Why Russia is the enemy.. Remember Iraq?

Russia isn't my enemy. My enemy are democrats.
Russia has been our number one enemy since 47.

They are responsible for most of the divide we have today in the US which they've been fomenting with their various media manipulations.

They don't care if it's dem's or republicans they are undermining as long as we're too busy fighting each other to get in their way.

The only surprise is that so many of you on both sides remain blind to it.
Russia has been our number one enemy since 47.

They are responsible for most of the divide we have today in the US which they've been fomenting with their various media manipulations.

They don't care if it's dem's or republicans they are undermining as long as we're too busy fighting each other to get in their way.

The only surprise is that so many of you on both sides remain blind to it.
Even Wapo knows more than you. Here the truth gets out, in a paper entirely controlled by the establishment. Pay attention.

But Ukraine’s strategy of placing heavy military equipment and other fortifications in civilian zones could weaken Western and Ukrainian efforts to hold Russia legally culpable for possible war crimes, said human rights activists and international humanitarian law experts. Last week, the Biden administration formally declared that Moscow has committed crimes against humanity.
Not a bot. I just happened to remember Iraq and why our soldiers were sent there. How one of their first priorities were to secure the oil ministries. The promises of Saddam to drop the USD. And how they could never find WMDs. And that whole fiasco.
I also remember the left being completely pissed at GW Bush for lying about why we went to Iraq.
The same exact thing is happening under Biden. Don't let party loyalty blind you from the facts. Big oil and the Federal Reserve doesn't care what party you side with. Or what party the president sides with.

This is corruption at the upper levels of our government, and NATO affiliated governments. And it should be a situation to bring right and left voters together to oppose a war for the wrong reasons on another super power. Are you that much of a party loyalist?

The same exact thing?

Bush sent thousands of troops over to Kuwait and Iraq later on.
Biden hasn't sent thousands of troops anywhere near Ukraine.
Saddam didn't have WMD. What they did have was a threat to trade their oil in Euro's, instead of the USD. The WMD excuse was a lie. We all know that now. But it was the excused that allowed an invasion that overthrew Saddam and prop up a pro USD government.
Well, that's exactly what's going on in Russia right now. All the other excuses and propaganda about how Putin is a brutal dictator, how mean he is, is just propaganda. Fact is, no one cares how good or bad the people in Russia have it. We wouldn't even care if Russia was still a communist nation. (Which is not, because Putin is not pro-communism)

Like Saddam, Russia is threatening to drop the USD.

Russia Sold $5 Billion in May as Part of Oil Fund Dollar Dump

  • Finance Ministry plans to cut fund’s dollar holdings to zero
  • Bulk of money converted to yuan; $1 billion changed to euros

Russia to consider ditching dollar-denominated oil contracts if faced with more U.S. sanctions

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Thursday said the oil and gas-rich country may soon be tempted to move away from U.S. dollar-denominated crude contracts if President Joe Biden’s administration continues to impose targeted economic sanctions.

“Well, ideally we would prefer not to move away from the dollar as it is an international currency used for settlements,” Novak told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to a translation.
Phukk the Russians...

Phukk those making excuses for the Russians...

Phukk those attempting (and failing) to create faux equivalencies in order to mask or mitigate or justify Russian barbarity against Ukraine...

you, too, tvaritch... :fu:
The same exact thing?

Bush sent thousands of troops over to Kuwait and Iraq later on.
Biden hasn't sent thousands of troops anywhere near Ukraine.
It's BS. Iraq was broken before Bush invaded and their oil business was in shambles.
It's BS. Iraq was broken before Bush invaded and their oil business was in shambles.
Well, if you say so.

I don't really know. But I do know that what has happened with Ukraine and what we did in Iraq are in no way "the same exact thing".

Now if the OP wanted to draw an equivalence between us going into Iraq and Russia going into Ukraine... thats fine. President Biden had nothing to do with Bush sending troops over there 20 years ago other than a vote to authorize force I suppose (as if Biden's nay vote would have stopped it). But even then the parallels are dubious. From what I gather, Russia was worried about NATO getting a nation on their border and a former Soviet state. That was not a concern with Iraq from what I remember.

Putting it charitably, the OP is mistaken.
It's BS. Iraq was broken before Bush invaded and their oil business was in shambles.
Agreed. Iraq was broken because the US made it so. After years of sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children, which Maddy Halfbright said was worth it, and the constant threat of US military invasion Iraq was in desperate straights.

