Why Republicans cannot win

I've worked for big bad corporations and I've worked for good ones.
According to you libstains, there are no good corporations.
That's just what you hear because you have a small conservative brain.

Corporations have stopped caring about the social contract they used to have with workers. Somewhere around 1970 they stopped. They now only care about shareholders.

The fact you don't know this and can't speak intelligently about this tells me you are a brainwashed con troll doll. Pull your string and wait for the talking point spin bs
or pull the corporations strings thats the easy way
Your democrat crony capitalism is not so wonderful....
I don't think I ever said I don't like capitalism ... it pays my way in life ... why would I not like that ...i get to pull their strings ... they don't get to pull my strings like yours does ...
Then why you support a party that wants to do away with Capitalism? You don't know what you think.
According to you libstains, there are no good corporations.
That's just what you hear because you have a small conservative brain.

Corporations have stopped caring about the social contract they used to have with workers. Somewhere around 1970 they stopped. They now only care about shareholders.

The fact you don't know this and can't speak intelligently about this tells me you are a brainwashed con troll doll. Pull your string and wait for the talking point spin bs
or pull the corporations strings thats the easy way
Your democrat crony capitalism is not so wonderful....
I don't think I ever said I don't like capitalism ... it pays my way in life ... why would I not like that ...i get to pull their strings ... they don't get to pull my strings like yours does ...
A fascist crony capitalist democrat....huh....:lol:
ah fashist can't be capitalist ... but i knew that ... in your case you didn't ... its that ole silly putty of yours bouncing around in that head of yours
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According to you libstains, there are no good corporations.
That's just what you hear because you have a small conservative brain.

Corporations have stopped caring about the social contract they used to have with workers. Somewhere around 1970 they stopped. They now only care about shareholders.

The fact you don't know this and can't speak intelligently about this tells me you are a brainwashed con troll doll. Pull your string and wait for the talking point spin bs
or pull the corporations strings thats the easy way
Your democrat crony capitalism is not so wonderful....
I don't think I ever said I don't like capitalism ... it pays my way in life ... why would I not like that ...i get to pull their strings ... they don't get to pull my strings like yours does ...
Then why you support a party that wants to do away with Capitalism? You don't know what you think.
where you get this stuff is beyond me ... I haven't heard any democrat say they don't like capitalism ... just because you don't understand how we think, you don't get to say what we like and don't like ... every democrat I know has said many times that they are capitalist ... its you who hasn't any clue what a capitalist is not me
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:
Dumb post. The media is very biased and most know it to some degree or another. Republicans own congress, most governor's offices and most state legislators. The facts don't seem to fit you retarded world view. It's why the term 'libtard' was coined. Stupid, hate filled idiots that think they know more than they do and live in a little bubble universe thinking it's reality. It isn't.

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.
Any discussion of fiscal irresponsibility is whining to you? You're full of shit. Many are living on the dole and it isn't the Republican's fault that the economy sucks. What would it take for a retard like you? obama has been in office nearing 8 years now, when would it be the Democrats fault? In another 8? 16? Never?

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.
Wrong. Only a small percent want it totally illegal, most don't want it used as a form of birth control though and half of America is now considered pro-life. Like I mentioned earlier, if your retard view was true there would be no domination of the offices mentioned above.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.
Says who? Regulations are out of control and harming the economy. Everyone wants clean air and water but I doubt most people think the thousands of heavy handed decrees from the White House are a good thing. We don't all live off the public titty and can't simply raise taxes for a raise. Libtards won't get it until the last business in America shuts down. And the will blame "the Republicans" for it.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.
You haven't supported jack shit so far. You pull one turd out of your ass after another and expect it to be received as Gospel. The evil Republicans do not oppose technology, we have and do use coal and oil cleaner and cleaner as technology advances. That keeps us living decent lives, driving around, heating and cooling homes and work, etc. Stomping on those valuable resources harms us, we pay more, maybe much more all for the benefit of pushing technology we don't have yet. If solar panels were cost effective we would be using them. This is called living in reality and accepting it the way it is, not the way we want it to be.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.
Says who? Whew, that one stunk too. Most Americans are barely tuned in to the political process and see a few minutes of spin and that's it. If given the choice of upholding the Constitution or creating law from the bench by a few unelected unaccountable judges most people would probably side with Republicans.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.
I haven't seen that in the party platform but then again I don't get my news from Comedy Central. Hillary is more of a war hawk than Trump so your theory needs work. A shit stain smear job isn't really work.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Where is the evidence people don't want a wall or better immigration enforcement? You left that part out. Come back when you have some facts and quit posting stupid shit you saw on HuffPo.
That's just what you hear because you have a small conservative brain.

