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Why schools in the United States should not re-open this fall.

Love all these bullshit claims that have no basis in reality.

All based on models that have been so fucking wrong, my dead grandmother could do better.

I can still recall when people said it would hit 2.2 million.

A lot of places didn't really lockdown.

We killed a lot of elderly.

That's not happening as much anymore.
Trump, your glorified leader whom you plan to vote for said covid 19 would disappear by April. You continue to push his ideas and thinking which have been wrong failed this country at every point in this crises. 140,000 dead Americans are not enough for you to reverse course and actually support policy that would defeat the virus.

And this is what was said when President Trump was taking action to protect our country. What did Democrats do?

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.


Coronavirus: China’s 17 day delay in releasing genome sequence of COVID-19
Health authorities have issued a dire warning about coronavirus as it continues to spread rapidly across China and the world.
Staff writers and wire
news.com.au FEBRUARY 13, 20207:23AM

There was a 17 day delay in the release of critical information about coronavirus during the crucial early stages of the outbreak, it’s been revealed.

A group of scientists is now calling for changes in the way new viruses are reported.

In a letter to medical journal The Lancet, the scientists said one of the important lessons from the outbreak was a delay in releasing information.

“The Chinese authorities ruled out SARS and MERS, as well as a few other non-coronaviruses, on January 5, and confirmed a novel coronavirus as a potential cause on January 9,” they said in the Lancet.

“However, the genome sequence — crucial for rapid development of diagnostics needed in an outbreak response — was not released until January 12, 2020 — 17 days after the preliminary sequence data were obtained.”


Published 1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts."

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)

Maybe, or maybe they got a different variant of the virus or the people there have a different make up, high resistance. You don't know.

And the Democratic governors made it clear, THEY run their states, not Trump, so quite trying to pin everything on him.
Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.

You must have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link supporting your allegation. Without that, your post is meaningless, isn' it?

Its my own personal estimate. What is your estimate or do you even have one?
It would barely impact it. Kids are already hanging out in mass groups and quantities. You just need to protect the teachers.

Kids have parents they go home to. They are perfect at spreading the virus to their parents and Grandparents who live in their homes. Kill the parents and Grandparents, and now you have Kids that the state will have to take care of.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your chance of dying from Covid-19 is barely 1%. If it was even remotely likely that a toddler giving everyone in their family Covid-19 would result in them being orphans, then you should have thousands of examples by now. Do you?

No you do not. You people.... see this is how I know my position is dead on right, when the opposition has make up these chicken little, drama queen, panties in a bunch, claims.
Trump, your glorified leader whom you plan to vote for said covid 19 would disappear by April. You continue to push his ideas and thinking which have been wrong failed this country at every point in this crises. 140,000 dead Americans are not enough for you to reverse course and actually support policy that would defeat the virus.

And this is what was said when President Trump was taking action to protect our country. What did Democrats do?

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.


Coronavirus: China’s 17 day delay in releasing genome sequence of COVID-19
Health authorities have issued a dire warning about coronavirus as it continues to spread rapidly across China and the world.
Staff writers and wire
news.com.au FEBRUARY 13, 20207:23AM

There was a 17 day delay in the release of critical information about coronavirus during the crucial early stages of the outbreak, it’s been revealed.

A group of scientists is now calling for changes in the way new viruses are reported.

In a letter to medical journal The Lancet, the scientists said one of the important lessons from the outbreak was a delay in releasing information.

“The Chinese authorities ruled out SARS and MERS, as well as a few other non-coronaviruses, on January 5, and confirmed a novel coronavirus as a potential cause on January 9,” they said in the Lancet.

“However, the genome sequence — crucial for rapid development of diagnostics needed in an outbreak response — was not released until January 12, 2020 — 17 days after the preliminary sequence data were obtained.”


Published 1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts."

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)

Thank you for the post.

The revisionists are hard at work....George Orwell style to push this down.

Fortunately, the left is running a rancid tomato at the top of the ticket. The poor bastard won't remember is middle name come november.
Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.

