Why should an independent vote Trump?

The stock market is temporary. Deficits are long term. We are stuck with the debt for a very long time. You claim to be independent, why would you care about leftist frustration? That's just partisan BS.
Debt is long term not deficits. They can be temporary too. Leftists ruin the lives of my kids that’s why. I have two young daughters and their men can identify as women BS is insane. I am a Jew, their blatant hatred of Israel is insane. That’s why. I liked Gabbard and Yang. Democrats like Sanders and Warren. They are idiots.
Yes and trump has deficits over a trillion dollars which is quickly increasing debt. I'm not following you about your kids. I'd be worried more about all the young men who now think it's ok to grab women by the pussy if I was you. Those that hate Israel are a tiny minority. The right has the minority of Nazi punks too. I do like Yang. He seems to understand what our real problems are and offers solutions.
That’s not what he said and boys are petrified to go near girls these days. Do you have daughters? You’re argumentative. I gave you my POV. Feel free to disagree. Israel hating assholes may be a minority but they are the face of the party. Even Bernie vehemently supported antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It would be like the GOP having David Duke as their mouthpiece.
Just trying to share other things you should consider, thanks for sharing your POV.

If David Duke and Steve King were the faces of the Republican party, I would run for the hills. They are not. AOC, the Squad, Sanders, Warren are the faces of the Democrat party. Impossible to vote for them. If the faces were Gabbard, Yang and Klobuchar it would be much more palatable but those three are afterthoughts. Not "Left" enough. The Democrat party has gone full psycho.
I too would prefer those people. But for me trump is also full psycho.
Stock market could tank tomorrow. What good is corporate confidence doing? What is better due to border control? That's just partisan BS I could care less about.
Reverse that sentiment. Stock market could go even higher due to corporate confidence and better border control. Leftist frustration is a cherry on top. Also your alternative is idiot Sanders or Warren.
The stock market is temporary. Deficits are long term. We are stuck with the debt for a very long time. You claim to be independent, why would you care about leftist frustration? That's just partisan BS.
Debt is long term not deficits. They can be temporary too. Leftists ruin the lives of my kids that’s why. I have two young daughters and their men can identify as women BS is insane. I am a Jew, their blatant hatred of Israel is insane. That’s why. I liked Gabbard and Yang. Democrats like Sanders and Warren. They are idiots.
Yes and trump has deficits over a trillion dollars which is quickly increasing debt. I'm not following you about your kids. I'd be worried more about all the young men who now think it's ok to grab women by the pussy if I was you. Those that hate Israel are a tiny minority. The right has the minority of Nazi punks too. I do like Yang. He seems to understand what our real problems are and offers solutions.
That’s not what he said and boys are petrified to go near girls these days. Do you have daughters? You’re argumentative. I gave you my POV. Feel free to disagree. Israel hating assholes may be a minority but they are the face of the party. Even Bernie vehemently supported antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It would be like the GOP having David Duke as their mouthpiece.
Because you keep mentioning Corbyn I was curious what you are talking about. The idea that he is antisemite doesn’t seem so clear. He is certainly no admitted racist like David Duke. Many seem to think he is not for example:

In November 2019, John Bercow, the Jewish former Speaker of the House of Commons and Conservative MP, said that he had known Corbyn for 22 years, did not believe he was antisemitic and had never experienced antisemitism from a Labour Party member.[436]His defenders have criticised the tactics of opponents[437] and the role of the media.[438][439]
I would characterize myself as an independent.

I don't want to become a minority in my own country, nor do I believe becoming Brazil is a great idea in general. That's the deal breaker.

On the other hand there is nor reason to vote for the far left democrat party. Free shit to parasites is not a plan, it is stupidity.
Debt is long term not deficits. They can be temporary too. Leftists ruin the lives of my kids that’s why. I have two young daughters and their men can identify as women BS is insane. I am a Jew, their blatant hatred of Israel is insane. That’s why. I liked Gabbard and Yang. Democrats like Sanders and Warren. They are idiots.
Yes and trump has deficits over a trillion dollars which is quickly increasing debt. I'm not following you about your kids. I'd be worried more about all the young men who now think it's ok to grab women by the pussy if I was you. Those that hate Israel are a tiny minority. The right has the minority of Nazi punks too. I do like Yang. He seems to understand what our real problems are and offers solutions.
That’s not what he said and boys are petrified to go near girls these days. Do you have daughters? You’re argumentative. I gave you my POV. Feel free to disagree. Israel hating assholes may be a minority but they are the face of the party. Even Bernie vehemently supported antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It would be like the GOP having David Duke as their mouthpiece.
Just trying to share other things you should consider, thanks for sharing your POV.

