Why RussiaGate is 100% 'fake news'"


You are simply mixing the words collusion with meddling. Two different things and two different crimes. When you need to defend against accusations of meddling, the defense reverts to changing the topic to collusion or physically manipulating ballots.

IF Russia meddled in our election, then they are no different than the EU and International Bankers through Soros.

How does that affect Trump?

Unless you fascists can show evidence of collusion, all you have is slander and libel - which is in FACT all you have.
As stated previously and which you must play ignorance of, collusion is not the same as interfering or meddling and both interfering and meddling can be illegal. Planting of fake stories and rumors does not necessarily equate to collusion, but may equate to meddling.

You are simply stuck on the regular PoliticalChic method of distorting and deflecting. A distortion that deflects away from truth to promote misinformation or a false impression is the same as a lie. Taking statements out of context or editing them to make a false impression is the same as lying.

IF Russia meddled in our election, then they are no different than the EU and International Bankers through Soros.

How does that affect Trump? Who will you fascists charge? And with what?

All you have is slander and libel. This is a witch hunt meant to impede the functions of the executive branch, it is sedition teetering on the edge of open treason.
Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

Mexico did FAR more to interfere in this and dozens of other elections that Russia ever dreamed of doing. The FACT that Mexico hacks EVERY election is why you fascists are so dead set against a wall or any impediment to illegals.

Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.

"The NSA caught the russians hacking."

Of course, that's not true.

What you claim is an impossibility....but, as a liar, that is no bar to your posts.

Let's prove what I say:

From PBS-
There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab." Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?

On the one hand you're looking more and more like a fool....but you are a terrific witness for everything I post.

Keep up the good work.
IF Russia meddled in our election, then they are no different than the EU and International Bankers through Soros.

The constitution prohibits interference from foreign governments, not foriegn citizens or corporations.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person
holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of
the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind
whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.
This threads entire purpose is to support trump's lame claim that the investigation of his and his administration's connections with Russia impacted or influenced the election or if Russia's meddling on it's own impacted or influenced the election is a "witch hunt". Trump's goal at this point is to undermine any investigation into his conduct. This thread is an effort to do the same.
While the wingnuts remain is a state of denial about Russiagate, (which is easy for them since they are generally delusional anyway), here is why Russiagate is significant:

1. Everyone in the world is likely to influence the American elections as much as they can. Russia's attempts should not be a big deal. But what is a bis deal is that there are so many wingnuts that believed and propagated false information that any intelligent person would immediately recognize as bogus. Not only did they propagate the obvious fake news started by Russia, but they also believed and propagated the lies about Benghazi & Clinton-s email server. Any inteligent person, whether they liked Clinton or not, recognized that these were a product of a campaign of character assassination and nothing more. But in their continuing delusional state they would believe ANYTHING! (Even that Clinton was running a child slavery ring from a pizzeria! That's how DELUSIONAL these people are!)

2. Any knowledge that any Trump supporter had of Russian attempts to influence the election requires that person to report it to the FBI or similar authorities. It does not require a quid pro quo for it to be a crime.

3. If their was any quid pro quo involved, then it is a crime bordering on treason.

4. Donald Trump's public statements, encouraging the Russian to hack into Clinton's or the DNC's emails, is enough to impeach him. Ther really doesn't have to be any further evidence.

So as of now, there is enough evidence to impeach Trump and remove him from office. The first question is who else is guilty and who should go to jail?

The second and larger question is:

What can we do about the millions of delusional Americans that were stupid enough to believe obviously fake news and elect a scam artist to be President?
Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.

"The NSA caught the russians hacking."

Of course, that's not true.

Senate Committee investigating Trump Russia ties will begin hearings with 20 witnesses

The Democrat senator charged with investigating Donald Trump team's possible ties to Russia has said the techniques used by the Kremlin "would send a chill down anyone who believes in the democratic process".

Mr Warner warned however that “it’s important to not lose sight of what this investigation is about: an outside foreign adversary sought to hijack” a crucial democratic election.

McCain: Russian cyberintrusions an 'act of war' - CNNPolitics.com

Sen. John McCain said Friday that Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election amounted to an "act of war."

The Arizona Republican, who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

Mexico did FAR more to interfere in this and dozens of other elections that Russia ever dreamed of doing. The FACT that Mexico hacks EVERY election is why you fascists are so dead set against a wall or any impediment to illegals.

Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.

The fuck they didn't. You fascists are such fucking liars.

Exposed: Mexico's Startling Plan That Could Steal The Election From Trump
Mexico Ex-President Backs Hillary Clinton; Presidency Is ‘A Real Lady’ | D.C. Watchdog
Mexican senators tout 'Tell Them To Vote' in US election
Welcome To The Mexican-American Election | The Huffington Post
In Mexico, volunteers dig deep to get out the (US) vote

Mexico directly and heavily influenced EVERY election in the last 50 years, delivering the California vote to the fascist party every time.Mexico put the fascists in charge of California (what they term "Norte Californi") and are the reason that the fascist have lock in the state.
This threads entire purpose is to support trump's lame claim that the investigation of his and his administration's connections with Russia impacted or influenced the election or if Russia's meddling on it's own impacted or influenced the election is a "witch hunt". Trump's goal at this point is to undermine any investigation into his conduct. This thread is an effort to do the same.

You've been a great help in proving the accuracy of the thread in general, and my posts in particular.

I've obliterated every one of your post.....but, it is a low bar.

The larger truth is that the Russians had nothing to do with Bill's wife's loss, that being indicated by the fact that Obama knew the Russian have always tried to get into the internet of both parties.....

