Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

I don't think you connected with my question, either that or I didn't connect with your answer. When you say flat property tax, I assume you mean only property owners pay it. Unless I misunderstand that, who doesn't need police or fire? Why should only property owners pay for it?

Also, when you say groceries are not taxed, that's not actually true. It is true milk buyers are not paying sales tax, but they are paying all other taxes, they are baked into the price of the milk. Nothing should be exempt from the flat sales tax, it warps prices again, which was the whole point of getting away from our absurd tax code

Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

What do you mean? You keep paying the sales tax, it's not a one time deal.

I still don't get why you just pull out property tax. How what is different between that and every other tax rolled into a national sales tax?
Real-estate is a different type of property than items you buy over the counter. Land does not have to be bought and sold to change hands. We don't charge sales tax on real-estate purchases. No one does to my knowledge. The reason is... it's nonsensical. The tax that is appropriate for real-estate is property tax... not sales tax. Property tax is a tax over time on property. Property tax is not a sale tax. The contract you sign when you buy the property essentially includes a lien on the home that you will pay the property taxes for the region. These property taxes are what it costs to be a land owner in a region of the country. Sales taxes only apply to over the counter type items that you purchase. You can buy items in another state and bring them to your property... but you can't move your land. Though you may be able to move the home on your land to another piece of property... you cant move the land itself, well not without permission from said government that regulates types of use of the land.

The difference is land requires special types of services that are "on-going." However, land may be only purchased once. Thus the folks that are living perpetually on family land, over time, would be taking advantage of EVEYRONE ELSE who does not also live on said family land. Thus the amount of sales taxes needed would quickly double again and then again then again ... to pick up for the fact that no will be buying new homes any more cause they can't afford to pay sales tax on the home as the sales tax rate spirals out of control.

Property tax in TX is about 2% per year, sales tax is 8%. People live in their home their entire life. Let's say you pay 50 years property tax that's 100% of the sales price / value of the property paid over 50years. To make up for the loss of the tax revenue for 100% of the value of your home that 8% would have to go up significantly. My educated guess is you'd be looking at around an 80% sales tax rate to cover the loss of property taxes over time. Or you'd have to do a retro active sales tax on existing homes of around 50% of the value of all owned property in the state to be placed in a savings account for withdraw by the state over time.

I'm not sure if we're on the same page or not. I'm going to back up. Selling land is the secondary market. Reselling houses is the secondary market. So I wouldn't charge sales tax on either. I would charge sales tax on the sale of a new home less the value of the land. Keep in mind that is not a tax increase over today. Today you don't directly pay a tax, but all the income and business and other taxes are baked into the price of the home. So also I would charge sales tax on building the home, but not on reselling it. That is keeping taxes in the same place as today, just converting them all to a single tax.

In terms of ongoing taxes, we calculate the cost of fire, police, roads, schools, whatever is baked into the property tax and put it in the sales tax like every other tax. That's the whole point of the sales tax, to eliminate all other taxes and have one simple, direct tax.

One other point you touched on though is there would be probably three tax rates, the Federal, State and local.

So say the Federal rate is 20%, the State 5% and the local 2%, you would pay a 27% tax and the money would be dispersed to the three. Again, no different than today, just calculated differently
Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

What do you mean? You keep paying the sales tax, it's not a one time deal.

I still don't get why you just pull out property tax. How what is different between that and every other tax rolled into a national sales tax?
Real-estate is a different type of property than items you buy over the counter. Land does not have to be bought and sold to change hands. We don't charge sales tax on real-estate purchases. No one does to my knowledge. The reason is... it's nonsensical. The tax that is appropriate for real-estate is property tax... not sales tax. Property tax is a tax over time on property. Property tax is not a sale tax. The contract you sign when you buy the property essentially includes a lien on the home that you will pay the property taxes for the region. These property taxes are what it costs to be a land owner in a region of the country. Sales taxes only apply to over the counter type items that you purchase. You can buy items in another state and bring them to your property... but you can't move your land. Though you may be able to move the home on your land to another piece of property... you cant move the land itself, well not without permission from said government that regulates types of use of the land.