You must have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link supporting your allegation. Without that, your post is meaningless, isn' it?

Its my own personal estimate. What is your estimate or do you even have one?
It would barely impact it. Kids are already hanging out in mass groups and quantities. You just need to protect the teachers.

Kids have parents they go home to. They are perfect at spreading the virus to their parents and Grandparents who live in their homes. Kill the parents and Grandparents, and now you have Kids that the state will have to take care of.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your chance of dying from Covid-19 is barely 1%. If it was even remotely likely that a toddler giving everyone in their family Covid-19 would result in them being orphans, then you should have thousands of examples by now. Do you?

No you do not. You people.... see this is how I know my position is dead on right, when the opposition has make up these chicken little, drama queen, panties in a bunch, claims.

It's just part of the "hide in the basement" crowd.

Almost fun to watch if it was not so pathetic.
Please tell, what is the "specific" number of deaths per year that would be acceptable?
TAIWAN has proven that to be as low as 100 for a country the size of the United States when it comes to the COVID-19 VIRUS.There is no reason, that the United States should have a higher number of deaths per capita from Covid -19 than TAIWAN.

Pretty easy to control things where you are nothing but a TINY LITTLE ISLAND, jackass.
Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
By Jennifer Henderson, CNN 1 hr ago

Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers -- Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings -- said they're still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

I think that's really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can't even keep our staff safe by themselves ... how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don't see how that's possible to do that," he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

"Many grandparents, wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school- mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high risk category of being older with more health issues," he said.

"They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom ... let's get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal."

Really... the 61 year old teacher died. My mother retired before that.

So for how long? 10 years closed? Should we just allow an entire generation of kids grow up unable to do math?

What is your plan exactly.

1. Reduce the daily infection rate to levels that are low enough for contact tracers to be able to follow and do their investigations which involve testing, questioning and isolating people.

2. You reduce the daily infection rate by isolating everyone as much as possible and remaining in isolation until the number of infections drop to a level that can be managed.

3. Its what New Zealand and TAIWAN did. They are the proof that it is possible.

4. The longer the United States waits to go into the lock down mode, the longer it will have to stay in lock down mode to defeat the virus.

5. Until the virus is defeated, the U.S. economy will NEVER RECOVER!

I'm just going to respond to 4 and 5, because those are really the crux of the matter.

This is where the problem is. You want to shut down the planet, until the virus is defeated.

You will never defeat this virus. Never. Covid-19 will never disappear. Hasn't in New Zealand, won't here.

And this is where we simply have to defeat people like you politically.

Because you would destroy millions on millions of people, to try and eliminate a virus that will never be eliminated.

Can we eliminate the flu? Should we shut down the planet for the flu?

Because think about it..... We have vaccines for the flu. We have tested and proven treatments for the flu. The flu is LESS contagious than Covid-19.

Less contagious, tested treatments, and we have a vaccine.

Why have we not eliminated the flu? Why have we not stamped out the flu?

Yet you want us to shut down the country for a virus that is more contiguous, that we have not had decades of tested treatments for, that we have no vaccine for.

That is suicide. No. Sorry. We are *WILL* reopen the economy. We are not your slaves. You are not our masters. We live in a country based on freedom. And you don't get to tell everyone else that they have to end their entire lives, because you are scared of a little virus.

Sorry. Tough snot. We get to vote too. And I'll be voting against any politician that continues the lock down. I'm glad you made that post though, because you effectively are advertisement for Trump.

You are the reason we need to vote Trump. I hope he wins, and I hope he ends this dumb lockdown.

1. The seasonal flu is not the covid-19 virus. Anyone can get the annual seasonal flu shot and avoid dying from the flu. There is no vaccine yet for Covid-19 and it has a death rate 45 times that of seasonal flu. Unfortunately, you don't understand these differences which is why you bring up seasonal flu.

2. You can rebuild and economy of a country a city anything. Japan rebuild Hiroshima which was NUKED in August 1945. By 1958, Hiroshima was larger and wealthier than it had been in 1945 before it was nuked.