Recall the 11 years of brutal U.S. sanctions on Iraq. They targeted and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Yes, children, not one of whom ever initiated any violence against the United States. The goal? Again, regime change. The idea was that if the Iraqi people wanted to avoid the ever-increasing death toll of their children, they could oust Saddam Hussein from power and install a regime that was acceptable to U.S. officials. Alternatively, the idea was that Saddam Hussein, if he cared about the Iraqi children, would abdicate in favor of a pro-U.S. regime or simply agree to comply with U.S. dictates.

One of the fascinating aspects of the Iraqi sanctions was the indifference among U.S. officials to the death toll among children. It just didn’t matter to them that they were killing children. In their minds, they were just enforcing sanctions — i.e., rules and regulations. Their mindsets were a perfect demonstration of what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil.”

When U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright was asked whether the deaths of half-a-million Iraqi children were worth it, she responded that while the matter was a difficult one, yes, the deaths were in fact “worth it.” No U.S. official, including her boss Bill Clinton, who some perceived as a great humanitarian, condemned Albright’s position. For that matter, neither did very many editorial or op-ed writers in the U.S. mainstream press.
Sanctions Are an Act of War – The Future of Freedom Foundation
Well, if you say so.

I don't really know. But I do know that what has happened with Ukraine and what we did in Iraq are in no way "the same exact thing".

Now if the OP wanted to draw an equivalence between us going into Iraq and Russia going into Ukraine... thats fine. President Biden had nothing to do with Bush sending troops over there 20 years ago other than a vote to authorize force I suppose (as if Biden's nay vote would have stopped it). But even then the parallels are dubious. From what I gather, Russia was worried about NATO getting a nation on their border and a former Soviet state. That was not a concern with Iraq from what I remember.

Putting it charitably, the OP is mistaken.
Allow me to inform you. Read above post.
I was born just about the time the Cold War started.

For my entire life the Russians have been assholes. We saw their brutality all over the world; Europe, Central America, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Vietnam where the NVA and VC were supplied with Russian weapons.

We thought (and hoped) they were going to play nice when the Berlin Wall went down. However, as we see afterwards and especially now, they have no intentions of being civilized.

Putin is a mad man.

Fuck 'em.
It's common knowledge now that Saddam was getting away from the USD. And that's why we invaded Iraq.

Iraq: Baghdad Moves To Euro

Common knowledge that's wrong. Iraq oil reserves were in danger of being completely ruined for lack of maintenance. That's why Saddam begged the US to lift part of the sanctions so Haliburton could go in and make repairs and updates in 1998. We invaded Iraq because of Clean Break Strategy. Look at the signatories on the 1998 PNAC letter to Clinton.
Agreed. Iraq was broken because the US made it so. After years of sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children, which Maddy Halfbright said was worth it, and the constant threat of US military invasion Iraq was in desperate straights.

Recall the 11 years of brutal U.S. sanctions on Iraq. They targeted and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Yes, children, not one of whom ever initiated any violence against the United States. The goal? Again, regime change. The idea was that if the Iraqi people wanted to avoid the ever-increasing death toll of their children, they could oust Saddam Hussein from power and install a regime that was acceptable to U.S. officials. Alternatively, the idea was that Saddam Hussein, if he cared about the Iraqi children, would abdicate in favor of a pro-U.S. regime or simply agree to comply with U.S. dictates.

One of the fascinating aspects of the Iraqi sanctions was the indifference among U.S. officials to the death toll among children. It just didn’t matter to them that they were killing children. In their minds, they were just enforcing sanctions — i.e., rules and regulations. Their mindsets were a perfect demonstration of what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil.”

When U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright was asked whether the deaths of half-a-million Iraqi children were worth it, she responded that while the matter was a difficult one, yes, the deaths were in fact “worth it.” No U.S. official, including her boss Bill Clinton, who some perceived as a great humanitarian, condemned Albright’s position. For that matter, neither did very many editorial or op-ed writers in the U.S. mainstream press.
Sanctions Are an Act of War – The Future of Freedom Foundation
More like 20 years of war and sanctions. Iraq's oil business suffered terribly during the US proxy war with Iran. They couldn't meet their OPEC quota. KSA and Kuwait picked up the shortfall. KSA forgave the debt. Kuwait refused and kept stealing Iraqi oil. The Brits began selling the war on Iraq in 1997-98 with Operation Mass Appeal.
That would be sad if not so ridiculous as to be laughable.

Not even Russia is claiming that.

The truth is even worse, Lavrov quotes 4bn, and Medvedev stated that UKR owes Russia a Debt of 16bn because after stealing Crimea Russia decided to stop paying for the lease on it's Sevastapol Naval base. :auiqs.jpg:

You people are seriously out of your minds.

Ukraine is one of the most natural resource rich countries in Europe whichy is of course why the Russians keep raping it for their natural resources.

