Why Russia will win

Ukraine is putting up a strong fight against Russia but the fact remains Russia has a larger better armed military and can rearm and resupply faster than Ukraine can. This does not diminish the courage and bravery of Ukraines military and people but the reality remains that without much more support from NATO and the West Putin can wear Ukriane down pointing this out is not love of or support for Putin it simply looking at the stiuation in a realisitic and honest way.
Actually that's not true. They've failed to be able to even keep gas in their vehicles and food available for their troops. They've had to abandon more equipment due to maintenance issues and lack of fuel than they've lost to enemy fire.

Even pulling their troops back from all over the world and sending in Mercenaries wasn't enough for them to conquer a pip sqeak country the size of Texas with one 1/20th their military capabilities using mostly outdated soviet era equipment.
Russia has taken far more territory in Ukraine than the US military has defended there. Most of those dead Russians happened early on before they switched tactics to lead with artillery and put large urban areas under siege as the residents of Mariupol who aren't busy digging or occupying mass graves could tell you. As soon as Zelenskyy falls, the war is effectively over and Putin has won.
The US isn't defending any territory in Ukraine.

You are of course fabricating an excuse for those losses which mount by the day as more and more lethal aid flows into Ukraine and their offensive continues to gain steam.
The MiG-29's that Poland is offering and everyone keeps bring up.
Are an old school late 1970's jet that Russia's modern air force would easily shoot down in a dog fight.
They're the exact same models Ukraine has been using since the onset of the war and only one has been shot down. Their other aircraft losses were due to the first 48hrs bombardment.

Russia has shot down more of their own aircraft than they have Ukrainian aircraft.
Spoken like a devoted little ignorant Trump communists sympathiser.
American patriots are proud if you. A war on the other side of the world, blind loyalty to a ratbag and you throw out all slivers of decency, democracy and patriotism purely to defeat Biden. Youre a very poor example of an American.
Pretty rich considering Biden tried to buy off Zelensky in order to hand the country over to Putin without him facing any significant losses.

Pretty rich considering Biden tried to buy off Zelensky in order to hand the country over to Putin without him facing any significant losses.
Thats a lie and you have not evidence to support that. Your brain is like a birds nest. All sticks and shit.
Actually that's not true. They've failed to be able to even keep gas in their vehicles and food available for their troops. They've had to abandon more equipment due to maintenance issues and lack of fuel than they've lost to enemy fire.

Even pulling their troops back from all over the world and sending in Mercenaries wasn't enough for them to conquer a pip sqeak country the size of Texas with one 1/20th their military capabilities using mostly outdated soviet era equipment.
Seems to me a pivotal moment was Russia being unable to catch and keep an airport outside Kiev (Hostomel) that would have been a supply line. Tough luck Putes!!! The Ukrainians need missiles that can hit the railheads in the East!!!

Seems to me a pivotal moment was Russia being unable to catch and keep an airport outside Kiev (Hostomel) that would have been a supply line. Tough luck Putes!!! The Ukrainians need missiles that can hit the railheads in the East!!!

That's the second airfield they've evacuated and the left so quickly they didn't even have time to put out cratering charges.

I realize the Putin butt lickers are going to keep trying to spin even that as some sort of a win but this war, at least the kinetic phase will be over soon and all they've tried to bury is going to come out.

Give 30 million peoiple cell phones after the communications networks are back up and running and they will quickly run out of places to run and hide along with Putin and his fellow war criminals.
This Is What the Yellow Part of the Ukrainian Flag Represents

Foolish human shields. The gutless Ukrainian army believes that the only way they can win is to pull back into the cities and hope other countries will intervene because of the fake victimization.

The Ukraine didn't even have a draft until it was too late. And I'm sure that when they did have one, it imitated Terminal America's and exempted those whose Daddies had money or political connections.
There are soldiers and advisers fighting for Zalenski from all over the Western alliance world.
I'm pretty sure there are US Marines there that we are not being told about. Ukraine is not that tough Militarily on their own. Donald H is spot on with his analysis that it's really a proxy war between the US and Russia. It explains the heavy Russian losses. That and what appears to be some serious deficits in their Military. But then again they spend a put 1/10 th what we do on defense.

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You fucking retard, I already provided the link.

You said he wanted to sell him out to putin. That us a lie. Your post in fact asked
Him if he wanted a safe journey out of the country to protect himself.

Its republicans like you want putin to win because Trump conti uesto praise him and you are addicted to Trump.
Until this war started every republican railed against communism with a passion of hatred and rightly so. Now you have followed Trump and are in fact supporting putin be ause you want Biden to fail.
What a treasonous arsehole you are? Wheres that home of the brave and land if the free you gsve supported for 200 years?
It doesn't apply to trumps enemies even if they a democratic and free.

You don't know the meaning if hypocrisy. Just another brain dead American.
You said he wanted to sell him out to putin. That us a lie. Your post in fact asked
Him if he wanted a safe journey out of the country to protect himself.

Its republicans like you want putin to win because Trump conti uesto praise him and you are addicted to Trump.
Until this war started every republican railed against communism with a passion of hatred and rightly so. Now you have followed Trump and are in fact supporting putin be ause you want Biden to fail.
What a treasonous arsehole you are? Wheres that home of the brave and land if the free you gsve supported for 200 years?
It doesn't apply to trumps enemies even if they a democratic and free.

You don't know the meaning if hypocrisy. Just another brain dead American.
No that isn't what I said, why are you lying again?

The offer was from Biden, not Putin.
Until this war started every republican railed against communism with a passion of hatred and rightly so. Now you have followed Trump and are in fact supporting putin be ause you want Biden to fail.
What a treasonous arsehole you are? Wheres that home of the brave and land if the free you gsve supported for 200 years?
Now you're back to fabricating bullshit by the truck load.

Biden already failed because he could have prevented the invasion if he'd simply followed Trump's plans to fortify Ukraine and permanently move US divisions into the Baltics.

Instead he acceded to Putin's wishes and cut off all lethal aid to Ukraine as one of his first actus as president and then hung them out to dry even after the Invasion started until public pressure grew to a roar both here and abroad demanding we help provide whatever they need to succeed in driving the Russians out.
There are soldiers and advisers fighting for Zalenski from all over the Western alliance world.
I'm pretty sure there are US Marines there that we are not being told about. Ukraine is not that tough Militarily on their own. Donald H is spot on with his analysis that it's really a proxy war between the US and Russia. It explains the heavy Russian losses. That and what appears to be some serious deficits in their Military. But then again they spend a put 1/10 th what we do on defense.

US troops on the ground in Ukraine would be a violation of US law and the NATO charter as well as a complete betrayal of the nation.

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