Corporations have stopped caring about the social contract they used to have with workers. Somewhere around 1970 they stopped. They now only care about shareholders.

The fact you don't know this and can't speak intelligently about this tells me you are a brainwashed con troll doll. Pull your string and wait for the talking point spin bs
or pull the corporations strings thats the easy way
Your democrat crony capitalism is not so wonderful....
I don't think I ever said I don't like capitalism ... it pays my way in life ... why would I not like that ...i get to pull their strings ... they don't get to pull my strings like yours does ...
A fascist crony capitalist democrat....huh....:lol:
ah fashist can't be capitalist ... but i knew that ... in your case you didn't ... its that ole silly putty of yours boouncing around in that head of yours
Neither can a Socialist.
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
or pull the corporations strings thats the easy way
Your democrat crony capitalism is not so wonderful....
I don't think I ever said I don't like capitalism ... it pays my way in life ... why would I not like that ...i get to pull their strings ... they don't get to pull my strings like yours does ...
A fascist crony capitalist democrat....huh....:lol:
ah fashist can't be capitalist ... but i knew that ... in your case you didn't ... its that ole silly putty of yours boouncing around in that head of yours
Neither can a Socialist.
you mean like a social conservative ???
There aren't enough working class white men.

And that's pretty much all Trump is appealing to.

Simple as that.


There is a vein of hate in the GOP. I am not so sure it was there in 2000 and 2004 or even 2008 or 2012. It goes past wanting your guy to win…it is a visceral hatred of others.

I mean; the Speaker of the House who was a republican decades before Trump was is now called “un-American” by fellow Republicans. Trump supporters are simply put; hateful people. Why? I think it’s rooted in bigotry; simply put they hate anyone who doesn’t think like them and the more they reveal about what they think, how they feel, and what they represent…the smaller the “Party of Trump” becomes. And the ridiculous edicts, plans, and statements inevitably break upon racial lines. As you stated; it’s working class “white” “men”. Trump’s ridiculous assertion that if his daughter were getting sexually harassed, she should quit and move to a different company pretty much solidified that he has no clue how women feel.

I mean, think about it;
When was the last time you saw someone standing up on the stage with Trump who was not named Pence.
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
i'm not a telemarketer that would be me working at a job ... all my money comes from "covered calls" like i said i am a invester when you make a call that money information goes to the IRS and me right off the top... you can't hide it ... bozo !!!! every 3 months money is take out of my account and put into a IRS fund they call it ... when I don't have enough money for it at the end of the year, I pay more... last year I paid a little under 10,000 dollars extras ... or should I say the corporations paid it for me after all they are the ones who pay me each month
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I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
you sure assume a lot ... I guess thats why you're so uninformed
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
you sure assume a lot ... I guess thats why you're so uninformed
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
i'm not a telemarketer that would be me working at a job ... all my money comes from "covered calls" like i said i am a invester when you make a call that money information goes to the IRS and me right off the top... you can't hide it ... bozo !!!! every 3 months money is take out of my account and put into a IRS fund they call it ... when I don't have enough money for it at the end of the year, I pay more... last year I paid a little under 10,000 dollars extras ... or should I say the corporations paid it for me after all they are the ones who pay me each month
So you are like Romney and don't pay your fair share? Got it.
You keep repeating.... "and the voters don't want this." What the viters,want is,co.pletely immaterial when it comes to issues of Right and Wrong. Especially Moral issues.