The difference is land requires special types of services that are "on-going." However, land may be only purchased once. Thus the folks that are living perpetually on family land, over time, would be taking advantage of EVEYRONE ELSE who does not also live on said family land. Thus the amount of sales taxes needed would quickly double again and then again then again ... to pick up for the fact that no will be buying new homes any more cause they can't afford to pay sales tax on the home as the sales tax rate spirals out of control.

Property tax in TX is about 2% per year, sales tax is 8%. People live in their home their entire life. Let's say you pay 50 years property tax that's 100% of the sales price / value of the property paid over 50years. To make up for the loss of the tax revenue for 100% of the value of your home that 8% would have to go up significantly. My educated guess is you'd be looking at around an 80% sales tax rate to cover the loss of property taxes over time. Or you'd have to do a retro active sales tax on existing homes of around 50% of the value of all owned property in the state to be placed in a savings account for withdraw by the state over time.

I'm not sure if we're on the same page or not. I'm going to back up. Selling land is the secondary market. Reselling houses is the secondary market. So I wouldn't charge sales tax on either. I would charge sales tax on the sale of a new home less the value of the land. Keep in mind that is not a tax increase over today. Today you don't directly pay a tax, but all the income and business and other taxes are baked into the price of the home. So also I would charge sales tax on building the home, but not on reselling it. That is keeping taxes in the same place as today, just converting them all to a single tax.

In terms of ongoing taxes, we calculate the cost of fire, police, roads, schools, whatever is baked into the property tax and put it in the sales tax like every other tax. That's the whole point of the sales tax, to eliminate all other taxes and have one simple, direct tax.

One other point you touched on though is there would be probably three tax rates, the Federal, State and local.

So say the Federal rate is 20%, the State 5% and the local 2%, you would pay a 27% tax and the money would be dispersed to the three. Again, no different than today, just calculated differently
Ok, I could live with that. But only with the provision that the feds get out of the income tax business, and also out of the local police, fire, rescue, education, roads, bridges, welfare, disaster, etc. business. Otherwise we are warping cost of living in region A of the country to subsidize cost of living in region B of the country. Agreed?

IOW we have a spending problem that is greater than the taxing problem.

That said my recommendation is replacing income taxes, personal and corporate, with a smaller sales tax and a property tax. Why? Because I don't think a 20% sales tax is gonna cover all of the spending that this out of control government does and I like the balance of some sales and some property tax. Some sales and some property tax is a system that works REALLY REALLY WELL.
Last edited:
Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

What do you mean? You keep paying the sales tax, it's not a one time deal.

I still don't get why you just pull out property tax. How what is different between that and every other tax rolled into a national sales tax?
Real-estate is a different type of property than items you buy over the counter. Land does not have to be bought and sold to change hands. We don't charge sales tax on real-estate purchases. No one does to my knowledge. The reason is... it's nonsensical. The tax that is appropriate for real-estate is property tax... not sales tax. Property tax is a tax over time on property. Property tax is not a sale tax. The contract you sign when you buy the property essentially includes a lien on the home that you will pay the property taxes for the region. These property taxes are what it costs to be a land owner in a region of the country. Sales taxes only apply to over the counter type items that you purchase. You can buy items in another state and bring them to your property... but you can't move your land. Though you may be able to move the home on your land to another piece of property... you cant move the land itself, well not without permission from said government that regulates types of use of the land.

The difference is land requires special types of services that are "on-going." However, land may be only purchased once. Thus the folks that are living perpetually on family land, over time, would be taking advantage of EVEYRONE ELSE who does not also live on said family land. Thus the amount of sales taxes needed would quickly double again and then again then again ... to pick up for the fact that no will be buying new homes any more cause they can't afford to pay sales tax on the home as the sales tax rate spirals out of control.

Property tax in TX is about 2% per year, sales tax is 8%. People live in their home their entire life. Let's say you pay 50 years property tax that's 100% of the sales price / value of the property paid over 50years. To make up for the loss of the tax revenue for 100% of the value of your home that 8% would have to go up significantly. My educated guess is you'd be looking at around an 80% sales tax rate to cover the loss of property taxes over time. Or you'd have to do a retro active sales tax on existing homes of around 50% of the value of all owned property in the state to be placed in a savings account for withdraw by the state over time.

