Why should the Government pay for contraception?

It shouldn't.

Shoulda coulda woulda but didn't...

In the end you can take some perceived moral high ground that leads to worse results or actually pull your head out from your rear and make decisions based on their effectiveness to achieve the goals you have.

No, this isn't about moral high ground. This is about being responsible and accountable. There is nothing responsible about govt using my taxes to pay for others to get their fornication on.

So you want to place the emphasis on people living up to the moral standard of "being responsible and accountable" even if it means higher costs to the tax payer and generally worse results by everyone's standards.

I am not sure you know what "moral high ground" means so I won't bother emphasizing that going forward. The problem with your world view is that it is self defeating and strategically blind to reality.
It shouldn't.

Shoulda coulda woulda but didn't...

In the end you can take some perceived moral high ground that leads to worse results or actually pull your head out from your rear and make decisions based on their effectiveness to achieve the goals you have.

did you really just use this? You sou d like a conservative o every issje, except this one and a few more. How about not having sex if you cant afford it?

I am a moderate.

I think it would be great if people made good decisions. I think it is the epitome of naïve ignorance to think that they will.

The issue is pretty straight forward IMO. You either take a moral stand and live with the consequences or you make decisions based on outcome. I have no real problem with the moral stand but people have to live with the consequences. Also if you are going to take the moral high ground you should also do it out of love and not hate for irresponsible poor people.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Because it is in the best interests of the country not to have unwanted children. As a society, prevention costs less than the cost of raising these children. Beats abortion doesn't it?

Contraception is part of responsible parenting
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Every study ever done on the matter reports that its much cheaper to fund contraceptive efforts for low-income persons than it is to fund AFDC and other welfare programs down the line.

Like I said. Hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid."

Pro-choice: "I get to choose my lifestyle, and you get to pay for it."

You must feel like a victim.

You should feel like a thief.
Like I said. Hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid."

Pro-choice: "I get to choose my lifestyle, and you get to pay for it."

You must feel like a victim.

You should feel like a thief.

Why is that, I don't take any thing from the government that I didn't pay for with my taxes in aggregate (roads, bridges, clean water, police protection, fire prevention, CPB, etc...)?

If you feel like a victim...that's your problem but you're not alone; it's hard to find a conservative these days not playing the role of the victim.
At one time, not that long ago, conservatives were super pragmatic. Far more pragmatic than Democrats. When the conservatives and Republican party were infiltrated by the religious right, which eventually disguised itself and morphed itself into the Tea Party, pragmatism left and the Democrats became the party of pragmatist.

The government benifits immensley from the distribution of birth control. Unwanted births are reduced which correlates to lower welfare costs, medicaid cost, etc. In addition some of it lowers the spread of STD's which lowers medical cost for persons on medicaid.

Strangely, it lowers the abortion rates, yet many from the anti-abortion community object to birth control and/or government involvement in abortion prevention programs such as making free birth control available to low income women.

Pragmatism would be spending a small amount of money to prevent having to spend a huge amount of money. The initial cost of the birth of a child probably covers a lifetime supply of birth control to the mother. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that the government will spend on the child after it is born and until it reachs adulthood is what the tax payer will pay for failing to provide the mom with some free pills or condoms.
It shouldn't pay for contraception (except in a few cases), but the far left believes it should be free for all. So someone has to pay for it.

I don't believe that I should have to pay for conservatives boner pills, but I do.
At one time, not that long ago, conservatives were super pragmatic. Far more pragmatic than Democrats. When the conservatives and Republican party were infiltrated by the religious right, which eventually disguised itself and morphed itself into the Tea Party, pragmatism left and the Democrats became the party of pragmatist.

The government benifits immensley from the distribution of birth control. Unwanted births are reduced which correlates to lower welfare costs, medicaid cost, etc. In addition some of it lowers the spread of STD's which lowers medical cost for persons on medicaid.

Strangely, it lowers the abortion rates, yet many from the anti-abortion community object to birth control and/or government involvement in abortion prevention programs such as making free birth control available to low income women.

Pragmatism would be spending a small amount of money to prevent having to spend a huge amount of money. The initial cost of the birth of a child probably covers a lifetime supply of birth control to the mother. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that the government will spend on the child after it is born and until it reachs adulthood is what the tax payer will pay for failing to provide the mom with some free pills or condoms.

They bitch about abortion
They bitch about welfare

But ask them to kick in a few bucks to buy contraception and it's....Why should I pay for your sex? You slut
At one time, not that long ago, conservatives were super pragmatic. Far more pragmatic than Democrats. When the conservatives and Republican party were infiltrated by the religious right, which eventually disguised itself and morphed itself into the Tea Party, pragmatism left and the Democrats became the party of pragmatist.

The government benifits immensley from the distribution of birth control. Unwanted births are reduced which correlates to lower welfare costs, medicaid cost, etc. In addition some of it lowers the spread of STD's which lowers medical cost for persons on medicaid.

Strangely, it lowers the abortion rates, yet many from the anti-abortion community object to birth control and/or government involvement in abortion prevention programs such as making free birth control available to low income women.

