Why register to vote at all?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
For my friends on the left who swear that somehow presenting ID to vote is a violation of your rights, I ask, "Why register to vote at all?"

I mean, if the GOP wanted to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the DNC wanted to get rid of John Boehner, would you be okay if we took bus loads of people and drove into their districts and let them cast ballots? If you think we shouldn't have to show ID's, would you be against such shenanigans? Because apparently, you're all for persons being able to vote when and where they wish totally without validation.

Ironically, both the Honorable Ms. Pelosi and the Honorable Mr. Boehner both represent the 8th districts of Ohio and California. Go figure.
As the elections in Russia last week showed, when some folks vote often it cancels the vote of those who vote for real.

When folks who have already voted vote again, or folks who aren't supposed to vote (illegals and the like) vote, it means that other people who vote legitimately have their rights suppressed.
As the elections in Russia last week showed, when some folks vote often it cancels the vote of those who vote for real.

When folks who have already voted vote again, or folks who aren't supposed to vote (illegals and the like) vote, it means that other people who vote legitimately have their rights suppressed.

Which is all the more reason as to why we should require both your voter's registration card and your picture ID when you cast a ballot in a State sanctioned election.

Hence my OP...if you don't think we should have such verification ("you" being those who oppose the idea--not you personally), why register to vote at all?
If you have the commitment to get on a bus and ride over to San Francisco, you deserve to vote there!


Well, that's one way to look at it. I spent a few weeks in NoCal a while back. I'd volunteer for that except I would likely vote for Ms. Pelosi just to make the wingnuts upset.
I mean, if the GOP wanted to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the DNC wanted to get rid of John Boehner, would you be okay if we took bus loads of people and drove into their districts and let them cast ballots? If you think we shouldn't have to show ID's, would you be against such shenanigans? Because apparently, you're all for persons being able to vote when and where they wish totally without validation.

Registering to vote is perfectly appropriate as it can be done at any time in many ways allowing officials time to confirm the voter’s entitled to vote prior to a given election in a given jurisdiction.

Once registered a voter shouldn’t be compelled to demonstrate he’s authorized to vote in that jurisdiction at every election.

Requiring an ID is pointless and unneeded as there is no evidence of significant fraud to justify such a policy. It may discourage those otherwise eligible to vote from voting. And polling officials may fail to offer voters with no ID a provisional ballot as required by Federal law.

Requiring ID to vote is not a violation of one’s rights, of course, but there are many policies that aren’t un-Constitutional that are a bad idea nonetheless.
I mean, if the GOP wanted to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the DNC wanted to get rid of John Boehner, would you be okay if we took bus loads of people and drove into their districts and let them cast ballots? If you think we shouldn't have to show ID's, would you be against such shenanigans? Because apparently, you're all for persons being able to vote when and where they wish totally without validation.

Registering to vote is perfectly appropriate as it can be done at any time in many ways allowing officials time to confirm the voter’s entitled to vote prior to a given election in a given jurisdiction.
It has been my experience that you must be registered anywhere from 30-60 days prior to the election.

Once registered a voter shouldn’t be compelled to demonstrate he’s authorized to vote in that jurisdiction at every election.

If I say I'm person X, that should be good enough? If my neighbor has gone out of town or I know she isn't voting, or I know she is voting absentee, I could pose as her, could I not?

Requiring an ID is pointless and unneeded as there is no evidence of significant fraud to justify such a policy. It may discourage those otherwise eligible to vote from voting. And polling officials may fail to offer voters with no ID a provisional ballot as required by Federal law.

Again, "no evidence of significant fraud", I think you're not being honest. If your congressman loses by 50 votes and 50 ballots could be prevented from being cast, the number 50 becomes rather significant, does it not?

As for the "may" stipulations, pie in the sky. If you're discouraged from voting, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If polling officials fail to do something they should be doing...well that's simply the human factor at work.

Requiring ID to vote is not a violation of one’s rights, of course, but there are many policies that aren’t un-Constitutional that are a bad idea nonetheless.

This isn't one of them. One of the most basic tenants of our republic is "one person, one vote". I hear what you're saying but I disagree with your premise.
For my friends on the left who swear that somehow presenting ID to vote is a violation of your rights, I ask, "Why register to vote at all?"