I'm not sure if we're on the same page or not. I'm going to back up. Selling land is the secondary market. Reselling houses is the secondary market. So I wouldn't charge sales tax on either. I would charge sales tax on the sale of a new home less the value of the land. Keep in mind that is not a tax increase over today. Today you don't directly pay a tax, but all the income and business and other taxes are baked into the price of the home. So also I would charge sales tax on building the home, but not on reselling it. That is keeping taxes in the same place as today, just converting them all to a single tax.

In terms of ongoing taxes, we calculate the cost of fire, police, roads, schools, whatever is baked into the property tax and put it in the sales tax like every other tax. That's the whole point of the sales tax, to eliminate all other taxes and have one simple, direct tax.

One other point you touched on though is there would be probably three tax rates, the Federal, State and local.

So say the Federal rate is 20%, the State 5% and the local 2%, you would pay a 27% tax and the money would be dispersed to the three. Again, no different than today, just calculated differently
Ok, I could live with that. But only with the provision that the feds get out of the income tax business, and also out of the local police, fire, rescue, education, roads, bridges, welfare, disaster, etc. business. Otherwise we are warping cost of living in region A of the country to subsidize cost of living in region B of the country. Agreed?


IOW we have a spending problem that is greater than the taxing problem.

That said my recommendation is replacing income taxes, personal and corporate, with a smaller sales tax and a property tax. Why? Because I don't think a 20% sales tax is gonna cover all of the spending that this out of control government does and I like the balance of some sales and some property tax. Some sales and some property tax is a system that works REALLY REALLY WELL.

Agreed on that as well
kaz said:
Are you under the impression that the government does not have to protect our rights if they are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution?

Do you think the government can deny us our rights which are not directly mentioned in the Constitution?

Wow, you fundamentally don't understand the Constitution. The Constitution does not say that we have the rights granted to us in the Constitution, it's the complete reverse. The Constitution says that government only has the powers granted to it. You may want to read up on that
Not surprisingly, you're clueless about this too. The Constitution actually mentions several rights of the people, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, right to peaceably assemble, right to keep and bear arms, etc....

Are you even American? You have no clue what it means to be an American. How could you not know the Constitution not only lists a bunch of rights, it prevents the government from denying those rights; and by extension, all rights.

Who do you think secures your rights if not the government?
And kaz goes down for the count


Yet another leftist attempt to establish a circle jerk. LOL, you called bripat and me sucking each other for agreeing on content. Here you just run in and start putting your hand down his pants
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:
kaz said:
Wow, you fundamentally don't understand the Constitution. The Constitution does not say that we have the rights granted to us in the Constitution, it's the complete reverse. The Constitution says that government only has the powers granted to it. You may want to read up on that
Not surprisingly, you're clueless about this too. The Constitution actually mentions several rights of the people, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, right to peaceably assemble, right to keep and bear arms, etc....

Are you even American? You have no clue what it means to be an American. How could you not know the Constitution not only lists a bunch of rights, it prevents the government from denying those rights; and by extension, all rights.

Who do you think secures your rights if not the government?
And kaz goes down for the count


Yet another leftist attempt to establish a circle jerk. LOL, you called bripat and me sucking each other for agreeing on content. Here you just run in and start putting your hand down his pants
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:

OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
kaz said:
Not surprisingly, you're clueless about this too. The Constitution actually mentions several rights of the people, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, right to peaceably assemble, right to keep and bear arms, etc....

Are you even American? You have no clue what it means to be an American. How could you not know the Constitution not only lists a bunch of rights, it prevents the government from denying those rights; and by extension, all rights.

Who do you think secures your rights if not the government?
And kaz goes down for the count


Yet another leftist attempt to establish a circle jerk. LOL, you called bripat and me sucking each other for agreeing on content. Here you just run in and start putting your hand down his pants
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:

OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
You're completely unhinged.
kaz said:
And kaz goes down for the count


Yet another leftist attempt to establish a circle jerk. LOL, you called bripat and me sucking each other for agreeing on content. Here you just run in and start putting your hand down his pants
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:

OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
You're completely unhinged.

Explain to me your complete obsession with talking about how I feel
And kaz goes down for the count


Yet another leftist attempt to establish a circle jerk. LOL, you called bripat and me sucking each other for agreeing on content. Here you just run in and start putting your hand down his pants
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:

OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
You're completely unhinged.