3. What you can't do, is bring back people who have died from covid-19. You can bring back the economy, but you can't bring back the people that have died.

4. The economy will remain in recession as long as the covid-19 virus is not contained. The only path to a better economy is by containing and defeating the virus.

5. New Zealand and TAIWAN have defeated the virus. The few active cases they still have are not relevant and are easily controlled by contact tracing.

Please tell, what is the "specific" number of deaths per year that would be acceptable?
TAIWAN has proven that to be as low as 100 for a country the size of the United States when it comes to the COVID-19 VIRUS.There is no reason, that the United States should have a higher number of deaths per capita from Covid -19 than TAIWAN.

Pretty easy to control things where you are nothing but a TINY LITTLE ISLAND, jackass.

It was estimated by John Hopkins University in early 2020, that TAIWAN would suffer the worst effects of the pandemic given its close proximity, trade, and travel with China.

The United States is just as much of an island as TAIWAN given that the overwhelming majority of people arrive in the United States from other countries through AIRPORTS, just like they do in TAIWAN.

So no, TAIWAN does not have any advantage over the United States.
Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.
Why can we not hire student teachers? Aged 21-25 and have them monitor the classroom and learns as regular teachers teach via Zoom? 40% of students in LA didn’t do a lick of work once restrictions started. This causes depression and suicidal tendencies in some kids and laziness and lack of work ethic in many. There has to be a middle ground and I do not believe that deaths would double. My kids are hanging with friends daily in massive groups.

Trump, your glorified leader whom you plan to vote for said covid 19 would disappear by April. You continue to push his ideas and thinking which have been wrong failed this country at every point in this crises. 140,000 dead Americans are not enough for you to reverse course and actually support policy that would defeat the virus.
Mistakes happen. 140k dead is tragic but we have millions of kids at stake. We need to find a solution that works and now cower under our beds. The ideas I push are my own. I did not bring up Trump, you did, such is life when you suffer from TDS as you do. The disease doesn’t kill or even impact people under 25. There is a solution here.

We have other things that take out the population......

1. Lung cancer...due to smoking about 150 K.
2. The flu about 40 k
3. Drunk drivers.

If the Northeast has not fucked up so badly at the start, we'd have much lower numbers.

Hell, NY on a good day is still barely better than AZ on a bad day.

Shit happens....people die.

Don't forget heart disease, which kills someone every 37 seconds, in the US alone.

These phonies here don't give a rat's @ss about people dying. If they did, they would care about the numerous other causes of death that are preventable.

They suddenly care about human lives because the TV brainwashed them to, and because it's political for them.

Ok, People in Taiwan still die of heart disease, but they rarely die of covid-19. A country of 25 million and only 7 people have died from covid 19. That shows that something can be done against covid-19 to save lives and the United States could be doing it, but its not.

People are dying from Covid-19 in the United States when they shouldn't be. IF the United States had done what TAIWAN did, we would only have 100 deaths instead of 140,000 deaths and COUNTING!

The death count is completely untrustworthy, in fact it's a joke. This has been explained numerous times on threads.

You really have no idea what is actually going on. All I ever see you do is regurgitate establishment propaganda. If I sound harsh, it's because I'm tired of useful dupes helping the criminals behind this psyop, which is destroying the world.... intentionally. In order to bring in new systems, the old must be destroyed. You are helping them.

Great, another conspiracy theorist. Let me guess, you believe the Trade Towers were an inside job and Snowden is your hero?

If anything, the 140,000 death total in the United States is an undercount, by 20,000+. Thank God your types won't be running the country after November 3, 2020!

Even your use of the term 'conspiracy theorist' shows what a brainwashed bootlicker you are. Unlike you, I'm just a person who asks questions and can see through BS. I don't automatically believe whatever I'm spoon-fed by corrupt powers and their mouthpiece, the msm.

