††† Why should Islam be BANNED?

††† The Quran's order to Kill Polytheists, Gays, Adulterers & non-Muslims - IS NOT PROTECTED SPEECH.

IslamisUnlawful . com

"Allah hates non-Muslims so CRUCIFY them & cut off their hands & feet, unless they pay the "protection" tax. Quran 5

"Deceive, sabotage & slay non-Muslims where they hide unless they convert to Islam." Quran 9

"Behead & amputate infidels' heads & hands" Quran 8

Islam is unlawful in every civilized country.

BanIslamNOW.com † Zundi.com

Sounds kinda like what Christians did to Pagans...

Yeah, but that was 1,000 to 2,000 years ago. Islam is doing it now.

Islam is a newer religion. I guess they all must go through stages like this. Can we trust Christianity not to go back to it? We should probably ban them all right?
Sounds kinda like what Christians did to Pagans...

Yeah, but that was 1,000 to 2,000 years ago. Islam is doing it now.

Islam is a newer religion. I guess they all must go through stages like this. Can we trust Christianity not to go back to it? We should probably ban them all right?

One would only guess that if they haven't read the Bible, Quran or had an interest in understanding the two religions. Islam won't evolve because true Muslims follow Muhammad's example and there is no path for them to abandon or stand up against his example without fear.
If you understand Islam through the text and what it does, it's clear that every government should be aware of its threat and take action for the sake of peace. A person who is faithful to Islam is a scary thing. You can't blame Muslims for not living with integrity if they are willing to kill infidels. You can't say the same thing of Christians even if they just have it in their heart to want to murder. True Christians follow Jesus through his example. Someone successfully following Jesus will only bring good things.
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Complete and utter bullshit.

You don't ban religions in this country. What the fuck are you, a progressive?

If someone does something horrendous in the name of religion, kill the fucker and move on.....sooner or later, they will get the message or they will run out of messengers.

It baffles Me that people are so willing to enslave themselves to their government.
The Quran Institutionalizes and worse, INCENTIVIZES the random slaughter of non-Muslims.
TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Can a Muslim Avoid Hell by Killing?
Prophet of Doom - Islamic Quotes - Fighting
Prophet of Doom - Islamic Quotes - Terrorism

Jesus forbids murder. Mohammad & Islam command murder:

"Kill polytheists when found" Quran 2
"If they turn their backs on Islam SLAY THEM" Quran 4
"If they criticize Islam behead the doubters" Quran 9

Christendom's role model is Jesus who taught mankind how to rescue women from stonings
John 8:1?59 (ESV) - " but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught ..." - Biblia.com ††† Atheists

Islam's role model Mohammad teaches Muslims how to STONE & Quarter WOMEN with camels, Behead Gays and Murder mothers while BREASTFEEDING their infants:
The Story of Umm Qirfa - WikiIslam
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXfZWJTZsrw]The Killing of Umm Qirfa by Prophet Mohammed - YouTube[/ame] (Mohammed Quarters Old Woman)
The Death of Asma and Abu Afak: Examining the Historical Basis for these Murders
List of Killings Ordered or Supported by Muhammad - WikiIslam

How can anyone support or defend this religious butchery not invented by extremists but by the religion's own founder: Mohammad. Did Jesus kill anyone?
Islam Officially Oppresses 57 Nations. We've seen enough.
The laws of Life Must Triumph Over the Cult of Death - Ban Islam Now † There is Only One Known Anodyne to Every Evil: Jesus Christ † Jesus Brought the Enlightenment and Ended Barbarity
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Muslims have a Right to Murder non-Muslims. Why? The Violence in the Old Testament

That's the liberal reaction to being told "Muslims just obeyed the Quran by blowing up the Boston Marathon and an 8 year old boy for allah." How much murder can a religion foist upon the innocent before liberals are willing to call it evil and drive it out?

