Why Shouldnt DACA Illegal Aliens Be Deported

Sending the dreamers away from their homes to die is cruel, even by GOP standards.

It's not there homes, we don't speak spanish..
I would never expect your ignorant ass to know any spanish

I know Spanish and Japanese...and I am just a 2nd grade drop out :)

You want to troll that we give a damn about 800,000 illegals I will troll you back..I want them gone...

And I am serious along with the other 20 million or so illegals...get rid of them today.

I want an easy job making $20 bucks an hour picking apples out in the sun, get rid of illegals I get my dream job :)
Sending the dreamers away from their homes to die is cruel, even by GOP standards.

They’ll automatically die in Mexico....how?
One would think they’ll all be assets there...you know, with educations, civility and all.
Imagine if you got a knock on the door and oops, turns out you were brought here at age 1 illegally. So off to El Salvador with you. How long will you last?

Aren’t people often stranded in the wild and lost at sea...many survive.
You don’t think these “ highly educated” super bright DACA kids can survive in El Salvador...REALLY?
Both of those were stupid questions. I’ll be here if you care to try again.
Not stupid at all. The dreamers are kids of criminals, who didn't commit crimes themselves Millions of American kids are also kids of criminals, who didn't commit crimes themselves And while

Actually, it's a very interesting question, and one which I see you're not too well equipped to answer. Now, YOU try again.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Should we be as "fair" to Millions of American kids who are also kids of criminals, who didn't commit crimes themselves ? I don't hear you mentioning them.
Imagine if you got a knock on the door and oops, turns out you were brought here at age 1 illegally. So off to El Salvador with you. How long will you last?
Not my problem. Let the criminal parents who brought them here worry about that.
The only reasonable answer i hear to that question is nothing more than emotion.
Fuck that, deport them.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Emotion is a part of who we are. However, policy isnt. In the LEAST, it shouldnt be. Thats how powers fall. Do you want to fall? Turn into Venezuela? Having to shoot people because they want to kill your dog for a meal?
We didnt become the best nation in history because of "emotion" but that is damn sure how it can crumble.
Is that how Britain crumbled when Churchill refused to surrender to Germany?
He said fuck you to Germany, let them kill his soldiers by the truckload, bomb London to rubble, sink every British ship in the ocean. And he refused to surrender like every other European country. Do you think that didn't require "emotion?" Hell, it was all emotion and it was the right thing to do.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Should we be as "fair" to Millions of American kids who are also kids of criminals, who didn't commit crimes themselves ? I don't hear you mentioning them.
How are we not "fair" to them? Are we deporting them? To where?
The only reasonable answer i hear to that question is nothing more than emotion.
Fuck that, deport them.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Emotion is a part of who we are. However, policy isnt. In the LEAST, it shouldnt be. Thats how powers fall. Do you want to fall? Turn into Venezuela? Having to shoot people because they want to kill your dog for a meal?
We didnt become the best nation in history because of "emotion" but that is damn sure how it can crumble.
Is that how Britain crumbled when Churchill refused to surrender to Germany?
He said fuck you to Germany, let them kill his soldiers by the truckload, bomb London to rubble, sink every British ship in the ocean. And he refused to surrender like every other European country. Do you think that didn't require "emotion?" Hell, it was all emotion and it was the right thing to do.

He knew they couldn't do it.
Sending the dreamers away from their homes to die is cruel, even by GOP standards.

They’ll automatically die in Mexico....how?
One would think they’ll all be assets there...you know, with educations, civility and all.
Imagine if you got a knock on the door and oops, turns out you were brought here at age 1 illegally. So off to El Salvador with you. How long will you last?

Aren’t people often stranded in the wild and lost at sea...many survive.
You don’t think these “ highly educated” super bright DACA kids can survive in El Salvador...REALLY?
I see you didn’t answer the question
The only reasonable answer i hear to that question is nothing more than emotion.
Fuck that, deport them.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Emotion is a part of who we are. However, policy isnt. In the LEAST, it shouldnt be. Thats how powers fall. Do you want to fall? Turn into Venezuela? Having to shoot people because they want to kill your dog for a meal?
We didnt become the best nation in history because of "emotion" but that is damn sure how it can crumble.
Is that how Britain crumbled when Churchill refused to surrender to Germany?
He said fuck you to Germany, let them kill his soldiers by the truckload, bomb London to rubble, sink every British ship in the ocean. And he refused to surrender like every other European country. Do you think that didn't require "emotion?" Hell, it was all emotion and it was the right thing to do.
Are you really comparing Germany to illegals? :lol:
How are we not "fair" to them? Are we deporting them? To where?
I'm just saying that a big deal is being made about the fact that the DACAs didn't commit crimes (their parents did), and Democrats are saying we should violate our own (immigration) law to cater to them (by allowing them to stay).

