Why senate Dems. MUST filibuster Gorsuch's consent.....

n opposing Mr. Gorsuch's nomination on the basis of his Constitutionalist views, those on the left wrong are unwittingly making two very devastating admissions…

  1. That the Constitution is inherently conservative, and as such, inconsistent with LIbEral ideology.
  2. That they are opposed to upholding and obeying the Constitution.

Certainly "true"......if you're an idiot.

So, Gorsuch is now the guardian of the Constitution?.....Or is he just another Scalia whose religious ideology "trumps" (pardon the expression) the rights of women, and the rights of workers and minorities?
Oh and there won't be buyers remorse.

The huge demonstrations AGAINST the Trumpster resemble the poking of a hornet's nest.

No doubt democrats have been lazy, but good ol' Trump has "energized" the opposition.

Yes, you right wingers will have all the power you've ever dreamed of.........but there will be a price to pay.
I lean left on many issues, especially social issues... but I'm just not seeing good reason to block Gorsuch. I hear the talking points but they seem like generic anti conservative attacks. What is the biggest threat to having a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court? I haven't seen any evidence of Gorsuch playing partisan politics, he seems like a good honorable dude. The Dems, unfortunately, are at risk of blowing their load with all the protest and obstruction they are dishing out. It waters down their arguements with oversaturation. Plus, how will they be able to critique Republican obstruction when they do the same thing once the Dems regain power?? It's all very short sighted, hypocritical, and unproductive. Not how our government is intended to work.

The problem is he is a good honorable dude. He is going to obey the law. Doing that prevents progressives from ignoring law
Nothing like generalizations with no specific examples.

You'll have those "specific examples" soon enough.....but, of course, lacking objectivity, you'll revert to mindless approval.

You're not very smart are you? Have you listened to anything the man has said? He said if a judge personally agrees with every decision he has to make, then he not a very good judge. He uses the text of laws and the Constitution to inform his decisions, that's exactly what a good judge does.

That is the greatest issue with progressive/living document judges. They apply their personal views first, then look to the law/constitution to try to apply said views to the case/judgement at hand.
I think you intend to be arguing against Mr. Gorsuch's appointment to the Supreme Court, but to sane people, all you are doing is presenting some very strong arguments in his favor.

Well, if Gosuch's primary "qualifications" are based on the opposition against his nomination, then he's not worth much except for the fact that he is just another partisan hack.
I think you intend to be arguing against Mr. Gorsuch's appointment to the Supreme Court, but to sane people, all you are doing is presenting some very strong arguments in his favor.

Well, if Gosuch's primary "qualifications" are based on the opposition against his nomination, then he's not worth much except for the fact that he is just another partisan hack.
Nat, is there any way you can see that we conservatives can help you democrats to filibuster him? We really want you to do this...
You realize the reason originalists favor religious liberty is because it's protected by the constitution, right?

Bullshit, religious "liberty" must NOT interfere with individual rights of women and minorities.
Gorsuch, in a nutshell, has sided with employers rather than employees, is against abortion rights and is against gay rights; so, workers, women and the LGBT communities better stand up to this religion-led ideologue

In other words, he followed the constitution

Stupid "conclusion" based on biases.....But, there are always your fellow right wingers who appreciate the same stupidity you express. Keep hiding behind YOUR interpretation of the constitution.....its easier than "thinking" on your own.
Gorsuch, in a nutshell, has sided with employers rather than employees, is against abortion rights and is against gay rights; so, workers, women and the LGBT communities better stand up to this religion-led ideologue

In other words, he followed the constitution

Stupid "conclusion" based on biases.....But, there are always your fellow right wingers who appreciate the same stupidity you express. Keep hiding behind YOUR interpretation of the constitution.....its easier than "thinking" on your own.
Is that what you were told to think? :lol:
With any luck, a few more will retire during the Trump Administration, giving us the shot at a Supreme Court that will unanimously uphold the Constitution.