So go back to the idiot box, and go back to thinking there's nothing wrong in the world (other than the scary pandemic!) and that the government and media are trustworthy. lol

Wonderful. In the meantime, I'll help Biden get elected President and the Democrats win the House and Senate and you can chase after aliens or find out who really killed J.F.K.

Yeah, the fact that you would vote for an establishment creep like Biden really isn't something to be proud of. You are even more brainwashed than I thought, the more I hear you speak. People like you are the reason why we're losing our republic. You are blind as it gets, and you eagerly do the bidding of the criminals who are destroying this world, through the use of fear, lies and deception.
This attitude of yours is why the United States has the one of the worst rates of per capita infections from covid-19 on the planet and one of the worst death rates per capita from Covid-19 on the planet.

The United States is top 10 in both. The United States is worse when it comes to per capita infections and deaths from Covid-19 than every single European Union Country!

Siting deaths from other ailments is meaningless, and fails to site the fact that millions of Americans could be dead right now if nothing had been done.

Were at 140,000 covid-19 deaths, how many more Americans do you predict will die from Covid-19 before the pandemic ends?

Really? Who knew?

These are the statistics from yesterday (7/12/2020). It appears you are 100% wrong about Europe.

Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.
Why can we not hire student teachers? Aged 21-25 and have them monitor the classroom and learns as regular teachers teach via Zoom? 40% of students in LA didn’t do a lick of work once restrictions started. This causes depression and suicidal tendencies in some kids and laziness and lack of work ethic in many. There has to be a middle ground and I do not believe that deaths would double. My kids are hanging with friends daily in massive groups.

Trump, your glorified leader whom you plan to vote for said covid 19 would disappear by April. You continue to push his ideas and thinking which have been wrong failed this country at every point in this crises. 140,000 dead Americans are not enough for you to reverse course and actually support policy that would defeat the virus.
Mistakes happen. 140k dead is tragic but we have millions of kids at stake. We need to find a solution that works and now cower under our beds. The ideas I push are my own. I did not bring up Trump, you did, such is life when you suffer from TDS as you do. The disease doesn’t kill or even impact people under 25. There is a solution here.

We have other things that take out the population......

1. Lung cancer...due to smoking about 150 K.
2. The flu about 40 k
3. Drunk drivers.

If the Northeast has not fucked up so badly at the start, we'd have much lower numbers.

Hell, NY on a good day is still barely better than AZ on a bad day.

Shit happens....people die.

Don't forget heart disease, which kills someone every 37 seconds, in the US alone.

These phonies here don't give a rat's @ss about people dying. If they did, they would care about the numerous other causes of death that are preventable.

They suddenly care about human lives because the TV brainwashed them to, and because it's political for them.

Ok, People in Taiwan still die of heart disease, but they rarely die of covid-19. A country of 25 million and only 7 people have died from covid 19. That shows that something can be done against covid-19 to save lives and the United States could be doing it, but its not.

People are dying from Covid-19 in the United States when they shouldn't be. IF the United States had done what TAIWAN did, we would only have 100 deaths instead of 140,000 deaths and COUNTING!

The death count is completely untrustworthy, in fact it's a joke. This has been explained numerous times on threads.

You really have no idea what is actually going on. All I ever see you do is regurgitate establishment propaganda. If I sound harsh, it's because I'm tired of useful dupes helping the criminals behind this psyop, which is destroying the world.... intentionally. In order to bring in new systems, the old must be destroyed. You are helping them.

Great, another conspiracy theorist. Let me guess, you believe the Trade Towers were an inside job and Snowden is your hero?

If anything, the 140,000 death total in the United States is an undercount, by 20,000+. Thank God your types won't be running the country after November 3, 2020!

Even your use of the term 'conspiracy theorist' shows what a brainwashed bootlicker you are. Unlike you, I'm just a person who asks questions and can see through BS. I don't automatically believe whatever I'm spoon-fed by corrupt powers and their mouthpiece, the msm.