Where is the catering to the kids of American criminals ? Where is even one voice of concern ?
All Americans should look at everything Democrats do in terms of them stacking VOTES for themselves.
DACA is an executive order that was illegally enacted byBarrack Obama
You know, you pathological liars keep saying that, but the truth is no court has EVER declared it so!!!!!!!
The one case brought against DACA was thrown out!
The only reasonable answer i hear to that question is nothing more than emotion.
Fuck that, deport them.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Emotion is a part of who we are. However, policy isnt. In the LEAST, it shouldnt be. Thats how powers fall. Do you want to fall? Turn into Venezuela? Having to shoot people because they want to kill your dog for a meal?
We didnt become the best nation in history because of "emotion" but that is damn sure how it can crumble.
Is that how Britain crumbled when Churchill refused to surrender to Germany?
He said fuck you to Germany, let them kill his soldiers by the truckload, bomb London to rubble, sink every British ship in the ocean. And he refused to surrender like every other European country. Do you think that didn't require "emotion?" Hell, it was all emotion and it was the right thing to do.
Are you really comparing Germany to illegals? :lol:
Does it sound like I am? What I'm doing is providing you with an example of a policy based on emotion that was BIG and also GREAT. Don't you dare start weaseling around and trying to change the subject.
The only reasonable answer i hear to that question is nothing more than emotion.
Fuck that, deport them.
Emotion is part of who we are. It leads to our best moments, as well as our worst.
You're not going to win, you know that, right? People do not want to be unfair. Maybe that's "emotional," but thank God most people don't insist on functioning like a machine.
Emotion is a part of who we are. However, policy isnt. In the LEAST, it shouldnt be. Thats how powers fall. Do you want to fall? Turn into Venezuela? Having to shoot people because they want to kill your dog for a meal?
We didnt become the best nation in history because of "emotion" but that is damn sure how it can crumble.
Is that how Britain crumbled when Churchill refused to surrender to Germany?
He said fuck you to Germany, let them kill his soldiers by the truckload, bomb London to rubble, sink every British ship in the ocean. And he refused to surrender like every other European country. Do you think that didn't require "emotion?" Hell, it was all emotion and it was the right thing to do.
Are you really comparing Germany to illegals? :lol:
Does it sound like I am? What I'm doing is providing you with an example of a policy based on emotion that was BIG and also GREAT. Don't you dare start weaseling around and trying to change the subject.
Oh, i certainly wasnt doing that. I would love to expand on how comparing germany and invasion is the same as illegal aliens.
Because this is the country they know and they work and go to school and help support the economy. You are confusing illegal immigration with DACA. Trump rescinded DACA. Heartless moron.

Many GOP are pro DACA as well.

Yes they are, as long as they well vetted and we get rid of the ability for them to bring in relations and have a secure border.
Of even more concern should be any sets of Illegal "parents" "aunts uncles" "single mothers" who coyoted these teenagers up into America.

Is the new storyline "they need to stay to care for the 31 yr old DACA baby and the pending Chain"

Seems a mess?
DACA is an executive order that was illegally enacted byBarrack Obama
You know, you pathological liars keep saying that, but the truth is no court has EVER declared it so!!!!!!!
The one case brought against DACA was thrown out!
In response to the Jordan Commission’s report, Congress made it clear that those here without our authorization would be placed in removal proceedings. They amended into Title 8 of the US Code section 1225(b)(2)(A), which reads “if the examining immigration officer determines that an alien seeking admission is not clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to be admitted, the alien shall be detained for a [removal] proceeding under section 1229a of this title.”

When DACA was challenged by members of an ICE public sector union in 2012, the Obama DOJ attempted to argue that “shall” in the above section actually meant “may.” Showing a respect for the English language, the judge in that case ruled that “shall” really did mean “shall” and would have struck down DACA but for jurisdictional problems.

1. DACA expressly violated federal statutes which require the initiation of removal proceedings.

DACA violated the constitutional obligation of the executive to Take Care That The Laws Are Faithfully Executed.

3. DACA conferred amnesty and federal benefits under the false pretense of “Prosecutorial Discretion.”

4. DACA conferred a benefit without promulgating a rule.

Here Are Four Ways In Which DACA Is Illegal

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