Why Republicans cannot win

Here is THE reason Republicans are losing:

The stupid, lazy, and entitled now out number the smart, productive, and self-sufficient.

And you wonder why they won't vote for you? Insulting people is the wrong way to gain support.

A lot of the people that won't vote for you are our teachers professors, scientist and workers that want a fair portion of the pie. There's a reason people like trump is only winning with the uneducated.
prefan being part of that uneducated voter

Keep telling yourself that retard, you have to lie to everyone including yourself to keep believing the nonsense you believe.
isn't that what you're doing now ???? why yes you are ... you have to lie to yourself because you're not in the world of lala repub-lie-tard land ... you had a rude awaking and discovered that how wrong you are and that SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF YOU:funnyface:

What are you 10 years old? Shouldn't you be in school idiot? Dismissed.
why should republicans or anyone else have to compromise on their beliefs in order to accommodate the will of their adversaries? it's nothing for democrats to be proud of, really. democrats write home, hey mom guess what, i gained the whole world, it only cost me my soul, all i have to do is lie to everyone and trick them into thinking i believe the same what they believe. this is why if anyone ever scrutinizes the products of the democratic party or puts some critical thinking into what they say, it turns out to be hypocrisy. think about it, you can't agree with both feminists and islamists at the same time, their ideals are polar opposites in many respects, yet in their attempt to monopolize absolutely everything anyone could possibly believe in, the democrats suffer that cognitive dissonance. besides, republicans do in fact win elections from time to time, more often than op would suggest, and whenever the democrats lose, they tend to roll out some scapegoat named gerry manders. democrats have no poker face, though. always revealing their intentions by their complaints. they don't want equal opportunity, they just want the deck stacked in their favor in world where no one is allowed to call them on their bs. if trump loses it'll be the first time in history that a republican didn't go gracefully. hell, even nixon resigned instead of drag the country through scandal. you'll never see a democrat, especially a clinton, do that.
Nixon resigned because he was going to get thrown out on his ass if he didn't. Seriously, WTF is wrong with you people?
They're totally numb above the shoulders. Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven national elections. After a few more they might begin to catch on.
But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!
people loose !!!! really we have loose people!!!! amazing !!! you have the gaul to comment on my ability to write a post ... yes, we are talking about your numbness above your shoulders ... your ability to comprehend is always in question
You ignored the point entirely so you could sling your dirty diaper around. You stupid little maggot.
and yet its ok for you to do it ... hummmmm !!!!1 I wonder why that is ??? could it be you feel you get to do it to a liberal and like I said pay backs are a bitch ... well bitch, you've just been bitched slapped
You can pound your pudding all you want little man but I said:

"But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!"

That's not ignoring the point and your insults don't make it so.

I'm pretty sure he's not much older than 12. All of his answeres to me are the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?" He'll be saying "Na na, na, na na." any minute now.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
So true. And the reason their leaders back these false issues is because they're slaves to their idiotic, backwards and ignorant base who cry for them.

Barring some drastic local act of terrorism from ISIS, I expect a total BLOWOUT come November.

I can't wait!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!
people loose !!!! really we have loose people!!!! amazing !!! you have the gaul to comment on my ability to write a post ... yes, we are talking about your numbness above your shoulders ... your ability to comprehend is always in question
You ignored the point entirely so you could sling your dirty diaper around. You stupid little maggot.
and yet its ok for you to do it ... hummmmm !!!!1 I wonder why that is ??? could it be you feel you get to do it to a liberal and like I said pay backs are a bitch ... well bitch, you've just been bitched slapped
You can pound your pudding all you want little man but I said:

"But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!"

That's not ignoring the point and your insults don't make it so.

I'm pretty sure he's not much older than 12. All of his answeres to me are the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?" He'll be saying "Na na, na, na na." any minute now.
He claims to be retired living off of greedy corporations. Which somehow makes him not greedy? LOL
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
So true. And the reason their leaders back these false issues is because they're slaves to their idiotic, backwards and ignorant base who cry for them.

Barring some drastic local act of terrorism from ISIS, I expect a total BLOWOUT come November.

I can't wait!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
So you admit Trump is better on terrorism. I'd say the economy too since Hillary is relying on magic.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Put up a credible link showing 60% "of Americans" don't want the 'Wall'.
You can't. You're a fucking LIAR!
BTW. Illegals can' be counted. HAAAA HAAAAA!
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

They're totally numb above the shoulders. Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven national elections. After a few more they might begin to catch on.
But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!

Your opinion is worth just that.........one opinion!
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

They're totally numb above the shoulders. Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven national elections. After a few more they might begin to catch on.
But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!