Pragmatism would be spending a small amount of money to prevent having to spend a huge amount of money. The initial cost of the birth of a child probably covers a lifetime supply of birth control to the mother. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that the government will spend on the child after it is born and until it reachs adulthood is what the tax payer will pay for failing to provide the mom with some free pills or condoms.
Pragmatism would be you paying your own way and to quit mooching off of everyone else.
You must feel like a victim.

You should feel like a thief.

Why because they advocate a program that would save you money? Poor you.

See, you don't even hear what you are saying. "Save me money". Money that would be taken from me to pay for other people's irresponsibility. And somehow I am the bad guy here for not going along with your extortion racket? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"This sure is a nice paycheck you have here. It would be a shame for anything bad to happen to it. How about some coughing up some 'insurance' to protect it?"
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At one time, not that long ago, conservatives were super pragmatic. Far more pragmatic than Democrats. When the conservatives and Republican party were infiltrated by the religious right, which eventually disguised itself and morphed itself into the Tea Party, pragmatism left and the Democrats became the party of pragmatist.

The government benifits immensley from the distribution of birth control. Unwanted births are reduced which correlates to lower welfare costs, medicaid cost, etc. In addition some of it lowers the spread of STD's which lowers medical cost for persons on medicaid.

Strangely, it lowers the abortion rates, yet many from the anti-abortion community object to birth control and/or government involvement in abortion prevention programs such as making free birth control available to low income women.

Pragmatism would be spending a small amount of money to prevent having to spend a huge amount of money. The initial cost of the birth of a child probably covers a lifetime supply of birth control to the mother. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that the government will spend on the child after it is born and until it reachs adulthood is what the tax payer will pay for failing to provide the mom with some free pills or condoms.

They bitch about abortion
They bitch about welfare

But ask them to kick in a few bucks to buy contraception and it's....Why should I pay for your sex? You slut

Boring far left propaganda being posted.
You must feel like a victim.

You should feel like a thief.

Why is that, I don't take any thing from the government that I didn't pay for with my taxes in aggregate (roads, bridges, clean water, police protection, fire prevention, CPB, etc...)?

If you feel like a victim...that's your problem but you're not alone; it's hard to find a conservative these days not playing the role of the victim.

wait from a person thats ideology is based in victumhood and your avatar is a faux victum.
But yeah taxpayers are getting raped by this administration
You must feel like a victim.

You should feel like a thief.

Why is that, I don't take any thing from the government that I didn't pay for with my taxes in aggregate (roads, bridges, clean water, police protection, fire prevention, CPB, etc...)?

If you feel like a victim...that's your problem but you're not alone; it's hard to find a conservative these days not playing the role of the victim.

The "victim" is the person you want everyone else to pay for, thief. Just look at the exploitive language you use to get cash for them! "Pay me now, or pay me later. But pay me."
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At one time, not that long ago, conservatives were super pragmatic. Far more pragmatic than Democrats. When the conservatives and Republican party were infiltrated by the religious right, which eventually disguised itself and morphed itself into the Tea Party, pragmatism left and the Democrats became the party of pragmatist.

The government benifits immensley from the distribution of birth control. Unwanted births are reduced which correlates to lower welfare costs, medicaid cost, etc. In addition some of it lowers the spread of STD's which lowers medical cost for persons on medicaid.

Strangely, it lowers the abortion rates, yet many from the anti-abortion community object to birth control and/or government involvement in abortion prevention programs such as making free birth control available to low income women.

Pragmatism would be spending a small amount of money to prevent having to spend a huge amount of money. The initial cost of the birth of a child probably covers a lifetime supply of birth control to the mother. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that the government will spend on the child after it is born and until it reachs adulthood is what the tax payer will pay for failing to provide the mom with some free pills or condoms.

They bitch about abortion
They bitch about welfare

But ask them to kick in a few bucks to buy contraception and it's....Why should I pay for your sex? You slut

Boring far left propaganda being posted.

You funny
Waaaaah! I made some really bad choices! PAAAAAAAAY MEEEEEEEEEE! Feeeeeed me! Pay my medical costs! I'm just a hapless victim over here.
At one time, not that long ago, conservatives were super pragmatic. Far more pragmatic than Democrats. When the conservatives and Republican party were infiltrated by the religious right, which eventually disguised itself and morphed itself into the Tea Party, pragmatism left and the Democrats became the party of pragmatist.

The government benifits immensley from the distribution of birth control. Unwanted births are reduced which correlates to lower welfare costs, medicaid cost, etc. In addition some of it lowers the spread of STD's which lowers medical cost for persons on medicaid.

Strangely, it lowers the abortion rates, yet many from the anti-abortion community object to birth control and/or government involvement in abortion prevention programs such as making free birth control available to low income women.

Pragmatism would be spending a small amount of money to prevent having to spend a huge amount of money. The initial cost of the birth of a child probably covers a lifetime supply of birth control to the mother. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that the government will spend on the child after it is born and until it reachs adulthood is what the tax payer will pay for failing to provide the mom with some free pills or condoms.
Pragmatism would be you paying your own way and to quit mooching off of everyone else.
Pay me now...or pay me later

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