So go back to the idiot box, and go back to thinking there's nothing wrong in the world (other than the scary pandemic!) and that the government and media are trustworthy. lol

Wonderful. In the meantime, I'll help Biden get elected President and the Democrats win the House and Senate and you can chase after aliens or find out who really killed J.F.K.

Yeah, the fact that you would vote for an establishment creep like Biden really isn't something to be proud of. You are even more brainwashed than I thought, the more I hear you speak. People like you are the reason why we're losing our republic. You are blind as it gets, and you eagerly do the bidding of the criminals who are destroying this world, through the use of fear, lies and deception.

If Joe Biden were in charge, he would have already bitten off the end of his tongue trying to say Covid.
Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
By Jennifer Henderson, CNN 1 hr ago

Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers -- Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings -- said they're still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

I think that's really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can't even keep our staff safe by themselves ... how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don't see how that's possible to do that," he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

"Many grandparents, wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school- mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high risk category of being older with more health issues," he said.

"They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom ... let's get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal."

Should all grocery stores be closed because store workers got corona and died.

Police officers died of Corona so abolish all cops

People in the military died of corona so give away all the weapons.

Keep snorting that heroin doofy

I'm afraid you don't understand the difference between ESSENTIAL SERVICES and NON-ESSENTIAL SERVICES. Or for that matter, EMERGENCY SERVICES and NON-EMERGENCY SERVICES.

1. Can the children of the United States survive without going to school for a year? YES

2. Can people, in an urban environment survive without getting FOOD from the grocery store? NO

3. Can most Americans survive without getting food from the Grocery store? NO

4. The Police force is necessary to defend communities from violence and death. Essential service that society depends on that must continue. Necessary for immediate survival.

5. The Military, same as the Police above.

For the average citizen to make it through to the summer of 2021, they need four things: food, water, shelter, and clothing. Isolate, and only go out to get those things.
Can people survive if they get the covid 19. YES, YES, YES.
Living without a job is not really living, people deserve a chance to live, not just survive on scraps

Everyone will have a job. Their job is doing everything they can to isolate and stop the spread of the virus so it dies. Just as the population mobilized for World War II, the United States population must mobilize to stop the virus. The government will insure the population is fed, housed and clothed, just as it did during World War II.
That is NOT their job. Stop being a tyrant.

It is NOT the job of the government to insure that the population is fed, housed and clothed. That is the responsibilities of Slave owners.

Apparently "U2Edge" (Useful idiot propaganda cheerleader) wants a communist totalitarian system, where all of us serfs stay home cowering in fear as our overlords "take care of us."

So the United States during World War II was a communist totalitarian system? Guess what, unfortunately, there are national emergencies that require countries to drastically change policy for a while to address a problem. The United States has already done that before, like we did in World War II. At the moment under Trump, its wasting time and losing big in terms of lives and the economy. Once responsible leadership is placed in power, then there will be a better chance for a proper response to the worst global pandemic in 100 years.
IMHO there need to be an "infrastructure" funding initiative to improve HVAC systems in schools.
Apparently the virus thrives indoors.
So whatever they can do to reduce the viral loads in HVAC systems would be well worth it.
Schools need to open, but safely.

Schools should NOT open until the virus in under control. NOTHING should be opening until you have the virus under control. Have you learned NOTHING from these wrong-headed attempts to re-open too soon?

You keep putting re-opening ahead of dealing with the virus, and it's failing spectacularly. The San Fransisco School Board held a meeting of school principals to discuss safe school re-openings and 40 principals are now in quarantine when one of the attendees tested positive.

Trump keeps focusing on the notions that children don't get the virus as easily, don't generally get as sick, and seldom die. This ignores certain other relevant facts:

1. We really don't know very much about how the virus affects children, especially why or how the virus affects the tiny handful who get REALLY sick.

2. Fully one third of teachers fall into "high risk" categoris for the disease either because they're over 50, or they have pre-existing conditions.

