Why should an independent vote Trump?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/—-/ When I post a link proving the economy isn’t broken, all you can do is mark it Funny. Your way of admitting you were wrong?
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/——-/ They are rising, regardless of your naysaying and doom and gloom. DemocRATS will have a hard time trying to talk down this booming economy. You’ll look like idiots trying.
And they are rising the most where they are increasing min wage... economy is broken.
Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Oh stop playing stupid. The economy isn’t broken.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?
Dec 19, 2019 The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2% to 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate
Where is all the growth trump promised? Think he was claiming 6+ % at one point. Remember when he said not hitting 3% annual growth was not good?
/——-/ Maybe if you call off your attack dogs Shytface and Jerry the Hutt, the President could spend more time doing his job rather than running defense. You ever stop and think about you blithering idiot?
He’s already done the whole repub playbook and nothing...
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/—-/ When I post a link proving the economy isn’t broken, all you can do is mark it Funny. Your way of admitting you were wrong?
So the same growth was broken under Obama, but it’s cool now?
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/—-/ When I post a link proving the economy isn’t broken, all you can do is mark it Funny. Your way of admitting you were wrong?
So the same growth was broken under Obama, but it’s cool now?
/—-/ But you claimed the economy is broken. Are you saying it was broken under obozo? You can’t have it both ways.
I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Oh stop playing stupid. The economy isn’t broken.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?
Dec 19, 2019 The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2% to 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate
Where is all the growth trump promised? Think he was claiming 6+ % at one point. Remember when he said not hitting 3% annual growth was not good?
/——-/ Maybe if you call off your attack dogs Shytface and Jerry the Hutt, the President could spend more time doing his job rather than running defense. You ever stop and think about you blithering idiot?
He’s already done the whole repub playbook and nothing...
/—-/ It’s both sad and funny you can’t refute my posts. All you have are cliches and strawman arguments.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/—-/ When I post a link proving the economy isn’t broken, all you can do is mark it Funny. Your way of admitting you were wrong?
So the same growth was broken under Obama, but it’s cool now?
/—-/ But you claimed the economy is broken. Are you saying it was broken under obozo? You can’t have it both ways.
Yes of course I am. Our capitalism has been broken for a very long time.
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Oh stop playing stupid. The economy isn’t broken.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?
Dec 19, 2019 The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2% to 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate
Where is all the growth trump promised? Think he was claiming 6+ % at one point. Remember when he said not hitting 3% annual growth was not good?
/——-/ Maybe if you call off your attack dogs Shytface and Jerry the Hutt, the President could spend more time doing his job rather than running defense. You ever stop and think about you blithering idiot?
He’s already done the whole repub playbook and nothing...
/—-/ It’s both sad and funny you can’t refute my posts. All you have are cliches and strawman arguments.
We got tax and regulation cuts and still can’t hit 3% annual growth with really low fed rates and trillion dollar deficits. Only repubs could pretend that is good.
Obama has slow and weak growth while doing NOTHING to address the underlying wage stagnation.

If Hillary has been elected and continued those policies, we would have been "blindsided" by a recession in her first two years.

Yes, I want to campaign on raising middle class wages. And working class wages. Wealth gap? No.

Pay off the debt? Sorry, our democracy is too representative. We cant' embrace such harsh issues, not when people like you dems are there to demonize anyone that wants to control budgets.

So, that issue will fester until is blows. That is the plan. That is the plan that you guys forced on US.
And what is the wage plan? They seem to be mostly stagnant except where there are min wage increases.

I’m an independent. If repubs had wanted to they could of addressed the deficit when they were in full control. Instead they grew deficits.

Increase demand with better trade policy, while reducing supply with better immigration policy.

If you have missed the increases, that are not limited to the states with increases to the min, you should try googling it.

Correct. It has been a long time ago, that we learned that any attempt to address the deficit, got us painted as monsters.

We can't win on a platform of cutting spending. SO, we gave up. YOu won. Congratulations.

What part of that are you not getting?
I don’t see how your plan works. Our unemployment rate is incredibly low and yet wages are still weak. Must be something else holding wages down, markets aren’t working.

Again, I’m a fiscally responsible independent. Your giving up is why I’m unlikely to vote republican.

Sure. Unlimited supply. We are seeing signs of life, with the tiny amount of reductions that TRump has done.

What if we got really serious about it? Deport them by the millions? Don't let any more in?
We are already at 3.5% unemployment and wages are weak. Markets aren’t working obviously. If they were wages would have strong growth already.

A market with an unlimited supply will have low prices.

That is not the market not working.
Jobs, wages and border security have all done very well.

That Trump has not reversed all the negative underlying trends, is a valid complaint, if his opponent has a real plan to do so.

That is very unlikely. When we see what the alternative is, we can look to see if your issues will be better under the alternative or under Trump, or no difference.
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?

