Why Ron Desantis would destroy any Democrat, and why Democrats will fund Trump in the primaries

Examples please.

The reason I asked is I know you will slink away without answering.
I've answered you thirty fucking times. You'll just mumble something incoherent and stick your head back up your ass.

The biggest thing that bothers me about DeSantis is that he full embraces, and actually implements, retaliatory government. He passes and promotes policy specifically to punish politic enemies (Disney, cruise ships, school districts who defy him, etc....). This is really dangerous shit, and it's deeply disturbing that the SC hasn't said curtailed it. Trump used to talk a lot about "going after" people or businesses that defied him. But he was mostly blowing hard. DeSantis actually does it.

DeSantis has also proven to be a direct threat to the first amendment and wants government to sink its teeth into social media. As President, he'll be able to do a lot more damage in this regard.

His opposition to vaccine mandates was refreshing, but he doesn't seem to know the difference between a private company and the government. He simply implemented his own mandate dictating to businesses regarding their covid policies. Still the state bullying people - just bullying them different.

Apart from that, he also brings all the hypocrisy and idiocy of the usual Trumpster candidates. He thrives on stunt-show politics and is even better than Trump at emotionally manipulating idiots.

Like I said, I hope I'm wrong, because it's very like he could find his way into the White House.
I've answered you thirty fucking times. You'll just mumble something incoherent and stick your head back up your ass.

The biggest thing that bothers me about DeSantis is that he full embraces, and actually implements, retaliatory government. He passes and promotes policy specifically to punish politic enemies (Disney, cruise ships, school districts who defy him, etc....). This is really dangerous shit, and it's deeply disturbing that the SC hasn't said curtailed it. Trump used to talk a lot about "going after" people or businesses that defied him. But he was mostly blowing hard. DeSantis actually does it.

DeSantis has also proven to be a direct threat to the first amendment and wants government to sink its teeth into social media. As President, he'll be able to do a lot more damage in this regard.

His opposition to vaccine mandates was refreshing, but he doesn't seem to know the difference between a private company and the government. He simply implemented his own mandate dictating to businesses regarding their covid policies. Still the state bullying people - just bullying them different.

Apart from that, he also brings all the hypocrisy and idiocy of the usual Trumpster candidates. He thrives on stunt-show politics and is even better than Trump at emotionally manipulating idiots.

Like I said, I hope I'm wrong, because it's very like he could find his way into the White House.

Disney - law passed by Florida legislature.

Cruise ships - he opposed federal restrictions due to COVID. What was wrong with that since that is Florida's business?

School districts - you are going to have to be more specific.

I see you are a liberal main stream media lackey.

Disney - law passed by Florida legislature.

Cruise ships - he opposed federal restrictions due to COVID. What was wrong with that since that is Florida's business?

School districts - you are going to have to be more specific.

I see you are a liberal main stream media lackey.

So, as usual, I provide you with examples and you respond with excuses. That's fine, we just disagree. But don't go saying I don't have "examples". I throw them out every time, and every time you play dodgem,

The LYING fucking Democommies threw everything but the kitchen sink at Trump, and at his nominees like Kavanaugh.

You fucking scumbags dug up a CIA expert on confabulation to make it look like there was a genuine victim - but guess what, it was just another Jussie Smollett.

You libTARDS do a lot of that stupid shit. Sling mud. You accused an innocent man of rape and dragged his name and his reputation through the mud, just the same way you're dogpiling on Trump.

You fucktards are miserable, rotten, DANGEROUS human beings, and if you try to cheat in this election we're going to come after you with torches and red hot pitchforks.

Wonder what list you'll be on now 😆
DeSantis won’t get the negative vote turn out that Trump will

It would be a low turnout election that Republicans love

As opposed to grabbing every homeless person off the street and ballot harvesting in the lowest income inner city areas? Yeah, those folks are very enlightened and certainly know what is best for our country. Those are the folks with which you agree.
So, as usual, I provide you with examples and you respond with excuses. That's fine, we just disagree. But don't go saying I don't have "examples". I throw them out every time, and every time you play dodgem,
You don't have examples. All you have are a collection of lies to assuage your guilt at supporting liberals.
Republicans win elections that people don’t really care about

If Trump runs, people will turn out just to make sure he doesn’t win
DeSantis is dull
Trump lite. All the fascism with only half the insanity (and a quarter of the charisma) of Trump.
The funding Trump in the primaries thing is a really interesting idea.
Yes, low turn out elections means that the stupid and the lazy stayed home and did not have ballots brought to them by community organizers. That does help the Republicans since that demographic is the DNC base.

Damn, you're ignorant.

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