Why senate Dems. MUST filibuster Gorsuch's consent.....

The transgender community is pretty peeved with the fact that Saturday’s Women’s March was so focused on female genitalia.

In fact, though conventional wisdom would suggest that progressives everywhere were pleased with the demonstration, it turns out some transgender people thought the prevalence of “pussy hats,” vagina costumes and paintings of female genitalia were “oppressive” toward their community.

“[P]ussy hats set the tone for a march that would focus acutely on genitalia at the expense of the transgender community,” Mic.com staff writer Marie Solis reported. “Signs like ‘Pussy power,’ ‘Viva la Vulva’ and ‘Pussy grabs back’ all sent a clear and oppressive message to trans women, especially: having a vagina is essential to womanhood.”


Ok --- test time.

How many were able to read the very last sentence without groaning? Or giggling?
So in your mind a person who actually want to follow the constitution and do his Job correctly is unfit for the job of Chief Justice..

A "conclusion" that is moronic....as expected from an ultra right winger.

Every fucking nominee to the SCOTUS spews, "I want to follow the Constitution"........few do when they're really partisan hacks and Gorsuch's previous rulings PROVE that he is driven by religious zealotry.

Well, your characterization is certainly true of Obama's clueless and classless appointees.

Tough turds little boy.

I don't like Trump.....but this is rhe reason I voted for him.

We'll own the SCOTUS and you can suck on it.
So they put up a fight and lose reelection, then we Republicans will have a much stronger majority.

If that's your liberal plan, no wonder your party is so weak right now.

I am FULLY aware that senate dems in red states may stand a chance to lose re-election....FINE !!!
This is NOT (or should not be) a lifetime job anyway. However, the principle stands and when you stand up for principle, ultimately you will win.....first at the local and state levels, and then the federal one.

As time passes, everyone (including right wingers) will realize what a mistake it might have been to have you right wingers FULLY in charge of this country, and the inevitable fuck ups will also be FULLY yours to shoulder.

You are losing at all levels.

Why don't you wake up.

Your principles suck.
Gorsuch, in a nutshell, has sided with employers rather than employees, is against abortion rights and is against gay rights; so, workers, women and the LGBT communities better stand up to this religion-led ideologue

They already tried....and blew it last November.

Trump won....the GOP owns the senate...suck on it.
Not at all. It's Harry Weed who did that. He was the one that changed the stipulations that Senate does have the authority to change the rules to a simple majority to select a SC judge. Republicans are just simply exercising that change.

I'd never defend Reid, he was an idiot.......However, he was "smart" enough" to keep SCOTUS nominee to the 60 vote threshold......So, let McConnell double down and change the rules again, and we will all see the repercussions.

Yeah.....just like last time....hahahahaha.....

Trump is an idiot...but he has balls.

And that appeals to some people.
The dimshits are trying to keep the people that will try them for their treason out of the positions that will let them prove what shit the liberals are and hang, or shoot them.

Be "proud" right wingers that you have this type of imbecility within your ilk........LOL

Why not.

White House.



Suck on it.
Your doing the right thing lost you 200 counties your dear leader won twice and 33 governorships. How's that working for ya?

I blame it all on Clinton......However, just a couple of years of the orange clown, and the pendulum will swing back.

I don't like him.

But I like what he is doing.

Why don't you find a march to join. Those female organ costumes look like they'll keep you warm and cozy.
its rather amusing that for you crazed right wingers, "following the constitution" is a catch-all phrase for ultra conservative decisions.....No basis in fact, just partisanship.

In opposing Mr. Gorsuch's nomination on the basis of his Constitutionalist views, those on the left wrong are unwittingly making two very devastating admissions…

  1. That the Constitution is inherently conservative, and as such, inconsistent with LIbEral ideology.
  2. That they are opposed to upholding and obeying the Constitution.
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Conservative republicans blatantly abused their 5-4 majority in the SCOTUS under the strong-arm tactics of Scalia (even if Roberts "thought" that he was Chief Justice, Sclaia was really the thug who led the decisions...not in ALL...but most of the conservative decisions.)

Gorsuch, from a variety of sources who reviewed his rulings, have deemed that he is to the EXTREME right of even Scalia.

