Why Putin wants a Trump victory

The man has a mental problem. I am sure of it! Maybe it will come out in the debates. He ain't so good when there is no Teleprompter to read. There will be no Teleprompter at the debates.
That has been answered by multiple people on both the right and the left. There is just one answer that matters.


now that is some funny shit. When is the last time HRC had an unscripted press conference where the reporters could ask whatever they wanted? Trump has them every week and destroys the left wing asshole reporters every time.

As to the tax returns:

Where are the records from the Clinton foundation? I want to see a complete accounting of where the money came from and where it went. Would you please post them for us?

Trump gets audited every year, if he was cheating Obama's IRS would be all over the media with it.

He is destroying the left so badly that he now has an 11% chance of winning the White House...He is a fraud who is not nearly as rich as he claims. Thus: No Income Tax Returns

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.

Bill Gates is not a scum bag. He has donated the majority of his wealth to helping relieve a lot of human suffering, starvation and ignorance.

I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I reject your miss characterization of a decent man.
Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

And who does Comrade Trump give money to....oh wait....No one knows cause he is HIDING HIS INCOME TAX RETURN!

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Clinton should just drop kick Daryll Issa in the nuts. THAT should be her answer to all of his crazy congressional committees.
now that is some funny shit. When is the last time HRC had an unscripted press conference where the reporters could ask whatever they wanted? Trump has them every week and destroys the left wing asshole reporters every time.

As to the tax returns:

Where are the records from the Clinton foundation? I want to see a complete accounting of where the money came from and where it went. Would you please post them for us?

Trump gets audited every year, if he was cheating Obama's IRS would be all over the media with it.

He is destroying the left so badly that he now has an 11% chance of winning the White House...He is a fraud who is not nearly as rich as he claims. Thus: No Income Tax Returns

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.

Bill Gates is not a scum bag. He has donated the majority of his wealth to helping relieve a lot of human suffering, starvation and ignorance.

I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I reject your miss characterization of a decent man.
Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

And who does Comrade Trump give money to....oh wait....No one knows cause he is HIDING HIS INCOME TAX RETURN!

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Clinton should just drop kick Daryll Issa in the nuts. THAT should be her answer to all of his crazy congressional committees.

After she gets a Presidential pardon from Obama? Right now, she's facing investigations from both the IRS and the FBI as well as from a prosecuter from the Southern District of New York. Those investigations are just the ones I know of.
I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I wonder if anyone has ever said that about Trump and his building projects.
Bill Gates building anywhere BUT in America.
Any other stupid comments?

Global philanthropy ...what a disgrace
Saving starving babies in Africa
BG's Business Visa mania has caused massive unemployment in the US.
He's ruining MDs these days.
now that is some funny shit. When is the last time HRC had an unscripted press conference where the reporters could ask whatever they wanted? Trump has them every week and destroys the left wing asshole reporters every time.

As to the tax returns:

Where are the records from the Clinton foundation? I want to see a complete accounting of where the money came from and where it went. Would you please post them for us?

Trump gets audited every year, if he was cheating Obama's IRS would be all over the media with it.

He is destroying the left so badly that he now has an 11% chance of winning the White House...He is a fraud who is not nearly as rich as he claims. Thus: No Income Tax Returns

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.

Bill Gates is not a scum bag. He has donated the majority of his wealth to helping relieve a lot of human suffering, starvation and ignorance.

I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I reject your miss characterization of a decent man.
Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

And who does Comrade Trump give money to....oh wait....No one knows cause he is HIDING HIS INCOME TAX RETURN!

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Clinton should just drop kick Daryll Issa in the nuts. THAT should be her answer to all of his crazy congressional committees.

She did make them look pretty silly...Another Republican overreach.
I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I wonder if anyone has ever said that about Trump and his building projects.
Bill Gates building anywhere BUT in America.
Any other stupid comments?

Take this little pictorial tour and repeat your blathering nonsense.

A Tour Of Microsoft's Truly Gigantic, Sprawling Headquarters
95+% Indian Business Visas.
Over 3,000,000 Americans have been replaced since 2001.
Gates is a scumbag.
Last edited:
He is destroying the left so badly that he now has an 11% chance of winning the White House...He is a fraud who is not nearly as rich as he claims. Thus: No Income Tax Returns

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Bill Gates is not a scum bag. He has donated the majority of his wealth to helping relieve a lot of human suffering, starvation and ignorance.

