Why Russia is the enemy.. Remember Iraq?

I do remember hearing that Gaddafi was beginning to trade oil straight up for gold. I wonder if that had something to do with his eventual demise.
It was beyond that. Gaddafi planned to use a separate currency, the dinar while also creating a pan-African bank. He intended to help the continent from within.

The source provides the crux of it, although it's bias is apparent. You are smart enough to read between the lines and decipher the information and data within it.
How quickly people forget that during the Second War, Russia was our ally, who despite losing 20 million people manage to defeat the Nazi invasion and probably allowing us to win the war.
If you're trying to suggest the Soviets were good guys you have a misguided impression of history. The Soviets were communists that began infiltrating our government immediately after the war. After Germany fell, Patton wanted to mount an offensive against the Soviets (a proposition supported by Churchill), but was told to stand down by Eisenhower. There was also the Yalta Agreement, which the head socialist himself FDR negotiated with Stalin, giving him all of the satellite territories including East Germany which persisted as a communist hellhole until the wall came down decades later. The Soviets were never good guys. They were "the enemy of my enemy" at the time. Big difference.
How quickly people forget that during the Second War, Russia was our ally, who despite losing 20 million people manage to defeat the Nazi invasion and probably allowing us to win the war.
Not for long.
It was beyond that. Gaddafi planned to use a separate currency, the dinar while also creating a pan-African bank. He intended to help the continent from within.

The source provides the crux of it, although it's bias is apparent. You are smart enough to read between the lines and decipher the information and data within it.
Libya had the gold dinar forever and a central bank since 1953. He funded rebellions all over Africa. Gaddafi had no education and no social or diplomatic skills . He was always threatening some Arab head of state because he was insecure and vulgar. He drank rose water from a finger bowl at a state dinner and was so embarrassed he threatened to kill the other guests. He was grandiose and basically a lot like Trump. Libya imports 90 percent of their food and pays for it electronically because if they paid in gold the interest would eat them alive. Like you and Trump Gaddafi lived conspiracy theories.
Saddam didn't have WMD. What they did have was a threat to trade their oil in Euro's, instead of the USD. The WMD excuse was a lie. We all know that now. But it was the excused that allowed an invasion that overthrew Saddam and prop up a pro USD government.
Well, that's exactly what's going on in Russia right now. All the other excuses and propaganda about how Putin is a brutal dictator, how mean he is, is just propaganda. Fact is, no one cares how good or bad the people in Russia have it. We wouldn't even care if Russia was still a communist nation. (Which is not, because Putin is not pro-communism)

Like Saddam, Russia is threatening to drop the USD.

Russia Sold $5 Billion in May as Part of Oil Fund Dollar Dump

  • Finance Ministry plans to cut fund’s dollar holdings to zero
  • Bulk of money converted to yuan; $1 billion changed to euros

Russia to consider ditching dollar-denominated oil contracts if faced with more U.S. sanctions

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Thursday said the oil and gas-rich country may soon be tempted to move away from U.S. dollar-denominated crude contracts if President Joe Biden’s administration continues to impose targeted economic sanctions.

“Well, ideally we would prefer not to move away from the dollar as it is an international currency used for settlements,” Novak told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to a translation.
Well, Putin is even crookeder than the old Soviet party.
Imo it's inevitable that the dollar will be eventually replaced as the reserve currency, but invading other countries to change borders is not the way to a stable currency. And I still think the US and allies (and nominally the UN) could have used petro dollars to deliver food and medicine to Iraqies without invading, and yes, part of the US GOAL in invading Iraq was to secure "mineral rights."
Libya had the gold dinar forever and a central bank since 1953. He funded rebellions all over Africa. Gaddafi had no education and no social or diplomatic skills . He was always threatening some Arab head of state because he was insecure and vulgar. He drank rose water from a finger bowl at a state dinner and was so embarrassed he threatened to kill the other guests. He was grandiose and basically a lot like Trump. Libya imports 90 percent of their food and pays for it electronically because if they paid in gold the interest would eat them alive. Like you and Trump Gaddafi lived conspiracy theories.
Gaddafi's intentions are well documented, go educate yourself.
Gaddafi's intentions are well documented, go educate yourself.
I lived there. The people hated Gaddafi for 40 years. It was conspiracy fools who claimed he was going off the Petro dollar. Look at how many foreign oil companies were operating in Libya.
I lived there. The people hated Gaddafi for 40 years. It was conspiracy fools who claimed he was going off the Petro dollar. Look at how many foreign oil companies were operating in Libya.
Your anecdotal experiences don't add up to documented accounts of what Gaddafi was doing. He had every intention of moving off the petrol dollar.
Your anecdotal experiences don't add up to documented accounts of what Gaddafi was doing. He had every intention of moving off the petrol dollar.
There's no documented accounts just conspiracy theories. There was no way the US could save Gaddafi without a huge occupation force.
Saddam didn't have WMD.
When you start off with a lie like that the rest isn't worth reading.

His WMD's were inventoried at the end of the gulf war and were used repeatedly on his own people and Iran prior.

He ran a shell game with UNSCOM hiding them and eventually moved them out to Syria but was still threatening to use them even after Coalition Forces had begun the invasion.

If you have to lie to make a point you have no point worthy of comment or thought.
Russia isn't my enemy. My enemy are democrats.

I agree with you 100% ! ^^^

Not a bot. I just happened to remember Iraq and why our soldiers were sent there. How one of their first priorities were to secure the oil ministries. The promises of Saddam to drop the USD. And how they could never find WMDs. And that whole fiasco.
No, you start with a lie and then weave a conspiracy theory to support the lie.

You have nothin of value therefore to add to any discussion.
When you start off with a lie like that the rest isn't worth reading.

His WMD's were inventoried at the end of the gulf war and were used repeatedly on his own people and Iran prior.

He ran a shell game with UNSCOM hiding them and eventually moved them out to Syria but was still threatening to use them even after Coalition Forces had begun the invasion.

If you have to lie to make a point you have no point worthy of comment or thought.
I remember. The US claimed Saddam Hussein was trucking his WMDs back and forth between Syria and Sudan. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.
I remember. The US claimed Saddam Hussein was trucking his WMDs back and forth between Syria and Sudan. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.
Iraq was crippled by Saddam and his boys and their own sectarian infighting.
Rogue AI You all claimed Gaddafi was going off the dollar which is asinine. Libya imports 90 percent of their food. They pay electronically in dollars otherwise the interest would eat them up.

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