If David Duke and Steve King were the faces of the Republican party, I would run for the hills. They are not. AOC, the Squad, Sanders, Warren are the faces of the Democrat party. Impossible to vote for them. If the faces were Gabbard, Yang and Klobuchar it would be much more palatable but those three are afterthoughts. Not "Left" enough. The Democrat party has gone full psycho.
I too would prefer those people. But for me trump is also full psycho.

His policies are not. His rhetoric can be painful. I enjoy it because it triggers Leftists but I see your POV as well.
Reverse that sentiment. Stock market could go even higher due to corporate confidence and better border control. Leftist frustration is a cherry on top. Also your alternative is idiot Sanders or Warren.
The stock market is temporary. Deficits are long term. We are stuck with the debt for a very long time. You claim to be independent, why would you care about leftist frustration? That's just partisan BS.
Debt is long term not deficits. They can be temporary too. Leftists ruin the lives of my kids that’s why. I have two young daughters and their men can identify as women BS is insane. I am a Jew, their blatant hatred of Israel is insane. That’s why. I liked Gabbard and Yang. Democrats like Sanders and Warren. They are idiots.
Yes and trump has deficits over a trillion dollars which is quickly increasing debt. I'm not following you about your kids. I'd be worried more about all the young men who now think it's ok to grab women by the pussy if I was you. Those that hate Israel are a tiny minority. The right has the minority of Nazi punks too. I do like Yang. He seems to understand what our real problems are and offers solutions.
That’s not what he said and boys are petrified to go near girls these days. Do you have daughters? You’re argumentative. I gave you my POV. Feel free to disagree. Israel hating assholes may be a minority but they are the face of the party. Even Bernie vehemently supported antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It would be like the GOP having David Duke as their mouthpiece.
Because you keep mentioning Corbyn I was curious what you are talking about. The idea that he is antisemite doesn’t seem so clear. He is certainly no admitted racist like David Duke. Many seem to think he is not for example:

In November 2019, John Bercow, the Jewish former Speaker of the House of Commons and Conservative MP, said that he had known Corbyn for 22 years, did not believe he was antisemitic and had never experienced antisemitism from a Labour Party member.[436]His defenders have criticised the tactics of opponents[437] and the role of the media.[438][439]

Oh but he is.

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Opinion | A Vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party Is a Vote for Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism becomes defining issue for U.K.'s opposition Labour Party
Behind the Bewildering Recent Incidents of Anti-Semitism

Corbyn himself has been accused of anti-Jewish bigotry. Corbyn denies having a problem with Jews, claiming that he is merely anti-Israel. Even if it were possible to hate Israel without being anti-Semitic — and I am not sure that it is — Corbyn's words and deeds demonstrate that he often uses virulent anti-Zionism as a cover for his soft anti-Semitism.

In 2009, he announced: "It will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in Parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. I also invited friends from Hamas to come and speak as well."

The company that Corbyn keeps, too, suggests that at best he gives a free pass to bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism within the ranks of his own party, and at worst, he espouses them. He has shared speaking platforms and led rallies with some of the most infamous Jew-haters. He has attended meetings hosted by Sept. 11 conspiracy theorist Paul Eisen, author of a blog titled, "My Life as a Holocaust Denier." He has been associated with Sheikh Raed Salah — leader of the outlawed northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a blood libel perpetuator convicted for incitement to violence and racism — whom he referred to as a "very honoured citizen" whose "voice must be heard." Corbyn was also a paid contributor for Press TV, Iran's tightly-controlled media apparatus, whose production is directly overseen by anti-Semitic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Corbyn himself has called for boycotts of the Jewish state. He has advocated for an arms embargo, citing Israel's supposed "breach" of the human rights clause of the EU-Israel trade agreement. He also led the call to boycott Israel's national soccer team during a Euro 2016 qualifying match in Wales. (Ironically, Israel only plays in this confederation because it was expelled from the Asian Football Confederation due to the Arab League's boycott.)

Corbyn, as well, has been a vocal supporter of the so-called Palestinian "right of return," something that would lead to an Arab majority and Jewish minority within Israel, and render the two-state solution completely obsolete.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has already made his choice. He is campaigning for Corbyn despite his record on anti-Semitism. Sanders will have to explain why a Jew is helping to elect a bigot with the views Corbyn holds about the Jewish people and their nation state.
I would characterize myself as an independent.

I don't want to become a minority in my own country, that's the deal breaker.
Minority in what way?

Don't pretend you don't know exactly what I mean big brain. Not even a leftist is this dumb.
So you can’t answer the question?

