Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Deal. Here you go, see you in two weeks

I don't see the word upset. Annoy is hardly the same as upset. Besides...I know it did annoy you.

I didn't quote the word upset. This is exactly what I said you would do and why I said I wouldn't waste my time.

QED, just remember this going forward, and it turns out you are the liar. Welshing on a bet, pathetic. You have now made clear what you are

Nope. You used the word upset. It's not even a synonym for annoyed.

You're so scared to debate me you have to stretch for reasons not to? Don't respond instead of trying to find a pussy way out.

The SCOTUS ruling annoyed you didn't it?

You know what quotes mean and neither of us used them. You are a liar with no integrity. Straight up, ho, you are

You said upset. Your original statement said upset. Annoy isn't upset...not even a synonym.

I was annoyed at the ruling and I won, so I know it annoyed you. It didn't upset you, but it DID annoy you.

Stop responding if you don't want to debate me, pussy.

Oh, and keep subsidizing my gay mating too. :lol:

When I didn't quote the word upset and you didn't either, you knew exactly what that meant. You are a liar and you have no honor
Spanking you if you didn't do what you were told was an appropriate way to teach the reality of liberalism to you
My mother agreed. It also taught me that life has rules and other people have needs of their own, it's not just about you. Imagine that, and in your case you'll have to since you were never taught that.
My prediction came true. The Supreme court ruled and my position didn't change, it made no difference to me. You and Seawytch both went down in complete flames on that one
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of what we predicted, leaving you, someone who's against government ordained marriage, stuck with "subsidizing gay mating," which you are also against -- and you're so delusional, you think I was the one to go down in flames.


Yep, forcing people to do what they don't want to do is what liberalism is all about. Only the truly servile and totalitarian would gloat about something like that.
You dolt. Our country was founded on the ideal that Congress can raise taxes. From the earliest days, people were forced to pay taxes for things they didn't agree with.

That's not an "ideal," numskull. They viewed it as a painful necessity, not something desirable. This country was founded on the ideal of liberty, that men should be free to pursue their own ends, rather than, as liberals believe, men are the means for rulers to pursue their ends.
Getting back to the point you're now trying to deflect from .... from our earliest days, people had to pay tax for something they didn't agree with. That's inherent in collecting taxes. Without realizing it, you called the founding fathers, "Liberal."

Glad to see, in your heart, you believe this country was founded on Liberalism. :thup:

They were 18th century liberals, not Stalinists as the people call themselves liberal today are. Modern liberals are opposed to freedom.

Again, the fact that the Founding Fathers thought taxes were necessary doesn't alter the fact that they viewed them as an evil. They weren't an "ideal" by any stretch of the imagination.
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My prediction came true. The Supreme court ruled and my position didn't change, it made no difference to me. You and Seawytch both went down in complete flames on that one
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of what we predicted, leaving you, someone who's against government ordained marriage, stuck with "subsidizing gay mating," which you are also against -- and you're so delusional, you think I was the one to go down in flames.


Yep, forcing people to do what they don't want to do is what liberalism is all about. Only the truly servile and totalitarian would gloat about something like that.
You dolt. Our country was founded on the ideal that Congress can raise taxes. From the earliest days, people were forced to pay taxes for things they didn't agree with.

That's not an "ideal," numskull. They viewed it as a painful necessity, not something desirable. This country was founded on the ideal of liberty, that men should be free to pursue their own ends, rather than, as liberals believe, men are the means for rulers to pursue their ends.
Liberty comes from Liberalism and Liberals, dumbass.

True, classic liberalism. Today we are called libertarians. You are an authoritarian leftist. You are no more liberal than North Korea is a Democratic Republic
Spanking you if you didn't do what you were told was an appropriate way to teach the reality of liberalism to you
My mother agreed. It also taught that life has rules and other people have needs of their own. Imagine that, and in your case you'll have to since you were never taught that.

How does that make you different from a Nazi?
Very different. They were like you, thinking only of themselves, but at least even they, unlike you, could see the need for society and that their fellow citizens mattered.
So mommy raised you to be a good little Nazi?
Liberal, Bri-piss, which I am.

I've proven that you're indistinguishable from a Nazi. You even endorse committing genocide against the Jews.
You've proven nothing of the kind, and not Jews, Zionists, which can all be sent to an island as well, history shows that's possible eh? Fuckin' pussies...

Yeah, and we put people of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps during the war. You so-called "liberals" never change your spots, do you?
During wartime mistakes are made eh? That's life, lesson learned.

it seems liberals are always making these "mistakes." However, I don't think they were mistakes. They were just examples of liberals giving in to their natural inclinations.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of what we predicted, leaving you, someone who's against government ordained marriage, stuck with "subsidizing gay mating," which you are also against -- and you're so delusional, you think I was the one to go down in flames.


