Why so much hate from the left?

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

I don't know wtf "see twitchy" is supposed to mean but your title brings up "hate". So I quoted several examples, by no means a comprehensive list but having a single source in common ---- which you yourself are about to acknowledge in the next part of this post. Please, do go on....

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE.

Bernie Sanders comes from the same place. Even down to the silent H in the word "huge". Ever hear Sanders crowing he'd be the "greatest (whatever) President that god ever created"? Ever hear him declaring "they're rapists" or "shut down/register Muslims" or "beat the crap out of 'im" or "fire the sumbitches" or making juvenile gyrations on stage to mock a reporter's congenital condition or suggesting his supporters should riot or shoot his opponent? Can you even imagine Sanders strutting out on stage impersonating Alfred Hitchcock and then crowing "I alone can fix it"?

"Typical New Yorker" my ASS. No Sprinkles, you don't get to brush off direct refutation of your own attempted premise with a puerile No True Scotsman fallacy. Like it or not, individuals *ARE* responsible for their own words and actions, REGARDLESS where they come from. Shall I deconstruct your lame premise here as "typical Yat" instead of spelling out these points? Is that like an escape hatch I can use?

LAME, doodles.

What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.

All of which is *COMPLETELY* off the point you began with, 'where the hate is coming from', so here you're reduced to derailing your own thread. In effect you started out with "where's the hate coming from" and when shown the source, wailing "well so what, it doesn't matter anyway".


poor hoppystick. try to pay attention. seetwitchey is my name for the poster known as seawytch. She is one of the most disingenuous posters on this board, so I enjoy making fun of her.

She, gnat, Rw, Jake and a few others post left wing hate right here every day. If you cant see that, there is nothing I can do or say to open your eyes.

You seem to be an intelligent person, but when you go left you revert to mindless drivel. How about trying using facts and civility for a few posts just to see if you like it.?

No actually YOU pay attention. I schooled your ass on the fallacy of lumping diverse things/people into an imaginary collective monolith, and here you are demonstrating it yet again. You just rattled off several pet names of posters none of which are me, nor do any of them consult with me nor I with them.

What the fuck is it about the concept of "individual" that wilfully eludes you?

I am all for individual freedom and expression, but the vast majority of lefties on this board post the exact same talking points over and over and over. If you are the exception, great. Prove it.

How in the wide world of the fuck do I need to "prove" YOUR ass-sertion?

No Sprinkles, doesn't work that way. You make an assertion, **YOU** prove it. Ain't my job. Fer fuck's sake take responsibility for your own position. Or is that beyond your pay grade?

"Prove you're not what I say you are" my ASS.
Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.

always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.

you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.

If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The current public education system and the entertainment industry control the culture, which in turn controls the political arena. Diversity and multicultural policies merely served to dilute traditional American culture and allowed the insertion of globalist/Progressive nonsense into both the curriculum taught to school children and the acceptance of such ideas in popular films and television.

The Progressive plan for America stretches back to the early 20th Century, and accelerated on college campuses during the late 1960s. One can see just how successful they have been by ticking off these "goals for America" taken from the book "The Naked Communist" and entered into the Congressional record in 1963.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Also see "The Movement toward a New America" by Mitchell Goodman (1970), a fat compilation of essays and other writings from the counterculture of late 1960s, including works from politicians, media, university professors, radical students and others. You can find copies via a simple search online. These writings bookend the list added to the Congressional Record, and many of the writers included now have high positions in government, education and the entertainment industry, where they continue their work in "fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The surprise (for Progressives) election of Donald Trump wiped out nearly thirty years of globalist/Progressive progress. The EU is near collapse as populist influence continues to make gains. America is moving toward retaking the planetary big boy seat.

All their work to remake the world into some goofy "We Are The World" centrally-controlled utopia is disintegrating before their eyes.

THAT is why the true believers are angry. The rest merely follow along stupidly.
There's nothing wrong with "We Are The World." If you haven't got ideals, you haven't got shit.
The crumbling of ideals is what is so troublesome. The media is turning it to hysteria, as they are wont to do, because ... ratings.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The current public education system and the entertainment industry control the culture, which in turn controls the political arena. Diversity and multicultural policies merely served to dilute traditional American culture and allowed the insertion of globalist/Progressive nonsense into both the curriculum taught to school children and the acceptance of such ideas in popular films and television.

