Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?

No...good service leads to a large tip as a reward for good service. Poor service leads to no tip at all and lecture about WHY there was no tip! Tipping 10% gains you nothing! You gave someone money for giving you bad service. That won't improve in the future. People that work in bars and restaurants I frequent KNOW that if they take good care of me I'm going to make their night. They also know that if they give me lousy service that they're not getting anything. That doesn't lead to ill will or poor service. That leads to good servers and bartenders who LOVE to see me walk in the door!
If that makes you feel better about yourself, great!
P.S I'm ignored by you and you're still commenting on my thread i must have hit a nerve
Here's a tip for the OP that's one hundred percent rational,.. they're an asshole and a cheap bastard and if I was their waitress I would spit on their food once I brought it back. I know, I know it's not the Christian thing to say, but people like the OP make me sick to my stomach and the truth hurts sometimes but they have to learn to live with it and hopefully it'll hit them hard enough that they'll learn to change their ways before they have to learn the hard way.
Your a Karen, if spitting in someone food makes you feel better about yourself by all means do whatever you need to do to feel validated you have mommy and daddy issues seek help or better yet go find a career so you don't have to beg for tips like a dog working at a cheap restaurant that can't afford to be in business
entree NOT "entre" tipping isn't an obligation just because I walked into a restaurant they're lucky i supported there business in the first place
Maybe you should just eat at home, because you are a miserable wretch and want to make other people as miserable as you.
I'm going to go have lunch now. I'm going to a place I frequent a lot. They like me there. I take care of them. It makes them feel good and it makes me feel good.

The rest of you go right on giving your 10% tips. Class isn't something you're born with...it's s

Maybe you should just eat at home, because you are a miserable wretch and want to make other people as miserable as you.
You sound very emotional do you need a hug?
Your a Karen, if spitting in someone food makes you feel better about yourself by all means do whatever you need to do to feel validated you have mommy and daddy issues seek help or better yet go find a career so you don't have to beg for tips like a dog working at a cheap restaurant that can't afford to be in business

I'm a Karen? You're the one who's complaining about tipping people who give you their service and probably aren't getting paid as much as they should right now anyways because jobs are really hard to come by right now. It's called needing money to survive and take care of their families and having compassion for them to give them some extra money to do so. Here's a virtual hundred dollar bill. Maybe you can use it to go and buy yourself a clue. :rolleyes:

I'm a Karen? You're the one who's complaining about tipping people who give you their service and probably aren't getting paid as much as they should right now anyways because jobs are really hard to come by right now. It's called needing money to survive and take care of their families and having compassion for them to give them some extra money to do so. Here's a virtual hundred dollar bill. Maybe you can use it to go and buy yourself a clue. :rolleyes:

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Thanks Vanna White!
I'd like to buy a clue for the win!
Oh and just for everyone's information waiters and waitresses live on tips because they only get a small percentage of payment from their employers. Tagging Meister since I was just talking to him about this and I see he (I do believe that he's a he sorry if I'm wrong) disagreed with the OP and I'm curious to know his thoughts about this.
If you think "class" comes out of your wallet, you don't have any.
If you think never opening UP your wallet means you have class...then I hate to break it to you but you ARE that guy that servers and bartenders loath!
I think "class" means taking care of the people who take care of you! It's something you have to be taught and obviously you never were.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies. There are plenty of restaurants out there where you don't have to tip. If you've got an issue with tipping? Go to one of those! If you go to a restaurant where tips are customary and don't tip? Then your server is PAYING out of their pocket to wait on your cheap ass! Think about that the next time you leave a crappy tip.
I think "class" means taking care of the people who take care of you! .....
Wrong, you hollow excuse for a human being. You are not "taking care of people" if you demand something from them and they have to grovel at your feet for a few more pennies. That is NOT taking care, that is lording it over people so you can feel better about yourself. Don't kid yourself about how those people really see you.
So why dont all jobs make their employees work for tips then?
Because most jobs are not customer facing. Only in union jobs are everyone paid the same regardless of their performance. In most careers you get paid more for excellent work, which provides the incentive to keep getting better.

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