Obama has slow and weak growth while doing NOTHING to address the underlying wage stagnation.

If Hillary has been elected and continued those policies, we would have been "blindsided" by a recession in her first two years.

Yes, I want to campaign on raising middle class wages. And working class wages. Wealth gap? No.

Pay off the debt? Sorry, our democracy is too representative. We cant' embrace such harsh issues, not when people like you dems are there to demonize anyone that wants to control budgets.

So, that issue will fester until is blows. That is the plan. That is the plan that you guys forced on US.
No doubt you'll blame us when it all blows up.

Your actions made sure it would happen, so blaming you would be completely called for.
Increase demand with better trade policy, while reducing supply with better immigration policy.

If you have missed the increases, that are not limited to the states with increases to the min, you should try googling it.

Correct. It has been a long time ago, that we learned that any attempt to address the deficit, got us painted as monsters.

We can't win on a platform of cutting spending. SO, we gave up. YOu won. Congratulations.

What part of that are you not getting?
I don’t see how your plan works. Our unemployment rate is incredibly low and yet wages are still weak. Must be something else holding wages down, markets aren’t working.

Again, I’m a fiscally responsible independent. Your giving up is why I’m unlikely to vote republican.

Sure. Unlimited supply. We are seeing signs of life, with the tiny amount of reductions that TRump has done.

What if we got really serious about it? Deport them by the millions? Don't let any more in?
We are already at 3.5% unemployment and wages are weak. Markets aren’t working obviously. If they were wages would have strong growth already.

Exactly. Corporations have full control of wages. Without unions there is no reason to raise wages any more than maybe a token amount leading up to an election.
Yes with the decline in unions policy has completely favored employers.

With unlimited immigrant labor, workers will have no leverage.

You support that.
We are all in bad shape and the reasons date back to the very foundation(s) of our respective liberal social safety nets.

Blaming Trump for this, seems, unreasonable.
Deficits were much smaller when he took over. Every time he talks he wants to spend, I’m glad he was talked out of buying Greenland...


So, it's not that there is a choice between good and bad, just between bad and less bad?

YOu sure that is enough to make the call? SOunds like considering other factors might make some sense.
What factors do you suggest?

Wages, specifically lower end wages. Those are people that we have been ignoring and fucking over for way too long.

Talking about illegal workers.......

Well Dude. After 3 years of Trump administration. Recently fired 7 illegal immigrants workers from his vineyards.
That is after 3 years........... Explain that.

Illegals are still here. I don’t see or hear any deportations.

What lower end wages? Are you saying whiteys has to compete with illegals low paying jobs?

YOur racism is noted and held against you.

Yes, "white workers" among all American workers, have to compete against immigrant labor.

What part of that is confusing for you?
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?

Obama has slow and weak growth while doing NOTHING to address the underlying wage stagnation.

If Hillary has been elected and continued those policies, we would have been "blindsided" by a recession in her first two years.

Yes, I want to campaign on raising middle class wages. And working class wages. Wealth gap? No.

Pay off the debt? Sorry, our democracy is too representative. We cant' embrace such harsh issues, not when people like you dems are there to demonize anyone that wants to control budgets.

So, that issue will fester until is blows. That is the plan. That is the plan that you guys forced on US.

Oh my dear friend Obama. REALLY?
Correl you are lying.

Unemployment 2015 and 2016 during Obama’s years was already booming. You can look it up to prove you lying.

At the same time you ignored the collapse of real state investments. The primary reasons why the economy was slowed down.
You can look it up to prove you are lying.

At the same time Republicans GOPs did everything they can to make Obama look bad making sure he doesn’t get re-elected.
You can look it up to prove you are lying.

The economy still be this good and it doesn’t matter who got elected Hillary, Bush, Perry, Paul or anybody. ITS NOT BECAUSE OF A MORON PRESIDENT.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will miraculously BOOOOM January 20, 2017 without the hardship from Obama?

I can tell you this...... our country is far better and deserve than this corrupted POTUS. Look at where this country is headed. We are the laughing stock a total embarrassment around the world.

I can prove it to you I’m not lying.

Oh for your Middle Class incomes? It’s declining.

Why the middle class is shrinking - MarketWatch
Correll needs to realize admit and understand that the way you are judging trump is the exact same way trump judged obama.

interesting if correll doesn’t care.

that’s what I’m finding. They don’t care trumps horrible. God, gays, guns and racism

Charles is raving. I have no idea what he is even saying.
I don’t see how your plan works. Our unemployment rate is incredibly low and yet wages are still weak. Must be something else holding wages down, markets aren’t working.

Again, I’m a fiscally responsible independent. Your giving up is why I’m unlikely to vote republican.

Sure. Unlimited supply. We are seeing signs of life, with the tiny amount of reductions that TRump has done.

What if we got really serious about it? Deport them by the millions? Don't let any more in?
We are already at 3.5% unemployment and wages are weak. Markets aren’t working obviously. If they were wages would have strong growth already.