I mean, if the GOP wanted to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the DNC wanted to get rid of John Boehner, would you be okay if we took bus loads of people and drove into their districts and let them cast ballots? If you think we shouldn't have to show ID's, would you be against such shenanigans? Because apparently, you're all for persons being able to vote when and where they wish totally without validation.

Ironically, both the Honorable Ms. Pelosi and the Honorable Mr. Boehner both represent the 8th districts of Ohio and California. Go figure.

I would have thanked you for this post till you called pelosi honorable. And you were doing so well. :cool:
My advice to every democratic voter out there, especially in swing states, is to make absolutely sure your voter registration info is up to date with your current address, even if you just moved across the street, and to make sure that you are still even registered to vote. If you live in certain places there will be some republican asshole standing there to challenge your vote and they will happily turn you away on a mere technicality.
For my friends on the left who swear that somehow presenting ID to vote is a violation of your rights, I ask, "Why register to vote at all?"

I mean, if the GOP wanted to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the DNC wanted to get rid of John Boehner, would you be okay if we took bus loads of people and drove into their districts and let them cast ballots? If you think we shouldn't have to show ID's, would you be against such shenanigans? Because apparently, you're all for persons being able to vote when and where they wish totally without validation.

Ironically, both the Honorable Ms. Pelosi and the Honorable Mr. Boehner both represent the 8th districts of Ohio and California. Go figure.

I would have thanked you for this post till you called pelosi honorable. And you were doing so well. :cool:

Its a term of respect. Educated persons realize that men and women of good faith can have legitimate disagreements on subjects. Uneducated persons think otherwise.
For my friends on the left who swear that somehow presenting ID to vote is a violation of your rights, I ask, "Why register to vote at all?"

I mean, if the GOP wanted to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the DNC wanted to get rid of John Boehner, would you be okay if we took bus loads of people and drove into their districts and let them cast ballots? If you think we shouldn't have to show ID's, would you be against such shenanigans? Because apparently, you're all for persons being able to vote when and where they wish totally without validation.

Ironically, both the Honorable Ms. Pelosi and the Honorable Mr. Boehner both represent the 8th districts of Ohio and California. Go figure.

I would have thanked you for this post till you called pelosi honorable. And you were doing so well. :cool:

Its a term of respect. Educated persons realize that men and women of good faith can have legitimate disagreements on subjects. Uneducated persons think otherwise.

Nonsense. There should be no agreement on selling and buying votes as leader of the house on something as divisive as healthcare. She was a terrible leader, TERRIBLE. Under her leadership our national debt EXPLODED. No respect due.
I would have thanked you for this post till you called pelosi honorable. And you were doing so well. :cool:

Its a term of respect. Educated persons realize that men and women of good faith can have legitimate disagreements on subjects. Uneducated persons think otherwise.

Nonsense. There should be no agreement on selling and buying votes as leader of the house on something as divisive as healthcare. She was a terrible leader, TERRIBLE. Under her leadership our national debt EXPLODED. No respect due.

The House just passed a trillion dollar spending bill. The Honorable Boehner of Ohio's 8th district was the leader.

Healthcare is divisive? Oh yeah...if you're covered, another person receiving coverage is divisive if you have that particular ax grind I suppose. For most of us, having laws that allow you to keep your daughter on your insurance til the age of 26 and knowing that you can't be rejected due to PEC's is a good thing....that you find them divisive; well, it says more about you than the legislation itself. I must admit, I'm not down with the idea of forcing persons to buy health insurance but the courts will decide that I suppose. There is plenty to like about the healthcare bill the Honorable Ms. Pelosi and the Honorable Mr. Obama passed in his first term.

The debt issue was exploding long before Ms. Pelosi took the leadership. It continues to explode today; hence the bill passed this week by the House of Representatives.
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My advice to every democratic voter out there, especially in swing states, is to make absolutely sure your voter registration info is up to date with your current address, even if you just moved across the street, and to make sure that you are still even registered to vote. If you live in certain places there will be some republican asshole standing there to challenge your vote and they will happily turn you away on a mere technicality.

Why register to vote at... 12-18-2011 03:44 PM Dr.House fuck you
Now why would the honorable Dr. House have such a violent reaction to my advice? Could it be that I have touched on the real point of voter ID laws?
why do you constantly ignore the facts given you on this subject candycorn?

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