Remember Nidal Hassan, the Muslim trusted and respected by Americans enough to be allowed into sensitive military positions? This United States born Doctor of Psychiatry and Army Major repaid us for respecting Islam by reading the Quran and deciding to obey it. He shouted ALAHU AKBAR & gunned down 32 unarmed Americans, killing 13 adults & 1 baby in cold blood. Why would an American born doctor sucking off our success turn and kill us? He read the Quran:

"Allah hates non-Muslims so CRUCIFY them, cut off their hands & feet, deceive, sabotage, ambush & slay non-Muslims where they hide. Behead and terrorize non-Muslims, for through terror I have been made victorious." Quran 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 // Bukhari 4:52.220

Imagine Nidal using the Liberal defense at his trial, "It's okay Your Honor. The Bible has loads of violence, so I'd like to go home, and plot killing more kids and stoning women for allah." That's the liberal defense of Islam.

But is the claim of Muslim apologists, that the Bible is just as violent as the Quran true? Cleverly, they ignore "The Bible" is two very different books. One with Violence, the other, Jesus' story, completely without any violence at all. Christians follow a lovecentric violence-free leader: Jesus Christ.

But is even the Old Testament as violent as the Quran? And do the Jews terrorize people all over the world, conquer countries and stone women, polytheists and critics? Of course not.

There is violence in the Old Testament, but violence is not necessarily evil. Killing a Nazi in the middle of gassing the Jews, is actually a very good thing. If I could kill Mohammad, that would be wonderful too. Whether or not a perpetrator of violence is guilty of crime depends on the context of the violence.

4,000 years ago, before Jesus abolished slavery and religious murder and brought the world into Enlightenment through his Church Family Complex, nations gained assets or STAYED ALIVE in a barbaric moral sludge created by man's unreformed moral compass. "Kill or be killed," or "Let's just kill them and take their land" were normative pre-Christ moral calibrations.

Unsurprisingly, ANY HISTORICAL RECORD OF ANY CIVILIZATION will contain violence. When judging an ancient society, the big question is:

Should they know better?

Jesus said, "Had I not come and spoken to them they would not be guilty of sin. Now however, they have no excuse." John 15

Mohammad came after Jesus had saturated that part of the world and beyond. But he slaughtered the Christians and commandeered their lands anyway. Now it's 2013. Surely Muslims have caught wind of Jesus' Enlightenment and completely lovecentric culture?

Of course they have. So have liberals. Anyone supporting stoning women choosing that over "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" and all the other morally disgusting violence of Islam, is self condemned.

But to address the comparative violence between the Old Testament and the Quran:

Here is a Scientific Analytical Comparison, complete with charts, of the Quality and Quantity of Violence in the Old & New Testaments and the Quran: http://thedevil.com/compare/

Percentage of Text Devoted to Political Violence:
Q'uran / Sira 80%
Old Testament 5%
New Testament - Zero %

Guess to which book Christians are obligated? If you guessed the violence-free lovecentric paradigm of Jesus found in the New Testament, you get the prize. Jesus is the reason for the lasting peace of Western Christendom. Jesus canceled the Old Testament Law. http://BlamingJesus.com

So when, instead of mourning for Islam's terror victims Liberals and Muslims say: "The Bible is violent too," remember this page and just exactly how wicked and ignorant defenders of Islam really are.

The OLD Testament & NEW Testament are
Two very Different Books for
Two very Different Religions
Dealing with two very Different Ages
http://BlamingJesus.com † http://TheGirl.com
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These are extremists doing all the killing. What about when they kill other innocent Muslims? Is that ok'd in the Quran also? Or are they just doing it because they are crazy extremists?
Complete and utter bullshit.

You don't ban religions in this country. What the fuck are you, a progressive?

If someone does something horrendous in the name of religion, kill the fucker and move on.....sooner or later, they will get the message or they will run out of messengers.

It baffles Me that people are so willing to enslave themselves to their government.

Hey, any excuse the secularists can take to ban religion altogether, they'll take.
These are extremists doing all the killing. What about when they kill other innocent Muslims? Is that ok'd in the Quran also? Or are they just doing it because they are crazy extremists?

††† No violence, none, was invented by any modern Muslim, least of all extremists. In fact, the Boston Marathon Bomber, Nidal Hassan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hood_shooting) and the 9/11 Terrorists were very moderate and mild compared to Mohammad.

Mohammad's EXTREME violence is the genesis, model and engine for all modern Islamic violence. Compare Mohammad's prototypical brutality to today's relatively mild terrorism.

