Why RussiaGate is 100% 'fake news'"

Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia
who did that exactly?

According to Sen Warner on the senate intelligence committee, it was the russians.

Only the Russians? So the cabal of international bankers behind Soros did nothing to influence the election? The CFR did nothing? The Mexican advocacy did nothing? The Muslims did nothing?

You fascists are a joke - WAHHHH, dey did da samed ting we iz doing - NO FAIR.
....let's get to this dispositive element of the episode....from the OP:

All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

Still waiting...impatiently.

I still don't see a question '?'
English may be your native tongue, but because you failed to complete or pass 2nd grade, you never learned of rhetorical questions....

Are those what political chick was accusing people of not answering?

Here's the very question:
"The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation."

It's the one all of you Liberal troglodytes fear.
Why the fear of answering this query?

It is central to the issue, as it is the nexus of the DNC, Bill's wife, CrowdStrike, Comey and the FBI.

....let's get to this dispositive element of the episode....from the OP:

All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

Any of you sworn Leftists what to take a chance???
Only the Russians? So the cabal of international bankers behind Soros did nothing to influence the election? The CFR did nothing? The Mexican advocacy did nothing? The Muslims did nothing?

You fascists are a joke - WAHHHH, dey did da samed ting we iz doing - NO FAIR.

Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

You are simply mixing the words collusion with meddling. Two different things and two different crimes. When you need to defend against accusations of meddling, the defense reverts to changing the topic to collusion or physically manipulating ballots.

IF Russia meddled in our election, then they are no different than the EU and International Bankers through Soros.

How does that affect Trump?

Unless you fascists can show evidence of collusion, all you have is slander and libel - which is in FACT all you have.
As stated previously and which you must play ignorance of, collusion is not the same as interfering or meddling and both interfering and meddling can be illegal. Planting of fake stories and rumors does not necessarily equate to collusion, but may equate to meddling.

You are simply stuck on the regular PoliticalChic method of distorting and deflecting. A distortion that deflects away from truth to promote misinformation or a false impression is the same as a lie. Taking statements out of context or editing them to make a false impression is the same as lying.
Here's the very question:
"The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation."

It's the one all of you Liberal troglodytes fear.

When you post a question i'll answer it. I don't see a '?' anywhere to identify with.
Only the Russians? So the cabal of international bankers behind Soros did nothing to influence the election? The CFR did nothing? The Mexican advocacy did nothing? The Muslims did nothing?

You fascists are a joke - WAHHHH, dey did da samed ting we iz doing - NO FAIR.

Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

Anyone in the agencies that are tasked with getting such intel claim that there is evidence of it?


Seems not:

"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart


"While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror


You are simply mixing the words collusion with meddling. Two different things and two different crimes. When you need to defend against accusations of meddling, the defense reverts to changing the topic to collusion or physically manipulating ballots.

IF Russia meddled in our election, then they are no different than the EU and International Bankers through Soros.

How does that affect Trump?

Unless you fascists can show evidence of collusion, all you have is slander and libel - which is in FACT all you have.
As stated previously and which you must play ignorance of, collusion is not the same as interfering or meddling and both interfering and meddling can be illegal. Planting of fake stories and rumors does not necessarily equate to collusion, but may equate to meddling.

You are simply stuck on the regular PoliticalChic method of distorting and deflecting. A distortion that deflects away from truth to promote misinformation or a false impression is the same as a lie. Taking statements out of context or editing them to make a false impression is the same as lying.

Anyone in intell backing you up?

Seems not.

"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart


"While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.

The full court press by the Left and it's allies is to support their failed candidate and failed policies.

1. "Russiagate is falling apart and US lawmakers are scrambling to find any strand of evidence, however flimsy, that Russia interfered in the US election.

2. [In the following] have Professor Stephen Cohen, a real Russia expert fluent in the language, explain in a little over 5 minutes why the entire Russiagate witch hunt is 100% fake news. It is (as Cohen explains in the video below) insulting to the American electorate, irresponsible and very dangerous ....

3. Cohen’s key point…“This figure 17 [intelligence agencies] is bogus.”

“The one agency that could conceivably have done a forensic examination on the Democratic computers is the National Security Agency. We learned from Snowden, they’re in your computer, mine, our e-phones.”

“Everybody else who signed that report, said they were highly confident. The NSA said it was only moderately confident.”
MUST WATCH: Professor Stephen Cohen explains in 5 minutes why RussiaGate is 100% fake news (Video)

4. Democrats "Russia had hijacked our democracy."
The Professor: "...not one piece of factual evidence."

5. All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

6. The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

7. "Yet night after night people come on and say that 17 intelligence agencies....have concluded that Russian government was behind this."


Saw this last night.
The FBI taking advice from Hillary's investigators.

Time to fire Comey.
Here's the very question:
"The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation."

It's the one all of you Liberal troglodytes fear.

When you post a question i'll answer it. I don't see a '?' anywhere to identify with.

The form of this sentence does not require a question mark.
"The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation."

You didn't know that???
Or...it was simply your attempt at obfuscation?

More proof of this:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.

The full court press by the Left and it's allies is to support their failed candidate and failed policies.

1. "Russiagate is falling apart and US lawmakers are scrambling to find any strand of evidence, however flimsy, that Russia interfered in the US election.

2. [In the following] have Professor Stephen Cohen, a real Russia expert fluent in the language, explain in a little over 5 minutes why the entire Russiagate witch hunt is 100% fake news. It is (as Cohen explains in the video below) insulting to the American electorate, irresponsible and very dangerous ....

3. Cohen’s key point…“This figure 17 [intelligence agencies] is bogus.”

“The one agency that could conceivably have done a forensic examination on the Democratic computers is the National Security Agency. We learned from Snowden, they’re in your computer, mine, our e-phones.”

“Everybody else who signed that report, said they were highly confident. The NSA said it was only moderately confident.”
MUST WATCH: Professor Stephen Cohen explains in 5 minutes why RussiaGate is 100% fake news (Video)

4. Democrats "Russia had hijacked our democracy."
The Professor: "...not one piece of factual evidence."

5. All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

6. The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

7. "Yet night after night people come on and say that 17 intelligence agencies....have concluded that Russian government was behind this."


Saw this last night.
The FBI taking advice from Hillary's investigators.

Time to fire Comey.

And not just Comey.
[Or....are you unaware of the meaning of 'pertinent'?] is a rhetorical question, sparky.

And the ONLY question in her post. Maybe you can translate political chic into the form of a question as they would say on jeopardy.

You've served your purpose.....you can move on.
....you may pin the tail on yourself.
Is there something wrong with the republican mind. Al Franken asked Jeff Sessions a question, and his answer had nothing to do with the question Franken asked.

Political chic keeps claiming she asked a question, without actually asking a question, and then bitching people won't answer her.
Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.


Mexico did FAR more to interfere in this and dozens of other elections that Russia ever dreamed of doing. The FACT that Mexico hacks EVERY election is why you fascists are so dead set against a wall or any impediment to illegals.
Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

Mexico did FAR more to interfere in this and dozens of other elections that Russia ever dreamed of doing. The FACT that Mexico hacks EVERY election is why you fascists are so dead set against a wall or any impediment to illegals.

Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.
Is there something wrong with the republican mind. Al Franken asked Jeff Sessions a question, and his answer had nothing to do with the question Franken asked.

Political chic keeps claiming she asked a question, without actually asking a question, and then bitching people won't answer her.

Your posts remind me of the bon mot, 'So dumb, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.'

As I have only your best interests at heart, I recommend that you never chew gum, as it might restrict your perambulation in case of fire.

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