I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I reject your miss characterization of a decent man.
Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

And who does Comrade Trump give money to....oh wait....No one knows cause he is HIDING HIS INCOME TAX RETURN!

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Clinton should just drop kick Daryll Issa in the nuts. THAT should be her answer to all of his crazy congressional committees.

She did make them look pretty silly...Another Republican overreach.

Daryll's not facing a multitude of investigations but Hillary sure is. PERJURY
I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I wonder if anyone has ever said that about Trump and his building projects.
Bill Gates building anywhere BUT in America.
Any other stupid comments?

Global philanthropy ...what a disgrace
Saving starving babies in Africa
BG's Business Visa mania has caused massive unemployment in the US.
He's ruining MDs these days.

Nonsense. Microsoft is hiring here all of time. You are a liar.
1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.

Bill Gates is not a scum bag. He has donated the majority of his wealth to helping relieve a lot of human suffering, starvation and ignorance.

I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I reject your miss characterization of a decent man.
Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

Oh right. You must be a communist. You believe that YOU should be getting MS programming jobs. Not those silly 3rd world Indians who happen to be trained for some of the jobs. Funny how Microsoft employs many thousands here in the Pacific NW. I'm sure they hate on Bill too for their exceptionally high wages.

You are an idiot.
They are trained by the non-Indians they replace and MS hasn't accomplished shit sonce 1998.
I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I wonder if anyone has ever said that about Trump and his building projects.
Bill Gates building anywhere BUT in America.
Any other stupid comments?

Global philanthropy ...what a disgrace
Saving starving babies in Africa
BG's Business Visa mania has caused massive unemployment in the US.
He's ruining MDs these days.

Nonsense. Microsoft is hiring here all of time. You are a liar.
You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

And who does Comrade Trump give money to....oh wait....No one knows cause he is HIDING HIS INCOME TAX RETURN!

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

Clinton should just drop kick Daryll Issa in the nuts. THAT should be her answer to all of his crazy congressional committees.

She did make them look pretty silly...Another Republican overreach.

Daryll's not facing a multitude of investigations but Hillary sure is. PERJURY

How many millions has Issa wasted in his witch hunts? He should be investigated.
95+% Indian Business Visas.
Over 3,000,000 Americans have been replaced since 2001.
Gates is an scumbag.

Microsoft's software is on most PCs in the world, this company has made a big contribution to technological influence and economy for America as well as general contribution to world's productivity.

Your contribution to this world? Seems little beyond bullshit spreading on the internetz :asshole:
MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.
Yeah, the Trump campaign is coming apart.

wishful thinking on your part. the latest polls have it back to a tie. as more crap comes out about the corrupt Hillary Trump's numbers will continue to go up.
You are wishful thinking, Redfish. PA, MI, FL, WI, VA, NH, CO are out of the GOP reach now. OH, IA, NC, GA, NV, and AZ can be taken by HRC with a big push.

The only question is "can Red Donald get 100 EVs?" The tying of Comrade Donald to the Ruskies and the hiring of Bannon seals the deal of Trump defeat.

RCP Poll Average 47.2 41.2 Clinton +6.0
4-Way RCP Average 43.5 37.3 Clinton +6.2
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -29.2 Clinton +18.3
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3

Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8

Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2

New Hampshire 45.5 37.3 Clinton +8.2
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8

Nevada 43.0 40.7 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

When Hillary looses, Jake, RW, g5000, etc. will all be offline
Trump is going to lose, and you will go away.

No, Jake. I'll be here but the USA will go the way of your USSR
You people are desperate cause he got a narcissistic, psychotic, idiot representing your party. You have to dream up indictments and investigations. You really need to be concerned about your boy. He is losing his mind.

The man has a mental problem. I am sure of it! Maybe it will come out in the debates. He ain't so good when there is no Teleprompter to read. There will be no Teleprompter at the debates.
What illegal thing do you claim you would find in his tax returns that Obama's own IRS have not been able to find? Are you a tax attorney?

