Why so much hate from the left?

this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
It has something to do with stripping children from their parents.

that process was signed into law by Clinton, continued by bush and Obama, and Trump has stopped it. You really need to learn something before posting bullshit billo. Where was the outrage when Clinton, bush, and Obama were allowing kids to be separated from their parents after they all crossed our border illegally?

for the record, entering the USA illegally is a crime, if you do it, you are a criminal. Please look up the word "illegal" before making a fool of yourself on this forum
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

I think your premise says much more about you- than anyone else.

I am a member of the 'left'- when have you seen me say I hate Trump? Hate Rush? Hate Conservatives?

You haven't.

You are just projecting your own feelings onto others.

If you have not said those things, then you are an exception. Good for you. My OP was a generalization and as such there will always be exceptions, it you are one, great.

Likewise I never said that I hated Obama, the Clintons, or democrats in general. I strongly disagree with just about everything they stand for, I hate their ideology because I believe it is destroying this great country.

If you are sincere, maybe you and I can resolve these issues like sane human beings. or maybe they are just too hard and we need to divide this country. Time will tell.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.
Most every post by the op is full of hate, and he/she accuses lefties, and only lefties of the same thing. Here's below just one of thousands of posts of the op's spreading hate.......

OK, fuckin idiot. "with almost every breath". happy now, asshole? do you think the "almost" changes your meaning?
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans. What is the origin of all this hate?

The answer is simple. It lies partly in genetics and partly in environment. If you and I disagree, you may think me wrong, confused, mistaken, ill-informed, even an idiot. But that doesn't affect you, that is my problem, you forget about it and go on your way. As a conservative, you see yourself and others as autonomous entities free to decide their individual destiny.

When you disagree with a Leftist, you are challenging their entire validity system. You are a threat, part of an organized effort, a danger which must be stopped at all cost. As a Leftist, they see values as absolute and people as parts of sociopolitical factions. They think in groups, organize in groups and like a pack, attack in groups and so assume you do as well.

Can't make this place up. Here's a wag who wants to fantasize about a "them" thinking in "groups" ---- by describing them as a "group", hence using exactly the same bullshit he pins on somebody else. Apparently hoping nobody will notice.

The fruit around here just hangs too low. That's all.

sorry, hopstick, but he said it correctly. the US leftists all sing from the same song book and recite the same BS talking point over and over and over. they are not allowed to think for themselves lest they be called conservatives or traitors to the cause. The dem masters put out the daily talking points and every one of you repeats them like the mindless sheep that you have become.

I see the point sailed right over your head. :aug08_031:

That being, to attempt to restate and probably fruitlessly, that he tries to accuse an entire group of groupthink, completely oblivious to the fact that in order to define that group AS a "group" he has to employ the very Groupthink he tries to ascribe to somebody else. Thus he is hoist with his own petard. Doesn't matter WHO the group is that's how it works. He brought his bucket of shit and proceeded to step right in it.

That prolly sailed right over your head too, amirite?

Monolithic "groups" as such -- "the right", "the left", "Democrats", "Republicans", "socialists", "blacks", "whites", "Mexicans", "Muslims", "Joos", "Californians", whatever --- simply DO NOT EXIST as a behavioural hive. "The Borg" is a science fiction fantasy --- it does not exist in the real world unless you're addressing ants or bees. That's a crutch that y'all mental midgets who can't deal with nuance and detail and individuality use to lump together to make inane lame points that go nowhere because they're incapable of going anywhere. That's the crutch he used to first construct such an imaginary hive, and then proceed to, in his oblivious self-irony, accuse THEM of creating hives. It's also the crutch you started this thread with.

Matter of fact this whole thread is pretty much as useful as a case OF hives.
I said Trump is vile and divisive. You disagreed and said President Obama was more divisive.

Pretty tough call there. I'd side with Obama being more divisive, especially that stuff about race baiting to justify shooting cops in the back...

Direct, in context, quotes, if you please.

"elections have consequences, I won" obama

:lol: That's the best you've got?

Was that before or after Mitch McChinless said

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

It was for sure after this...

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

And it's no where near to this for vile and divisive

Trump Attacks Democrats and Urges Republicans to Vote
that process was signed into law by Clinton, continued by bush and Obama, and Trump has stopped it. You really need to learn something before posting bullshit billo. Where was the outrage when Clinton, bush, and Obama were allowing kids to be separated from their parents after they all crossed our border illegally?

for the record, entering the USA illegally is a crime, if you do it, you are a criminal. Please look up the word "illegal" before making a fool of yourself on this forum
Have you ever changed lanes without signalling first? Then you're a criminal.

Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. You don't lock people up for requesting asylum. You are one major piece of shit if you think this is okay.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

They aren't in power and have been stopped from transforming America from the beautiful constitutional Republic into a socialism shithole. Trump and all Republicans are now damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Don't expect rational thought or discussion from the left. They went off the edge on election night and have continued to slide down. They are now dangerous and want nothing more than a bloody civil war to get power back. Obama has his organization that exists to undermine the current administration. We've never seen anything like this before. They have no respect for our country, our laws or the people.

Now they call for violence. They crave chaos and a divided people fighting each other. It's the tried and true method of taking a country down. They've learned well from the radicals of the past and the dictators of today.

that process was signed into law by Clinton, continued by bush and Obama, and Trump has stopped it. You really need to learn something before posting bullshit billo. Where was the outrage when Clinton, bush, and Obama were allowing kids to be separated from their parents after they all crossed our border illegally?

for the record, entering the USA illegally is a crime, if you do it, you are a criminal. Please look up the word "illegal" before making a fool of yourself on this forum
Have you ever changed lanes without signalling first? Then you're a criminal.

Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. You don't lock people up for requesting asylum. You are one major piece of shit if you think this is okay.

Most are not asking for asylum. Most are just sneaking in and avoiding the legal ports of entry. Big difference. Even some who ask for asylum might not get it because they are not actually escaping danger. Many of the people sneaking in are human traffickers, drug dealers, murders and rapists. Feel sorry for them all you want but no one has a right to cross the border illegally. And when they do and get caught, it's necessary to find out who they are and why they are here. There are a growing number of people who are accompanied by children that aren't theirs. I guess the left doesn't care about those trafficking young people because they will forced them into the sex trade. Many of these children were kidnapped but the left wants to pretend that all people sneaking in are just innocents. Grow the fuck up and realize what is actually going on at the border.
Most are not asking for asylum. Most are just sneaking in and avoiding the legal ports of entry. Big difference. Even some who ask for asylum might not get it because they are not actually escaping danger. Many of the people sneaking in are human traffickers, drug dealers, murders and rapists. Feel sorry for them all you want but no one has a right to cross the border illegally. And when they do and get caught, it's necessary to find out who they are and why they are here. There are a growing number of people who are accompanied by children that aren't theirs. I guess the left doesn't care about those trafficking young people because they will forced them into the sex trade. Many of these children were kidnapped but the left wants to pretend that all people sneaking in are just innocents. Grow the fuck up and realize what is actually going on at the border.
Where is your proof this is what is going on?

Your answer will determine which one of us needs to grow the fuck up.
Most are not asking for asylum. Most are just sneaking in and avoiding the legal ports of entry. Big difference. Even some who ask for asylum might not get it because they are not actually escaping danger. Many of the people sneaking in are human traffickers, drug dealers, murders and rapists. Feel sorry for them all you want but no one has a right to cross the border illegally. And when they do and get caught, it's necessary to find out who they are and why they are here. There are a growing number of people who are accompanied by children that aren't theirs. I guess the left doesn't care about those trafficking young people because they will forced them into the sex trade. Many of these children were kidnapped but the left wants to pretend that all people sneaking in are just innocents. Grow the fuck up and realize what is actually going on at the border.
Where is your proof this is what is going on?

Your answer will determine which one of us needs to grow the fuck up.

If you haven't been reading the paper or watching the news for the last 20 years, you are sad.

You assert that all are innocents looking for asylum. Idiot.

Asylum seekers go through the port of entry and state their case. Those who slip past guards and sneak in, and not for the first time, should be viewed with suspicion.

Don't you ever watch the news and see the illegal aliens convicted of murders? There are many. Have you heard of the gangs that murder and rape? What about all the "asylum seekers" who send billions back to Mexico where many have admitted that they plan to retire once they have made enough money in the states? What about all those arrested for human trafficking, drug trafficking and other crimes? Is that what we should expect from all asylum seekers?

I will not attempt to link to news stories from the past 20 fucking years or longer. I'm sure you can easily find these articles, along with the protesters who asked Obama to stop separating families after he deported 3 million people. Now, do you think Obama was deporting innocent little refugees or was he deporting criminals?
If you haven't been reading the paper or watching the news for the last 20 years, you are sad.

You assert that all are innocents looking for asylum. Idiot.
I didn't assert that, moron.