3. If you can't re-open states successfully and get adults to comply with wearing masks and social distancing, how do you expect children to do it?
So, the takeaway from this is that masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers don't work.
Comedy gold from you as always,we can always count on you for entertainment everytime we here your babble.lol
The Feds can provide funds directly to families so they can use them on private schools and charter schools. I’m not paying that union or it’s members a dime.

I don't think that would be within the realm of possibility.

Private schools and charter schools are still schools. If schools are ordered closed, well, there ya' go...
Schools aren’t ordered closed. Their unions are demanding they close. It’s no different than a strike. So fuck em. No classes no money. No teaching no more union contract. Destroy them now.
Where did you dig up that bullshit? Schools were ordered closed by their governors in most cases. Why do make up suck outlandish lies?

In my state, teachers worked on-line and that takes more hours and more effort than being in the classroom.
Then you and your governor can pay them without any federal money.

And one more thing. All that bullshit about online university degrees not being as valuable or as good as the on campus ones? You just butt fucked that entire scam. If you can do online for the Kung Flu without sacrificing quality then you can do it all the time. And you can do it with 1/3 the teachers and 1/10 the administrators.

So keep talking teachers. The more you do the more obvious it becomes just how worthless your institutions and unions are.

Federal money goes to special education and poor students. Your typical run of the mill student does not see one cent of federal funds. If you knew anything about education you would not come across as a stupid jerk!

Those on-line university degrees and a buck will get you McDonald's soft drink and that us about it. Teachers who got their Master's on-line were considered fucking jokes by real teachers. My daughter-in-law got an on-line degree from the University of Phoenix and could not get an interview as a police officer because they considered it worthless. Now, even the VA will not allow you to take classes there. They are a scam of the highest order. The VA even gave her back her educational benefits because they were ripped off!
So all those billions of dollars going to the dept of Ed are just for retards and the poor. Good to know. Then you won’t miss it when we stop sending it. After all it doesn’t have any effect on the average student right?

And you done fucked yourself on online courses you moron. If it’s good enough so you can avoid the fucking Flu it’s good enough for everyone all the time.

And that holier than though bullshit you spouted about your daughter? That’s the reason you fucks need taken down a notch. You aren’t the end all be all to education. You’ve been doing a shit job of it for decades yet still think you’re special. You aren’t. Look at the shit you’ve produced running around rioting and looting. Not only should you be fired you should be made a spectacle of in the public square.

But fear not. As you’re thrown in the trash you can still be talking about how special you are.
No its not up to parents and Grandparents to handle the worst global pandemic in 100 years. That's up to the leaders of countries like President Trump of the United States.

Nonsense. President Trump is responsible for having cut the Pandemic off at its knees. Governors followed directives provided to them by the scientists regarding shutting down our economy. Each governor handled it in their own way. Each household handled the shutdown in their own way.

Now we have been given directives to re-open the economy in the safest way feasible. That too is up to the governors, mayors, and individual families to do what is best for them.

That is part of us being a free country. Freedom isn't free and that is not restricted to treasure. Keep in mind, 75-80 million people perished in WW-II.
Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
By Jennifer Henderson, CNN 1 hr ago

Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers -- Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings -- said they're still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

I think that's really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can't even keep our staff safe by themselves ... how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don't see how that's possible to do that," he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

"Many grandparents, wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school- mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high risk category of being older with more health issues," he said.

"They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom ... let's get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal."

Why in the hell is a 60+ year old working during the virus?
Lame ass argument to keep schools closed, because one was dumb enough to let a senior citizen work.

Lots of people over age 60, hell over age 80 work. This is not the 1970 when everyone retired when they could collect their first social security check. Wake up! Its the year 2020!
During Wuhan virus, which is dangerous for elderly? Don’t be a retard.

The virus is dangerous for all ages, more so for the older population. The older population is mixed in with the younger population in terms of living arrangements. That means non-essential work and school need to close to stop the spread to save the lives of the more vulnerable.

