothing Putin would like more than a weakened alliance

Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.

Nothing Putin would love more than infighting within the NATO alliance

More importantly, the lack of support Trump would have with our NATO allies

What's new? We have very little support now.

Once again, you chime in with a totally ridiculous observation
What he said is true. the world has changed, we need to change too------------------or we can become a third world nation like Obama and Clinton want us to.

Trump demonstrated an ignorance of our most important international alliance. As usual he spoke first without consulting those who are knowledgeable of that theater of operation. He has since rolled back his rhetoric somewhat, but our NATO allies look at Trump in disbelief.

Putin has benefitted from a Trump candidacy

playing hardball with our friends and our enemies works-----------Truman, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington knew that. Too bad that you far left fools don't understand.

Nothing Putin would love more than infighting within the NATO alliance

More importantly, the lack of support Trump would have with our NATO allies

Putin needs Russia to be successful in the international arena of trade. There is no reason why we cannot have good relations with Russia. We have a common enemy---ISIS and radical islam. Together we could destroy them in two weeks or less.

the members of NATO should pay their fair share, we should not be carrying the majority of the financial or military load. Yes, some may not like it when they are asked to step up, tough shit.

Trump has openly stated he will rip up EVERY existing trade agreement

This will open up trade possibilities with Russia as Putin rushes in to fill the trade void left by Trump

more BS. our current trade agreements are terrible for the USA. They need to be renegotiated. Putin can only trade in what Russia produces, mostly oil and gas that Europe needs. If we fully utilize our fossil fuel resources we can compete with Russia for that market.

We remain dependent on the arab muslims for oil because they have bribed our leaders.

The Clinton foundation has received hundreds of millions from muslim nations that execute gays and treat women as property, do you wonder what they were promised in return? or are you too stupid to see it for what it is?
The Russian people are good people just like the American people are good people. There is no reason why we cannot have good relations with Russia. The cold war is over. Russia and the USA could destroy ISIS in one week-----------and that should be done.

Putin prefers Trump because strength respects strength. Obama and Clinton are weak and untrustworthy. Good international relations require honest and strong negotiators who want the best for their countries, but also understand that the only good deals are win/win deals. Trump and Putin know how to get things done.

Putin prefers Trump because he knows much of our strength comes from our international alliances

Trump has openly challenged those alliances and seeks to weaken them

Putin prefers the isolationist policies that Trump is advocating

more bullshit. expecting the members of NATO to pay their fair share doesn't weaken anything. We cannot afford to continue to go into more debt trying to police the world on our own.

Agree..... HOWEVER....... That doesn't mean he need to be cozy and kissing and admiring Putin. The same as he admired Saddam Hussein.
Maybe one of the reasons he doesn't want to release his tax returns bc of his business relationship with Russians.

is it illegal to do business with Russia? Apple does it, Microsoft does it, Google does it, GE does it. are they doing something wrong?
It is just amazing how democrats are still pushing the fake story that Russia hacked the DNC when we know for a fact that the information came from DNC staffer, Seth Rich.
No you do not know that for a fact.

In fact, Assange refuses to say if Seth Rich was his source.

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