Why Republicans cannot win

Because the party has become a group of anti-government morons that wouldn't know how to govern a country if it bit them in their fat ass. They think we don't need regulations, infrastructure or the need to educate our population.

These people think the wild west shows was a manual of running a fucking country..Well, it isn't.
Says the worthless government worker.....

Here is an idea for you: Scroll back up to the top and read what I wrote, drop the name calling, and think about it. It might just open your eyes.
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way. I guess name calling is all you have left little guy.
so far his silly putty of a brain can only repeat what he heard
Because the party has become a group of anti-government morons that wouldn't know how to govern a country if it bit them in their fat ass. They think we don't need regulations, infrastructure or the need to educate our population.

These people think the wild west shows was a manual of running a fucking country..Well, it isn't.
Says the worthless government worker.....

Here is an idea for you: Scroll back up to the top and read what I wrote, drop the name calling, and think about it. It might just open your eyes.
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way. I guess name calling is all you have left little guy.
so far his silly putty of a brain can only repeat what he heard
Keep them hands out, Taker.
why should republicans or anyone else have to compromise on their beliefs in order to accommodate the will of their adversaries? it's nothing for democrats to be proud of, really. democrats write home, hey mom guess what, i gained the whole world, it only cost me my soul, all i have to do is lie to everyone and trick them into thinking i believe the same what they believe. this is why if anyone ever scrutinizes the products of the democratic party or puts some critical thinking into what they say, it turns out to be hypocrisy. think about it, you can't agree with both feminists and islamists at the same time, their ideals are polar opposites in many respects, yet in their attempt to monopolize absolutely everything anyone could possibly believe in, the democrats suffer that cognitive dissonance. besides, republicans do in fact win elections from time to time, more often than op would suggest, and whenever the democrats lose, they tend to roll out some scapegoat named gerry manders. democrats have no poker face, though. always revealing their intentions by their complaints. they don't want equal opportunity, they just want the deck stacked in their favor in world where no one is allowed to call them on their bs. if trump loses it'll be the first time in history that a republican didn't go gracefully. hell, even nixon resigned instead of drag the country through scandal. you'll never see a democrat, especially a clinton, do that.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.
It seems you are confused about liberals ... we don't create debt you republicans do... you just spend with out taxing... thats what causes debt ... I bet your credit cards are out of control... remember us tax and spend liberals??? did ya forget that phrase you guys uses all the time ... lets see republicans passed the medicare part d bill unfunded (causes debt) then the passed no child left behind (unfunded) shell I go on??? DEMS passed Obama care with bills that tax the cooperation (thats money to pay for them) so the don't create debt ... what dose the republicans do ??? well several times they said certain parts of obama care was unconstitutional ... that turn out not to be true ... (medical equipment tax ... 2.2% tax ) money to pay for the subsidies in obama care ... if they took that away republicans knew obama care would fail ... so they did the next best thing they had their republican run states refuse to take obama care ... that too will cause debt... so far so good ... soon Louisiana will have obama care cause they now have a democrat for governor ...and as each republican governor loses their state election boom care will go there too... so like I said you're a bit confused who causes debt ..
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.
It seems you are confused about liberals ... we don't create debt you republicans do... you just spend with out taxing... thats what causes debt ... I bet your credit cards are out of control... remember us tax and spend liberals??? did ya forget that phrase you guys uses all the time ... lets see republicans passed the medicare part d bill unfunded (causes debt) then the passed no child left behind (unfunded) shell I go on??? DEMS passed Obama care with bills that tax the cooperation (thats money to pay for them) so the don't create debt ... what dose the republicans do ??? well several times they said certain parts of obama care was unconstitutional ... that turn out not to be true ... (medical equipment tax ... 2.2% tax ) money to pay for the subsidies in obama care ... if they took that away republicans knew obama care would fail ... so they did the next best thing they had their republican run states refuse to take obama care ... that too will cause debt... so far so good ... soon Louisiana will have obama care cause they now have a democrat for governor ...and as each republican governor loses their state election boom care will go there too... so like I said you're a bit confused who causes debt ..
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Lol typical libtard fool who barely has the brains to spend somebody else's earnings.
Government check, dumass?
You keep repeating.... "and the voters don't want this." What the viters,want is,co.pletely immaterial when it comes to issues of Right and Wrong. Especially Moral issues.

Wrong again! America is a Democracy. Supreme executive power lies in the will of the majority the people. You just don't get tired of losing...do you?
actual that not true ... the majority of the people wanted the 10 commandments in Schools it was the minority that said you can't do that because of separation of church and state ...the abortion rights were a minority objection that too was changed by the minority ... you see what you fail to understand here is its not the majority that rules Its the constitution that rules ...
It seems you are confused about liberals ... we don't create debt you republicans do... you just spend with out taxing... thats what causes debt ... I bet your credit cards are out of control... remember us tax and spend liberals??? did ya forget that phrase you guys uses all the time ... lets see republicans passed the medicare part d bill unfunded (causes debt) then the passed no child left behind (unfunded) shell I go on??? DEMS passed Obama care with bills that tax the cooperation (thats money to pay for them) so the don't create debt ... what dose the republicans do ??? well several times they said certain parts of obama care was unconstitutional ... that turn out not to be true ... (medical equipment tax ... 2.2% tax ) money to pay for the subsidies in obama care ... if they took that away republicans knew obama care would fail ... so they did the next best thing they had their republican run states refuse to take obama care ... that too will cause debt... so far so good ... soon Louisiana will have obama care cause they now have a democrat for governor ...and as each republican governor loses their state election boom care will go there too... so like I said you're a bit confused who causes debt ..
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Lol typical libtard fool who barely has the brains to spend somebody else's earnings.
Government check, dumass?
well repub-lie-tard if you don't like your money being spent by somebody else ( our government) then leave the country
Personally, if we're really so backwards that we can't regulate air, water or food...Well, it is time to update the constitution because that is unacceptable.
If only we could get government out of regulating air, water and food, it would all be better....

