Why so much hate from the left?

that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too
Like what? Give us a few.

In the meantime, explain this:

The last two weeks have seen an unprecedented number of disturbing lies from Trump.

dean you are such a stupid ass

the "fuck the police" leftist platform

hows about the dossier lie for example

nuff said shit for brains
Uh oh, you just went batsh!t crazy. Who even knows what you are talking about?

hey retard you asked for a couple of examples

dean once again proving he is a retard
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too

You are concerned about lies? :auiqs.jpg:
You Little Trumpserts have zippo concerns about your pathological lying god, (Trump)
Anytime, one of you gullible Trumpsters are confronted with the documented lies, you ignore it or go into one of your chronic denial modes or run away.
And then there's the "hate". Trump rallies are filled with hate. And why do we have so many hate filled threads, asking why non-Little Trumpsters are filled with hate?
You folks are a walking example of hypocrisy.

nothing in your post is true. you are a victim of left wing propaganda. your post is full of hate, you make my point.

are the following lies?

we landed under sniper fire
if you like your plan you can keep it
I never sent classified data on my private server
Benghazi was caused by a video
I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky

Those were lies. Much of what Trump says is bluster and political rhetoric designed to spin up the vulnerable like you, and it works, you go fricken crazy and destroy your party in the process, I actually find it quite amusing.

nothing in your post is true

like i said leftards lie

it is all the have

that and hate

the post proves as much

you see it daily on this board alone
The last two weeks have seen an unprecedented number of disturbing lies from Trump.

Check this one out. In the first post there is a link to Trump lies for the last couple of weeks. And every lie has video backing it up. Every one of these lies, we've watched him say on TV.

retarded dean falls for fake news
I blame CNN for a lot.

You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

Just LOL!

Live and let live, huh? What happens if you're a tenured professor who objects to people of color only day on campus by just showing up for work? Or a student who stands up for his moral convictions during lecture? You need to get out more Cat-in-hat. What about organized harassment of a sitting cabinet secretary? Got Antifa? We don't your side does. Planned parenthood? Know what? Right leaners ought to start holding up to mirror every word the Left publishes cause their spiel read backwards is the only way to make some sense of just about everything they say.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

Just LOL!

Live and let live, huh? What happens if you're a tenured professor who objects to people of color only day on campus by just showing up for work? Or a student who stands up for his moral convictions during lecture? You need to get out more Cat-in-hat. What about organized harassment of a sitting cabinet secretary? Got Antifa? We don't your side does. Planned parenthood? Know what? Right leaners ought to start holding up to mirror every word the Left publishes cause their spiel read backwards is the only way to make some sense of just about everything they say.

Planned parenthood is a hate group ? Lol. You righties are delusional. I especially like the reality bending on white supremist groups .

I have gop talking points that revolve around hate and fear . You guys throw out anecdotes .
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

Nevermind Timmy..... he is one of the USMB clowns.
There is certainly similar hatred among the right, but I would agree nowhere near the rabid nonsensical hate from the left.
To me, I contribute it to a generation that was raised by an entertainment committee, formerly known as parents... participation trophies and no one loses "competition".... more toys/electronics and games in their gifts in one year than my generation received in their entire childhood!
They are the most entitled generation in our history, that is for sure. And because of that - they simply have no idea how to react to not getting their way.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Go to youtube and type in 'hatred of Obama' and watch the ten thousand videos of batshit conservatives vomiting into microphones nonstop. Stop with your fake outrage and puzzlement. YOU created the divide, now all you have to do is live with it. Enjoy your handywork.

actually it started with Nixon. and it was started by the left, as inspired by their idols Marx, Lenin, Mao, and yes Hitler. the left wants to exclude and denigrate any ideology but theirs. It has never worked and wont work here either, that's why Trump is president.

At least you admit the OP is a lie. That's a start.

A lie? better check the recent comments or Maxine Waters, the owners of Red Hen, Rob Reiner, DeNiro,

the left wing hate is blatant, obvious, and destructive. It will get someone killed, will mad Max take responsibility when that happens?
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Go to youtube and type in 'hatred of Obama' and watch the ten thousand videos of batshit conservatives vomiting into microphones nonstop. Stop with your fake outrage and puzzlement. YOU created the divide, now all you have to do is live with it. Enjoy your handywork.

actually it started with Nixon. and it was started by the left, as inspired by their idols Marx, Lenin, Mao, and yes Hitler. the left wants to exclude and denigrate any ideology but theirs. It has never worked and wont work here either, that's why Trump is president.

At least you admit the OP is a lie. That's a start.

A lie? better check the recent comments or Maxine Waters, the owners of Red Hen, Rob Reiner, DeNiro,

the left wing hate is blatant, obvious, and destructive. It will get someone killed, will mad Max take responsibility when that happens?

The Left is turning the Cold Civil War hot with their uncivil and violent actions towards those who dare to disagree with them.
Redfish and jknowgood now add lying to their cowardly hate lists as bad Alt Right behavior. Yes, the Alt Right is racialist, nativistic, ethnocentric, with hate lists of those they consider antiAmerican.

It is good for the other 70% of America that they are out in the open.

oh how awful. wanting the USA to survive and uphold its constitution. Nativist? WTF does that mean, patriot? citizen?

you are so wrong, your far left socialist bullshit is only supported by a small minority of americans, mostly in Hollywood where they all live in fantasyland anyway.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Go to youtube and type in 'hatred of Obama' and watch the ten thousand videos of batshit conservatives vomiting into microphones nonstop. Stop with your fake outrage and puzzlement. YOU created the divide, now all you have to do is live with it. Enjoy your handywork.

actually it started with Nixon. and it was started by the left, as inspired by their idols Marx, Lenin, Mao, and yes Hitler. the left wants to exclude and denigrate any ideology but theirs. It has never worked and wont work here either, that's why Trump is president.