Even if the virus does not kill you, it can leave you injured in several different ways for life, which could dramatically shorten your lifespan.
Damn you are embarrassing yourself with your rambling that the virus is dangerous for all ages,the government is inflating all these death numbers of people dying from something else to scare all the sheep around the world to giving up your libertys and freedoms. They are ruling people who get killed by gunshot being murdered as dying from the corona virus,wake the hell up.
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This attitude of yours is why the United States has the one of the worst rates of per capita infections from covid-19 on the planet and one of the worst death rates per capita from Covid-19 on the planet.

The United States is top 10 in both. The United States is worse when it comes to per capita infections and deaths from Covid-19 than every single European Union Country!

Siting deaths from other ailments is meaningless, and fails to site the fact that millions of Americans could be dead right now if nothing had been done.

Were at 140,000 covid-19 deaths, how many more Americans do you predict will die from Covid-19 before the pandemic ends?

Really? Who knew?

These are the statistics from yesterday (7/12/2020). It appears you are 100% wrong about Europe.



01. QATAR - 36,896 infections per 1 million population
02. San Marino - 20,599 infections per 1 million population
03. Bahrain - 19,347 infections per 1 million population
04. Chile - 16,476......
05. Vatican City - 14,981 infections per 1 million population
06. Kuwait - 12,849
07. Andorra - 11,065
08. Oman -


Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.

You must have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link supporting your allegation. Without that, your post is meaningless, isn' it?

Its my own personal estimate. What is your estimate or do you even have one?
It would barely impact it. Kids are already hanging out in mass groups and quantities. You just need to protect the teachers.

Kids have parents they go home to. They are perfect at spreading the virus to their parents and Grandparents who live in their homes. Kill the parents and Grandparents, and now you have Kids that the state will have to take care of.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your chance of dying from Covid-19 is barely 1%. If it was even remotely likely that a toddler giving everyone in their family Covid-19 would result in them being orphans, then you should have thousands of examples by now. Do you?

No you do not. You people.... see this is how I know my position is dead on right, when the opposition has make up these chicken little, drama queen, panties in a bunch, claims.

The schools shut down in the Spring, so the test of whether this would happen or not, has not happened. I argue against reopening the schools because of the risk it could happen. It has not happened YET, because the schools were lockdown and now its summer and schools are not in session.

The rate of death from covid-19 can be as high as 16%. That's the figure Belgium has right now, in terms of confirmed infections vs confirmed covid-19 deaths.

That's the fire your playing with. In a country as large as the United States, that can translate into millions of dead people. Even at 1%, you'd still be talking about hundreds of thousands of dead parents and millions of orphaned kids.
Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
By Jennifer Henderson, CNN 1 hr ago

Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers -- Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings -- said they're still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

I think that's really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can't even keep our staff safe by themselves ... how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don't see how that's possible to do that," he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

"Many grandparents, wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school- mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high risk category of being older with more health issues," he said.

"They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom ... let's get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal."

Why in the hell is a 60+ year old working during the virus?
Lame ass argument to keep schools closed, because one was dumb enough to let a senior citizen work.

Lots of people over age 60, hell over age 80 work. This is not the 1970 when everyone retired when they could collect their first social security check. Wake up! Its the year 2020!
During Wuhan virus, which is dangerous for elderly? Don’t be a retard.

The virus is dangerous for all ages, more so for the older population. The older population is mixed in with the younger population in terms of living arrangements. That means non-essential work and school need to close to stop the spread to save the lives of the more vulnerable.

Even if the virus does not kill you, it can leave you injured in several different ways for life, which could dramatically shorten your lifespan.
Damn you are embarrassing yourself with your rambling that the virus us dangerous for all ages,the government is inflating all these death numbers of people dying from something else to scare all the sheep around the world to giving up your libertys and freedoms. They are ruling people who get killed by gunshot being murdered as dying from the corona virus,wake the hell up.

Actually, the death toll from covid-19 is an undercount. When you die from covid-19 in your home without seeing the doctor and getting tested, they don't do a covid-19 test on you when you have already died. So those covid-19 deaths go unrecorded.

The number of deaths IS HIGHER than what has been officially reported.

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