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Why should the poor not have to pay federal income tax

All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more.

That's not all WE hear. Its all YOU hear.
Give more . GIMME Why cant the poor pay something. Even if its 120 dollars a year .. YOu cant say a person cant afford 10 dollars a month .

A person can't afford 10 dollars a month.

There, I said it.

There's already a federal tax on cigarettes and alcohol, moron.
$1.01 a pack of smokes and 30 cents per six pack. If they buy 9 packs of smokes and 3 six packs of beer a month, they've already paid the $10 per month you'd like them to contribute.

Complaining about the poor not paying enough income tax and smoking too many cigarettes in the same OP is simply STUPID, as the cigarette tax IS A POOR TAX.

How many times I have been behind someone paying with food stamps and have beer and cigs they are about to buy as well.
How the fuck would I, or any other poster besides you, know the answer to this? If its an important question for you to answer, you would have kept track yourself, and you'd be able to answer your question right here and now.

But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

If rich people didn't have poor people to work for them they'd die of starvation. You can own all the arable land in the world, if you don't work the land yourself or find someone else willing to do it for pay, you will die.

If the can afford smokes and booze, they can damned well chip in a dime or two for income taxes, too. Just think of how many meals for their children that money could buy? If you can't afford to feed your brats, stop smoking and drinking.
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I have no problem with the poor paying no taxes

As long as everyone else is treated fairly. That way, none of us have to pay taxes. I'd vote for that.

Taxes must be paid, that's a given. And congress has the power to levy taxes through the constitution, but that does not mean that they have not distorted and abused such powers throughout the years to meet there agenda. I wish we didn't have to pay taxes, everyone does, but if we didn't we could not raise an army and navy to defend the country. It's when they tax you to take care of some bum that refuses to get off of there ass and look for a job that pisses me off.
Because no one should have to pay income taxes.

Absolutely correct - there is no law that mandates federal income tax...

Of course sales taxation is legal - not federal income tax.

The notion that the federal government can tax an income is a myth, "separation of church and state" is a fantastic example.

I suppose if you brainwash shit into peoples heads they will accept and become obedient then submit to the lies.

The shit pisses me off to no extent...

Of course most people won't even take the time to read the Bill of Rights these days..

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do. I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate. What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility. In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life. I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!
According to the left, the poor are entitled to some of the wealth that you earned.
That is, they have an actual, legitimate claim to what you earned, and have the right to expect the government to collect it from you and distribute it to them.

I know - it doesn't make any sense to me or any other thinking person.

It's all just class warfare dude, nothing more. It's the old divide and conquer strategy. Obama cannot run on his record now that he has held office for over 3 years and is a clear failure, so he has to pit citizens against each other to split the vote. It only works if we dont hold him accountable and allow it to work.
That's exactly what it is.

Liberals know that promising the poor that they will receive all kinds of government money, paid for by those evil rich guys, is a powerful means to gather innumerable votes.

That's why liberals, when the have power, act to preserve, if not expand, the lower income classes.
Because no one should have to pay income taxes.

Absolutely correct - there is no law that mandates federal income tax...

Of course sales taxation is legal - not federal income tax.

The notion that the federal government can tax an income is a myth, "separation of church and state" is a fantastic example.

I suppose if you brainwash shit into peoples heads they will accept and become obedient then submit to the lies.

The shit pisses me off to no extent...

Of course most people won't even take the time to read the Bill of Rights these days..
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
The 16th amendment does not mandate an income tax.
My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do. I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate. What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility. In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life. I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!
According to the left, the poor are entitled to some of the wealth that you earned.
That is, they have an actual, legitimate claim to what you earned, and have the right to expect the government to collect it from you and distribute it to them.

I know - it doesn't make any sense to me or any other thinking person.
It's actually logical if you believe that hard work and success are inherently evil and you need to buy enough votes to trample out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.
What would the Conservative reaction be to a change in the tax code that says you pay nothing on incomes until you breech the $25,000 a year mark? And once you do, you pay 5% on everything earned up to $35,000, 7% on everything up to $50,000 and 10% on everything up to $75,000.

After that, a graduated tax of 2% per $5,000 up to infinity.

Surely the poor would then pay and the rich (who benefit the most under our current system) would pay as well.

Why is it always screw the poor and middle class but coddle the rich with Conservatives? Are you all that rich or all that heartless?

No we're not heartless. We simply see the facts of the matter. The rich who have earned income pay the highest rate, 35%. Those who have unearned income, that is income from risking their wealth that has already been taxed are, by making that wealth available as capital, creating new jobs and new taxpayers. They can sit out a bad economy or punitive taxes, and largely, they are doing that now. If, for instance, they were taxed at the full earned income rate, they would in effect be double taxed, They could even take their wealth outside the country, and if they chose to remove themselves take all that potential wealth too.

Virtually all the corporations which don't pay federal taxes on income earned in the US do so with loopholes which were designed by our politicaians to serve the greater public interest by encouraging investment by those corporations into sectors the politicians deem productive for our economy. A write-off for accelerated depreciation encourages a corporation to make a capital investment that they probably would put off, but the tax break incentivizes them to move with immediacy.
Isn't economic growth measured by the exchange of capital for goods and services? If that capital is sequestered by just a very few in Cayman Islands bank accounts just to dodge taxes, why should that capital be regarded as important for our economy? It ain't moving! It's just earning tax dodges for those wealthy enough to afford them and interest which enhances their bottom line while Middle Class taxpayers are asked to pick up the slack.

