Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

What specifically is their "fair share" ? A question no democrat will answer.......

I've answered it multiple times.

What percentage of total income (all sources) do the top 10% of earners make?
Is that the same percentage of total taxes (all sources) that those 10% pay?

If they don't match, there's a problem.

Got a little bit ahead of myself. They actually shouldn't match. The percentage of total taxes paid should be slightly higher to reflect that groups increased wealth. After all, that is the group that controls the wages for a vast majority of workers. That power shouldn't come for free.
Why should the poor pay any different rate from the middle class, or the rich, or the upper middle class, or whatever other class??

When there is a call for equal treatment by government under law, it is not just supposed to apply to the situations that benefit you, and to then throw it away in the areas that don't benefit you....

But that is EXACTLY what the likes of Chrissy suport

You did not answer the question.

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

No.. no citizen should pay any different rate on any dollar earned than any other citizen.... now.. answer the one posed back at you... do you support this equality, or do you only support your subjective equality??
WASHINGTON, D.C.--The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics. The average federal tax bite on the top 400 was 30% in 1995 and 23% in 2002.

Richest 400 Earn More, Pay Lower Tax Rate - Forbes.com

Another corollary question is

Why should the productive rich pay more in taxes than the un-productive rich?

People who buy and sell shares of stock on the secondary market produce nothing. If I buy a share of stock from you for $100 - and then sell it to Bern80 for $140 4 years later - I have made $40 in profit - but I've produced nothing. The underlying corporation already got paid when the stock was originally issued - after that, it just moves from investor to investor.

On the other hand, if instead of investing in stocks, I invest in a business - say, a restaurant - then I am producing. I am producing jobs and goods and services in the economy. Yet the Republicans think I should be taxed HIGHER than the guy above who produces NOTHING.

If the cap gains tax is replaced as an ordinary income tax, we could probably actually LOWER the top ordinary income bracket from 35% to 30%.
You did not answer the question.

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

Yes i did, they don't pay a lower rate of income tax, liar......

Income that is derived from investments is taxed much lower than if you worked a job to earn the income.

The "rich" use money from their income to make those investments, so actually the gubment is "double dipping" on that money, so this whole argument from you fucking leeches is a farce... :thup:
The "rich" use money from their income to make those investments, so actually the gubment is "double dipping" on that money, so this whole argument from you fucking leeches is a farce... :thup:
Its not double dipped. The government only taxes you on your profit - not on your regained principal that you've already been taxed on. That's why its called capital GAINS.
They don't pay income tax at a lower rate than the rest of us.
Take hedge fund managers, their income gets taxed as capital gains, but their not taking risk, the risk is assumed by their clients. Should they be able to get away with this?

The problem is, if you decide to change the tax structure for them, their businesses are portable, so they'll leave to Monaco or Switzerland, which is why even liberals like Bloomberg and Schumer don't want to change it..

Tax their income as income, and all of the production that they bring leaves the country....Unless the idea would then be to not let them leave, which isn't beyond Obama and the Dems.
WASHINGTON, D.C.--The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics. The average federal tax bite on the top 400 was 30% in 1995 and 23% in 2002.

Richest 400 Earn More, Pay Lower Tax Rate - Forbes.com

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

Because without an incentive to invest there will be much less commerce.
I care more about the 50% who pay ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.

There, I said it.... as for the rich, I don't care what they pay.
You did not answer the question.

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

Yes i did, they don't pay a lower rate of income tax, liar......

Income that is derived from investments is taxed much lower than if you worked a job to earn the income.

What you said is, first of all, not technically true. Certain types of investment income are taxed at lower rates.

If you are not "rich" and have the same type of income that qualifies for reduced rates, then that income is taxed at a 0% tax rate. So again, the rich are not taxed at lower rates. Continue to lie now.
I care more about the 50% who pay ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.
Then we agree! If they were paid more in wages they would pay more in taxes!

as for the rich, I don't care what they pay.

And that's how they want it.

No matter their wage or total.. they should pay the same rate on every single dollar the same exact way, just like everyone else... none of this shit where they pay ZERO in fed income taxes...

