Why Rod Rosenstein should be Fired and Indicted


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
Dude, do us all a favor.....shove your head further up Trumps ass, your nuts are showing!!
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
Dude, do us all a favor.....shove your head further up Trumps ass, your nuts are showing!!


I enjoy your posts....though not for reasons you might find complimentary.

Have you considered whether this Response of yours might be best used on an elementary school playground?

Have you considered that a Response to a post ought to actually address what was said in the post you are responding to?

Would it add anything to the Discussion if I just said that you should shove your head further up Al Sharpton's Ass?

HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
There are plenty of reasons to fire him.
Course the way the media has set things up, any firings will only renew calls for impeachment.

Here is the justification for firing Rosenstein....

BREAKING: Rod Rosenstein Threatened to House Intel Members 3 Weeks Ago
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
. It's amazing how this Rod Rosenstien looks like this guy.
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
Honestly, I would say there is legitimate ground for firing ANY Trump nominee/appointment. So sure, fire Roddy.
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
Dude, do us all a favor.....shove your head further up Trumps ass, your nuts are showing!!


I enjoy your posts....though not for reasons you might find complimentary.

Have you considered whether this Response of yours might be best used on an elementary school playground?

Have you considered that a Response to a post ought to actually address what was said in the post you are responding to?

Would it add anything to the Discussion if I just said that you should shove your head further up Al Sharpton's Ass?

Son, people like you are not worthy of any rational, intense, civilized conversation. And the fact your lips are still moving, must mean, you still trying to climb up his ass.....Vaseline anyone?
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
Dude, do us all a favor.....shove your head further up Trumps ass, your nuts are showing!!


I enjoy your posts....though not for reasons you might find complimentary.

Have you considered whether this Response of yours might be best used on an elementary school playground?

Have you considered that a Response to a post ought to actually address what was said in the post you are responding to?

Would it add anything to the Discussion if I just said that you should shove your head further up Al Sharpton's Ass?

Son, people like you are not worthy of any rational, intense, civilized conversation. And the fact your lips are still moving, must mean, you still trying to climb up his ass.....Vaseline anyone?


Here is a post of yours from yesterday directed at another person:

"Your fuckin head is so warped and fucked up, the only thing left in your brain is Trump sperm!!"

I think you are just an angry Black woman who is incapable of "rational, intense, civilized conversation." Most of your posts show you to be a racist and a bigot. In response to the most obviously Racists of them, which are numerous...I have ask you many times...and you have always run:

Can a Black person be a racist and a bigot...or do you get an Affirmative Action Pass on that too?

Last edited:
Son, people like you are not worthy of any rational, intense, civilized conversation. And the fact your lips are still moving, must mean, you still trying to climb up his ass.....Vaseline anyone?
Spoken like a true immature, ignorant, left-wing lunatic losing her shit over reality. Triggered here is easily triggered by facts that she cannot dispute.
Honestly, I would say there is legitimate ground for firing ANY Trump nominee/appointment. So sure, fire Roddy.
Trigerred59 could learn a lot from The Old Fool, here. The Old Fool realizes it is futile to deny reality - so instead he attempts to put a spin on it (President Trump is “evil” so ToF fully “supports” firing anyone appointed by President Trump). It’s more subtle so it’s more likely to fool dimwits like Triggered. It doesn’t deny reality (just attempts to spin part of it). And by not resorting to 13 year old school yard language, he doesn’t instantly lose all credibility.

Take Triggered under your wing, Old Fool. She desperately needs your steady (propaganda) hand. She’s too emotional and doesn’t understand the left-wing nuance the way you do.
Honestly, I would say there is legitimate ground for firing ANY Trump nominee/appointment. So sure, fire Roddy.
Trigerred59 could learn a lot from The Old Fool, here. The Old Fool realizes it is futile to deny reality - so instead he attempts to put a spin on it (President Trump is “evil” so ToF fully “supports” firing anyone appointed by President Trump). It’s more subtle so it’s more likely to fool dimwits like Triggered. It doesn’t deny reality (just attempts to spin part of it). And by not resorting to 13 year old school yard language, he doesn’t instantly lose all credibility.

Take Triggered under your wing, Old Fool. She desperately needs your steady (propaganda) hand. She’s too emotional and doesn’t understand the left-wing nuance the way you do.
Tiggered will be fine. She'll have a good laugh at you when Trump is removed and begging for a pardon.
Tiggered will be fine. She'll have a good laugh at you when Trump is removed and begging for a pardon.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You people have been making that claim since the day after he kicked Hitlery Clinton’s ass in 2016 and was elected President of the United States. Here we are in 2018 and you’re no closer now than you were then. :laugh:

Poor little Old Fool just illustrated to everyone that he cannot, in fact, accept reality like I thought he could.
Son, people like you are not worthy of any rational, intense, civilized conversation. And the fact your lips are still moving, must mean, you still trying to climb up his ass.....Vaseline anyone?
Spoken like a true immature, ignorant, left-wing lunatic losing her shit over reality. Triggered here is easily triggered by facts that she cannot dispute.
Listen up ass wipe, anybody listening to or engaging a conversation with a Trump supporter is either a meth abuser or a white person high off of sniffing roach droppings, between the two....I'll pass.
Tiggered will be fine. She'll have a good laugh at you when Trump is removed and begging for a pardon.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You people have been making that claim since the day after he kicked Hitlery Clinton’s ass in 2016 and was elected President of the United States. Here we are in 2018 and you’re no closer now than you were then. :laugh:

Poor little Old Fool just illustrated to everyone that he cannot, in fact, accept reality like I thought he could.
Dude, Comey, Putin and Satan got Trump in the white house and lets not miss the big picture here....he ran against a old white shit smelling crooked bitch, who could be his twin and sadly and with no regret, many of us stayed the fuck home. But here's the deal....you'll rule the day, you voted for that lying puddle of diarrhea juice.
This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.

