Why so much hate from the left?

This isn't just hatred, it's insanity times ten. Posters on this forum defend Maxine Waters rant where she advocates confronting republican workers and embarrassing them in public to the point where they will leave a restaurant. It's the first time in history where a Press Secretary was intentionally disrespected by an angry crazy restaurant owner. A H'wood actor recommended kidnapping the President's kids and the President has been threatened with everything from arson and assault to murder by so-called H'wood celebs. Don't forget (although the left wing media already did) that's only been a year since a democrat activist and Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team. You can't depend on the media to connect the dots but there is an undercurrent of craziness and violence on the left the likes of which we have never seen before.
I'll tell you where this incendiary, intolerant, disturbing liberal hate comes from: liberal godlessness. The liberals who are spewing this hate are godless people. They are modern Jacobins, Nazis, etc. Go read up on the tactics and rhetoric of the Jacobs. Go read up on the Nazi message, and instead of "Jew" read "Christian." If these liberals could get away with it, they would shut down all conservative churches and jail any true Christian who tried to resist.

Just look at what they've done to Christian bakers, florists, and photographers who have politely declined to service gay weddings. Liberals don't care about "gay rights," because in every case the gay couples had plenty of readily available alternatives--they care about misusing anti-discrimination laws to harass and persecute Christians.
The far right and alt right hatred is as destructive of American freedoms as is that of the far left.

Mike, please stop acting like the Cleon Skousen John Bircher philosophy is Americanism.

It is not.

America by the law is a secular state, which protects the freedom of thought and religious belief.

Your lie about in the last sentence of your first paragraph is abominable, certainly unworthy of an LDS priesthood holder.
Redfish and jknowgood now add lying to their cowardly hate lists as bad Alt Right behavior. Yes, the Alt Right is racialist, nativistic, ethnocentric, with hate lists of those they consider antiAmerican.

It is good for the other 70% of America that they are out in the open.

oh how awful. wanting the USA to survive and uphold its constitution. Nativist? WTF does that mean, patriot? citizen?

you are so wrong, your far left socialist bullshit is only supported by a small minority of americans, mostly in Hollywood where they all live in fantasyland anyway.
The great majority does not agree with your policy, Redfish. You are a muddle-head alt righty you certainly believes all Americans should look like and think like you. Nope, you are wrong as always.

oh, poor jakey boy. so misguided and foolish. nothing you have ever posted has even close to the truth. You are a tool, and a broken one at that.

This thread is about left wing hate as recently expressed by crazy Maxine, the Red hen, Whoopi, behar, Mahr, Kimmel, Pelosi, schumer, and the rest of the do-nothing, hate everything socialist Marxist assholes.

Your party cares nothing about the American people, all they care about is denigrating Trump and opening our borders (to what they think will become dem voters).

The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead and people like you killed it.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

Conservatives hate liberals and vice versa. The right has built an industry (talk radio) around it. Where have you been?

talk radio has never advocated violence against the left as the left is doing today. You are out of touch with reality
I'll tell you where this incendiary, intolerant, disturbing liberal hate comes from: liberal godlessness. The liberals who are spewing this hate are godless people. They are modern Jacobins, Nazis, etc. Go read up on the tactics and rhetoric of the Jacobs. Go read up on the Nazi message, and instead of "Jew" read "Christian." If these liberals could get away with it, they would shut down all conservative churches and jail any true Christian who tried to resist.

Just look at what they've done to Christian bakers, florists, and photographers who have politely declined to service gay weddings. Liberals don't care about "gay rights," because in every case the gay couples had plenty of readily available alternatives--they care about misusing anti-discrimination laws to harass and persecute Christians.
The far right and alt right hatred is as destructive of American freedoms as is that of the far left.

Mike, please stop acting like the Cleon Skousen John Bircher philosophy is Americanism.

It is not.

America by the law is a secular state, which protects the freedom of thought and religious belief.

Your lie about in the last sentence of your first paragraph is abominable, certainly unworthy of an LDS priesthood holder.

tell us which conservative groups have advocated or participated in violence against the left

which conservative groups have prevented leftists from speaking at a college forum?

which conservative groups have told their members to publicly harass or deny service to democrats?

sorry, dude. but the violence and hate is coming from the left, or at least about 95% of it is
The most vile divisive public figure in America occupies the oval office and you ponder the origin of "all the hate"?

Irony poisoning!!!

wrong, the most divisive person ever to occupy the whitehouse was Obama, and he did it on purpose because he hates this country and everything it stands for.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.
I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
excellent question, Donald Trump is making America great again all over the place, what the hell else do they want :dunno:
The most vile divisive public figure in America occupies the oval office and you ponder the origin of "all the hate"?

Irony poisoning!!!

wrong, the most divisive person ever to occupy the whitehouse was Obama, and he did it on purpose because he hates this country and everything it stands for.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE. What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.
I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
excellent question, Donald Trump is making America great again all over the place, what the hell else do they want :dunno:

they want America to fail so they can blame trump. Nothing matters to dem/libs except staying in power and continuing to rip off the American tax payers.
The most vile divisive public figure in America occupies the oval office and you ponder the origin of "all the hate"?

