Why so much hate from the left?

this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.

Oh poster please.

"When did you stop beating your wife". Don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence.

ok hoppy, tell us when anyone on the right has blocked traffic, caused a riot, destroyed public and private property, prevented a leftist from speaking, called for attacks on democrats in restaurants and their homes, spewed hateful rhetoric 24/7 about a duly elected president.

Yes, there is much more hate coming from the left, it you cant see or admit it just shows that you are one of the haters. I feel sorry for you and for our great country because this is destroying it.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.

Oh poster please.

"When did you stop beating your wife". Don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence.

actually the proper quote is "are you still beating your wife?" yes or no.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.

Oh poster please.

"When did you stop beating your wife". Don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence.

ok hoppy, tell us when anyone on the right has blocked traffic, caused a riot, destroyed public and private property, prevented a leftist from speaking, called for attacks on democrats in restaurants and their homes, spewed hateful rhetoric 24/7 about a duly elected president.

Yes, there is much more hate coming from the left, it you cant see or admit it just shows that you are one of the haters. I feel sorry for you and for our great country because this is destroying it.

Once AGAIN your premise right there in the first phrase of your post, is fatally erroneous.

There is NO SUCH THING as anyone "on the right". Or "on the left". People simply do not live in these fake comic books you make up because you can't be bothered with individuality. And in the same way there is no restaurant where you're obliged to declare a political party, just as there was never a lynching that required one, a riot, a Klan, a crime, a flag-burning, a sex scandal, or any of the other lump-fallacies purveyed on this board in a puerile attempt at demonization of one's imaginary lump-grouped adversaries. A limp lump-fallacy that, I might add, also requires the infantilistic dichotomy-think that imagines everybody in the world as automatically falling into one of two "camps", again just because you can't be bothered.

I already schooled you on this shit; these are fallacy crutches that you use to blanket people. Fallacies are still fallacies, and that booboo doesn't heal when you pick at it.
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this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.

Oh poster please.

"When did you stop beating your wife". Don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence.

ok hoppy, tell us when anyone on the right has blocked traffic, caused a riot, destroyed public and private property, prevented a leftist from speaking, called for attacks on democrats in restaurants and their homes, spewed hateful rhetoric 24/7 about a duly elected president.

Yes, there is much more hate coming from the left, it you cant see or admit it just shows that you are one of the haters. I feel sorry for you and for our great country because this is destroying it.

Once AGAIN your premise right there in the first phrase of your post, is fatally erroneous.

There is NO SUCH THING as anyone "on the right". Or "on the left". People simply do not live in these fake comic books you make up because you can't be bothered with individuality. And in the same way there is no restaurant where you're obliged to declare a political party, just as there was never a lynching that required one, a riot, a Klan, a crime, a flag-burning, a sex scandal, or any of the other lump-fallacies purveyed on this board in a puerile attempt at demonization of one's imaginary lump-grouped adversaries. A limp lump-fallacy that, I might add, also requires the infantilistic dichotomy-think that imagines everybody in the world as automatically falling into one of two "camps", again just because you can't be bothered.

I already schooled you on this shit; these are fallacy crutches that you use to blanket people. Fallacies are still fallacies, and that booboo doesn't heal when you pick at it.

And soon as we speak cometh a perfect example in a new thread:

Maxine Waters Has Had Death Threats

There's no link so I don't know if it's factual or not but for the sake of argument let's say it is and Waters has been threatened....

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a Democrat, her threat must have come from a "Republican"?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is "on the left", her threat must have come from someone "on the right"?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a woman, her threat must have come from a man?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a politician, her threat must have come from someone interested in politics?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is black, her threat must have come from someone white?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a Rump critic, her threat must have come from a Rump supporter?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is old, her threat must have come from someone young?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is in Los Angeles, her threat must have come from a Giants fan?

Why is it necessary to contrive these fake dichotomies at all?
people wanting asylum have a legal and proper way to ask for and receive it. Apply at any embassy or port of entry. Follow our laws.

as to the debt, it was 9T when Obama took over and as you said, it was 21T when he left, but you blame Trump? WTF?

Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy, some of the companies that he had financial interest in did file bankruptcy, a completely legal and common practice. A structured bankruptcy protects employees, share holders, creditors and customers.

its not illegal to do business with foreign banks, the Clintons did it, Obama did it, Bush did it, most of Hollywood does it. But if Trump does it, its awful, right?
That's right. Makes sense to me.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.

Oh poster please.

"When did you stop beating your wife". Don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence.

ok hoppy, tell us when anyone on the right has blocked traffic, caused a riot, destroyed public and private property, prevented a leftist from speaking, called for attacks on democrats in restaurants and their homes, spewed hateful rhetoric 24/7 about a duly elected president.

Yes, there is much more hate coming from the left, it you cant see or admit it just shows that you are one of the haters. I feel sorry for you and for our great country because this is destroying it.

Once AGAIN your premise right there in the first phrase of your post, is fatally erroneous.

There is NO SUCH THING as anyone "on the right". Or "on the left". People simply do not live in these fake comic books you make up because you can't be bothered with individuality. And in the same way there is no restaurant where you're obliged to declare a political party, just as there was never a lynching that required one, a riot, a Klan, a crime, a flag-burning, a sex scandal, or any of the other lump-fallacies purveyed on this board in a puerile attempt at demonization of one's imaginary lump-grouped adversaries. A limp lump-fallacy that, I might add, also requires the infantilistic dichotomy-think that imagines everybody in the world as automatically falling into one of two "camps", again just because you can't be bothered.

I already schooled you on this shit; these are fallacy crutches that you use to blanket people. Fallacies are still fallacies, and that booboo doesn't heal when you pick at it.

No right and left? what world do you live in? Sure there are degrees of both and extremes of both. The problem today is that the majority of leftists tend towards the extreme views--------------do away with ICE---------open borders-------------higher taxes-------more welfare-------------more government control-----------------man made climate change-----------------conservatives are Nazis----------------socialism is wonderful----------------------all illegals welcome---------------etc

but earlier I asked you for examples of violent acts committed by conservatives in the name of conservatism or the republican party, like all libs, you dodges and changed the subject, why?
Sarcasm board, mods.

It was not sarcasm, it was a legitimate question. But not one of you on the left has been able to give a cogent reply.

Oh poster please.

"When did you stop beating your wife". Don't sit here and insult everybody's intelligence.

ok hoppy, tell us when anyone on the right has blocked traffic, caused a riot, destroyed public and private property, prevented a leftist from speaking, called for attacks on democrats in restaurants and their homes, spewed hateful rhetoric 24/7 about a duly elected president.

Yes, there is much more hate coming from the left, it you cant see or admit it just shows that you are one of the haters. I feel sorry for you and for our great country because this is destroying it.

Once AGAIN your premise right there in the first phrase of your post, is fatally erroneous.

There is NO SUCH THING as anyone "on the right". Or "on the left". People simply do not live in these fake comic books you make up because you can't be bothered with individuality. And in the same way there is no restaurant where you're obliged to declare a political party, just as there was never a lynching that required one, a riot, a Klan, a crime, a flag-burning, a sex scandal, or any of the other lump-fallacies purveyed on this board in a puerile attempt at demonization of one's imaginary lump-grouped adversaries. A limp lump-fallacy that, I might add, also requires the infantilistic dichotomy-think that imagines everybody in the world as automatically falling into one of two "camps", again just because you can't be bothered.

I already schooled you on this shit; these are fallacy crutches that you use to blanket people. Fallacies are still fallacies, and that booboo doesn't heal when you pick at it.

And soon as we speak cometh a perfect example in a new thread:

Maxine Waters Has Had Death Threats

There's no link so I don't know if it's factual or not but for the sake of argument let's say it is and Waters has been threatened....