Exactly. Corporations have full control of wages. Without unions there is no reason to raise wages any more than maybe a token amount leading up to an election.
Yes with the decline in unions policy has completely favored employers.

With unlimited immigrant labor, workers will have no leverage.

You support that.
That’s not at all true.

Help wanted: Builders still struggle to find workers
Sure. Unlimited supply. We are seeing signs of life, with the tiny amount of reductions that TRump has done.

What if we got really serious about it? Deport them by the millions? Don't let any more in?
We are already at 3.5% unemployment and wages are weak. Markets aren’t working obviously. If they were wages would have strong growth already.

Exactly. Corporations have full control of wages. Without unions there is no reason to raise wages any more than maybe a token amount leading up to an election.
Yes with the decline in unions policy has completely favored employers.

With unlimited immigrant labor, workers will have no leverage.

You support that.
That’s not at all true.

Help wanted: Builders still struggle to find workers

Yes, against your will.
We are already at 3.5% unemployment and wages are weak. Markets aren’t working obviously. If they were wages would have strong growth already.

Exactly. Corporations have full control of wages. Without unions there is no reason to raise wages any more than maybe a token amount leading up to an election.
Yes with the decline in unions policy has completely favored employers.

With unlimited immigrant labor, workers will have no leverage.

You support that.
That’s not at all true.

Help wanted: Builders still struggle to find workers

Yes, against your will.
I just proved we have shortages and you still claim unlimited labor. You are hopeless.
Exactly. Corporations have full control of wages. Without unions there is no reason to raise wages any more than maybe a token amount leading up to an election.
Yes with the decline in unions policy has completely favored employers.

With unlimited immigrant labor, workers will have no leverage.

You support that.
That’s not at all true.

Help wanted: Builders still struggle to find workers

Yes, against your will.
I just proved we have shortages and you still claim unlimited labor. You are hopeless.

You just made a point about the decline of unions, a trend that took generations.

My counter point, was obviously in that context, ie generations.

Please try to be less willfully obtuse.
The real question is why should an Independent ever vote for a Democrat? The Democrats have nothing but destruction for this nation.

Like what?
Destruction of this nation? Where do you look?

Lets just look at that asshole Obama for starters. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, failed health care and dismal economic growth.

Look at all the Democrat big city shitholes like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago . High crime, high poverty and high taxation.

Then you have the states where the Democrat filth are in charged. Like California with the most debt, most poverty, most homeless and the worst schools.

I posted a link earlier today on how the Democrats have fucked up Seattle.

And where are we today?

Is our country safer and better?
Seattle is doing very well.

You are bitchin about Democrats running big cities. So why are the Republicans not running big cities? If you think you are better. So where are these assholes? How come they can’t win?

1. Obama inherited a bad economy.
2. Collapse of the real estate enterprise.
3. Republicans did everything and block everything Obama’s program for 8 years make him look bad.

Despite with all of those. Obama did very well excellent recovery.......... You can look at the unemployment 2016..........THESE ARE STRAIGHT FACTS. The economy you see today are Obama’s work. Not Trumpy.

4. Trump inherited a very good economy. Trump has nothing to do with with the current economy. NOTHING.

Do you honestly believe that the economy will miraculously BOOOOM Jan. 20, 2017?
Deficits were much smaller when he took over. Every time he talks he wants to spend, I’m glad he was talked out of buying Greenland...


So, it's not that there is a choice between good and bad, just between bad and less bad?

YOu sure that is enough to make the call? SOunds like considering other factors might make some sense.
What factors do you suggest?

Wages, specifically lower end wages. Those are people that we have been ignoring and fucking over for way too long.

Talking about illegal workers.......

Well Dude. After 3 years of Trump administration. Recently fired 7 illegal immigrants workers from his vineyards.
That is after 3 years........... Explain that.

Illegals are still here. I don’t see or hear any deportations.

What lower end wages? Are you saying whiteys has to compete with illegals low paying jobs?

YOur racism is noted and held against you.

Yes, "white workers" among all American workers, have to compete against immigrant labor.

What part of that is confusing for you?

No I’m not confused. You are. You posted several times you don’t like immigrants workers. What that makes you? A racist dog.

Immigrants had been for generations. They are here to stay. I have lots of legal immigrants employees. Lots of them are US citizens.

Without these people. The economy is not and will not be this good. That’s a fact.
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/—-/ When I post a link proving the economy isn’t broken, all you can do is mark it Funny. Your way of admitting you were wrong?
So the same growth was broken under Obama, but it’s cool now?
/—-/ But you claimed the economy is broken. Are you saying it was broken under obozo? You can’t have it both ways.
Yes of course I am. Our capitalism has been broken for a very long time.
/----/ And yet folks flood into our country with broken capitalism to escape their own country's socialism.

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