Yep, forcing people to do what they don't want to do is what liberalism is all about. Only the truly servile and totalitarian would gloat about something like that.
You dolt. Our country was founded on the ideal that Congress can raise taxes. From the earliest days, people were forced to pay taxes for things they didn't agree with.

That's not an "ideal," numskull. They viewed it as a painful necessity, not something desirable. This country was founded on the ideal of liberty, that men should be free to pursue their own ends, rather than, as liberals believe, men are the means for rulers to pursue their ends.
Liberty comes from Liberalism and Liberals, dumbass.

True, classic liberalism. Today we are called libertarians. You are an authoritarian leftist. You are no more liberal than North Korea is a Democratic Republic
You are nothing like a liberal, and nothing like the Founders. They would have voted you off the island. They already had selfish real children to deal with.
My prediction came true. The Supreme court ruled and my position didn't change, it made no difference to me. You and Seawytch both went down in complete flames on that one
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of what we predicted, leaving you, someone who's against government ordained marriage, stuck with "subsidizing gay mating," which you are also against -- and you're so delusional, you think I was the one to go down in flames.


Yep, forcing people to do what they don't want to do is what liberalism is all about. Only the truly servile and totalitarian would gloat about something like that.
You dolt. Our country was founded on the ideal that Congress can raise taxes. From the earliest days, people were forced to pay taxes for things they didn't agree with.

That's not an "ideal," numskull. They viewed it as a painful necessity, not something desirable. This country was founded on the ideal of liberty, that men should be free to pursue their own ends, rather than, as liberals believe, men are the means for rulers to pursue their ends.
Getting back to the point you're now trying to deflect from .... from our earliest days, people had to pay tax for something they didn't agree with. That's inherent in collecting taxes. Without realizing it, you called the founding fathers, "Liberal."

Glad to see, in your heart, you believe this country was founded on Liberalism. :thup:

The difference is the founding fathers believed in taxes for the "general good." That means everyone benefits. Roads, military, they are available for all. Sure some use them more than others and some value them more than others, but everyone does benefit from them. Socialists like you support the opposite, the specific good. Taking money from one person and giving it to another. That specific good comes at the direct expense of other citizens, it harms them. That was not the system our forefathers set up
Spanking you if you didn't do what you were told was an appropriate way to teach the reality of liberalism to you
My mother agreed. It also taught that life has rules and other people have needs of their own. Imagine that, and in your case you'll have to since you were never taught that.

How does that make you different from a Nazi?
Very different. They were like you, thinking only of themselves, but at least even they, unlike you, could see the need for society and that their fellow citizens mattered.

Now you're changing the subject. Nazis believe that society has rules that you are bound to follow, don't they? Nazis claimed their rules were for the good of the German volk, just as you claim your rules are for the good of America.
Liberal, Bri-piss, which I am.

I've proven that you're indistinguishable from a Nazi. You even endorse committing genocide against the Jews.
You've proven nothing of the kind, and not Jews, Zionists, which can all be sent to an island as well, history shows that's possible eh? Fuckin' pussies...

Yeah, and we put people of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps during the war. You so-called "liberals" never change your spots, do you?
During wartime mistakes are made eh? That's life, lesson learned.

it seems liberals are always making these "mistakes." However, I don't think they were mistakes. They were just examples of liberals giving in to their natural inclinations.
Our natural inclination is to let people like you continue to exist, and that's a damn shame actually.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of what we predicted, leaving you, someone who's against government ordained marriage, stuck with "subsidizing gay mating," which you are also against -- and you're so delusional, you think I was the one to go down in flames.


Yep, forcing people to do what they don't want to do is what liberalism is all about. Only the truly servile and totalitarian would gloat about something like that.
You dolt. Our country was founded on the ideal that Congress can raise taxes. From the earliest days, people were forced to pay taxes for things they didn't agree with.

That's not an "ideal," numskull. They viewed it as a painful necessity, not something desirable. This country was founded on the ideal of liberty, that men should be free to pursue their own ends, rather than, as liberals believe, men are the means for rulers to pursue their ends.
Getting back to the point you're now trying to deflect from .... from our earliest days, people had to pay tax for something they didn't agree with. That's inherent in collecting taxes. Without realizing it, you called the founding fathers, "Liberal."

Glad to see, in your heart, you believe this country was founded on Liberalism. :thup:

The difference is the founding fathers believed in taxes for the "general good." That means everyone benefits. Roads, military, they are available for all. Sure some use them more than others and some value them more than others, but everyone does benefit from them. Socialists like you support the opposite, the specific good. Taking money from one person and giving it to another. That specific good comes at the direct expense of other citizens, it harms them. That was not the system our forefathers set up
You have no idea what liberals believe, you never ask, you only tell, and you're dead wrong of course.
Better known as .... kazzing.

Thank you, and you are correct. I am kazzing, I don't blindly accept leftist ideology like you do, gay boy. I will never stop kazzing
"Kazzing" is synonymous with "lying." You're funny in that you think you get to redefine how I use the term. At least you admit you can't stop.