Put as much capital into as many hands as possible and watch our economy soar. Sequester that wealth among the very few and disregard taxing that capital to reduce the federal deficit and we will continue to watch jobs go to Asia.
That's not all WE hear. Its all YOU hear.

A person can't afford 10 dollars a month.

There, I said it.

There's already a federal tax on cigarettes and alcohol, moron.
$1.01 a pack of smokes and 30 cents per six pack. If they buy 9 packs of smokes and 3 six packs of beer a month, they've already paid the $10 per month you'd like them to contribute.

Complaining about the poor not paying enough income tax and smoking too many cigarettes in the same OP is simply STUPID, as the cigarette tax IS A POOR TAX.

How the fuck would I, or any other poster besides you, know the answer to this? If its an important question for you to answer, you would have kept track yourself, and you'd be able to answer your question right here and now.

If rich people didn't have poor people to work for them they'd die of starvation. You can own all the arable land in the world, if you don't work the land yourself or find someone else willing to do it for pay, you will die.

My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do. I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate. What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility. In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life. I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!

Sixty or 70 packs of smokers a month?

Thank you for driving up the healthcare costs for the rest of us.

We each smoke about a pack a day, maybe a bit more.

When the fuck have I ever asked you to pay for my health care? Mind your own business, asshole.
What would the Conservative reaction be to a change in the tax code that says you pay nothing on incomes until you breech the $25,000 a year mark? And once you do, you pay 5% on everything earned up to $35,000, 7% on everything up to $50,000 and 10% on everything up to $75,000.

After that, a graduated tax of 2% per $5,000 up to infinity.

Surely the poor would then pay and the rich (who benefit the most under our current system) would pay as well.

Why is it always screw the poor and middle class but coddle the rich with Conservatives? Are you all that rich or all that heartless?
Still waiting for a response
STILL waiting.
What would the Conservative reaction be to a change in the tax code that says you pay nothing on incomes until you breech the $25,000 a year mark? And once you do, you pay 5% on everything earned up to $35,000, 7% on everything up to $50,000 and 10% on everything up to $75,000.

After that, a graduated tax of 2% per $5,000 up to infinity.

Surely the poor would then pay and the rich (who benefit the most under our current system) would pay as well.

Why is it always screw the poor and middle class but coddle the rich with Conservatives? Are you all that rich or all that heartless?

I guess I'm heartless, but maybe that's just me expecting the law to apply equally to all like it was originally intended. We dont bend the law because of heart strings my friend.
Did you read that in last month's Judicial Review? Because it happens all the time.
Absolutely correct - there is no law that mandates federal income tax...

Of course sales taxation is legal - not federal income tax.

The notion that the federal government can tax an income is a myth, "separation of church and state" is a fantastic example.

I suppose if you brainwash shit into peoples heads they will accept and become obedient then submit to the lies.

The shit pisses me off to no extent...

Of course most people won't even take the time to read the Bill of Rights these days..
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
The 16th amendment does not mandate an income tax.

then how the heck are we gonna fight all these wars, have welfare for individuals and companies and run militaries for other countries? oh, and give other countries money to do what we say?

My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do. I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate. What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility. In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life. I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!

Sixty or 70 packs of smokers a month?

Thank you for driving up the healthcare costs for the rest of us.

We each smoke about a pack a day, maybe a bit more.

When the fuck have I ever asked you to pay for my health care? Mind your own business, asshole.

Haha, if you don't understand how your smoking drives up the cost of healthcare for everyone else you're as clueless as can be.
the 1% should pay everything

Because they have more money and it's only fair that they foot the bill for the rest.

Noone cares about fairness when it applies to taking from one citizen to give to another. Is it fair to the citizen who earned it to have to give it away to someone who chooses not to go out and earn it? No it isn't. Fairness is a catch phrase used by leftists who refuse to provide for themselves and use government coercion to do it for them.
Everyone should pay an equal % share on all income for income tax... sort of goes along with that whole equality in treatment by government under law thing
Exactly! until everyone is hurt equally by taxes, there will be no incentive for Congress to get spending under control. The Liberal mantra of raising taxes on the evil 2% is there, not to raise revenue, but to raise votes. Fuck over 2% and pander to 98% is a sure way to retain power. In order to see what happens when you tax producers into oblivion in order to buy votes, one need look no further than Detroit.

In the end, pols don't even punish their 2% cronies. Hell, most of them are part of the 2%! They do pay some prime lip service to the concept, though. It riles up the other 98% and the pol who promises to take the most and pass it around usually picks up the most votes. It's all just a shell game and we are all played by a bunch of snake oil salesmen/women.
Sixty or 70 packs of smokers a month?

Thank you for driving up the healthcare costs for the rest of us.

We each smoke about a pack a day, maybe a bit more.

When the fuck have I ever asked you to pay for my health care? Mind your own business, asshole.

Haha, if you don't understand how your smoking drives up the cost of healthcare for everyone else you're as clueless as can be.

Explain it to me. asshole.
There is a whole lot of class warfare going on in this thread.

Not sure why so many people are jealous of the poor. If they have it so good, you're free to join them and reap those "rewards".

Anyone who bitches about the great advantages that a poor person has must lead one amazing life. Congrats.

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