....but assumed that his candidate would win big time, and so the Democrats didn't want to mention the Russians as it might taint her assumed victory.

Now that you Leftists have been rejected, it becomes imperative to slander the new administration.

Post further, and I'll rip you a new one every time.

Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.

"The NSA caught the russians hacking."

Of course, that's not true.

Senate Committee investigating Trump Russia ties will begin hearings with 20 witnesses

The Democrat senator charged with investigating Donald Trump team's possible ties to Russia has said the techniques used by the Kremlin "would send a chill down anyone who believes in the democratic process".

Mr Warner warned however that “it’s important to not lose sight of what this investigation is about: an outside foreign adversary sought to hijack” a crucial democratic election.

McCain: Russian cyberintrusions an 'act of war' - CNNPolitics.com

Sen. John McCain said Friday that Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election amounted to an "act of war."

The Arizona Republican, who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee,

I don't see the word 'evidence.'

that which tends to prove or disprove something;ground for belief; proof.
the definition of evidence

You should also become familiar with this, as you will see it throughout your life in greater and greater frequency:
a harmlessly deranged person or one lacking in common powers of understanding
Definition of FOOL

Ready to admit how I absolutely obliterated you in post #244??

Outstanding, wasn't it?
Mexico directly and heavily influenced EVERY election in the last 50 years, delivering the California vote to the fascist party every time.Mexico put the fascists in charge of California (what they term "Norte Californi") and are the reason that the fascist have lock in the state.

Osma BinLadaen influenced american elections. But BinLaden didn't do so by HACKING into USA computers, which is what Russia did, and what McCain called an 'act of war' and Warner said was chilling to the democratic process.
Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

Mexico did FAR more to interfere in this and dozens of other elections that Russia ever dreamed of doing. The FACT that Mexico hacks EVERY election is why you fascists are so dead set against a wall or any impediment to illegals.

Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.

The fuck they didn't. You fascists are such fucking liars.

Exposed: Mexico's Startling Plan That Could Steal The Election From Trump
Mexico Ex-President Backs Hillary Clinton; Presidency Is ‘A Real Lady’ | D.C. Watchdog
Mexican senators tout 'Tell Them To Vote' in US election
Welcome To The Mexican-American Election | The Huffington Post
In Mexico, volunteers dig deep to get out the (US) vote

Mexico directly and heavily influenced EVERY election in the last 50 years, delivering the California vote to the fascist party every time.Mexico put the fascists in charge of California (what they term "Norte Californi") and are the reason that the fascist have lock in the state.
You misuse words to fit your own definitions as a routine. Fascism is one, but that is a different subject. You are using the words interfere and influence as if they are interchangeable. They are not, You have what is called spinicitus. That is a condition where you come to believe spins a factual data. Fraudulent talking points become facts in you mind. You believe the nonsense and reject the logical. Your spinicitus causes you to live in the spin bubble.
While the wingnuts remain is a state of denial about Russiagate, (which is easy for them since they are generally delusional anyway), here is why Russiagate is significant:

1. Everyone in the world is likely to influence the American elections as much as they can. Russia's attempts should not be a big deal. But what is a bis deal is that there are so many wingnuts that believed and propagated false information that any intelligent person would immediately recognize as bogus. Not only did they propagate the obvious fake news started by Russia, but they also believed and propagated the lies about Benghazi & Clinton-s email server. Any inteligent person, whether they liked Clinton or not, recognized that these were a product of a campaign of character assassination and nothing more. But in their continuing delusional state they would believe ANYTHING! (Even that Clinton was running a child slavery ring from a pizzeria! That's how DELUSIONAL these people are!)

2. Any knowledge that any Trump supporter had of Russian attempts to influence the election requires that person to report it to the FBI or similar authorities. It does not require a quid pro quo for it to be a crime.

3. If their was any quid pro quo involved, then it is a crime bordering on treason.

4. Donald Trump's public statements, encouraging the Russian to hack into Clinton's or the DNC's emails, is enough to impeach him. Ther really doesn't have to be any further evidence.

So as of now, there is enough evidence to impeach Trump and remove him from office. The first question is who else is guilty and who should go to jail?

The second and larger question is:

What can we do about the millions of delusional Americans that were stupid enough to believe obviously fake news and elect a scam artist to be President?

Has anyone in the intelligence community stated that they have any proof of what you claim?
Mexico directly and heavily influenced EVERY election in the last 50 years, delivering the California vote to the fascist party every time.Mexico put the fascists in charge of California (what they term "Norte Californi") and are the reason that the fascist have lock in the state.

Osma BinLadaen influenced american elections. But BinLaden didn't do so by HACKING into USA computers, which is what Russia did, and what McCain called an 'act of war' and Warner said was chilling to the democratic process.

Post #244 proved that there isn't, nor can there ever be, proof that Russia did what the DNC is telling you to claim.

Isn't that true?
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia
who did that exactly?

According to Sen Warner on the senate intelligence committee, it was the russians.
based on what?
I don't see the word 'evidence.'

The evidence is classified Top Secret
Those senators have the clearance and responsibility to access the evidence, and I posted their conclusions based on that evidence.

Sooooo.....you have no evidence, none has even been offered by anyone in any administration....yet you are fearful of disputing the words of your masters?

Sounds like you're a fool or a coward.

Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia
who did that exactly?

According to Sen Warner on the senate intelligence committee, it was the russians.
based on what?

I believe the term is 'propaganda.'

But...heck,....it's good enough for a reliable Democrat voter.

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