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a Democrat, her threat must have come from a "Republican"?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is "on the left", her threat must have come from someone "on the right"?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a woman, her threat must have come from a man?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a politician, her threat must have come from someone interested in politics?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is black, her threat must have come from someone white?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is a Rump critic, her threat must have come from a Rump supporter?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is old, her threat must have come from someone young?

Shall we now ass-sume that because Waters is in Los Angeles, her threat must have come from a Giants fan?

Why is it necessary to contrive these fake dichotomies at all?

How about if we just ass-ume (two s's not 3) that the threats are the direct result of her calls for violence against Trump admin officials and republicans in general? Why are her threats ok, and any response terrible?

Rhetoric like Waters' is what prompted the Scalise shooter at the softball practice. Why cant we have civil debate any more?

and no matter how many times you deny it, most of the hateful rhetoric is coming from democrats and liberals.
just sitting here thinking. Could it be that the dems cannot debate civilly because they know that when both sides are given equal time that the left will always lose because the left ideology is based on emotion rather than reality. Could that be it?
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

hmmm, really? groups like the KKK (in uniforms), BLM, Antifa, and black panthers (in uniforms)? oh, forgot those were all started by democrats
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

You said

Dems are more about live and let live .

We all know you are full of SHIT...

You are judged by your actions more than your words.
“Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Yeah...that’s such civil discourse...

"impeach him, impeach him" you guys were screaming that even before he was sworn in. don't be so naïve, seetwitchey. There were never right wing/conservative/tea party riots, burning of cities, destruction of public and private party, no calls for open attacks on libs and dems.

If you are honest, and I actually think you may be, you will admit that the hate from the left today vastly exceeds anything that was said about Obama.

Now you’re comparing Trump to posters on a message board? Good analogy actually. Trump is a Brietbart comment section, racism and all.

actually the impeachment (before swearing in) calls were made by democrats in congress, the media, and fools like you. They are still screaming it today, even though he has committed no impeachable offence and is doing the JOB of president much better than any of his recent predecessors.

and that is what really scares you libs, that he is getting the job done, and is actually making this country a better place for American citizens.

its perfectly fine if you don't like the man personally, if you don't like his style or his New York persona. But none of that matters as to doing the job of president, but you cant acknowledge that because to do so would be to admit that your left wing socialist ideology is a massive failure.

Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.
This is the top ten of those Republicans hate:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Sadly, Republicans blame the people they hate FOR the hate.
“Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Yeah...that’s such civil discourse...

"impeach him, impeach him" you guys were screaming that even before he was sworn in. don't be so naïve, seetwitchey. There were never right wing/conservative/tea party riots, burning of cities, destruction of public and private party, no calls for open attacks on libs and dems.

If you are honest, and I actually think you may be, you will admit that the hate from the left today vastly exceeds anything that was said about Obama.

Now you’re comparing Trump to posters on a message board? Good analogy actually. Trump is a Brietbart comment section, racism and all.

actually the impeachment (before swearing in) calls were made by democrats in congress, the media, and fools like you. They are still screaming it today, even though he has committed no impeachable offence and is doing the JOB of president much better than any of his recent predecessors.

and that is what really scares you libs, that he is getting the job done, and is actually making this country a better place for American citizens.

its perfectly fine if you don't like the man personally, if you don't like his style or his New York persona. But none of that matters as to doing the job of president, but you cant acknowledge that because to do so would be to admit that your left wing socialist ideology is a massive failure.

Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.

always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?
This is the top ten of those Republicans hate:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Sadly, Republicans blame the people they hate FOR the hate.

bullshit. there are members of all those groups in the trump administration.

But since you like hate lists, how about this list of people dems hate

1. republicans
2. conservatives
3. libertarians
4. successful people
5. the founders of the USA
6. the authors of the US constitution
7. the police
8. the military'
9. the border patrol
10. ICE
11. straight people
12. religious people of all religions
13.retired people
14. patriotic people
15. pro life people

Sure there are some haters on the right, but its a tiny minority of idiots. Whereas the haters on the left make up the majority of the democrat party.

BTW, Hillary lost, you need to accept that and move on with your life

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