Mohammad did this:
Crucified and Impaled people
Burned people alive (for missing prayers, no less)
Heated pieces of metal and burned out eyes
Gouged Out Eyes (http://gentleislam.com/gougedeyes/)
Had the Widow Umm Qirfa torn apart with camels
Had his critic, the Poetess Asma, stabbed WHILE SHE WAS NURSING her 5 children
Beheaded hundreds of children if they had pubic hair (Mohammad's Banu Qurayza Massacre)

So when the Boston Marathon Muslim Moderate only kills 5 or so and not sadistically as Mohammad would, but mercifully in an explosion, find that mild mannered Muslim terrorist and THANK HIM for only partially emulating Mohammad, who did MUCH WORSE to many more people.

Fanatics didn't invent the murdering oppressive censoring terrorist way of life: MOHAMMAD DID.

"Allah hates non-Muslims so CRUCIFY them, cut off their hands & feet, deceive, sabotage, ambush & slay non-Muslims where they hide. Behead and terrorize non-Muslims, for through terror I have been made victorious." Quran 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 // Bukhari 4:52.220
"Kill polytheists when found" Quran 2
"If they turn their backs on Islam SLAY THEM" Quran 4
"If they criticize Islam behead the doubters" Quran 9

Why not learn Mohammad's biography? Then YOU WILL KNOW Extreme Terrorism and why Muslims are so violent: They imitate Mohammad, Islam's Founder.

http://www.youtube.com/user/islamiswar † http://www.youtube.com/user/gentleislam
Three Stages of Jihad:

http://WhatMoDid.com † http://Zundi.com † http://TheReligionofPeace.com
http://ProphetofDoom.net † http://BanIslamNOW.com † http://IslamisUnlawful.com
http://IslamisIllegal.com † http://thedevil.com/quotes/ † http://IslamIsWAR.com

Sound like Hate Speech? We Agree. But Guess Who said this?
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Yeah, but that was 1,000 to 2,000 years ago. Islam is doing it now.

Islam is a newer religion. I guess they all must go through stages like this. Can we trust Christianity not to go back to it? We should probably ban them all right?

One would only guess that if they haven't read the Bible, Quran or had an interest in understanding the two religions. Islam won't evolve because true Muslims follow Muhammad's example and there is no path for them to abandon or stand up against his example without fear.
If you understand Islam through the text and what it does, it's clear that every government should be aware of its threat and take action for the sake of peace. A person who is faithful to Islam is a scary thing. You can't blame Muslims for not living with integrity if they are willing to kill infidels. You can't say the same thing of Christians even if they just have it in their heart to want to murder. True Christians follow Jesus through his example. Someone successfully following Jesus will only bring good things.

Firstly, it's freedom FROM religion, IE: the Gov't can't institute a state religion or force anyone into a certain religion.

Secondly, Christians don't kill kids in the name of their god, only dirtbag Muslims do.

Thirdly, fuck me? No, fuck Mohammed!
††† Why should Islam be BANNED?

Answering the OP question ...

Islam is a religion and can no more be banned than any other religion.

But certainly radical Islam should be fought against in every possible way, as it is committed to global jihad and the conquest of the infidel, by infidel meaning everyone who doesn't share their Muslim religion.
††† Why should Islam be BANNED? Terrorism's ENGINE is this: The Quran promises Muslims instantaneous celestial reward for killing infidels, critics & apostates in ghastly ways. Mohammad religiously institutionalized for Muslims a divine privilege to randomly murder religious enemies. If you are a non-Muslim, critic or polytheist, Muslims have a right (and often duty) to kill you, according to the Quran:

Befriend no infidel but terrorize, deceive (Taqiyya) & kill non-Muslims until their religion (Fitna) is gone & Islam rules over all. Q 2, 3, 4, 8, 5, 48, 98

Because the Quran teaches that allah views non-Muslims as vile hell bound animals, many Muslims committed to studying the Quran & emulating Mohammad come to believe this. However, Quranic Laws of Taqiya (the Islamic doctrine of deceiving infidels) forbid sharing this with infidels.

Just as Christianity is the imitation of Jesus' lovecentric life, so Islam is the imitation of Mohammad's colorful variety of religious murder sprees.

