Why RussiaGate is 100% 'fake news'"

According to Sen Warner on the senate intelligence committee, it was the russians.
based on what?

Based on his seeing the top secret evidence the NSA had.

The NSA has no such evidence.

Want proof?


"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart


"While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

This is why I love when you post!!!!
Sooooo.....you have no evidence, none has even been offered by anyone in any administration....yet you are fearful of disputing the words of your masters?

Right after the U-2's photographed missiles in Cuba, If JFK claimed there were missiles in cuba, he wouldn't have any 'evidence' either that he could present.

That's the nature of top secret evidence not being presentable to the public.
You claim there is no evidence, should actually read, there is no DECLASSIFIED evidence of the russians hacking into the USA.

So YES, I will admit there is no DECLASSIFIED evidence of russian hacking.

But 17 intelligence agencies used the top secret evidence to conclude the russians hacked into the USA and attempted to influence the 2016 elections.
Mexico directly and heavily influenced EVERY election in the last 50 years, delivering the California vote to the fascist party every time.Mexico put the fascists in charge of California (what they term "Norte Californi") and are the reason that the fascist have lock in the state.

Osma BinLadaen influenced american elections. But BinLaden didn't do so by HACKING into USA computers, which is what Russia did, and what McCain called an 'act of war' and Warner said was chilling to the democratic process.

No, they didn't release FACTS from democrats own emails, instead they DIRECTLY had agents VOTE in American elections.
Russia was the only foreign government hacking the USA in order to influence an election.

Mexico did FAR more to interfere in this and dozens of other elections that Russia ever dreamed of doing. The FACT that Mexico hacks EVERY election is why you fascists are so dead set against a wall or any impediment to illegals.

Mexico didn't hack into the USA. The NSA caught the russians hacking.

The fuck they didn't. You fascists are such fucking liars.

Exposed: Mexico's Startling Plan That Could Steal The Election From Trump
Mexico Ex-President Backs Hillary Clinton; Presidency Is ‘A Real Lady’ | D.C. Watchdog
Mexican senators tout 'Tell Them To Vote' in US election
Welcome To The Mexican-American Election | The Huffington Post
In Mexico, volunteers dig deep to get out the (US) vote

Mexico directly and heavily influenced EVERY election in the last 50 years, delivering the California vote to the fascist party every time.Mexico put the fascists in charge of California (what they term "Norte Californi") and are the reason that the fascist have lock in the state.
You misuse words to fit your own definitions as a routine. Fascism is one, but that is a different subject. You are using the words interfere and influence as if they are interchangeable. They are not, You have what is called spinicitus. That is a condition where you come to believe spins a factual data. Fraudulent talking points become facts in you mind. You believe the nonsense and reject the logical. Your spinicitus causes you to live in the spin bubble.

Again, you fascist have nothing but slander. The WORST offender of any foreign nation for manipulating and interfering in American elections is Mexico - hands down.

BECAUSE that "hacking" benefits you fascists, you want to pretend it doesn't matter.
I don't see the word 'evidence.'

The evidence is classified Top Secret
Those senators have the clearance and responsibility to access the evidence, and I posted their conclusions based on that evidence.

Sooooo.....you have no evidence, none has even been offered by anyone in any administration....yet you are fearful of disputing the words of your masters?

Sounds like you're a fool or a coward.

When a person lies to you about something the lie becomes evidence. So, when trump administration officials, campaign officials or anyone connected to the officials lie about contacts with a foreign government of persons with connections to a foreign government, those lies become evidence. The lies told by trump associates about not having contact with Russians before, during and after the election are evidence. You just refuse to recognize those lies as evidence.
This threads entire purpose is to support trump's lame claim that the investigation of his and his administration's connections with Russia impacted or influenced the election or if Russia's meddling on it's own impacted or influenced the election is a "witch hunt". Trump's goal at this point is to undermine any investigation into his conduct. This thread is an effort to do the same.
well the facts are, you got squat juice as evidence.
Again, you fascist have nothing but slander. The WORST offender of any foreign nation for manipulating and interfering in American elections is Mexico - hands down.

BECAUSE that "hacking" benefits you fascists, you want to pretend it doesn't matter.

It's all about the methods, and the intent.
I don't see the word 'evidence.'

The evidence is classified Top Secret
Those senators have the clearance and responsibility to access the evidence, and I posted their conclusions based on that evidence.

Sooooo.....you have no evidence, none has even been offered by anyone in any administration....yet you are fearful of disputing the words of your masters?

Sounds like you're a fool or a coward.

When a person lies to you about something the lie becomes evidence. So, when trump administration officials, campaign officials or anyone connected to the officials lie about contacts with a foreign government of persons with connections to a foreign government, those lies become evidence. The lies told by trump associates about not having contact with Russians before, during and after the election are evidence. You just refuse to recognize those lies as evidence.
well the facts are, you got squat juice as evidence.

post #243. and now, show us your evidence. please prove me wrong.
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When a person lies to you about something the lie becomes evidence. So, when trump administration officials, campaign officials or anyone connected to the officials lie about contacts with a foreign government of persons with connections to a foreign government, those lies become evidence. .

That's what a federal judge would instruct the jury.
Sooooo.....you have no evidence, none has even been offered by anyone in any administration....yet you are fearful of disputing the words of your masters?

Right after the U-2's photographed missiles in Cuba, If JFK claimed there were missiles in cuba, he wouldn't have any 'evidence' either that he could present.

That's the nature of top secret evidence not being presentable to the public.
so you got squat juice as I already stated. thanks for the answer.
When a person lies to you about something the lie becomes evidence. So, when trump administration officials, campaign officials or anyone connected to the officials lie about contacts with a foreign government of persons with connections to a foreign government, those lies become evidence. .

That's what a federal judge would instruct the jury.
evidence of what?
so you got squat juice as I already stated. thanks for the answer.

So YES, I will admit there is no DECLASSIFIED evidence of russian hacking.

But 17 intelligence agencies used the top secret evidence to conclude the russians hacked into the USA and attempted to influence the 2016 elections.
This threads entire purpose is to support trump's lame claim that the investigation of his and his administration's connections with Russia impacted or influenced the election or if Russia's meddling on it's own impacted or influenced the election is a "witch hunt". Trump's goal at this point is to undermine any investigation into his conduct. This thread is an effort to do the same.
well the facts are, you got squat juice as evidence.
The provable lies from trump and his crew are evidence.
so you got squat juice as I already stated. thanks for the answer.

So YES, I will admit there is no DECLASSIFIED evidence of russian hacking.

But 17 intelligence agencies used the top secret evidence to conclude the russians hacked into the USA and attempted to influence the 2016 elections.
no there isn't that was debunked on tucker carlson last night. there weren't 17 agencies that said anything., there was Clapper and Comey and that's it. nice try though, you think you're shifty but really, you aren't.

And there is squat juice. If you think I'm taking squat juice as evidence you're saddly mistaken. so right now you can't make an argument. I can! Neither myself or you has seen anything. so you can't make a statement. so why not shut the f up until some is given. Oh and I also have that our intelligence agencies haven't seen the DNC server. so exactly how is it they'd know?
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.!!

LOL- Trumpsters so desperate to protect Russia.

Fact is that the FBI and the CIA and NSA have all confirmed that Russia tried to influence our Presidential election.

Why are the Trumpsters so desperate to protect Russia?

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