Why senate Dems. MUST filibuster Gorsuch's consent.....

Translation: They haven't come through the fax machine yet. This part was written long before we knew who was getting nominated.

Let's face reality. Trump could nominate Obama to the bench and the left would tie themselves in knots trying to figure out why he shouldn't be allowed to.

If you want to see Gorsuch's record on his decisions LOOK IT UP,, not hard to do, but, of course, you're going to wait for Sean Hannity to tell you what to support.
It's obvious that the hate screeds aimed at Gorsuch were written a long time ago, and just needed to have his name put in the blanks. It simply doesn't matter who Trump nominates, the objective is to destroy them.
So in your mind a person who actually want to follow the constitution and do his Job correctly is unfit for the job of Chief Justice.... Never dawns on you idiot progressives that this is why you are losing elections does it?

Always remember, they view the SCOTUS as a way to bypass the constitution.
Conservative republicans blatantly abused their 5-4 majority in the SCOTUS under the strong-arm tactics of Scalia (even if Roberts "thought" that he was Chief Justice, Sclaia was really the thug who led the decisions...not in ALL...but most of the conservative decisions.)

Gorsuch, from a variety of sources who reviewed his rulings, have deemed that he is to the EXTREME right of even Scalia.

We all know (both sides) that there will be much "buyers' remorse" after a few years of Trump's tactics led by such ideologues as Bannon and Kelly....However, although we may survive these folks' drastic decisions when they're in power for just a short period, Gorsuch is in FOR LIFE....

Women and unions and common Americans will soon realize that this danger MUST be repulsed, as the idiot, McConnell, repulsed the moderate Garland. Any senate democrat who, for self-preservation because they will run in 2018 in red states, does NOT deserve reelection. Grow a spine, democrats.

Khmer Rouge to English Dictionary

"Extreme Right" a phrase used by democrats to describe any judge who supports the United States Constitution.
Gorsuch, in a nutshell, has sided with employers rather than employees, is against abortion rights and is against gay rights; so, workers, women and the LGBT communities better stand up to this religion-led ideologue

In other words, he followed the constitution

Stupid "conclusion" based on biases.....But, there are always your fellow right wingers who appreciate the same stupidity you express. Keep hiding behind YOUR interpretation of the constitution.....its easier than "thinking" on your own.

I know this is a difficult concept for you, but words mean something. When the Founders wrote the Constitution, they chose words precisely because they meant something. You don't have the right to pretend they mean something other than what they meant.

When they said Congress shall make no law. They meant exactly that.

its rather amusing that for you crazed right wingers, "following the constitution" is a catch-all phrase for ultra conservative decisions.....No basis in fact, just partisanship.

It's rather amusing that for you of the Khmer Rouge, the Constitution is a subversive document.
It's obvious that the hate screeds aimed at Gorsuch were written a long time ago, and just needed to have his name put in the blanks. It simply doesn't matter who Trump nominates, the objective is to destroy them.

Not quite true....Had Trump nominated Garland, as his predecessor did, THAT would have been a reminder to McConnell that there is fairness in Trump.....After all, Garland is a very moderate judge, endorsed by many objective conservatives.
"Extreme Right" a phrase used by democrats to describe any judge who supports the United States Constitution.

Someday, when you grow some brain cells (maybe) you'll stop hiding behind the Constitution that you CLEARLY don't understand.
He is so extreme both parties unanimously supported him for his last nomination

Want to know how many right wingers backed Garland before Obama nominated him about a year ago and could not even get a hearing???

Don't care. I never claimed garland was extreme. He probably is but i never claimed it.

Our argument has always been we should let the people have a say in who is appointed. They decided trump if the people wanted garland, Hillary would have been elected
Don't care. I never claimed garland was extreme. He probably is but i never claimed it.

Our argument has always been we should let the people have a say in who is appointed. They decided trump if the people wanted garland, Hillary would have been elected

Since the HUGE demonstrations clearly point out that there is "buyers' remorse" and that democrats have finally awakened, sure, let the majority of people (always remember WHO won the popular vote) decide.......

It is NOT a wild guess that were the election held today.....after only a couple of weeks of Trump, that the orange clown may indeed not win.
It's obvious that the hate screeds aimed at Gorsuch were written a long time ago, and just needed to have his name put in the blanks. It simply doesn't matter who Trump nominates, the objective is to destroy them.

Not quite true....Had Trump nominated Garland, as his predecessor did, THAT would have been a reminder to McConnell that there is fairness in Trump.....After all, Garland is a very moderate judge, endorsed by many objective conservatives.

We don't need a moderate judge. We need a judge who will put aside his political viewpoint and honestly apply the constitution. Or in other words an originalist.
It's obvious that the hate screeds aimed at Gorsuch were written a long time ago, and just needed to have his name put in the blanks. It simply doesn't matter who Trump nominates, the objective is to destroy them.

Not quite true....Had Trump nominated Garland, as his predecessor did, THAT would have been a reminder to McConnell that there is fairness in Trump.....After all, Garland is a very moderate judge, endorsed by many objective conservatives.
Trump couldn't do that, however, because he promised to nominate from a list he published during the campaign. Trump is keeping his campaign promise.
Don't care. I never claimed garland was extreme. He probably is but i never claimed it.

Our argument has always been we should let the people have a say in who is appointed. They decided trump if the people wanted garland, Hillary would have been elected

Since the HUGE demonstrations clearly point out that there is "buyers' remorse" and that democrats have finally awakened, sure, let the majority of people (always remember WHO won the popular vote) decide.......

It is NOT a wild guess that were the election held today.....after only a couple of weeks of Trump, that the orange clown may indeed not win.

Demonstrations by people who never supported trump to begin with cannot, by definition, be buyers remorse.

Buyers remorse would be if those who supporter him were having second thoughts. Zero evidence of that. Instead you see tons of examples of people like me, who didn't support trump, being pleasantly surprised with what he is doing.
Someday, when you grow some brain cells (maybe) you'll stop hiding behind the Constitution that you CLEARLY don't understand.


I don't understand the document you have never read? :eek:

You idiot Stalinists have zero chance of blocking Gorsuch. Shit, you violent thugs couldn't even stop DeVos, despite your insane war on women.
The problem is he is a good honorable dude. He is going to obey the law. Doing that prevents progressives from ignoring law

Yes, Gorsuch WILL follow the laws of the Bible.....Ted Haggard with a law degree.....

You really are a fucking retard, even as Sorosazis go.

Stupid shit like this is why you Stalinists will not see power again for a decade.

If you want to see Gorsuch's record on his decisions LOOK IT UP,, not hard to do, but, of course, you're going to wait for Sean Hannity to tell you what to support.

In other words, you don't actually know anything at all about Gorsuch, but ThinkProgress told you to hate him, and as a vile little Sorosazi, you hate him.

Remember gnat, you are the fucking retard who can't even grasp what Citizens United was about. You still think CU "made corporations people" because Adolf Soros told you so on the hate sites...

Now run along and riot, little fascist fuck.

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