Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Who cites taxes as a reason for getting married, civilly or otherwise? It sure as hell is no where on my list of the reasons I married the love of my life.

You mean the one who's feelings you put below the importance of your political views? Or were you lying about that?

You're saying I do does not make it so. I've acknowledged that you are husband of the year for giving your wife the validation she needs and you used to need.

You also keep saying that I am a hypocrite. How does that make sense that following my own values makes me a hypocrite? Hint, it doesn't. Buy a dictionary
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it
Right, I forgot that you have no long term memory. I married her in 1988, I was still a Republican and a conservative then. Though I always leaned libertarian. I left the Republican party in circa 1990, I did not consider myself "libertarian" until a couple years after that. My first vote for the Libertarian party was 1996. 1992 I voted for Perot. Actually, government marriage wasn't something I started to question until 10 years so ago and that was when I realized what a bad idea it is

So I recalled it correctly. You wanted to marry her and did. Now you can't divorcee her because she won't let you.

Actually if you read what you said, that wasn't it. You realize it's in your quote, no?

It's exactly what I said. You say people get the "government" marriage for validation. Since you asked her, you obviously needed that validation.

You're a peach because your wife still needs the "validation" and you give it to her.

No, I said gays want it for validation, straights already have validation. Hey guys, we're one of you, we have the government paper to prove it. Guys? You got that, right?

And my wife is VERY clear on my views. I don't know how many times or ways I can tell you that. We have an agreement, I get my views, she gets her way. I prefer that over the alternative, which is I don't get my views, she gets her way. Best deal I can make with a female

Ooooohhhh....only gays get married for "validation". :lol:

You silly man...gays marry their partners of choice for all the exact same reasons straight couples do.

Yes, your in-laws were OK with their having a gay daughter in a gay relationship, but they weren't letting her out of the house without a church wedding and paper from the government. I remember you mentioned that, I just don't buy it

Dysfunctional families and messed up children is what you get.

Yeah- thats what you bigots keep saying

But you bigots lie about all sorts of stuff- look at Kaz's posts.

Yeah, I mocked you and you are still falling for it, it's a hoot

Mock? Who knows- we know you lied.
What your rationalization for your lies is- who knows? Who cares?

Good enough to stop at: Kaz is lying again.

I don't speak idiot, can you translate that to English for me?

You seem completely fluent in idiot in every post you make.

Here let me make is simple for you:

Kaz lies.
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

Just no reason I should pay for your marriage.

Of course I support income tax exemptions for children- what about you?

Or do you just want to deny them to the children of homosexuals?
Yes Kaz, you get husband of the year for not divorcing your wife. :rolleyes: You are a reluctant hypocrite...established.

I'm not reluctant, brainless wench, I am following my values exactly. I'm sad for you that it's not yours. You will be a lot happier in a marriage you give and don't just take. Straight up, ho

I just think you should stop asking gays on a message board why they want the civil marriage society values...ask your married friends and your own wife instead. Be as much of a flaming asshole with them that you are when you ask gays.

My gay friends know I'm against government marriage already. And you think the reason I'm a flaming asshole to you is you're gay? OMG, he is giving me crap, it's because I'm gay, isn't it? You are a professional victim

Not your gay friends, your straight friends. Your married straight loved ones. Make sure you ask all of them why they need the "validation" of "government" marriage.

I'm not sure why you want a list, but all of them know I'm against government marriage. The straight ones, the gay ones, my wife, my children, my mother, my buds, all of them. They know I'm a libertarian. They aren't surprised. They know how much I hate government.

Anyone else you wanted to add to the list or does that cover it. Where do you think you're getting with this?
Libertarians don't hate government, ya dumb ass. They are proponents of liberty.. you know, the opposite of you.
Yes Kaz, you get husband of the year for not divorcing your wife. :rolleyes: You are a reluctant hypocrite...established.

I'm not reluctant, brainless wench, I am following my values exactly. I'm sad for you that it's not yours. You will be a lot happier in a marriage you give and don't just take. Straight up, ho

I just think you should stop asking gays on a message board why they want the civil marriage society values...ask your married friends and your own wife instead. Be as much of a flaming asshole with them that you are when you ask gays.

My gay friends know I'm against government marriage already. And you think the reason I'm a flaming asshole to you is you're gay? OMG, he is giving me crap, it's because I'm gay, isn't it? You are a professional victim

Not your gay friends, your straight friends. Your married straight loved ones. Make sure you ask all of them why they need the "validation" of "government" marriage.

I'm not sure why you want a list, but all of them know I'm against government marriage. The straight ones, the gay ones, my wife, my children, my mother, my buds, all of them. They know I'm a libertarian. They aren't surprised. They know how much I hate government.

Anyone else you wanted to add to the list or does that cover it. Where do you think you're getting with this?
Libertarians don't hate government, ya dumb ass. They are proponents of liberty.. you know, the opposite of you.

