Why should an independent vote Trump?

Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?
/——/ You’re not voting for Trump no matter what he accomplishes. You will go with whatever socialist retread the DNC picks. Stop kidding us with your fake Independent label.
Sounds like you have no reason. Not helpful.
/——/ Oh I have plenty of reasons, but trying to convince you to vote for him is a total waste of time. It will never happen.

Very funny. I asked you Trump accomplishment then you gave me list that came from Hannity. Then you disappear.

There’s plenty of reasons why Trump should have never been or elected a president. Totally hypocrite pathological liar non stop.

Garbage EPA policy............ From the air I breathe to the kids at public school lunch program is a total garbage.

You don’t need to convince anyone. Trump itself is this country liabilities.

If Alex Jones a very die hard Trump supporter is now speaking against Trump. Running around during the women march the other day with bull horn........DOWN WITH TRUMP........ DOWN WITH TRUMP. for several hours.

Think what other Americans think of this dumb inept moron POTUS.

what scares me is bush should have never got a second term.

trumps reality bs may work and the masses won’t show up like they should.

in other words like the blacks turned out for obama. If they show up gop lose.
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?
/——/ You’re not voting for Trump no matter what he accomplishes. You will go with whatever socialist retread the DNC picks. Stop kidding us with your fake Independent label.
Sounds like you have no reason. Not helpful.
/——/ Oh I have plenty of reasons, but trying to convince you to vote for him is a total waste of time. It will never happen.

Very funny. I asked you Trump accomplishment then you gave me list that came from Hannity. Then you disappear.

There’s plenty of reasons why Trump should have never been or elected a president. Totally hypocrite pathological liar non stop.

Garbage EPA policy............ From the air I breathe to the kids at public school lunch program is a total garbage.

You don’t need to convince anyone. Trump itself is this country liabilities.

If Alex Jones a very die hard Trump supporter is now speaking against Trump. Running around during the women march the other day with bull horn........DOWN WITH TRUMP........ DOWN WITH TRUMP. for several hours.

Think what other Americans think of this dumb inept moron POTUS.

what scares me is bush should have never got a second term.

trumps reality bs may work and the masses won’t show up like they should.

in other words like the blacks turned out for obama. If they show up gop lose.
Bush should have never had a first term....
The real question is why should an Independent ever vote for a Democrat? The Democrats have nothing but destruction for this nation.

Like what?
Destruction of this nation? Where do you look?

Lets just look at that asshole Obama for starters. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, failed health care and dismal economic growth.

Look at all the Democrat big city shitholes like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago . High crime, high poverty and high taxation.

Then you have the states where the Democrat filth are in charged. Like California with the most debt, most poverty, most homeless and the worst schools.

I posted a link earlier today on how the Democrats have fucked up Seattle.

So you realize much of that is also true for trump? Tremendous debt, failed health care, dismal economic growth. It would all be true for trump if he was handed a recession. I think California has a surplus right now, they are also the biggest economy.
Republicans made fun of obama for putting up the numbers trumps putting up.
/——/ You’re not voting for Trump no matter what he accomplishes. You will go with whatever socialist retread the DNC picks. Stop kidding us with your fake Independent label.
Sounds like you have no reason. Not helpful.
/——/ Oh I have plenty of reasons, but trying to convince you to vote for him is a total waste of time. It will never happen.

Very funny. I asked you Trump accomplishment then you gave me list that came from Hannity. Then you disappear.

There’s plenty of reasons why Trump should have never been or elected a president. Totally hypocrite pathological liar non stop.

Garbage EPA policy............ From the air I breathe to the kids at public school lunch program is a total garbage.

You don’t need to convince anyone. Trump itself is this country liabilities.

If Alex Jones a very die hard Trump supporter is now speaking against Trump. Running around during the women march the other day with bull horn........DOWN WITH TRUMP........ DOWN WITH TRUMP. for several hours.

