Why should the Government pay for contraception?

Spending my money isn't saving it.

Does your house have insulation? Why? Because it saves money during the winter. By spending pennies for it now, you don't spend dollars in heating costs later on.

You're welcome.

Please explain why the person whose birth control I am paying for cannot pay for it themselves the way I pay for my own insulation and my own birth control.

Birth control is expensive as is insulation. However, the stakes of not having birth control are much higher than the stakes of not having insulation.

If you were to examine Maslow, you'd see that intimacy is one of the recognized needs of humans. To deny the need exists is to question science. Politically you can win favor doing that but it's usually done at your peril otherwise.

It's in society's best interest to fund contraception for low income persons. The government also recognizes the benefits of the citizens to have insulation as well

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Why should my tax money go toward paying/reducing someone else's tax burden? Because in the long run it's in my best interest that the world isn't plowing through it's heating oil as quickly.
I am on the fence as far as whether or not taxpayers should have to pay for contraception, but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit over it. I see it as one more tax some people disagree with, but still have to pay. Compared to some it's pretty minor as well. Disagree with capital punishment? Too bad. Disagree with locking up non-violent drug offenders? Too bad. Disagree with a specific war? Too bad. You are paying for these things whether you like it or not, and people are bitching about contraception?
The "victim" is the person you want everyone else to pay for, thief. Just look at the exploitive language you use to get cash for them! "Pay me now, or pay me later. But pay me."

I'm aware of no program that gives women or men money to buy contraceptives. I am aware of Title X which provides the contraceptives. You're factually incorrect which is par for the course.


Planned Parenthood receives federal dollars. ObamaCare also provides free birth control.

Really? Quote the ACA where it says "Obama care" provides free birth control.
Which types of birth control are free?
Birth control methods that are covered by the Affordable Care Act include:
Birth control patch
Birth control pills
Birth control ring (NuvaRing)
Birth control shot (Depo-Provera)
Cervical cap
Contraceptive implant
Permanent contraception methods, such as tubal ligation, often called "getting your tubes tied"

Birth Control Coverage and Health Care Reform: FAQ

You left off this part:

Will my birth control be free under the Affordable Care Act?

Yes, if you are:
•A woman who bought your health plan through your employer, through your state marketplace, or from another private company
I am on the fence as far as whether or not taxpayers should have to pay for contraception, but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit over it. I see it as one more tax some people disagree with, but still have to pay. Compared to some it's pretty minor as well. Disagree with capital punishment? Too bad. Disagree with locking up non-violent drug offenders? Too bad. Disagree with a specific war? Too bad. You are paying for these things whether you like it or not, and people are bitching about contraception?

A lot of people don't like tanks...still they pay for them.
Does your house have insulation? Why? Because it saves money during the winter. By spending pennies for it now, you don't spend dollars in heating costs later on.

You're welcome.

Please explain why the person whose birth control I am paying for cannot pay for it themselves the way I pay for my own insulation and my own birth control.

Birth control is expensive as is insulation. However, the stakes of not having birth control are much higher than the stakes of not having insulation.

If you were to examine Maslow, you'd see that intimacy is one of the recognized needs of humans. To deny the need exists is to question science. Politically you can win favor doing that but it's usually done at your peril otherwise.

It's in society's best interest to fund contraception for low income persons. The government also recognizes the benefits of the citizens to have insulation as well

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Why should my tax money go toward paying/reducing someone else's tax burden? Because in the long run it's in my best interest that the world isn't plowing through it's heating oil as quickly.
Now you are just plain lying, to go with being a cheapskate.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure
There are two ways to control the masses:
1) wars
2) contraception
And controlling the masses is the key to reducing welfare in one form or another.
I am on the fence as far as whether or not taxpayers should have to pay for contraception, but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit over it. I see it as one more tax some people disagree with, but still have to pay. Compared to some it's pretty minor as well. Disagree with capital punishment? Too bad. Disagree with locking up non-violent drug offenders? Too bad. Disagree with a specific war? Too bad. You are paying for these things whether you like it or not, and people are bitching about contraception?

A lot of people don't like tanks...still they pay for them.
There is a federal role for national defense, not for paying for your BC pills, cheapskate.
Pragmatism would be you paying your own way and to quit mooching off of everyone else.

No it isn't. A pragmatist is a realist. They put pragmatism in front of wishful thinking and fantasy. They are, I repeat, realist. Reality is that there will always be irrisponsible people who will produce children they did not plan for and/or can not afford. Their are people out there with low IQ's, mentally challanged, ignorant, irrisponsible and plenty that just don't give a crap. Men will knock up girls so they will have a hold on them and girls will do the same thing to get a hold on a man. Men will manipulate women and women will manipulate men and babies will be born. Reality is that we are not going to let babies of poor people be born in the streets. They will be born in hospitals and we will pay for it. And we will not let them go without all the stuff we currently provide them with because we don't want to see dead kids who died because we didn't provide food, medicine and shelter. And if we don't educate them and try to turn them into productive citizens we will pay for the next generation of babies or the cost of incarceration and/or both. That is reality.
The realist understands a false dichotomy being employed, to try and paper over that you are a cheapskate.