Here are some of Islam's EXPLICIT COMMANDS to murder infidels:

If they criticize Islam BEHEAD THE UNBELIEVER. Q9
Allah hates non-Muslims so make war on them, lest you join them in Hell. Q3, Q9
"Kill polytheists when found" Q2

This last verse is the engine for THE HINDU HOLOCAUST in which nearly 180 million unarmed & captive Hindus were tortured & beheaded for allah. Each year THOUSANDS of women are disfigured, noses cut off, acid thrown in their faces, their clitoris removed (Google FGM) and of course, stoned to death.

What if you want to leave Islam? It's called Apostasy. The PENALTY IS (unsurprisingly) DEATH: "Catch & behead anyone who leaves Islam." Quran 4, 8, 98

Conclusion? Until Islam and the Quran are wiped from earth, Islam will perennially lead significant numbers of sincere readers of the Quran to murder as Mohammad did. Until Mohammad's violent and glorified role model (the one Obama praises) is REMOVED from Islam and no longer taught to children, Islam will incite murder.

We do not want Mohammad's violent meme around our children. We do not want Islam improving America and Europe the way it's improved the chaotic Islamic blood bath called the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia and

PAKISTAN, IRAQ, IRAN, INDONESIA, DARFUR, SOMALIA, Ethiopia, CHAD, YEMEN, Rwanda, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Uganda, Congo, Afghanistan, Tunisia, SOMOLIA, CHAD, YEMEN, Swaziland, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Djibouti, Libya, Turkmenistan, Kosovo, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Kashmir, etc.

Islam is a magnet for religious murder, censorship, war, insurrection, oppression & congeals swaths of humanity in rank misery. The remedy is REMOVING MOHAMMAD'S violent ROLE MODEL from Islam. But that's impossible. So we seek to BAN ISLAM in the WEST. Logistically? Treat Muslims as Saudi Arabia treats Jews, Hindus, Christians and all non-Muslims. They confiscate our religious materials and forbid expansion of our religions in their country.

If you respect, defend or praise Islam, you share the blame for Islam's incessant bloodshed. For mankind, for women, FOR PEACE and for the benefit of Muslims, we can and will:
The laws of Life Must Triumph Over the Cult of Death - Ban Islam Now † There is Only One Known Anodyne to Every Evil: Jesus Christ

Christians need to promote the Bible and contrast it with the Quran whenever the opportunity arises. To do this the Bible needs to be studied by Christians. Most Muslims have no clue of what the Bible says nor their own book. Christians need to be on top of their game to be able to defend what they believe and be able to understandably witness to any Muslims God brings along their way. Christains need to love Muslims. This will either draw them or heap coals on their heads.
††† Why should Islam be BANNED?

Answering the OP question ...

Islam is a religion and can no more be banned than any other religion.

But certainly radical Islam should be fought against in every possible way, as it is committed to global jihad and the conquest of the infidel, by infidel meaning everyone who doesn't share their Muslim religion.

You seem like a good egg. Take a moment to read just a fraction of the reasons Islam is already unlawful in the United States:
http://BanIslamNOW.com † http://IslamisUnlawful.com
http://IslamisIllegal.com † http://gentleislam.com/sedition

It's the Constitution itself that makes Islam unlawful. And the RICO act. And the Civil Rights Act says Muslims are not, cannot be, United States Citizens for a number of reasons, the main being they are subject to, adhere to a foreign power and enemy of the State. If the Kingdom of Islam persuades a Muslim to sabotage and betray US Law, Government and the lives of infidel citizens, they will.

THERE IS A REASON FOR TREASON Law. How long do you think a Free Society can remain such if its most ardent enemies are allowed to setup internal Trojan camp and overthrow it? You are bright, I'm sure, but many idiots think the US Constitution permits enemies of the state to peddle war against us freely, as long as they wear hats labeled, "Religion." Did I mention only idiots think this?

"All persons born in the United States, who are not subject to a foreign power, are declared citizens of the United States." -CRA CHXXXI

This means persons subject to a foreign power ARE NOT US CITIZENS. The law specifically exempts American Indians who are subject to a foreign power. They only remain US Citizens because a special exemptive clause is made for them.