Think what other Americans think of this dumb inept moron POTUS.

what scares me is bush should have never got a second term.

trumps reality bs may work and the masses won’t show up like they should.

in other words like the blacks turned out for obama. If they show up gop lose.
Bush should have never had a first term....
He stole Florida in 2000 ala jeb and Ohio (ken Blackwell) in 2004 and he lied us into Iraq.

Even trump admits no wmds
The real question is why should an Independent ever vote for a Democrat? The Democrats have nothing but destruction for this nation.

Like what?
Destruction of this nation? Where do you look?

Lets just look at that asshole Obama for starters. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, failed health care and dismal economic growth.

Look at all the Democrat big city shitholes like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago . High crime, high poverty and high taxation.

Then you have the states where the Democrat filth are in charged. Like California with the most debt, most poverty, most homeless and the worst schools.

I posted a link earlier today on how the Democrats have fucked up Seattle.

So you realize much of that is also true for trump? Tremendous debt, failed health care, dismal economic growth. It would all be true for trump if he was handed a recession. I think California has a surplus right now, they are also the biggest economy.
Republicans made fun of obama for putting up the numbers trumps putting up.
Trump made fun of Obama for putting up the numbers trumps putting up... It is just funny and crazy and sad....
/——/ You’re not voting for Trump no matter what he accomplishes. You will go with whatever socialist retread the DNC picks. Stop kidding us with your fake Independent label.
Sounds like you have no reason. Not helpful.
/——/ Oh I have plenty of reasons, but trying to convince you to vote for him is a total waste of time. It will never happen.

Very funny. I asked you Trump accomplishment then you gave me list that came from Hannity. Then you disappear.

There’s plenty of reasons why Trump should have never been or elected a president. Totally hypocrite pathological liar non stop.

Garbage EPA policy............ From the air I breathe to the kids at public school lunch program is a total garbage.

You don’t need to convince anyone. Trump itself is this country liabilities.

If Alex Jones a very die hard Trump supporter is now speaking against Trump. Running around during the women march the other day with bull horn........DOWN WITH TRUMP........ DOWN WITH TRUMP. for several hours.

Think what other Americans think of this dumb inept moron POTUS.

what scares me is bush should have never got a second term.

trumps reality bs may work and the masses won’t show up like they should.

in other words like the blacks turned out for obama. If they show up gop lose.
Bush should have never had a first term....
Remember bush and McCain were old men who didn’t know what to do about the great recession. Obama and Hillary knew what to properly regulate. Elizabeth warren was a star
The real question is why should an Independent ever vote for a Democrat? The Democrats have nothing but destruction for this nation.

Like what?
Destruction of this nation? Where do you look?

Lets just look at that asshole Obama for starters. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, failed health care and dismal economic growth.

Look at all the Democrat big city shitholes like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago . High crime, high poverty and high taxation.

Then you have the states where the Democrat filth are in charged. Like California with the most debt, most poverty, most homeless and the worst schools.

I posted a link earlier today on how the Democrats have fucked up Seattle.

So you realize much of that is also true for trump? Tremendous debt, failed health care, dismal economic growth. It would all be true for trump if he was handed a recession. I think California has a surplus right now, they are also the biggest economy.
Republicans made fun of obama for putting up the numbers trumps putting up.
Trump made fun of Obama for putting up the numbers trumps putting up... It is just funny and crazy and sad....
But now, republicans will say, if you raise taxes on the rich or corporations, you’ll hurt the economy

well, trump has a trade war and manufacturing is suffering trumps trade war..

vote trump out no trade war during a strong economy.

why aren’t wages rising faster? Republicans don’t ask
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
In Normal World, we'd wonder how such a low unemployment rate would generate such a mediocre GDP and a total lack of inflation.

We would be concerned that no one seems to know why something is wrong somewhere, even with decent wage growth and exploding government spending.