With out Russia stealing them blind they are perfectly capable of supporting themselves or were until Russia decided to invade and destroy much of their infrastructure for which now of course, Russia will be on the hook.

Yes, Russia is claiming that. That's where I got it from Putin's own statement.
In case you missed the last twenty years or so Russia has weapons systems along every one of their borders.

How is it a problem for Ukraine to provide the same for it's side of the border?

What specific systems is it you think they had that warranted an unprovoked invasion?

Russia is a superpower.

Look bro, don't think for one minute that I'm on Russia's side of this. But I'm not on Ukraine's side either. I'm completely against world dominations. Whether it be from one country, or a group of countries like NATO.
Without provocation? Are you serious?
With the help of NATO, Ukraine now has weapon systems along the Russian border. Not to mention the fact that Ukraine has snubbed their noses at Russia for the hundreds of billions they owe Russia. How the hell do you think Ukraine has stayed afloat for as long as they have? Financial support of Russia, the US (Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden) and other countries.
The leadership of Ukraine stuffed most of that money into their personal bank accounts. Which is what happens with most foreign aid money.
Ukraine, in order to renig on their promise to pay Russia back, called on NATO countries (like the US) to circumvent Russia's demands to be paid back or return Ukraine to Russia.
Ukraine's leadership is corrupt to the core. Russia's government is probably just as corrupt. But they've been very good to Ukraine up until the last few years.
And now that Russia has it's back against the wall from all the sanctions (just like Iraq), Russia promises to dump the petro dollar. (also just like Iraq)
I wasn't sure initially if this was a sock or not.

It pretty obviously is
Why troll? Does it make you feel taller?
One of the main tactics of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is to personalize attacks upon those who bring forward inconvenient facts.

The amount of personal attacks you have launched on members in good standing, for a n00b? Is disgusting.

You have no right for this type of awful behavior. You are here, only to divide and cause hatred.

And to reinforce establishment propaganda. It's all bullshit.
Well, if you say so.

I don't really know. But I do know that what has happened with Ukraine and what we did in Iraq are in no way "the same exact thing".

Now if the OP wanted to draw an equivalence between us going into Iraq and Russia going into Ukraine... thats fine. President Biden had nothing to do with Bush sending troops over there 20 years ago other than a vote to authorize force I suppose (as if Biden's nay vote would have stopped it). But even then the parallels are dubious. From what I gather, Russia was worried about NATO getting a nation on their border and a former Soviet state. That was not a concern with Iraq from what I remember.

Putting it charitably, the OP is mistaken.
The fact of the matter is, under the rules of the UN, and the new international order after WWII, pre-emptive war was made a thing of the past, and only under very limited circumstances was it not made a thing that pariah states engaged in.

Who changed all that? GEORGE BUSH AND DICK CHENEY.

And Biden? A cog of the Deep State? Supported that bullshit. He caused the normalization of preemptive war in the modern era, so. . . . one could say, this is partially HIS FAULT!

" . . Ritter goes into great detail about how the U.S. finessed the law, or outright tried to create new legal arguments to get around the U.N. Charter in order to invade Iraq in 2003, as it had earlier bombed Serbia over Kosovo in 1999. The 2003 invasion was denounced as “illegal” by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and nearly everyone in Washington now says it was maybe the biggest foreign policy blunder in U.S. history. As WikiLeaks has revealed, not only was the crime of aggression committed, but also war crimes against civilians during the course of the war. And yet no one in government, the military or the media has paid a price.

It’s not just in Iraq and Serbia that the U.S. has made a mockery of the laws of war. There are abundant small examples from more obscure wars, like the 1989 invasion of Panama in which an entire poor neighborhood was pulverized, thousands of civilians were killed and there was no Security Council authorization. The U.S. said saving American lives allowed them to invade.

Then there was the time the U.S. massaged the law in the 1983 invasion of Grenada, which The New York Times — by today’s standards — took a very skeptical view of. In an article titled, “Legal Basis for Invasion,” the Times concludes that there wasn’t much of one. “The rationale suggested by the State Department today might be a significant departure insofar as it purports to provide a basis for ignoring the international law rules against invasions and interventions in the affairs of sovereign states whenever a few countries get together to form a collective security treaty,” the Times wrote on Oct. 27, 1983. . . ."

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I was born just about the time the Cold War started.

For my entire life the Russians have been assholes. We saw their brutality all over the world; Europe, Central America, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Vietnam where the NVA and VC were supplied with Russian weapons.

We thought (and hoped) they were going to play nice when the Berlin Wall went down. However, as we see afterwards and especially now, they have no intentions of being civilized.

Putin is a mad man.

Fuck 'em.

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