Explain to me your complete obsession with talking about how I feel
adjective: unhinged
  1. mentally unbalanced; deranged.
Strawman. You being unhinged has nothing to do with feelings. :eusa_doh:
Yet another leftist attempt to establish a circle jerk. LOL, you called bripat and me sucking each other for agreeing on content. Here you just run in and start putting your hand down his pants
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:

OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
You're completely unhinged.

Explain to me your complete obsession with talking about how I feel
adjective: unhinged
  1. mentally unbalanced; deranged.
Strawman. You being unhinged has nothing to do with feelings. :eusa_doh:

Unhinged had nothing to do with what I said
I see I struck a nerve with you when I pointed out how eagerly you service dumbfuckbripat. You've been trying to use that on me ever since, and this time, you accuse me of doing in an exchange which included no one other than you and I. :mm:

In other words ... you reek of desperation. :thup:

OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
You're completely unhinged.

Explain to me your complete obsession with talking about how I feel
adjective: unhinged
  1. mentally unbalanced; deranged.
Strawman. You being unhinged has nothing to do with feelings. :eusa_doh:

Unhinged had nothing to do with what I said
And yet, that's what you replied to.
So who buys things that don't need those things? Why not keep taxes simple?

It is simple. We don't tax for a bag of beans or a gallon of milk. That's just the way it is done. No one pays tax for that gallon of milk. NO ONE. Thus it's still a flat tax. The point is that some things should not be taxed. For example, a cancer drug. It's just not right to charge a government tax on the cost of life. Oh we're sorry you can't live because you don't have enough money to buy this drug and pay the tax.

Which btw is one of the reasons I'm against these hidden obama taxes that make it more expensive to buy health care products. REALLY? We are gonna tax products you need to live? You can't live if you can't pay your taxes?

I don't think you connected with my question, either that or I didn't connect with your answer. When you say flat property tax, I assume you mean only property owners pay it. Unless I misunderstand that, who doesn't need police or fire? Why should only property owners pay for it?

Also, when you say groceries are not taxed, that's not actually true. It is true milk buyers are not paying sales tax, but they are paying all other taxes, they are baked into the price of the milk. Nothing should be exempt from the flat sales tax, it warps prices again, which was the whole point of getting away from our absurd tax code

Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?
It is simple. We don't tax for a bag of beans or a gallon of milk. That's just the way it is done. No one pays tax for that gallon of milk. NO ONE. Thus it's still a flat tax. The point is that some things should not be taxed. For example, a cancer drug. It's just not right to charge a government tax on the cost of life. Oh we're sorry you can't live because you don't have enough money to buy this drug and pay the tax.

Which btw is one of the reasons I'm against these hidden obama taxes that make it more expensive to buy health care products. REALLY? We are gonna tax products you need to live? You can't live if you can't pay your taxes?

I don't think you connected with my question, either that or I didn't connect with your answer. When you say flat property tax, I assume you mean only property owners pay it. Unless I misunderstand that, who doesn't need police or fire? Why should only property owners pay for it?

Also, when you say groceries are not taxed, that's not actually true. It is true milk buyers are not paying sales tax, but they are paying all other taxes, they are baked into the price of the milk. Nothing should be exempt from the flat sales tax, it warps prices again, which was the whole point of getting away from our absurd tax code

Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?

Don't like it you can live on a boat or an RV.
I don't think you connected with my question, either that or I didn't connect with your answer. When you say flat property tax, I assume you mean only property owners pay it. Unless I misunderstand that, who doesn't need police or fire? Why should only property owners pay for it?

Also, when you say groceries are not taxed, that's not actually true. It is true milk buyers are not paying sales tax, but they are paying all other taxes, they are baked into the price of the milk. Nothing should be exempt from the flat sales tax, it warps prices again, which was the whole point of getting away from our absurd tax code

Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?

Don't like it you can live on a boat or an RV.

You're simply an idiot. If you lived in pre-war Germany you would have told the Jews they could go live in America if they didn't like the treatment they were getting. Oh, and BTW, the queers can go live in Holland if they don't like the treatment they get here.
OK, I give up. OK, gay boy, let's have a long discussion about our feelings. We can cry, hug, maybe even hold hands in a strictly masculine heterosexual way. If we do that once, can you get over your fixation with how I feel? Despite your endless need to talk about my feelings, you have zero idea what they are.