At least you admit the OP is a lie. That's a start.

A lie? better check the recent comments or Maxine Waters, the owners of Red Hen, Rob Reiner, DeNiro,

the left wing hate is blatant, obvious, and destructive. It will get someone killed, will mad Max take responsibility when that happens?

How loudly you cheered for Sarah Palin and her website with crosshairs over all the Democrats she wanted to 'get rid of', including Gabby Giffords. Cons LOVED that. There weren't any calls for civility or common decency. And six people were murdered including a 9 year old girl.

Take your phony bullshit whining and stick it. It is meaningless.
There is certainly similar hatred among the right, but I would agree nowhere near the rabid nonsensical hate from the left.
To me, I contribute it to a generation that was raised by an entertainment committee, formerly known as parents... participation trophies and no one loses "competition".... more toys/electronics and games in their gifts in one year than my generation received in their entire childhood!
They are the most entitled generation in our history, that is for sure. And because of that - they simply have no idea how to react to not getting their way.

the media told them that Hillary could not lose, she lost and they cannot deal with it. pathetic
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Go to youtube and type in 'hatred of Obama' and watch the ten thousand videos of batshit conservatives vomiting into microphones nonstop. Stop with your fake outrage and puzzlement. YOU created the divide, now all you have to do is live with it. Enjoy your handywork.

actually it started with Nixon. and it was started by the left, as inspired by their idols Marx, Lenin, Mao, and yes Hitler. the left wants to exclude and denigrate any ideology but theirs. It has never worked and wont work here either, that's why Trump is president.

At least you admit the OP is a lie. That's a start.

A lie? better check the recent comments or Maxine Waters, the owners of Red Hen, Rob Reiner, DeNiro,

the left wing hate is blatant, obvious, and destructive. It will get someone killed, will mad Max take responsibility when that happens?

How loudly you cheered for Sarah Palin and her website with crosshairs over all the Democrats she wanted to 'get rid of', including Gabby Giffords. Cons LOVED that. There weren't any calls for civility or common decency. And six people were murdered including a 9 year old girl.

Take your phony bullshit whining and stick it. It is meaningless.

LOL, at least get your stories straight, the cross hairs posters were started by bill Clinton. Palin never called for Giffords to be shot, what a stupid thing to say.

the phone bullshit here is all yours.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .
Are you serious?

Yes . And I gave examples.

Which you righties will ignore as always . Cause when you are called out on your BS , you just start in wh insults . Typical MO.
No you didn't.

You cited opinion after assigning intent for which you have no basis to assign other than your hatred of any and all who disagree with your worldview.

you should learn the difference.
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too
Bingo, you're talking about people proud to have abortions, proud to break the law, and they want payback for the past. It's not their fault they're losers, it's someone elses......that's how they feel.......they're pathetic people.
Redfish and jknowgood now add lying to their cowardly hate lists as bad Alt Right behavior. Yes, the Alt Right is racialist, nativistic, ethnocentric, with hate lists of those they consider antiAmerican.

It is good for the other 70% of America that they are out in the open.

oh how awful. wanting the USA to survive and uphold its constitution. Nativist? WTF does that mean, patriot? citizen?

you are so wrong, your far left socialist bullshit is only supported by a small minority of americans, mostly in Hollywood where they all live in fantasyland anyway.
The great majority does not agree with your policy, Redfish. You are a muddle-head alt righty you certainly believes all Americans should look like and think like you. Nope, you are wrong as always.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

Conservatives hate liberals and vice versa. The right has built an industry (talk radio) around it. Where have you been?
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Are you for real?

Did you ask this question about your fellow zealots on the right for the previous 8 years?

Where have you been the previous 20 years?

The origins of this hate is the two party system that has been used to divide our country because a divided populous is easier to control.

Every president since Bush II has done their level best to divide the country into "us vs them", and they have done a masterful job all the while you zealots on both sides have cheered it on and asked for more.

Selective memory loss.
I'll tell you where this incendiary, intolerant, disturbing liberal hate comes from: liberal godlessness. The liberals who are spewing this hate are godless people. They are modern Jacobins, Nazis, etc. Go read up on the tactics and rhetoric of the Jacobs. Go read up on the Nazi message, and instead of "Jew" read "Christian." If these liberals could get away with it, they would shut down all conservative churches and jail any true Christian who tried to resist.

Just look at what they've done to Christian bakers, florists, and photographers who have politely declined to service gay weddings. Liberals don't care about "gay rights," because in every case the gay couples had plenty of readily available alternatives--they care about misusing anti-discrimination laws to harass and persecute Christians.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The "origin of all the hate"? Hell that's the easiest question I've seen all day.

"Beat the crap out of 'im"... "They're rapists" ... "Blood coming from her wherever" .... "Total and complete (not just complete, but total too) shutdown of Muslims".... "fire the sumbitches" .... "they'd be carried away on a stretcher" .... "I think you'd have riots".... and of course mocking a reporter's congenital disability when the reporter wouldn't lie for him, droning on and on and on and on and on about birth certificates, and separating little kids from their parents...

Really? You don't hear this screaming from the rooftops and actually waddle onto a message board wondering "what the origin is"? REALLY?

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