Oh nonsense. Being practical about the way funds are spent is not being a cheapskate. It is making funds available as efficient as practically possible. And if you have other alternatives that would make my comment other than what you percieve as a false dichotomy feel free to mention them. I can think of some but none would be acceptable to the current beliefs in our culture, nor would they probably be constitutional.
I am on the fence as far as whether or not taxpayers should have to pay for contraception, but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit over it. I see it as one more tax some people disagree with, but still have to pay. Compared to some it's pretty minor as well. Disagree with capital punishment? Too bad. Disagree with locking up non-violent drug offenders? Too bad. Disagree with a specific war? Too bad. You are paying for these things whether you like it or not, and people are bitching about contraception?

A lot of people don't like tanks...still they pay for them.
There is a federal role for national defense, not for paying for your BC pills, cheapskate.

Tanks aren't mentioned in the constitution. Sorry.
Please explain why the person whose birth control I am paying for cannot pay for it themselves the way I pay for my own insulation and my own birth control.

Birth control is expensive as is insulation. However, the stakes of not having birth control are much higher than the stakes of not having insulation.

If you were to examine Maslow, you'd see that intimacy is one of the recognized needs of humans. To deny the need exists is to question science. Politically you can win favor doing that but it's usually done at your peril otherwise.

It's in society's best interest to fund contraception for low income persons. The government also recognizes the benefits of the citizens to have insulation as well

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Why should my tax money go toward paying/reducing someone else's tax burden? Because in the long run it's in my best interest that the world isn't plowing through it's heating oil as quickly.
Now you are just plain lying, to go with being a cheapskate.

Insulation isn't that expensive.
I am on the fence as far as whether or not taxpayers should have to pay for contraception, but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit over it. I see it as one more tax some people disagree with, but still have to pay. Compared to some it's pretty minor as well. Disagree with capital punishment? Too bad. Disagree with locking up non-violent drug offenders? Too bad. Disagree with a specific war? Too bad. You are paying for these things whether you like it or not, and people are bitching about contraception?

A lot of people don't like tanks...still they pay for them.

And the far left shows once again they don't understand the constitution and make invalid points and arguments.
Does your house have insulation? Why? Because it saves money during the winter. By spending pennies for it now, you don't spend dollars in heating costs later on.

You're welcome.

Please explain why the person whose birth control I am paying for cannot pay for it themselves the way I pay for my own insulation and my own birth control.

Birth control is expensive as is insulation. However, the stakes of not having birth control are much higher than the stakes of not having insulation.

If you were to examine Maslow, you'd see that intimacy is one of the recognized needs of humans. To deny the need exists is to question science. Politically you can win favor doing that but it's usually done at your peril otherwise.

It's in society's best interest to fund contraception for low income persons. The government also recognizes the benefits of the citizens to have insulation as well

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Why should my tax money go toward paying/reducing someone else's tax burden? Because in the long run it's in my best interest that the world isn't plowing through it's heating oil as quickly.

Do these low income people have cell phones? Cable TV? Xboxes? Internet Service? Cars? Tattoos? Piercings? etc? etc?
Birth control is expensive as is insulation. However, the stakes of not having birth control are much higher than the stakes of not having insulation.

If you were to examine Maslow, you'd see that intimacy is one of the recognized needs of humans. To deny the need exists is to question science. Politically you can win favor doing that but it's usually done at your peril otherwise.

It's in society's best interest to fund contraception for low income persons. The government also recognizes the benefits of the citizens to have insulation as well

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Why should my tax money go toward paying/reducing someone else's tax burden? Because in the long run it's in my best interest that the world isn't plowing through it's heating oil as quickly.
Now you are just plain lying, to go with being a cheapskate.

Insulation isn't that expensive.

Says the white far left rich elitist.
Birth control is expensive as is insulation. However, the stakes of not having birth control are much higher than the stakes of not having insulation.

If you were to examine Maslow, you'd see that intimacy is one of the recognized needs of humans. To deny the need exists is to question science. Politically you can win favor doing that but it's usually done at your peril otherwise.

It's in society's best interest to fund contraception for low income persons. The government also recognizes the benefits of the citizens to have insulation as well

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Why should my tax money go toward paying/reducing someone else's tax burden? Because in the long run it's in my best interest that the world isn't plowing through it's heating oil as quickly.
Now you are just plain lying, to go with being a cheapskate.

Insulation isn't that expensive.
Ever hired a carpenter or other installation expert?

Face it, you are just a garden variety cheapskate.

Probably a crappy tipper, too.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Which would you rather pay? $20 a month for 18 years to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, (since no birth control method is 100% REGARDLESS OF WHY a couple is having sex).

Or $900 a month for 18 years because the kid's mother didn't have access to birth control.

God, it kills me how some people can't face reality much do the math.

Pay now, pay much more later. It's your choice. Welfare isn't going to go away, especially when a taxpayer uses tickets to a Redskins game as an analogy.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Which would you rather pay? $20 a month for 18 years to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, (since no birth control method is 100% REGARDLESS OF WHY a couple is having sex).

Or $900 a month for 18 years because the kid's mother didn't have access to birth control.

God, it kills me how some people can't face reality much do the math.

Pay now, pay much more later. It's your choice. Welfare isn't going to go away, especially when someone uses tickets to a Redskins game as an analogy.
False dichotomy of the protection racketeer, yet again.

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