Here's a pat on the back, feel better, faggy guy?
You're completely unhinged.

Explain to me your complete obsession with talking about how I feel
adjective: unhinged
  1. mentally unbalanced; deranged.
Strawman. You being unhinged has nothing to do with feelings. :eusa_doh:

Unhinged had nothing to do with what I said
And yet, that's what you replied to.

Um...no, you are stupid as shit. It's even in your own quote that was your reply to my pointing out your deep obsession with me and how I feel. Read the quote, clown
It is simple. We don't tax for a bag of beans or a gallon of milk. That's just the way it is done. No one pays tax for that gallon of milk. NO ONE. Thus it's still a flat tax. The point is that some things should not be taxed. For example, a cancer drug. It's just not right to charge a government tax on the cost of life. Oh we're sorry you can't live because you don't have enough money to buy this drug and pay the tax.

Which btw is one of the reasons I'm against these hidden obama taxes that make it more expensive to buy health care products. REALLY? We are gonna tax products you need to live? You can't live if you can't pay your taxes?

I don't think you connected with my question, either that or I didn't connect with your answer. When you say flat property tax, I assume you mean only property owners pay it. Unless I misunderstand that, who doesn't need police or fire? Why should only property owners pay for it?

Also, when you say groceries are not taxed, that's not actually true. It is true milk buyers are not paying sales tax, but they are paying all other taxes, they are baked into the price of the milk. Nothing should be exempt from the flat sales tax, it warps prices again, which was the whole point of getting away from our absurd tax code

Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?

The property taxes are the ultimate Marxist tax because it means government owns everything, sets whatever rent it wants, and takes it back if we don't pay
I don't think you connected with my question, either that or I didn't connect with your answer. When you say flat property tax, I assume you mean only property owners pay it. Unless I misunderstand that, who doesn't need police or fire? Why should only property owners pay for it?

Also, when you say groceries are not taxed, that's not actually true. It is true milk buyers are not paying sales tax, but they are paying all other taxes, they are baked into the price of the milk. Nothing should be exempt from the flat sales tax, it warps prices again, which was the whole point of getting away from our absurd tax code

Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?

Don't like it you can live on a boat or an RV.

Um...they charge property taxes for those too...
this thread needs shut down, it has become totally worthless in it's original concept. :up:

Well, you're more interested in bashing gays. I enjoy bashing liberals, so we both win on that one. However, the thread is actually about taxes. What we are discussing would actually be a solution to my OP post point of eliminating the tax benefits of gay marriage and solving the problem I raised
Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?

Don't like it you can live on a boat or an RV.

You're simply an idiot. If you lived in pre-war Germany you would have told the Jews they could go live in America if they didn't like the treatment they were getting. Oh, and BTW, the queers can go live in Holland if they don't like the treatment they get here.
No you are the idiot comparing property taxes to the Holocaust.
Property owners pay it, but when they have renters, they get the money to pay their property taxes from their renters... so renters in essence also pay property taxes... to cover police and fire just not directly.

Bam, exactly! So of all the taxes, why do you pick this one and say let's keep another tax? The whole point of the sales tax was to keep it flat and efficient? Why arbitrarily pick this one and saw let's keep it?

By your own provided evidence there can be no flat tax because some products require the use of other products that have already been taxed. Thus products that include these "inherited" costs would also have price "warping." IOW there is no perfectly flat tax no matter how you do it. However... the system we use in most states that do sales and property tax and no income tax at all, while exempting very basic necessities has been FANTASTIC. I'm telling you, it is the best system.

No, you tax the primary sales market only, so there aren't embedded taxes for the components of their products just like my business doesn't have to pay sales taxes on the components of our products now. There would be some, like when we buy office supplies and that sort of thing. Remember though I didn't say the sale tax was perfect, only that it's the best option
Land is not a thing that you can tax just once and be done with it... land lasts forever... the taxes have to be done over time for it.

There's no reason to tax property at all. How can you claim you own a piece of property if you have to pay ransom to the state government every year?

Don't like it you can live on a boat or an RV.

Um...they charge property taxes for those too...
Um... no they don't.

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