But we're no longer in Normal World. We're down to kindergarten-level curiosity now.
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. https://www.vox.com/2019/3/18/18270916/labor-shortage-workers-us

ages have been rising since 2018. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-07/u-s-payrolls-rise-201-000-while-wage-gains-accelerate-to-2-9

o what’s broken?
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Oh stop playing stupid. The economy isn’t broken.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?
Dec 19, 2019 The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2% to 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate
Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Oh stop playing stupid. The economy isn’t broken.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?
Dec 19, 2019 The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2% to 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate
Where is all the growth trump promised? Think he was claiming 6+ % at one point. Remember when he said not hitting 3% annual growth was not good?
I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Geeeezus Louise, nothing but twists, and distortions out of your pie hole.
3.5% unemployment and wages barely move and you aren’t smart enough to figure something is broken. Shocking....
/——/ kinda hard to lower the UE rate when there are more openings than workers to fill them. The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.

ages have been rising since 2018. U.S. Wage Gains Pick Up to 2.9% While Payrolls Rise 201,000

o what’s broken?
Yeah barely rising with 3.5% unemployment. They rise by about the same amount as inflation. Any economist will tell you wages should be increasing much more.
/——-/ They are rising, regardless of your naysaying and doom and gloom. DemocRATS will have a hard time trying to talk down this booming economy. You’ll look like idiots trying.
That is easy! By keeping the border under control, wages have started rising as cheap labor has been soaked up. There are actually MORE jobs than unemployed people in the country.

It is NOT about totally stopping immigration, it is about balance so as your paycheck can rise. If wage pressures become to much, you let more in, simple as that. Notice-------->the largest wage increases have been in the lower income brackets, and that is a good thing!

Show us a proof that Trump contributed to any of that?

I can’t, at least nothing that you wouldn’t vehemently spin and deny, so I shall take a different tact—-//—>

the left wants to totally change the economy as far as taxes, transfer of wealth, and giving away free stuff!

so who here wants to allow them to fix an economy that is not broken. And if you choose the Left and guess wrong, who wants 4 more years of economic misery like we had during the Obysmal years, then try and switch back again, after watching what the Left does when you disagree with their Socialist utopia!
The economy is very broken. We no longer have good capitalism. We have many companies with near monopolies. Wages are stagnant. Inequality is growing. Due to the decline in unions all policy helps employers. I could continue....
/——/ Oh stop playing stupid. The economy isn’t broken.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?
Dec 19, 2019 The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2% to 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate
Where is all the growth trump promised? Think he was claiming 6+ % at one point. Remember when he said not hitting 3% annual growth was not good?
/——-/ Maybe if you call off your attack dogs Shytface and Jerry the Hutt, the President could spend more time doing his job rather than running defense. You ever stop and think about you blithering idiot?
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?
/——/ You’re not voting for Trump no matter what he accomplishes. You will go with whatever socialist retread the DNC picks. Stop kidding us with your fake Independent label.
Sounds like you have no reason. Not helpful.
/——/ Oh I have plenty of reasons, but trying to convince you to vote for him is a total waste of time. It will never happen.

Very funny. I asked you Trump accomplishment then you gave me list that came from Hannity. Then you disappear.

There’s plenty of reasons why Trump should have never been or elected a president. Totally hypocrite pathological liar non stop.

Garbage EPA policy............ From the air I breathe to the kids at public school lunch program is a total garbage.

You don’t need to convince anyone. Trump itself is this country liabilities.

If Alex Jones a very die hard Trump supporter is now speaking against Trump. Running around during the women march the other day with bull horn........DOWN WITH TRUMP........ DOWN WITH TRUMP. for several hours.

Think what other Americans think of this dumb inept moron POTUS.

what scares me is bush should have never got a second term.

trumps reality bs may work and the masses won’t show up like they should.

in other words like the blacks turned out for obama. If they show up gop lose.
/——/ Ebonics?

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