Your opinion is worth just that.........one opinion!
Where was the opinion?
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
i'm not a telemarketer that would be me working at a job ... all my money comes from "covered calls" like i said i am a invester when you make a call that money information goes to the IRS and me right off the top... you can't hide it ... bozo !!!! every 3 months money is take out of my account and put into a IRS fund they call it ... when I don't have enough money for it at the end of the year, I pay more... last year I paid a little under 10,000 dollars extras ... or should I say the corporations paid it for me after all they are the ones who pay me each month
So you are like Romney and don't pay your fair share? Got it.
seems comprehension isn't one of your skills ... I believe its a Form W-4V that it goes to the IRS ... seems you missed it I pay every three months, taxes and at the end of the year I pay my taxes that is still owed ... just like every body else ... probably more then you ... on the average I pay about 35% not the nothing romney pays ...

people loose !!!! really we have loose people!!!! amazing !!! you have the gaul to comment on my ability to write a post ... yes, we are talking about your numbness above your shoulders ... your ability to comprehend is always in question
You ignored the point entirely so you could sling your dirty diaper around. You stupid little maggot.
and yet its ok for you to do it ... hummmmm !!!!1 I wonder why that is ??? could it be you feel you get to do it to a liberal and like I said pay backs are a bitch ... well bitch, you've just been bitched slapped
You can pound your pudding all you want little man but I said:

"But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!"

That's not ignoring the point and your insults don't make it so.
seems you're the one who can't use proper grammar too and now you're trying to blame me for pointing it out ... poor little dick smoker :suck:
When did I blame you for jumping up and down like a little puss over an extra letter? That's all you have. My point was that you lied when you said I didn't address the post I responded to, quoted about.

Billy, stop trying to think, it isn't working.
stop your lying ...you do this to everybody... the only person you're fooling is you
Here is THE reason Republicans are losing:

The stupid, lazy, and entitled now out number the smart, productive, and self-sufficient.

And you wonder why they won't vote for you? Insulting people is the wrong way to gain support.

A lot of the people that won't vote for you are our teachers professors, scientist and workers that want a fair portion of the pie. There's a reason people like trump is only winning with the uneducated.
prefan being part of that uneducated voter

Keep telling yourself that retard, you have to lie to everyone including yourself to keep believing the nonsense you believe.
isn't that what you're doing now ???? why yes you are ... you have to lie to yourself because you're not in the world of lala repub-lie-tard land ... you had a rude awaking and discovered that how wrong you are and that SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF YOU:funnyface:

What are you 10 years old? Shouldn't you be in school idiot? Dismissed.
well if you have to resort to a ten year olds mentality thats what you do ... you said Keep telling yourself that retard" its very jr. hight response in your post ... I forced to post at a Jr. high level so that you can understand ...
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way.

That may be, but it doesn't mean he's wrong. The fact that Clinton and Trump are the two major party nominees doesn't speak well of the collective mentality of the American people. As a country, we've doubled down on stupid
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way.

That may be, but it doesn't mean he's wrong. The fact that Clinton and Trump are the two major party nominees doesn't speak well of the collective mentality of the American people. As a country, we've doubled down on stupid

Shucks! You talking about a group of people who elected George W. Bush twice. Any group of folks who would do that can't be trusted to gather a dozen eggs from the chickenhouse:

And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way.

That may be, but it doesn't mean he's wrong. The fact that Clinton and Trump are the two major party nominees doesn't speak well of the collective mentality of the American people. As a country, we've doubled down on stupid

Shucks! You talking about a group of people who elected George W. Bush twice. Any group of folks who would do that can't be trusted to gather a dozen eggs from the chickenhouse:

^^^No doubt an obama voter. Calling others dumb is just special.
And democrats want to be ruled by a huge, unaccountable, bankrupt dictatorship.
Stupid asses.

Sorry....most Americans don't see it your way.

That may be, but it doesn't mean he's wrong. The fact that Clinton and Trump are the two major party nominees doesn't speak well of the collective mentality of the American people. As a country, we've doubled down on stupid

Shucks! You talking about a group of people who elected George W. Bush twice. Any group of folks who would do that can't be trusted to gather a dozen eggs from the chickenhouse:

^^^No doubt an obama voter. Calling others dumb is just special.

I'd rather vote for the re election of the first Black than the first Dumbass any time!
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
I suspect that if everyone were rich, and needed more tax cuts for the rich, then the GOP would win.

In the meantime there will always be class struggle and in that case as Cleisthenes found out in ancient Athens in 510 BC, the pro labor party will always be more numerous and powerful than the pro aristocracy.
Because the party has become a group of anti-government morons that wouldn't know how to govern a country if it bit them in their fat ass. They think we don't need regulations, infrastructure or the need to educate our population.

These people think the wild west shows was a manual of running a fucking country..Well, it isn't.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Dumb people always come up with an excuse.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Dumb people always come up with an excuse.
And to think these dims want to elect a scaggly old hag that's barely qualified to work in a fuckin laundrymat.

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