Why should the Government pay for contraception?

Kosh--living proof that the world can take a joke.

candycorn - living proof that the only thing the far left can do on message boards is troll.

I went back a few pages to see what you had to say. Honestly, I wanted to find one of your post that I could jump on and make you look stupid. I see them on other threads, but all I could find on this one is stuff about the left.....bla...bla...bla....left is bad.....bla...bla...bla. So what is your friggin point on the topic of the thread. Can you give a point other than.....left is bla....bla....bla....?

I did give one, but obviously you are incapable of reading and I call out the far left propaganda as it is. No point in disputting as it will continue to be posted no matter how many times it is debunked.

Don't want to see me post it, then tell the far left Obama drones to stop posting the far left propaganda.

Otherwise the more they repeat the propaganda the more I will call it for what it is.
Small worthless government is something Haiti and Somalia have! How is it working out? Not too good!!!!

WOW! Truly clueless far left poster here!


That's why every single other first world nation has chosen the hybrid system. The rich have you fooled, child. Better wake up!

And the far left trolls still have no clue of the outside world from under their bridge.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Because unless you are a Catholic, you want to have sex for pleasure, and not have to give birth to 12 kids.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Supporting underage mothers and their children is far cheaper? Abortions are more moral? Perhaps you need to actually think in terms of consequences. If you don't like sex, fine, don't play the game. Leave making the rules making for those that do.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Because unless you are a Catholic, you want to have sex for pleasure, and not have to give birth to 12 kids.

LOL. I think I know a differant set of Catholics than you do:lol:
WOW! Truly clueless far left poster here!


That's why every single other first world nation has chosen the hybrid system. The rich have you fooled, child. Better wake up!

And the far left trolls still have no clue of the outside world from under their bridge.

Mathew is a conservative. You, Kosh, are a "Conservative". The fact that you are calling him far left simply demonstrates how far out in right field you truly are.
Why should the Government pay for contraception?


The government screws ya at every turn....the least they can do is pay for the rubbers.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Well, the government pays for your VIAGRA. Why? Because it's a prescription drug. So are birth control pills. You need to make a doctor's appointment and get a physical to obtain both. And state insurance regulators MANDATE that Prescription drugs are covered and it's been that way for decades now.

So until you men can do without sex--we wouldn't have a need to complain about who is paying for someone else's birth control pills and all the male enhancement drugs that are advertised 20 times a day--every day--on T.V. BTW--Viagra is a lot more expensive than birth control pills.

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As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

I would gladly help pay for contraception for liberals if I thought they were actually smart enough to use it.
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As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Because unless you are a Catholic, you want to have sex for pleasure, and not have to give birth to 12 kids.

You're right the hypocrisy and stupidity coming from some far right wing males is astounding to me.

These male IDIOTS--don't even realize that right now under the Obamacare mandates--they are now required to pay for Pre-natal--(maternity insurance) regardless of their age or marital status. Yet they're still complaining about birth control pills--something that has been mandated by state insurance regulators for decades that "prescription drugs" will be paid for, as they are and have always been a Prescription drug.
Insurance Coverage for Contraception State Laws

Newt Gingrich got them all stirred up into an hysterical frenzy during the 2012 election campaign--about Catholic institutions being forced to pay for birth control pills. And these moron's have taken it to meaning that they shouldn't have to pay for any regardless. YET--they're fine with everyone else having to pay for their Viagra and all of the male enhancement drugs that are advertised non-stop every night on television.

States insurance regulators have mandated for decades the insurers are to pay for Prescription drugs--and since birth control pills and all of these male enhancement drugs are also Prescription--we're all paying for them.
Insurance Coverage for Contraception State Laws

This is why we DESPERATELY need more common sense WOMEN in Government. Because these type men are inept at being able to tell their right hand from their left, and probably have their head in a very dark place in their body and it's been stuck there for years.

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That's why every single other first world nation has chosen the hybrid system. The rich have you fooled, child. Better wake up!

And the far left trolls still have no clue of the outside world from under their bridge.

Mathew is a conservative. You, Kosh, are a "Conservative". The fact that you are calling him far left simply demonstrates how far out in right field you truly are.

Matthew is a statist, plain and simple. He claims to be a conservative but his positions tell a different story.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Well, the government pays for your VIAGRA. Why? Because it's a prescription drug. So are birth control pills. You need to make a doctor's appointment and get a physical to obtain both. And state insurance regulators MANDATE that Prescription drugs are covered and it's been that way for decades now.

So until you men can do without sex--we wouldn't have a need to complain about who is paying for someone else's birth control pills and all the male enhancement drugs that are advertised 20 times a day--every day--on T.V. BTW--Viagra is a lot more expensive than birth control pills.


Most men who need Viagra can't have sex without it, women CAN have sex without the pill. There is a difference.

If you want to compare Viagra to anything then compare it to Premarin Vagina Cream which aids women to have sex about the same way as Viagra does for men, both are prescriptions too. Men who need Viagra and woman who need Premarin cream fall into the same age bracket as well and are related to hormonal changes in the body.

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