No exemption is made to Muslims who owe allegiance & are subject to The Nation of Islam, Sharia & Mohammadan Law and generally to Saudi Arabia and Mecca. We only have a million video tapes of Muslims swearing they are only bound by Islamic Law and not the law of any land they inhabit. That's the battle in many European countries: Muslims insist on their own Sharia courts and reject local law - WHEN THEY ARE IN SUFFICIENT POWER AND NUMBER to do so.
Three Stages of Jihad

The goal of Islam is to force everyone to submit to Sharia Law imposed by the sword. This is not only Treason but triggers clause two of

CRA Ch. XXX1 Sec 2:

Any person who deprives any United States inhabitant of any freedom or right secured under US Law or causes subjection to punishments, pains or penalties of any foreign law, Shall NOT be considered a US Citizen.

The Law of the Nation of Islam found in the Quran, & Hadith, denies Muslims from marriage & sexual freedoms along with freedoms of speech - resulting in honor killings, stonings and various forms of pain, punishment & persecution. SEE HOW THAT BREAKS THE LAW?

I'm just getting started. By these & other laws, Islam is Unlawful & Muslims are not legal citizens of the United States. Let's not have any more insubstantial jabber about how Islam is not unlawful without some evidence as to why these laws do not apply to them.

http://BanIslamNOW.com † http://IslamisUnlawful.com † http://IslamisIllegal.com
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††† What is Unlawful Religion? --> http://IslamisUnlawful.com

Any religion advocating PERPETUAL or boundless commands to murder multiple classes of humans for religious reasons, not confined to a specific, limited or past context or episode of war is FUNDAMENTALLY UNLAWFUL & Banned in every civilized nation.

This means Islam:
"If they turn their backs on Islam, SLAY THEM." Quran4
"If they criticize Islam, behead the unbelief." Quran9

http://BanIslamNOW.com † http://IslamisUnlawful.com † http://IslamisIllegal.com
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St. Tropez, storybooks are fiction that don't have religious zealotry associated with them. The Quran and Bible are religious books, created by primitive, superstitious, pre-dark ages and tribal peoples, each of these with over a billion followers. The passages in them, raise passions, fomenting discontent, hatred, persecution and murderous intent among it's very devout followers.
As far as the Quran is concerned, the anything but nice Muhammad, advocated hideous crimes against humanity in his latter years. While in middle-age, he lusted after a six-year old named Aisha, marrying her at the age of nine and I understand that there is some thought that he had intimacy prior to that age (Pedophile!!!). This guy was clearly no prophet, but rather just a tribal murdering pedophile who convinced people in that era that he was chosen by a deity so speak for it.
A deity doesn't need "one" individual to speak for it. It could easily speak to all humans over all lands at the same time, very loudly and very clearly, and would just as easily be able to show itself to all at the same time.
Anyway, the two so-called holy books influence peoples beliefs of the world around them, as well as their actions.
As for banning:
The second amendment clearly cites that the people have a right to "bear" (carry) arms (so that they can provide for a well-regulated militia and also, while not mentioned, so that they could hunt for food). Since the drafters didn't say what kind of weapon, we have some senators and their supporters try to regulate what type of arms the people may have (and failed).
The Constition says that congress may not make a law regarding the establishment of religion. However, if you want to read it in the literal sense, you could argue that the statement only says that you cannot stop someone from creating (establishing) a religion (hence all these goofy religions that pop up here), but says nothing about banning religious books that call for the imprisoning, harming, or otherwise killing of people simply because they choose to change religions, not abide by religious tenets or convert to a religion.
If you cite the freedom of speech, well, we have laws that do restrict speech, even though the Constitution clearly says that the freedom of speech shall not be infringed (shortened, curtailed).
Saying that you cannot yell "fire" in a crowded building, really isn't much different that telling extremely devout followers to kill everyone that doesn't go into your religion.
So, I believe we should ban some religious materials via an amendment to the Constitution.
As a matter of safety to Americans, Muslims should not be admitted in this country. Even if it means "hurting the feelings" of peaceful Muslims. I'd rather that some of the few have hurt feelings rather than looking over our shoulders waiting for the next terrorist attack at another event.

I think you should get rid of all the Catholic priests, too. Kids can't attend church these days without constantly looking over the shoulders, thinking they might be molested.

I'm on board with that.

I feel that the Pope needs to rethink celibacy and revisit the Biblical model, namely:
1 Timothy 3:2, 12

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach. . . . Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well."

This would go a long way towards ending homosexuality in the Roman Catholic church.
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