Yeah, right
Are you exempt from the estate tax?

Yes. I did my duty as a red blooded American and screwed until I had a brood. Though granted I didn't stop then...

You realize this doesn't contradict my post. I did the concept of marriage, gays can't. They can adopt or have test tube children, but what are we getting out of that?


No need to pay for test tubes and adoptions. It's funny how you keep claiming to have grasped my op post while continue to prove you didn't

For what couples, all or just gay ones?

You really need the answer to that again? How many times do I need to explain it to you? If you need multiple reads to grasp it, instead of making me post it over and over can't you just read the ones I already explained it multiple times?

Why did you make a distinction between same sex couples without children and opposite sex couples without children?
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

You don't pay a penny for it. You pay for the couples WITH children.

Are you too fucking retarded to understand that?
Yes. I did my duty as a red blooded American and screwed until I had a brood. Though granted I didn't stop then...

You realize this doesn't contradict my post. I did the concept of marriage, gays can't. They can adopt or have test tube children, but what are we getting out of that?


No need to pay for test tubes and adoptions. It's funny how you keep claiming to have grasped my op post while continue to prove you didn't

For what couples, all or just gay ones?

You really need the answer to that again? How many times do I need to explain it to you? If you need multiple reads to grasp it, instead of making me post it over and over can't you just read the ones I already explained it multiple times?

Why did you make a distinction between same sex couples without children and opposite sex couples without children?

How many times do you want me to answer the same question? I just answered that. Are you even reading replies directly to your posts?
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

You don't pay a penny for it. You pay for the couples WITH children.

Are you too fucking retarded to understand that?

No, you're too fucking retarded to know that tax rates for joint filers are lower than single rates and government married couples don't pay estate tax when they leave unlimited money to each other
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

Stop pretending that marriage requires having babies.

No need to pay for test tubes and adoptions. It's funny how you keep claiming to have grasped my op post while continue to prove you didn't

For what couples, all or just gay ones?

You really need the answer to that again? How many times do I need to explain it to you? If you need multiple reads to grasp it, instead of making me post it over and over can't you just read the ones I already explained it multiple times?

Why did you make a distinction between same sex couples without children and opposite sex couples without children?

How many times do you want me to answer the same question? I just answered that. Are you even reading replies directly to your posts?

I want you to answer it once, to me.
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

Stop pretending that marriage requires having babies.

Once again, you prove you did not in fact understand my OP post
No need to pay for test tubes and adoptions. It's funny how you keep claiming to have grasped my op post while continue to prove you didn't

For what couples, all or just gay ones?

You really need the answer to that again? How many times do I need to explain it to you? If you need multiple reads to grasp it, instead of making me post it over and over can't you just read the ones I already explained it multiple times?

Why did you make a distinction between same sex couples without children and opposite sex couples without children?

How many times do you want me to answer the same question? I just answered that. Are you even reading replies directly to your posts?

I want you to answer it once, to me.

I just answered it directly to you, shit for brains. I will one more time.

Not hitting every ball does not mean you are not a batter. Not hitting any ball does mean you are not a batter
And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

You don't pay a penny for it. You pay for the couples WITH children.

Are you too fucking retarded to understand that?

No, you're too fucking retarded to know that tax rates for joint filers are lower than single rates and government married couples don't pay estate tax when they leave unlimited money to each other

Where's the child requirement in either of those tax laws?
The big reason for tax breaks is specifically for moms to stay home with the kids and provide a lower tax rate for the family for that

And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it
Hey...you can't make babies either......but what does that have to do with legal marriage?
And of course you can support that claim with transcripts from the debate on the bill that provided this tax break? The bill itself?

Only about 25% of parents have one stay at home.


Once again, exposing your anti gay bigotry by only singling out gay couples.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

If you're saying you actually don't know that people think we need government marriage and tax breaks to make it more realistic for families to have and afford children, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that. That is the "concept" of marriage

So you say citing you.

I work. My wife stays home to care for our home and kids. Explain again why my gender and the gender of my spouse determines why I don't deserve this tax break in your estimation?

You can't make babies. You meaning the marriage, not you as an individual. You can live together and adopt or make them in a test tube, I'm good with that. Just no reason I should pay for it

Stop pretending that marriage requires having babies.

Once again, you prove you did not in fact understand my OP post

There's no child requirement for joint filing or inheritance tax breaks.

That is the beginning and end of why you are wrong.
I confess it makes me feel good when conservatives really prove how stupid they are. It shouldn't, but I'm claiming it as a guilty pleasure.
I confess it makes me feel good when conservatives really prove how stupid they are. It shouldn't, but I'm claiming it as a guilty pleasure.
That's because you are pleasuring yourself while gazing at your own reflection in the mirror.

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