But then, what would you worthless government employes do?
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Lol typical libtard fool who barely has the brains to spend somebody else's earnings.
Government check, dumass?
well repub-lie-tard if you don't like your money being spent by somebody else ( our government) then leave the country
or curb you takers...
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.
It seems you are confused about liberals ... we don't create debt you republicans do... you just spend with out taxing... thats what causes debt ... I bet your credit cards are out of control... remember us tax and spend liberals??? did ya forget that phrase you guys uses all the time ... lets see republicans passed the medicare part d bill unfunded (causes debt) then the passed no child left behind (unfunded) shell I go on??? DEMS passed Obama care with bills that tax the cooperation (thats money to pay for them) so the don't create debt ... what dose the republicans do ??? well several times they said certain parts of obama care was unconstitutional ... that turn out not to be true ... (medical equipment tax ... 2.2% tax ) money to pay for the subsidies in obama care ... if they took that away republicans knew obama care would fail ... so they did the next best thing they had their republican run states refuse to take obama care ... that too will cause debt... so far so good ... soon Louisiana will have obama care cause they now have a democrat for governor ...and as each republican governor loses their state election boom care will go there too... so like I said you're a bit confused who causes debt ..
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Good thing we are a republic....
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Lol typical libtard fool who barely has the brains to spend somebody else's earnings.
Government check, dumass?
well repub-lie-tard if you don't like your money being spent by somebody else ( our government) then leave the country
or curb you takers...
ok fire the department of defense that will pay us back a trillion dollars ever year ... good Idea fire the department of defense that will curb that taker
It seems you are confused about liberals ... we don't create debt you republicans do... you just spend with out taxing... thats what causes debt ... I bet your credit cards are out of control... remember us tax and spend liberals??? did ya forget that phrase you guys uses all the time ... lets see republicans passed the medicare part d bill unfunded (causes debt) then the passed no child left behind (unfunded) shell I go on??? DEMS passed Obama care with bills that tax the cooperation (thats money to pay for them) so the don't create debt ... what dose the republicans do ??? well several times they said certain parts of obama care was unconstitutional ... that turn out not to be true ... (medical equipment tax ... 2.2% tax ) money to pay for the subsidies in obama care ... if they took that away republicans knew obama care would fail ... so they did the next best thing they had their republican run states refuse to take obama care ... that too will cause debt... so far so good ... soon Louisiana will have obama care cause they now have a democrat for governor ...and as each republican governor loses their state election boom care will go there too... so like I said you're a bit confused who causes debt ..
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Good thing we are a republic....
yes it is a good thinks cause we dems ,make you repub-lie-tards tow the line
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Lol typical libtard fool who barely has the brains to spend somebody else's earnings.
Government check, dumass?
well repub-lie-tard if you don't like your money being spent by somebody else ( our government) then leave the country
or curb you takers...
ok fire the department of defense that will pay us back a trillion dollars ever year ... good Idea fire the department of defense that will curb that taker
That's dumb....
Did Rachel tell you that?
Don't pick your nose - you're head will cave in.
no common sense told me that ... you see if you don't have money to pay thats a debt ... after you picked your nose, did you replace your brain with silly putty??
If you don't have the money to pay...
You don't buy it.
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Good thing we are a republic....
yes it is a good thinks cause we dems ,make you repub-lie-tards tow the line
n why did you say we are a democracy? Glad I could educate you....
Because the party has become a group of anti-government morons that wouldn't know how to govern a country if it bit them in their fat ass. They think we don't need regulations, infrastructure or the need to educate our population.

These people think the wild west shows was a manual of running a fucking country..Well, it isn't.
Says the worthless government worker.....

Here is an idea for you: Scroll back up to the top and read what I wrote, drop the name calling, and think about it. It might just open your eyes.
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way. I guess name calling is all you have left little guy.
so far his silly putty of a brain can only repeat what he heard
Keep them hands out, Taker.
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
see i told ya ... dead between the ears ... sorry dumb fuck thats not how any government works in a democracy .. each year you create a budget ... this isn't you buy something ... you allocate so much money in that budget ... if you don't stay in that budget a debt is created ... its that simple... if you don't create a tax for your budget to pay for it, it to causes a debt ... if you don't want to have debt then hire peop-le to protect you fire the entire department of defense for a started .,..the THE IRS ... and all of the government operations that this country operates on ... then fend for yourself ass hole cause theres nobody stopping them from shooting you cause you don't like taxes ... pull your head out of your ass
Lol typical libtard fool who barely has the brains to spend somebody else's earnings.
Government check, dumass?
well repub-lie-tard if you don't like your money being spent by somebody else ( our government) then leave the country
or curb you takers...
ok fire the department of defense that will pay us back a trillion dollars ever year ... good Idea fire the department of defense that will curb that taker
That's dumb....
so is curb your takers... thats even dumber ... you have no Idea how much of the national budget goes to your so called takers ....nor do you know who the takers are

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