Why Russia will win

They say 10,000 Russians killed absolutely no videos of bodies. If Ukraines wiped out Russians they would have shown videos of the bodies
Maybe because Russians are killing journalists?
Russia has a decent chance as long as they have Americans to leverage!

When 99 pct of your targets are unarmed civilians...
Is that why Russia will win? Actually, I think Russia will soon see the world will not tolerate their recent villainy of scattering dead bodies all over the streets of Kiev, because too many pictures of dead Ukrainians made it to publication online by heroic photographers who have a terrible chance of getting murdered by Russian soldiers whose leaders are paranoid-schizophrenic about the deeds they are doing, whether by order or insanity. We're getting more pictures after last night's escalated massacre:






Dear God in Heaven, please have mercy on the people of Ukraine, and stop this senseless war, find homes for the babies of people who died, and mercy to the dead. Sobeit and amen.​
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It prolongs the war and putin is running out of time
Putin has time. The West can't support this forever. There are still 6 million displaced Ukrainians inside the country. The 4 million that already fled are straining NATO resources. Imagine what adding 6 million more will do. Not to mention Ukrainian wheat production when there is already a major food security problem across the world. Time favors Russia.
God damn your stupid, Russia military has no heart in a offensive war against their own
LOL...says the guy/gal who uses 'your' when it is 'you're' or 'you are'.

You ain't looking too educated yourself, pally boy.
I would have said because this is Vladimir's chief opponent:

View attachment 618348
Okay Mr. War Expert?

Tell us all EXACTLY what you would do if you were POTUS a week before Russia invaded Ukraine when your intelligence service is telling you it's gonna happen?

BTW - I despise both parties and I think Biden is going senile and should not be POTUS.
Russia may eventually win this war by sheer numbers and military might, BUT they will pay a very heavy price for generations to come, in terms of terrorist events and insurgency. And it'll spill over into Russia including Moscow.
Is that why Russia will win? Actually, I think Russia will soon see the world will not tolerate their recent villainy of scattering dead bodies all over the streets of Kiev, because too many pictures of dead Ukrainians made it to publication online by heroic photographers who have a terrible chance of getting murdered by Russian soldiers whose leaders are paranoid-schizophrenic about the deeds they are doing, whether by order or insanity. We're getting more pictures after last night's escalated massacre:

Could've been staged by Ukrainian army in order to get more weapons from the West.
Is that why Russia will win? Actually, I think Russia will soon see the world will not tolerate their recent villainy of scattering dead bodies all over the streets of Kiev, because too many pictures of dead Ukrainians made it to publication online by heroic photographers who have a terrible chance of getting murdered by Russian soldiers whose leaders are paranoid-schizophrenic about the deeds they are doing, whether by order or insanity. We're getting more pictures after last night's escalated massacre:

When will you put a sock in your phony Dear God in Heaven trap, Teresa?
That's what Oleksiy Arestovych, some such adviser of some presidential office of Ukraine, Ukrainian Jen Psaki in short, presented as a proof of the horrible things Russians did to an innocent woman in Gostomel near Kiev a few days ago.
Аристович photo_2022-04-04_11-56-50.jpg

He deleted it later though when he was found guilty of lying, because what happened to that woman the western journalist Patrick Lancaster described in his YouTube report on Mariupol on 27 of March. mark 2:07

Your Butcha "massacre" is of the same caliber. Ukr Nazi thugs did it all and are shifting the blame on Russians now to stir up the world wide indignation. It's just the false flag the Russians warned about not long ago.
When will you put a sock in your phony Dear God in Heaven trap, Teresa?
That's what Oleksiy Arestovych, some such adviser of some presidential office of Ukraine, Ukrainian Jen Psaki in short, presented as a proof of the horrible things Russians did to an innocent woman in Gostomel near Kiev a few days ago.
View attachment 626130

He deleted it later though when he was found guilty of lying, because what happened to that woman the western journalist Patrick Lancaster described in his YouTube report on Mariupol on 27 of March. mark 2:07

Your Butcha "massacre" is of the same caliber. Ukr Nazi thugs did it all and are shifting the blame on Russians now to stir up the world wide indignation. It's just the false flag the Russians warned about not long ago.

Very well could be!
Most Americans prefer knee-jerk reacting as opposed to critical thought.
Russia may eventually win this war by sheer numbers and military might, BUT they will pay a very heavy price for generations to come, in terms of terrorist events and insurgency. And it'll spill over into Russia including Moscow.
That would depend on how it ends. Little chance of insurgency if the Ukraine is forced to surrender. Westerners have options not seen in places like the Middle East. If Russia annexed the whole Ukraine maybe, but if some or most of it was intact, Russia would retaliate for every act.
Could've been staged by Ukrainian army in order to get more weapons from the West.
The photographers out there might know. Unfortunately, russians don't take kindly to photograph details and kill the news crews trying to record accurately egregious acts of merciless killings of children, women, and men without guns.
When 99 pct of your targets are unarmed civilians...
That isn't how you win, that's how you get everyone capable of throwing a grenade, molatav, or shooting a rifle joins the resistance and wipes your troops out one at a time for as long as they remain in your country.

Only pussies cave to dictators like Putin until they no longer have any means with which to resist at all.

Putin has now lost in six weeks more than double the men and material lost in a decade in Afghanistan, the last time they were driven back home bleeding from gaping wounds with their tails between their legs.

He may well claim some new territories out of this invasion but he's lost every way he could lose strategically, tactically, politically, and most certainly economically.

Hell they never even got into the city of Kiev before the Ukrainian offensive pushed them completely out of the Keiv area including the suburbs.

They failed to achieve any of their first week objectives in six weeks and that's an utter embarrassment.

The only bigger embarrassment is the fact that with their massive air force and anti aircraft capability they never could establish air dominance which is why they failed at everything else.

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