There are limits to how stupid questions I answer. If you haven't figured out the answer yet, there is no value in discussion. It's like trying to play Chess with a retard, he is just going to take a crap on the board and declare himself the winner.
I would characterize myself as an independent.

I don't want to become a minority in my own country, that's the deal breaker.
Minority in what way?

Don't pretend you don't know exactly what I mean big brain. Not even a leftist is this dumb.
So you can’t answer the question?

There are limits to how stupid questions I answer. If you haven't figured out the answer yet, there is no value in discussion. It's like trying to play Chess with a retard, he is just going to take a crap on the board and declare himself the winner.
Well I can’t really really respond if you won’t clarify,
The real question is why should an Independent ever vote for a Democrat? The Democrats have nothing but destruction for this nation.
The stock market is temporary. Deficits are long term. We are stuck with the debt for a very long time. You claim to be independent, why would you care about leftist frustration? That's just partisan BS.
Debt is long term not deficits. They can be temporary too. Leftists ruin the lives of my kids that’s why. I have two young daughters and their men can identify as women BS is insane. I am a Jew, their blatant hatred of Israel is insane. That’s why. I liked Gabbard and Yang. Democrats like Sanders and Warren. They are idiots.
Yes and trump has deficits over a trillion dollars which is quickly increasing debt. I'm not following you about your kids. I'd be worried more about all the young men who now think it's ok to grab women by the pussy if I was you. Those that hate Israel are a tiny minority. The right has the minority of Nazi punks too. I do like Yang. He seems to understand what our real problems are and offers solutions.
That’s not what he said and boys are petrified to go near girls these days. Do you have daughters? You’re argumentative. I gave you my POV. Feel free to disagree. Israel hating assholes may be a minority but they are the face of the party. Even Bernie vehemently supported antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It would be like the GOP having David Duke as their mouthpiece.
Because you keep mentioning Corbyn I was curious what you are talking about. The idea that he is antisemite doesn’t seem so clear. He is certainly no admitted racist like David Duke. Many seem to think he is not for example:

In November 2019, John Bercow, the Jewish former Speaker of the House of Commons and Conservative MP, said that he had known Corbyn for 22 years, did not believe he was antisemitic and had never experienced antisemitism from a Labour Party member.[436]His defenders have criticised the tactics of opponents[437] and the role of the media.[438][439]

Oh but he is.

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Opinion | A Vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party Is a Vote for Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism becomes defining issue for U.K.'s opposition Labour Party
Behind the Bewildering Recent Incidents of Anti-Semitism

Corbyn himself has been accused of anti-Jewish bigotry. Corbyn denies having a problem with Jews, claiming that he is merely anti-Israel. Even if it were possible to hate Israel without being anti-Semitic — and I am not sure that it is — Corbyn's words and deeds demonstrate that he often uses virulent anti-Zionism as a cover for his soft anti-Semitism.

In 2009, he announced: "It will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in Parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. I also invited friends from Hamas to come and speak as well."

The company that Corbyn keeps, too, suggests that at best he gives a free pass to bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism within the ranks of his own party, and at worst, he espouses them. He has shared speaking platforms and led rallies with some of the most infamous Jew-haters. He has attended meetings hosted by Sept. 11 conspiracy theorist Paul Eisen, author of a blog titled, "My Life as a Holocaust Denier." He has been associated with Sheikh Raed Salah — leader of the outlawed northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a blood libel perpetuator convicted for incitement to violence and racism — whom he referred to as a "very honoured citizen" whose "voice must be heard." Corbyn was also a paid contributor for Press TV, Iran's tightly-controlled media apparatus, whose production is directly overseen by anti-Semitic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Corbyn himself has called for boycotts of the Jewish state. He has advocated for an arms embargo, citing Israel's supposed "breach" of the human rights clause of the EU-Israel trade agreement. He also led the call to boycott Israel's national soccer team during a Euro 2016 qualifying match in Wales. (Ironically, Israel only plays in this confederation because it was expelled from the Asian Football Confederation due to the Arab League's boycott.)

Corbyn, as well, has been a vocal supporter of the so-called Palestinian "right of return," something that would lead to an Arab majority and Jewish minority within Israel, and render the two-state solution completely obsolete.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has already made his choice. He is campaigning for Corbyn despite his record on anti-Semitism. Sanders will have to explain why a Jew is helping to elect a bigot with the views Corbyn holds about the Jewish people and their nation state.

