Why Putin Wants Ukraine

Russia has lots of natural resources, why invade another country? http://countrystudies.us/russia/59.htmhttp://countrystudies.us/russia/59.htm

Because Ukraine has more for them?

There are two or three options for Putin's goals.

1. The overall invasion is to force Ukraine to give up the portions of their former territory already held by Russian or Russian sympathetic forces before the current war. This would by treaty annex those areas to Russia proper.

2. Take over the entirety of Ukraine to absorb into Russia or setup as Russia friendly puppet State.

3. Not stop at Russia and take back the Baltic States, annex Belarus, Georgia, a few of the "stans" and bring back the old Russian Empire, which would then need a Czar (I wonder who)
Because Ukraine has more for them?

There are two or three options for Putin's goals.

1. The overall invasion is to force Ukraine to give up the portions of their former territory already held by Russian or Russian sympathetic forces before the current war. This would by treaty annex those areas to Russia proper.

2. Take over the entirety of Ukraine to absorb into Russia or setup as Russia friendly puppet State.

3. Not stop at Russia and take back the Baltic States, annex Belarus, Georgia, a few of the "stans" and bring back the old Russian Empire, which would then need a Czar (I wonder who)
Number three. Invading other countries makes him a thug. Like Saddam Hussein.
Putin wants to oust Zelenskyy and replace him with a puppet.
He thought Zelenskyy was someone he could deal with. That turned out to not be true at all.
Putin does not want Ukraine to become a NATO ally. Period. He does not want there to be any chance they join the EU and become more western,
And that is what this is about.
Putin wants to oust Zelenskyy and replace him with a puppet.
He thought Zelenskyy was someone he could deal with. That turned out to not be true at all.
Putin does not want Ukraine to become a NATO ally. Period. He does not want there to be any chance they join the EU and become more western,
And that is what this is about.
Sounds like Putin wants to govern Ukraine.
But he might not be able to keep it as I think a total takeover would result in more pressure from others.

Trading the two Russianized areas AND the Crimea would get him what he wanted originally, and maybe the west would accept it.
The West would accept? And what if not? Another bunch of loud words with no meaning?
Sounds like Putin wants to govern Ukraine.
Putin wants his legacy to be the guy who restored the Russian Empire. That means the Baltic States are next...and they're NATO
Sounds like Putin wants to govern Ukraine.
Oh I don't think so at all. He just wants to keep it in his pocket rather than the West pocket.
He doesn't want Ukraine to become a NATO ally.
Putin is a bad player on the world stage, but he acts out of his interests and beliefs.
And those interest are absolutely against Ukraine going towards the EU and Western politics.
Ukraine gave Biden's junkie son a million dollar no-show job which he shared with dad. Biden is obliged to pay Ukraine back.
The West would accept? And what if not? Another bunch of loud words with no meaning?

Good question. I think if that's the offer, you would get some pro forma protests, some cancellations of events, and in 2-3 years trade would be status quo ante bellum.
All those items the OP mentions won't be worth a shit, if the invasion and subsequent civil war reduce the Ukraine to rubble.

Is this Ukraine's future?

View attachment 606764

Let's hope not.
A most valid observation and unfortunately true. It is always the people who suffer the most who live in any war zone.

Your point about demolition rubble reminds me of a comment made by another poster, who wrote that bombing Taiwan will be the way China eventually obtains it. What an outcome, destroy a whole country killing anyone in the way from takeover. Leaving a pit of rubble, just as you’ve described. Ruthless leaders care only about their own political goals regardless of means.
Good question. I think if that's the offer, you would get some pro forma protests, some cancellations of events, and in 2-3 years trade would be status quo ante bellum.
Well, not quite understand what you were trying to say. It seems that Putin wants to make Ukraine a puppet state in Russian sphere of influence. And he is on the way of doing so. And the West isn't capable to offer any meaningful response.
Well, not quite understand what you were trying to say. It seems that Putin wants to make Ukraine a puppet state in Russian sphere of influence. And he is on the way of doing so. And the West isn't capable to offer any meaningful response.

My option 2 then. Possible, again, I can only guess at his intentions, but I lean more toward Option 1, occupy Kiev, and then negotiate for the two rebel zones and the Crimea to be annexed to Russia.
My option 2 then. Possible, again, I can only guess at his intentions, but I lean more toward Option 1, occupy Kiev, and then negotiate for the two rebel zones and the Crimea to be annexed to Russia.
Well, I won't be predicting what happens next. Only recently, my bet was that Putin wouldn't dare to invade Ukraine. So, I was wrong and don't have a moral right to make any claims. The time will show.
Well, I won't be predicting what happens next. Only recently, my bet was that Putin wouldn't dare to invade Ukraine. So, I was wrong and don't have a moral right to make any claims. The time will show.

Which is why I went with 3 scenarios. I just thought he would go into the two regions and do airstrikes around them, I didn't expect drives on Odessa and Kiev.

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