We all know (both sides) that there will be much "buyers' remorse" after a few years of Trump's tactics led by such ideologues as Bannon and Kelly....However, although we may survive these folks' drastic decisions when they're in power for just a short period, Gorsuch is in FOR LIFE....

Women and unions and common Americans will soon realize that this danger MUST be repulsed, as the idiot, McConnell, repulsed the moderate Garland. Any senate democrat who, for self-preservation because they will run in 2018 in red states, does NOT deserve reelection. Grow a spine, democrats.

Yes. Screw reelection. Let the republicans get a bigger senate majority. It's vitally important to pretend you can stop this nominee.

Oh and there won't be buyers remorse.
Although I can appreciate the "fair minded" attitude, Gorsguch will be sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years....With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.

Bear in mind that that many progressive initiatives can be thwarted by SCOTUS decisions, such as workers' rights, environmental issues, homosexual rights, voters' rights, redistricting, and, most of all, women and minorities rights.

We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..

I think you intend to be arguing against Mr. Gorsuch's appointment to the Supreme Court, but to sane people, all you are doing is presenting some very strong arguments in his favor.
So in your mind a person who actually want to follow the constitution and do his Job correctly is unfit for the job of Chief Justice..

A "conclusion" that is moronic....as expected from an ultra right winger.

Every fucking nominee to the SCOTUS spews, "I want to follow the Constitution"........few do when they're really partisan hacks and Gorsuch's previous rulings PROVE that he is driven by religious zealotry.

You realize the reason originalists favor religious liberty is because it's protected by the constitution, right?
Gorsuch, in a nutshell, has sided with employers rather than employees, is against abortion rights and is against gay rights; so, workers, women and the LGBT communities better stand up to this religion-led ideologue

In other words, he followed the constitution
With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.
We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..
7-2 conservative for a generation....isn't it beautiful!!!!!!!

With any luck, a few more will retire during the Trump Administration, giving us the shot at a Supreme Court that will unanimously uphold the Constitution.
Conservative republicans blatantly abused their 5-4 majority in the SCOTUS under the strong-arm tactics of Scalia (even if Roberts "thought" that he was Chief Justice, Sclaia was really the thug who led the decisions...not in ALL...but most of the conservative decisions.)

Gorsuch, from a variety of sources who reviewed his rulings, have deemed that he is to the EXTREME right of even Scalia.

We all know (both sides) that there will be much "buyers' remorse" after a few years of Trump's tactics led by such ideologues as Bannon and Kelly....However, although we may survive these folks' drastic decisions when they're in power for just a short period, Gorsuch is in FOR LIFE....

Women and unions and common Americans will soon realize that this danger MUST be repulsed, as the idiot, McConnell, repulsed the moderate Garland. Any senate democrat who, for self-preservation because they will run in 2018 in red states, does NOT deserve reelection. Grow a spine, democrats.

Silly snowflakes. We will change the rules, just like the dems did, but in reality you should be cheering for the man. Most liberals are driven by emotion and do as their handlers tell them, but I'll post this anyway.

Why Liberals Should Back Neil Gorsuch
In all fairness Obama/dems were blasted for following the Constitution when he nominated a replacement for Scalia. The Constitution clearly granted Obama that power and obligation.

I'm no Obama fan, and I don't mind Trump's pick...but if we're going to pull the "follow the Constitution" card-we need to be consistent when we do. Obama's nomination should have went to a vote...why? Because that's what the Constitution says.

As, the Constitution says on the matter, “…by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate…”. The President gets to pick the nominee, but if he picks someone who is wholly unsuitable for the position, the Senate equally has the power and duty to reject that nominee.
So they put up a fight and lose reelection, then we Republicans will have a much stronger majority.

If that's your liberal plan, no wonder your party is so weak right now.

The funny thing about principles. In order to stand on your principles, you need principles to begin with. This is why you've lost already

I am FULLY aware that senate dems in red states may stand a chance to lose re-election....FINE !!!
This is NOT (or should not be) a lifetime job anyway. However, the principle stands and when you stand up for principle, ultimately you will win.....first at the local and state levels, and then the federal one.

As time passes, everyone (including right wingers) will realize what a mistake it might have been to have you right wingers FULLY in charge of this country, and the inevitable fuck ups will also be FULLY yours to shoulder.

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