ANY IDEAS as to WHY this hasn't happened???.............LOL

We have a REPUBLICAN WH.........in charge of a REPUBLICAN DOJ, who (for the first time) appointed a REPUBLICAN special prosecutor (usually a special prosecutor is of the opposite party).......to investigate a REPUBLICAN administration..........and right wing morons STILL are on here "bitching" that its all a democrat plot..............
....he ran against a old white shit smelling crooked bitch
Now that is true. Which left us no choice but to vote for President Trump. Thankfully though, his first year turned out to be the most successful first year of any president in the past 200 years.

He has rejected power to the Oval Office - instead choosing to restore it to the states and the people. He has created jobs, increased wealth, and renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S. He has secured our borders and is obliterating ISIS.

You can’t point to one single legitimate negative result of his presidency thus far.
This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.

ANY IDEAS as to WHY this hasn't happened???.............LOL

We have a REPUBLICAN WH.........in charge of a REPUBLICAN DOJ, who (for the first time) appointed a REPUBLICAN special prosecutor (usually a special prosecutor is of the opposite party).......to investigate a REPUBLICAN administration..........and right wing morons STILL are on here "bitching" that its all a democrat plot..............
Wow...where were you Natalie when Barack Insane Obama appointed corrupt and racist Eric Holder as Attorney General and then the two of them refused to indict the Black Panthers on voter intimidation? Or when the Dumbocrat Congress refused to impeach a Dumbocrat president who egregiously violated the U.S. Constitution.

Or how about when a Dumbocrat WH in charge of a Dumbocrat DoJ refused to properly investigate or bring charges for a corrupt Dumbocrat IRS (Lois Lerner) which was targeting conservative groups for audits and refusing conservative groups there tax status before the election to ensure they couldn’t form and advocate?
Wow...where were you Natalie when Barack Insane Obama appointed corrupt and racist Eric Holder as Attorney General and then the two of them refused to indict the Black Panthers on voter intimidation? Or when the Dumbocrat Congress refused to impeach a Dumbocrat president who egregiously violated the U.S. Constitution.

Or how about when a Dumbocrat WH in charge of a Dumbocrat DoJ refused to properly investigate or bring charges for a corrupt Dumbocrat IRS (Lois Lerner) which was targeting conservative groups for audits and refusing conservative groups there tax status before the election to ensure they couldn’t form and advocate?

A strong laxative may help your current disposition....lol
HPSCI Point and Counterpoint…

"DOJ and FBI senior leaders had four separate opportunities, but failed each time, to adequately investigate or disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) the role of the DNC and Clinton campaign as the funders and beneficiaries of the Steele dossier
even though its political origins were known to numerous senior DOJ and FB officials."

Each one of these "Spy On Americans without Due Process" Warrants must be re-obtained---and separately justified---every 90 days. The Nunes Memo shows that ROD RESENSTEIN signed off on the LAST of these Warrant Applications.

He did this at a time when THE MOST information was available to show NO WARRANT should ever be issued.

He did this AFTER the Turd Comey had called the Dossier upon which the Application was based in whole or in part---Salacious and Unverified.

He did this after it was known that the Dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton!

He did this after he knew that Chris Steele had told the man just down the Hall from him on the 7th floor of the FBI---Bruce Ohr---that he, Steele would do ANYTHING to keep Don Trump from becoming President.

He did it after he knew there were things in the Dossier that were completely false--like Trumps lawyers visit to Eurpoe to meet Russians...THEY HAD THE WRONG GUY, A GUY BY THE SAME NAME.

He did it after Chris Steele had been fired as FBI Informant for leaking information to newspapers.

Rod Rosenstein had a Legal and Ethical Duty to tell the Fisa Court EVERTYHING about the evidence he was presenting to the Court--the Good and the Bad---he had a duty to tell the Court what would be revealed to the Court if the person against whom the Warrant was sought had notice of the hearing and competent counsel representing him at the hearing.

Rod Rosenstein, of all the ones who signed off on the various Fisa Warrant Applications---had the most opportunity to know the actual situation, to know that he was guilty of MATERIAL OMISSIONS in what he told the Fisa Court....and he did it anyway.

Misleading a FISA Court.

This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.
Dude, do us all a favor.....shove your head further up Trumps ass, your nuts are showing!!
This is grounds for Firing....grounds for Disbarment...probably grounds for Indictment.

ANY IDEAS as to WHY this hasn't happened???.............LOL

We have a REPUBLICAN WH.........in charge of a REPUBLICAN DOJ, who (for the first time) appointed a REPUBLICAN special prosecutor (usually a special prosecutor is of the opposite party).......to investigate a REPUBLICAN administration..........and right wing morons STILL are on here "bitching" that its all a democrat plot..............
It hasn't happened because Rosenstien is Mueller's handler and you all would go totally bat shit should he be fired.

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