To a liberal, it certainly is. Everyone knows that liberalism is by definition truth. Anyone who doesn't accept that is clearly kazzing. I mean lying. You mentioned that. So yes, I am definitely kazzing, I don't accept the truth of liberalism.

BTW, you can't read, I didn't say anywhere I "can't" stop, I said I won't stop, and I won't

Sadly, that's exactly what Faun believes.
Nope, it's not. You're just too stupid to know any better.

So why do you keep arguing the inherent truth of liberalism if you don't believe in it? You even created a word for those of us who don't believe the inherent truth of liberalism, we are "kazzing." Great word, BTW, thank you for that
Spanking you if you didn't do what you were told was an appropriate way to teach the reality of liberalism to you
My mother agreed. It also taught me that life has rules and other people have needs of their own, it's not just about you. Imagine that, and in your case you'll have to since you were never taught that.

How does your "need" impose an obligation on me?
Spanking you if you didn't do what you were told was an appropriate way to teach the reality of liberalism to you
My mother agreed. It also taught that life has rules and other people have needs of their own. Imagine that, and in your case you'll have to since you were never taught that.

How does that make you different from a Nazi?
Very different. They were like you, thinking only of themselves, but at least even they, unlike you, could see the need for society and that their fellow citizens mattered.

Now you're changing the subject. Nazis believe that society has rules that you are bound to follow, don't they? Nazis claimed their rules were for the good of the German volk, just as you claim your rules are for the good of America.
Nazis liked dog and children, that doesn't make people who like dogs and children Nazis. Grow up, Bri-piss.
I've proven that you're indistinguishable from a Nazi. You even endorse committing genocide against the Jews.
You've proven nothing of the kind, and not Jews, Zionists, which can all be sent to an island as well, history shows that's possible eh? Fuckin' pussies...

Yeah, and we put people of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps during the war. You so-called "liberals" never change your spots, do you?
During wartime mistakes are made eh? That's life, lesson learned.

it seems liberals are always making these "mistakes." However, I don't think they were mistakes. They were just examples of liberals giving in to their natural inclinations.
Our natural inclination is to let people like you continue to exist, and that's a damn shame actually.

So you'll allow us to exist in concentration camps?

That is so beautifully liberal!
Spanking you if you didn't do what you were told was an appropriate way to teach the reality of liberalism to you
My mother agreed. It also taught me that life has rules and other people have needs of their own, it's not just about you. Imagine that, and in your case you'll have to since you were never taught that.

How does your "need" impose an obligation on me?
The obligation is the social contract, and we've discussed this many times, that you were born to. You don't live on an island, of one.
I've proven that you're indistinguishable from a Nazi. You even endorse committing genocide against the Jews.
You've proven nothing of the kind, and not Jews, Zionists, which can all be sent to an island as well, history shows that's possible eh? Fuckin' pussies...

Yeah, and we put people of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps during the war. You so-called "liberals" never change your spots, do you?
During wartime mistakes are made eh? That's life, lesson learned.

it seems liberals are always making these "mistakes." However, I don't think they were mistakes. They were just examples of liberals giving in to their natural inclinations.
Our natural inclination is to let people like you continue to exist, and that's a damn shame actually.

That's been tried before. Why did you ask why bripat called you a Nazi again? Get it now?
Yep, forcing people to do what they don't want to do is what liberalism is all about. Only the truly servile and totalitarian would gloat about something like that.
You dolt. Our country was founded on the ideal that Congress can raise taxes. From the earliest days, people were forced to pay taxes for things they didn't agree with.

That's not an "ideal," numskull. They viewed it as a painful necessity, not something desirable. This country was founded on the ideal of liberty, that men should be free to pursue their own ends, rather than, as liberals believe, men are the means for rulers to pursue their ends.
Liberty comes from Liberalism and Liberals, dumbass.

True, classic liberalism. Today we are called libertarians. You are an authoritarian leftist. You are no more liberal than North Korea is a Democratic Republic
You are nothing like a liberal, and nothing like the Founders. They would have voted you off the island. They already had selfish real children to deal with.

So I agree with them on almost everything and you agree with them on nothing, which makes you one of them and me not. Got it
You've proven nothing of the kind, and not Jews, Zionists, which can all be sent to an island as well, history shows that's possible eh? Fuckin' pussies...

Yeah, and we put people of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps during the war. You so-called "liberals" never change your spots, do you?
During wartime mistakes are made eh? That's life, lesson learned.

it seems liberals are always making these "mistakes." However, I don't think they were mistakes. They were just examples of liberals giving in to their natural inclinations.
Our natural inclination is to let people like you continue to exist, and that's a damn shame actually.

So you'll allow us to exist in concentration camps?

That is so beautifully liberal!
At this point I'd allow you to exist for the time it took you to land, without a parachute, from 35,000 feet over the ocean, but it's not my call now is it?

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