Irony poisoning!!!

wrong, the most divisive person ever to occupy the whitehouse was Obama, and he did it on purpose because he hates this country and everything it stands for.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

I don't know wtf "see twitchy" is supposed to mean but your title brings up "hate". So I quoted several examples, by no means a comprehensive list but having a single source in common ---- which you yourself are about to acknowledge in the next part of this post. Please, do go on....

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE.

Bernie Sanders comes from the same place. Even down to the silent H in the word "huge". Ever hear Sanders crowing he'd be the "greatest (whatever) President that god ever created"? Ever hear him declaring "they're rapists" or "shut down/register Muslims" or "beat the crap out of 'im" or "fire the sumbitches" or making juvenile gyrations on stage to mock a reporter's congenital condition or suggesting his supporters should riot or shoot his opponent? Can you even imagine Sanders strutting out on stage impersonating Alfred Hitchcock and then crowing "I alone can fix it"?

"Typical New Yorker" my ASS. No Sprinkles, you don't get to brush off direct refutation of your own attempted premise with a puerile No True Scotsman fallacy. Like it or not, individuals *ARE* responsible for their own words and actions, REGARDLESS where they come from. Shall I deconstruct your lame premise here as "typical Yat" instead of spelling out these points? Is that like an escape hatch I can use?

LAME, doodles.

What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.

All of which is *COMPLETELY* off the point you began with, 'where the hate is coming from', so here you're reduced to derailing your own thread. In effect you started out with "where's the hate coming from" and when shown the source, wailing "well so what, it doesn't matter anyway".

this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans. What is the origin of all this hate?

The answer is simple. It lies partly in genetics and partly in environment. If you and I disagree, you may think me wrong, confused, mistaken, ill-informed, even an idiot. But that doesn't affect you, that is my problem, you forget about it and go on your way. As a conservative, you see yourself and others as autonomous entities free to decide their individual destiny.

When you disagree with a Leftist, you are challenging their entire validity system. You are a threat, part of an organized effort, a danger which must be stopped at all cost. As a Leftist, they see values as absolute and people as parts of sociopolitical factions. They think in groups, organize in groups and like a pack, attack in groups and so assume you do as well.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans. What is the origin of all this hate?

The answer is simple. It lies partly in genetics and partly in environment. If you and I disagree, you may think me wrong, confused, mistaken, ill-informed, even an idiot. But that doesn't affect you, that is my problem, you forget about it and go on your way. As a conservative, you see yourself and others as autonomous entities free to decide their individual destiny.

When you disagree with a Leftist, you are challenging their entire validity system. You are a threat, part of an organized effort, a danger which must be stopped at all cost. As a Leftist, they see values as absolute and people as parts of sociopolitical factions. They think in groups, organize in groups and like a pack, attack in groups and so assume you do as well.

Can't make this place up. Here's a wag who wants to fantasize about a "them" thinking in "groups" ---- by describing them as a "group", hence using exactly the same bullshit he pins on somebody else. Apparently hoping nobody will notice.

The fruit around here just hangs too low. That's all.
The most vile divisive public figure in America occupies the oval office and you ponder the origin of "all the hate"?

Irony poisoning!!!

wrong, the most divisive person ever to occupy the whitehouse was Obama, and he did it on purpose because he hates this country and everything it stands for.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE. What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.

Who said anything about hate speech? I said Trump is vile and divisive. You disagreed and said President Obama was more divisive. I gave quotes. You, as usual, provided nothing.
The only time liberal progressives are happy is when they get their way. They are like insolent children.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

I think your premise says much more about you- than anyone else.

I am a member of the 'left'- when have you seen me say I hate Trump? Hate Rush? Hate Conservatives?

You haven't.

You are just projecting your own feelings onto others.
I said Trump is vile and divisive. You disagreed and said President Obama was more divisive.

Pretty tough call there. I'd side with Obama being more divisive, especially that stuff about race baiting to justify shooting cops in the back...
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
It has something to do with stripping children from their parents.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans. What is the origin of all this hate?

The answer is simple. It lies partly in genetics and partly in environment. If you and I disagree, you may think me wrong, confused, mistaken, ill-informed, even an idiot. But that doesn't affect you, that is my problem, you forget about it and go on your way. As a conservative, you see yourself and others as autonomous entities free to decide their individual destiny.

When you disagree with a Leftist, you are challenging their entire validity system. You are a threat, part of an organized effort, a danger which must be stopped at all cost. As a Leftist, they see values as absolute and people as parts of sociopolitical factions. They think in groups, organize in groups and like a pack, attack in groups and so assume you do as well.

Can't make this place up. Here's a wag who wants to fantasize about a "them" thinking in "groups" ---- by describing them as a "group", hence using exactly the same bullshit he pins on somebody else. Apparently hoping nobody will notice.

The fruit around here just hangs too low. That's all.

sorry, hopstick, but he said it correctly. the US leftists all sing from the same song book and recite the same BS talking point over and over and over. they are not allowed to think for themselves lest they be called conservatives or traitors to the cause. The dem masters put out the daily talking points and every one of you repeats them like the mindless sheep that you have become.

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