That’s really all political attack. He’s not an admitted racist like David duke. People can provide as strong an argument that trump is racist too. People can be against the government of Israel without being anti-Semitic. Heck last I checked they can’t agree enough to form a government right now so plenty inside Israel disagree, are they anti-Semitic?
Debt is long term not deficits. They can be temporary too. Leftists ruin the lives of my kids that’s why. I have two young daughters and their men can identify as women BS is insane. I am a Jew, their blatant hatred of Israel is insane. That’s why. I liked Gabbard and Yang. Democrats like Sanders and Warren. They are idiots.
Yes and trump has deficits over a trillion dollars which is quickly increasing debt. I'm not following you about your kids. I'd be worried more about all the young men who now think it's ok to grab women by the pussy if I was you. Those that hate Israel are a tiny minority. The right has the minority of Nazi punks too. I do like Yang. He seems to understand what our real problems are and offers solutions.
That’s not what he said and boys are petrified to go near girls these days. Do you have daughters? You’re argumentative. I gave you my POV. Feel free to disagree. Israel hating assholes may be a minority but they are the face of the party. Even Bernie vehemently supported antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It would be like the GOP having David Duke as their mouthpiece.
Because you keep mentioning Corbyn I was curious what you are talking about. The idea that he is antisemite doesn’t seem so clear. He is certainly no admitted racist like David Duke. Many seem to think he is not for example:

In November 2019, John Bercow, the Jewish former Speaker of the House of Commons and Conservative MP, said that he had known Corbyn for 22 years, did not believe he was antisemitic and had never experienced antisemitism from a Labour Party member.[436]His defenders have criticised the tactics of opponents[437] and the role of the media.[438][439]

Oh but he is.

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Opinion | A Vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party Is a Vote for Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism becomes defining issue for U.K.'s opposition Labour Party
Behind the Bewildering Recent Incidents of Anti-Semitism

Corbyn himself has been accused of anti-Jewish bigotry. Corbyn denies having a problem with Jews, claiming that he is merely anti-Israel. Even if it were possible to hate Israel without being anti-Semitic — and I am not sure that it is — Corbyn's words and deeds demonstrate that he often uses virulent anti-Zionism as a cover for his soft anti-Semitism.

In 2009, he announced: "It will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in Parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. I also invited friends from Hamas to come and speak as well."

The company that Corbyn keeps, too, suggests that at best he gives a free pass to bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism within the ranks of his own party, and at worst, he espouses them. He has shared speaking platforms and led rallies with some of the most infamous Jew-haters. He has attended meetings hosted by Sept. 11 conspiracy theorist Paul Eisen, author of a blog titled, "My Life as a Holocaust Denier." He has been associated with Sheikh Raed Salah — leader of the outlawed northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a blood libel perpetuator convicted for incitement to violence and racism — whom he referred to as a "very honoured citizen" whose "voice must be heard." Corbyn was also a paid contributor for Press TV, Iran's tightly-controlled media apparatus, whose production is directly overseen by anti-Semitic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Corbyn himself has called for boycotts of the Jewish state. He has advocated for an arms embargo, citing Israel's supposed "breach" of the human rights clause of the EU-Israel trade agreement. He also led the call to boycott Israel's national soccer team during a Euro 2016 qualifying match in Wales. (Ironically, Israel only plays in this confederation because it was expelled from the Asian Football Confederation due to the Arab League's boycott.)

Corbyn, as well, has been a vocal supporter of the so-called Palestinian "right of return," something that would lead to an Arab majority and Jewish minority within Israel, and render the two-state solution completely obsolete.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has already made his choice. He is campaigning for Corbyn despite his record on anti-Semitism. Sanders will have to explain why a Jew is helping to elect a bigot with the views Corbyn holds about the Jewish people and their nation state.

That’s really all political attack. He’s not an admitted racist like David duke. People can provide as strong an argument that trump is racist too. People can be against the government of Israel without being anti-Semitic. Heck last I checked they can’t agree enough to form a government right now so plenty inside Israel disagree, are they anti-Semitic?

Where there is smoke there is fire. Did you watch the video? No rational person would embrace Hamas and Hezbollah. Trump is nothing compared to Corbyn. One may criticize Israel but not more vehemently than their neighbors whose atrocities are much worse. When you only criticize Israel and bash it then you’re not objective.

If by the evidence I gave you, you cannot gauge that Corbyn is an antisemite then we just need to agree to disagree.
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

Jobs, wages and border security have all done very well.

That Trump has not reversed all the negative underlying trends, is a valid complaint, if his opponent has a real plan to do so.

That is very unlikely. When we see what the alternative is, we can look to see if your issues will be better under the alternative or under Trump, or no difference.
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

Jobs, wages and border security have all done very well.