Asylum seekers go through the port of entry and state their case. Those who slip past guards and sneak in, and not for the first time, should be viewed with suspicion.
Where's your proof of these "sneak-ins"?

Don't you ever watch the news and see the illegal aliens convicted of murders? There are many. Have you heard of the gangs that murder and rape? What about all the "asylum seekers" who send billions back to Mexico where many have admitted that they plan to retire once they have made enough money in the states? What about all those arrested for human trafficking, drug trafficking and other crimes? Is that what we should expect from all asylum seekers?
For the last decade, crime has been going down. And of the crimes that are committed, the majority are done by US citizens.

I will not attempt to link to news stories from the past 20 fucking years or longer. I'm sure you can easily find these articles, along with the protesters who asked Obama to stop separating families after he deported 3 million people. Now, do you think Obama was deporting innocent little refugees or was he deporting criminals?
Do your own fucking homework. You made the claim, you back it up. Unless, of coarse, you're just winging it; which I think you are.
If you haven't been reading the paper or watching the news for the last 20 years, you are sad.

You assert that all are innocents looking for asylum. Idiot.
I didn't assert that, moron.

Asylum seekers go through the port of entry and state their case. Those who slip past guards and sneak in, and not for the first time, should be viewed with suspicion.
Where's your proof of these "sneak-ins"?

Don't you ever watch the news and see the illegal aliens convicted of murders? There are many. Have you heard of the gangs that murder and rape? What about all the "asylum seekers" who send billions back to Mexico where many have admitted that they plan to retire once they have made enough money in the states? What about all those arrested for human trafficking, drug trafficking and other crimes? Is that what we should expect from all asylum seekers?
For the last decade, crime has been going down. And of the crimes that are committed, the majority are done by US citizens.

I will not attempt to link to news stories from the past 20 fucking years or longer. I'm sure you can easily find these articles, along with the protesters who asked Obama to stop separating families after he deported 3 million people. Now, do you think Obama was deporting innocent little refugees or was he deporting criminals?
Do your own fucking homework. You made the claim, you back it up. Unless, of coarse, you're just winging it; which I think you are.

Human and drug trafficking a major problem. It's mostly through the southern border. Not innocent people. Drug cartels and human traffickers own the border and many areas near the border. Keep your head in the sand if you want but the majority of people want border security. We need to keep the animals out and use our resources to help the deserving people migrate. It's best for all to have a strong filter.

this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.
If you haven't been reading the paper or watching the news for the last 20 years, you are sad.

You assert that all are innocents looking for asylum. Idiot.
I didn't assert that, moron.

Asylum seekers go through the port of entry and state their case. Those who slip past guards and sneak in, and not for the first time, should be viewed with suspicion.
Where's your proof of these "sneak-ins"?

Don't you ever watch the news and see the illegal aliens convicted of murders? There are many. Have you heard of the gangs that murder and rape? What about all the "asylum seekers" who send billions back to Mexico where many have admitted that they plan to retire once they have made enough money in the states? What about all those arrested for human trafficking, drug trafficking and other crimes? Is that what we should expect from all asylum seekers?
For the last decade, crime has been going down. And of the crimes that are committed, the majority are done by US citizens.

I will not attempt to link to news stories from the past 20 fucking years or longer. I'm sure you can easily find these articles, along with the protesters who asked Obama to stop separating families after he deported 3 million people. Now, do you think Obama was deporting innocent little refugees or was he deporting criminals?
Do your own fucking homework. You made the claim, you back it up. Unless, of coarse, you're just winging it; which I think you are.

Ok, Billo. How many people should we let into our country every year? Give us a number. Should there be any vetting or should we just let anyone come in? Was what was done at Ellis Island terrible and discriminatory? Should we have any immigration laws at all?
I said Trump is vile and divisive. You disagreed and said President Obama was more divisive.

Pretty tough call there. I'd side with Obama being more divisive, especially that stuff about race baiting to justify shooting cops in the back...

Direct, in context, quotes, if you please.

"elections have consequences, I won" obama

:lol: That's the best you've got?

Was that before or after Mitch McChinless said

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

It was for sure after this...

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

And it's no where near to this for vile and divisive

Trump Attacks Democrats and Urges Republicans to Vote

compared to what is going on today, the anti Obama rhetoric was extremely mild. Not even close.

as to McConnel's comments, has there ever been a time that the opposition party did not try to limit a president to one term? Again, what is coming from Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Jackson-Lee, and most of the media today is much more vile and hateful than anything that was ever said about Obama by any member of congress or legitimate media outlet.

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