They are also not owed a higher earning... they can earn it thru decisions, choices, education, training, effort, or whatever else... of their own doing... because they have the very same freedom to succeed that they do to fail
I'm a little surprised they won't, since their leaders have a stock answer prepared for just a situation.

Why do the rich pay a lower rate? Because according to the GOP, the rich are the job creators. If you tax them higher, they will create less jobs. Period. Full stop.

Now, as to why investment income is taxed differently than regular income, well, the answer is the same. According to the GOP, investors create jobs and if you tax them higher they won't create jobs. Period. Full stop.

Notice, nothing in there about customers. Kinda interesting.

The Bush tax cuts are still in effect.

So where are the jobs?

Oh I hear ya! I'm just giving the GOP viewpoint on this since they won't. For some reason.

As for where are the jobs, the GOP believe it is due to Obamacare and its "crushing regulations" that are to be implemented in a few years. This was enough to terrify all businesses in to ignoring any possible returns on investment and to sit on cash instead.

Except that businesses aren't citing those as reasons...
The "rich" use money from their income to make those investments, so actually the gubment is "double dipping" on that money, so this whole argument from you fucking leeches is a farce... :thup:
Its not double dipped. The government only taxes you on your profit - not on your regained principal that you've already been taxed on. That's why its called capital GAINS.

They are doubling dipping from the standpoint of the money the "rich" get to keep after their income tax that's too high that they use to invest gets hit again if they make any profit from that investment. They sure as fuck don't get reimbursed from the gubment if they lose it. The core issue of this whole debate though, is the fact that all you dumbass Marxist's think RAISING the tax rates on investments will HELP the economy......:cuckoo:
As for where are the jobs, the GOP believe it is due to Obamacare and its "crushing regulations" that are to be implemented in a few years. This was enough to terrify all businesses in to ignoring any possible returns on investment and to sit on cash instead.
The utter stupidity of that statement is positively breathtaking.

ALL businesses listened exclusively to GOP talking points, the upcoming potential consequences of a $1 trillion+ entitlement program, that nobody knew what it contained until after it passed, completely notwithstanding.

You sure are giving old Chrissy a real run for his money in the race for USMB's crackpot jackpot. :cuckoo:

What did I get wrong? That's GOP talking point. No business is hiring and expanding because of the "fear" from Obamacare. Even though, it's been over a year now and we all know what's in Obamacare and when it will be implemented.
You got it 100% wrong, in that you're invoking universal qualifiers (look it up) to make gross over generalizations.

Moreover, businesses not hiring and hoarding cash more than a year after that travesty passed could be from one or more of quite a number of things, not the least of which are the greatly increased expenses they will incur should that toxic waste dump of a bill not be repealed outright.



ALL?...Don't be fucking stupid.
That's primarily because they derive their incomes from investments, rather than wages, you buffoon.

You know who else also derives a good share of their incomes from investment income?...Retirees.

Why is it that liberoidal dochebags hate old folx?
Because it suits them to demgogue the issue by scaring the bejesus out of them by telling them that Conservatives seek to destroy Socialist Security/Medicare and whatever else they can dream up and all for thier power trip.
That's primarily because they derive their incomes from investments, rather than wages, you buffoon.

You know who else also derives a good share of their incomes from investment income?...Retirees.

Why is it that liberoidal dochebags hate old folx?

You did not answer the question.

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

Because the question is Flawed. The rich do not pay less taxes than we do. If their Income is in the form of Wages earned they pay the top Income tax %, If their income is from Capital Gains, they pay the same capital Gains % we all pay on our Investments and Retirement plans.

So your Question is BS.
That's primarily because they derive their incomes from investments, rather than wages, you buffoon.

You know who else also derives a good share of their incomes from investment income?...Retirees.

Why is it that liberoidal dochebags hate old folx?

You did not answer the question.

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

Because the question is Flawed. The rich do not pay less taxes than we do. If their Income is in the form of Wages earned they pay the top Income tax %, If their income is from Capital Gains, they pay the same capital Gains % we all pay on our Investments and Retirement plans.

So your Question is BS.

You attached the question. You did not answer it.

Why should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

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