That Trump has not reversed all the negative underlying trends, is a valid complaint, if his opponent has a real plan to do so.

That is very unlikely. When we see what the alternative is, we can look to see if your issues will be better under the alternative or under Trump, or no difference.
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?
That’s about how I feel. After everything trump has done we are about where he started but with huge deficits.
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

Jobs, wages and border security have all done very well.

That Trump has not reversed all the negative underlying trends, is a valid complaint, if his opponent has a real plan to do so.

That is very unlikely. When we see what the alternative is, we can look to see if your issues will be better under the alternative or under Trump, or no difference.
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?
That’s about how I feel. After everything trump has done we are about where he started but with huge deficits.
Not quite accurate

Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

Jobs, wages and border security have all done very well.

That Trump has not reversed all the negative underlying trends, is a valid complaint, if his opponent has a real plan to do so.

That is very unlikely. When we see what the alternative is, we can look to see if your issues will be better under the alternative or under Trump, or no difference.
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?
That’s about how I feel. After everything trump has done we are about where he started but with huge deficits.

Of course and if Trump weren't running for office he would be saying Hillary and Obama are great people and leaders.
No, I asked you about what you said...

What did you base YOUR conclusion on?
We are one of the worst.
Country List Government Debt to GDP

A list of dubious usefulness since unfunded entitlements are not included.
And you seem to have no evidence of all these unfunded entitlements. We are in bad shape.

We are all in bad shape and the reasons date back to the very foundation(s) of our respective liberal social safety nets.

Blaming Trump for this, seems, unreasonable.
Deficits were much smaller when he took over. Every time he talks he wants to spend, I’m glad he was talked out of buying Greenland...


So, it's not that there is a choice between good and bad, just between bad and less bad?

YOu sure that is enough to make the call? SOunds like considering other factors might make some sense.

A list of dubious usefulness since unfunded entitlements are not included.
And you seem to have no evidence of all these unfunded entitlements. We are in bad shape.

We are all in bad shape and the reasons date back to the very foundation(s) of our respective liberal social safety nets.

Blaming Trump for this, seems, unreasonable.
Deficits were much smaller when he took over. Every time he talks he wants to spend, I’m glad he was talked out of buying Greenland...


So, it's not that there is a choice between good and bad, just between bad and less bad?

YOu sure that is enough to make the call? SOunds like considering other factors might make some sense.
What factors do you suggest?
Is there any real reason I should vote trump? According to trump he is not doing well. He made fun of Obama for never hitting an annual gdp greater than 3%, but now trump is in the same boat. He said it was bad when Obama ruled by executive order, but now he does the same thing. He said Obamas low unemployment rate wasn't really low because it's all about the labor force participation rate which has remained low under trump. Republicans told me huge deficits were bad, and now trump has them over a trillion dollars. The country is as divided as ever so clearly he isn't bringing us together. On top of all this he is the least presidential president I have ever seen. Has he done anything an independent would vote for?

Jobs, wages and border security have all done very well.

That Trump has not reversed all the negative underlying trends, is a valid complaint, if his opponent has a real plan to do so.

That is very unlikely. When we see what the alternative is, we can look to see if your issues will be better under the alternative or under Trump, or no difference.
How do you mean? According to trump jobs aren't doing that well because the labor force participation rate is still low. Real unemployment rate is 20% right? Most the moves in wages are from min wage increases. And aren't they about the same as inflation? Is the border more secure? How is that making my life better? I haven't noticed a change.

Actually trump reversed the deficits that were trending down and made them increase drastically.

Trump is not the one judging the economy, you are.

Once the dems get their candidate, you can look at what he promises, and his record, and compare him and Trump.

Trump's record and likely performance is likely going to be quite competitive to what the alternative is.
The alternative would be not to give corporations more tax breaks. Obama had a slow steady economy that would not be blindsided by a recession. Trump gave away the farm and pretty much after the initial bump we’re right where Obama was.

You guys want to campaign on raising middle class wages so the middle class can once again live comfortably? You want to address the wealth gap and who should pay off the debt?

Obama has slow and weak growth while doing NOTHING to address the underlying wage stagnation.

If Hillary has been elected and continued those policies, we would have been "blindsided" by a recession in her first two years.

Yes, I want to campaign on raising middle class wages. And working class wages. Wealth gap? No.

Pay off the debt? Sorry, our democracy is too representative. We cant' embrace such harsh issues, not when people like you dems are there to demonize anyone that wants to control budgets.

So, that issue will fester until is blows. That is the plan. That is the plan that you guys forced on US.

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