Wrong again! America is a Democracy. Supreme executive power lies in the will of the majority the people. You just don't get tired of losing...do you?
Actually, America is a Constitutional Republic.

Look it up little guy.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

They're totally numb above the shoulders. Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven national elections. After a few more they might begin to catch on.
For the past 8 years the GOP has been fighting an uphill battle in general elections, and this year will be no different. Barring a miracle, Hillary Clinton will be the next President, and the GOP will lose many seats in the House and Senate. To make matters worse, if it were not for gerrymandering tactics such as redistricting, the GOP's woes in Congress would be even worse. So, what's the problem? Ask any Republican, and you hear things like "the liberal media is against us" and "we didn't get our message out" That's not the problem. The problem (and please listen Republicans).....most voters don't like your message! Cases in point:

* Republicans love to whine and wail about "those lazy welfare scabs" but turn a blind eye to the fact that most people on public assistance work at jobs because working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for years.

* Republicans back a (so called) pro life party which favors making abortion illegal, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that wants to weaken environmental protections, ignoring the fact that most voters are against this.

* Republicans back a party that favors oil and coal as America's energy sources, ignoring the fact that most voters want more emphasis put on cleaner, renewable sources of energy.

* Republicans back a party that will not vote on Judge Merrick Garland on the high court, ignoring the fact that most voters favor moving ahead with filling our Supreme Court vacancy now.

* Republicans favor G.W. Bush's WW2 style of dealing with terrorists in the middle east, placing hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" ignoring the fact that most voters do not want this.

* Republicans back a candidate for President that wants to force another country to pay for a wall on our southern boarder, ignoring the fact that 60% of Americans don't want this.

Republicans.....do you see a pattern here? If not, let me spell it out to you: If you keep going against the will of the voters, you're going to keep losing!

So, you can curse, name call, and cry about the "Liberal Media" all you want, but your problem is in ignoring the will of the voting public.

P.S. The definition of insanity: Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

They're totally numb above the shoulders. Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven national elections. After a few more they might begin to catch on.
But the EC was put in place to help prevent the populous regions from running over the rest of the country. Heavy populations tend to go liberal because in masses people loose the ability to think for themselves so it's much easier to control them. Talk about numb above the shoulders!
You keep repeating.... "and the voters don't want this." What the viters,want is,co.pletely immaterial when it comes to issues of Right and Wrong. Especially Moral issues.

Wrong again! America is a Democracy. Supreme executive power lies in the will of the majority the people. You just don't get tired of losing...do you?
Anyone claiming the United States is a democracy should not be permitted to vote unlesss and until they pass a college level course in civics.
You keep repeating.... "and the voters don't want this." What the viters,want is,co.pletely immaterial when it comes to issues of Right and Wrong. Especially Moral issues.

Wrong again! America is a Democracy. Supreme executive power lies in the will of the majority the people. You just don't get tired of losing...do you?
Anyone claiming the United States is a democracy should not be permitted to vote unlesss and until they pass a college level course in civics.

Also, anyone who thinks Obama was born in Kenya.
I make more money and pay more taxes then you'll ever know ... the only taker i see is you down in your mothers basement eating cheetos and drink her beer that she bought ... along with her paying for your on line service so you can rag about shit you have no Idea about
My guess is that you only report a small fraction of your telemarketing business earnings, if that. The I pay more taxes than you schtick is lame, especially coming from a big government lemming.
It's not us crying over the taxes we pay. And I hate Republicans who want to cut programs that help the poor and cry that your billionaire masters pay too much. They're such tools huh?

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