That has been answered by multiple people on both the right and the left. There is just one answer that matters.


now that is some funny shit. When is the last time HRC had an unscripted press conference where the reporters could ask whatever they wanted? Trump has them every week and destroys the left wing asshole reporters every time.

As to the tax returns:

Where are the records from the Clinton foundation? I want to see a complete accounting of where the money came from and where it went. Would you please post them for us?

Trump gets audited every year, if he was cheating Obama's IRS would be all over the media with it.

He is destroying the left so badly that he now has an 11% chance of winning the White House...He is a fraud who is not nearly as rich as he claims. Thus: No Income Tax Returns

You continue to refuse to take on any discussion concerning Hillary's commission of PERJURY though, don't you? Can't defend this one can you?

1. Trump has openly supported Russian control of Crimea, no other country will
2. Trump seeks to destabilize NATO
3. Trump will not enforce human rights violations and supports torture and the killing of terrorists families
4. Trump promises to disrupt our trade agreements opening the door for Russia
5. Trump advocates US isolationism opening the door for increase Russian influence

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

MSN owned by Globalist scumbag Bill Gates.
Move along.

Bill Gates is not a scum bag. He has donated the majority of his wealth to helping relieve a lot of human suffering, starvation and ignorance.

I worked on building the Gates compound in Medina. As an employer I found him fair and generous.

I reject your miss characterization of a decent man.
Bill Gates "gives" money to "charities" in India and the African continent; he does shit for everyone else.
He's a low wage loving Globalist scumbag.

And who does Comrade Trump give money to....oh wait....No one knows cause he is HIDING HIS INCOME TAX RETURN!
Tell me, asshole, the last time Trump appeared before both houses of Congress to plead the incompetence of non-Indians.
Gates does it all the time.
95+% Indian Business Visas.
Over 3,000,000 Americans have been replaced since 2001.
Gates is an scumbag.

Microsoft's software is on most PCs in the world, this company has made a big contribution to technological influence and economy for America as well as general contribution to world's productivity.

Your contribution to this world? Seems little beyond bullshit spreading on the internetz :asshole:
And that's why Apple is kicking MS's ass in term of sales.
MS sucks.
95+% Indian Business Visas.
Over 3,000,000 Americans have been replaced since 2001.
Gates is an scumbag.

Microsoft's software is on most PCs in the world, this company has made a big contribution to technological influence and economy for America as well as general contribution to world's productivity.

Your contribution to this world? Seems little beyond bullshit spreading on the internetz :asshole:
Based on your logic you shouldn't be posting here.
95+% Indian Business Visas.
Over 3,000,000 Americans have been replaced since 2001.
Gates is an scumbag.

Microsoft's software is on most PCs in the world, this company has made a big contribution to technological influence and economy for America as well as general contribution to world's productivity.

Your contribution to this world? Seems little beyond bullshit spreading on the internetz :asshole:

The only reason MSFT is so big is they have allowed the NSA to hack into computers since the 90's. Their OS sucks monkey balls, always has, always will, but because they're doing the work of Big Brother, they will thrive
Yeah, the Trump campaign is coming apart.

wishful thinking on your part. the latest polls have it back to a tie. as more crap comes out about the corrupt Hillary Trump's numbers will continue to go up.
You are wishful thinking, Redfish. PA, MI, FL, WI, VA, NH, CO are out of the GOP reach now. OH, IA, NC, GA, NV, and AZ can be taken by HRC with a big push.

The only question is "can Red Donald get 100 EVs?" The tying of Comrade Donald to the Ruskies and the hiring of Bannon seals the deal of Trump defeat.

RCP Poll Average 47.2 41.2 Clinton +6.0
4-Way RCP Average 43.5 37.3 Clinton +6.2
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -29.2 Clinton +18.3
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3

Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8

Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2

New Hampshire 45.5 37.3 Clinton +8.2
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8

Nevada 43.0 40.7 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

When Hillary looses, Jake, RW, g5000, etc. will all be offline
Trump is going to lose, and you will go away.

No, Jake. I'll be here but the USA will go the way of your USSR

Well, since Comrade Trump and Pooootin are butt buddies, that should make you and them very happy.

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