Wonderful.......then we'll have a theocracy led by plutocrats.....Somewhat like Saudi Arabia or even Israel.
He is so extreme both parties unanimously supported him for his last nomination

Want to know how many right wingers backed Garland before Obama nominated him about a year ago and could not even get a hearing???
So in your mind a person who actually want to follow the constitution and do his Job correctly is unfit for the job of Chief Justice.... Never dawns on you idiot progressives that this is why you are losing elections does it?

Yup and America is watching what the Dems are doing.

2018 is fast approaching and the Dems may lose what seats they still have.

Oh whoa is them. LOL
The problem is he is a good honorable dude. He is going to obey the law. Doing that prevents progressives from ignoring law

Yes, Gorsuch WILL follow the laws of the Bible.....Ted Haggard with a law degree.....
Without one ounce of evidence to support your claim.

Well, I often simply state MY opinion....But to disregard the blatant racism against Obama by many (not all) conservatives, is to dismiss reality.

The racism against Trump for being orange is even worse! You act like people disliked Obama BECAUSE he was black. That is wrong. His policies were bad. That's why he was criticized. There are always a few racists around, from either side, but this notion that half the country hates black people is bullshit. Do you still not see this kind of crap is why we have a President Trump?!?!?

Every president in my lifetime has been drawn in a cartoon as some form of ape or monkey. The left screamed racism when Obama got the exact same treatment as every other president. Dressing as Obama (or Michelle) for Halloween was racist, even though people often dress as the current or a former POTUS. Every president gets criticized; none get a free pass. The "Left" insists on special treatment for their chosen pets and claim not giving that special treatment is racism, homophobia, bigotry, etc.

Also, this bullshit about Republicans being the bad guys for potentially going nuclear is insulting. You do realize the last time Republicans were in power, they specifically did not make the rule change. It was a thought out-conscious decision to maintain the annoying filibuster, to not run roughshod over the other party, to put country before party. When the Democrats faced that same choice, they decided it was more important to get their way, period. The Republicans have no choice at this point. If they don't go nuclear, the Democrats WILL when they are in power and the consequences are too great.

At this point, the Right (and much of the Middle) see clearly the dirty tactics the Democrats will use. We see clearly one side shouting down, shutting out, and otherwise silencing opposition. We do not take you seriously when you claim to be marching for women but you voted for Hillary. We do not take you seriously when you are scared for our national security because Trump got elected. HELLO????? We do not take you seriously when you fear for homosexuals and transgendered under a Trump presidency. Trump is more pro-homosexual/trans than Clinton is on record as being. We do not want law enforcement to give rioters room to vent. WTF!?!?!? The Hitler comparisons are insulting hyperbole and piss off most of the moderates. Hitler had tens of millions killed. Let that sink in. Really. You don't like Trump's political views. They aren't even new views. They have been the views of the country all along, clearly, as he's not doing anything that hasn't been done before.

You need to understand that much of America completely disagrees with your political views and they have no desire to be ruled by you than you desire to be ruled by them. One side is not evil and the other pure. One side does not need to be removed so the other can push their agenda unopposed. That is bad for the country.

This is some sort of bizarre mass hysteria fed by the media.
Nothing like generalizations with no specific examples.

You'll have those "specific examples" soon enough.....but, of course, lacking objectivity, you'll revert to mindless approval.
Translation: They haven't come through the fax machine yet. This part was written long before we knew who was getting nominated.

Let's face reality. Trump could nominate Obama to the bench and the left would tie themselves in knots trying to figure out why he shouldn't be allowed to.
Translation: They haven't come through the fax machine yet. This part was written long before we knew who was getting nominated.

Let's face reality. Trump could nominate Obama to the bench and the left would tie themselves in knots trying to figure out why he shouldn't be allowed to.

If you want to see Gorsuch's record on his decisions LOOK IT UP,, not hard to do, but, of course, you're going to wait for Sean Hannity to tell you what to support.

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