The Progressive plan for America stretches back to the early 20th Century, and accelerated on college campuses during the late 1960s. One can see just how successful they have been by ticking off these "goals for America" taken from the book "The Naked Communist" and entered into the Congressional record in 1963.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Also see "The Movement toward a New America" by Mitchell Goodman (1970), a fat compilation of essays and other writings from the counterculture of late 1960s, including works from politicians, media, university professors, radical students and others. You can find copies via a simple search online. These writings bookend the list added to the Congressional Record, and many of the writers included now have high positions in government, education and the entertainment industry, where they continue their work in "fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The surprise (for Progressives) election of Donald Trump wiped out nearly thirty years of globalist/Progressive progress. The EU is near collapse as populist influence continues to make gains. America is moving toward retaking the planetary big boy seat.

All their work to remake the world into some goofy "We Are The World" centrally-controlled utopia is disintegrating before their eyes.

THAT is why the true believers are angry. The rest merely follow along stupidly.
There's nothing wrong with "We Are The World." If you haven't got ideals, you haven't got shit.
The crumbling of ideals is what is so troublesome. The media is turning it to hysteria, as they are wont to do, because ... ratings.

I have ideals. They just don't include transforming the United States into a third-world shithole.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The current public education system and the entertainment industry control the culture, which in turn controls the political arena. Diversity and multicultural policies merely served to dilute traditional American culture and allowed the insertion of globalist/Progressive nonsense into both the curriculum taught to school children and the acceptance of such ideas in popular films and television.

The Progressive plan for America stretches back to the early 20th Century, and accelerated on college campuses during the late 1960s. One can see just how successful they have been by ticking off these "goals for America" taken from the book "The Naked Communist" and entered into the Congressional record in 1963.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Also see "The Movement toward a New America" by Mitchell Goodman (1970), a fat compilation of essays and other writings from the counterculture of late 1960s, including works from politicians, media, university professors, radical students and others. You can find copies via a simple search online. These writings bookend the list added to the Congressional Record, and many of the writers included now have high positions in government, education and the entertainment industry, where they continue their work in "fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The surprise (for Progressives) election of Donald Trump wiped out nearly thirty years of globalist/Progressive progress. The EU is near collapse as populist influence continues to make gains. America is moving toward retaking the planetary big boy seat.

All their work to remake the world into some goofy "We Are The World" centrally-controlled utopia is disintegrating before their eyes.

THAT is why the true believers are angry. The rest merely follow along stupidly.
There's nothing wrong with "We Are The World." If you haven't got ideals, you haven't got shit.
The crumbling of ideals is what is so troublesome. The media is turning it to hysteria, as they are wont to do, because ... ratings.

I have ideals. They just don't include transforming the United States into a third-world shithole.
Social programs don't make it a shithole. There are plenty of successful democracies that have social programs that take care of their citizens' basic needs. The education a person needs to earn a decent living and healthcare to stay alive and thriving should not be contingent on a person's financial status.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The current public education system and the entertainment industry control the culture, which in turn controls the political arena. Diversity and multicultural policies merely served to dilute traditional American culture and allowed the insertion of globalist/Progressive nonsense into both the curriculum taught to school children and the acceptance of such ideas in popular films and television.

The Progressive plan for America stretches back to the early 20th Century, and accelerated on college campuses during the late 1960s. One can see just how successful they have been by ticking off these "goals for America" taken from the book "The Naked Communist" and entered into the Congressional record in 1963.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Also see "The Movement toward a New America" by Mitchell Goodman (1970), a fat compilation of essays and other writings from the counterculture of late 1960s, including works from politicians, media, university professors, radical students and others. You can find copies via a simple search online. These writings bookend the list added to the Congressional Record, and many of the writers included now have high positions in government, education and the entertainment industry, where they continue their work in "fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The surprise (for Progressives) election of Donald Trump wiped out nearly thirty years of globalist/Progressive progress. The EU is near collapse as populist influence continues to make gains. America is moving toward retaking the planetary big boy seat.

All their work to remake the world into some goofy "We Are The World" centrally-controlled utopia is disintegrating before their eyes.

THAT is why the true believers are angry. The rest merely follow along stupidly.
There's nothing wrong with "We Are The World." If you haven't got ideals, you haven't got shit.
The crumbling of ideals is what is so troublesome. The media is turning it to hysteria, as they are wont to do, because ... ratings.

I have ideals. They just don't include transforming the United States into a third-world shithole.
Social programs don't make it a shithole. There are plenty of successful democracies that have social programs that take care of their citizens' basic needs. The education a person needs to earn a decent living and healthcare to stay alive and thriving should not be contingent on a person's financial status.

What have social programs geared toward citizens to do with stuffing the West full of illegal invaders?
always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.

you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.

If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.

I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The current public education system and the entertainment industry control the culture, which in turn controls the political arena. Diversity and multicultural policies merely served to dilute traditional American culture and allowed the insertion of globalist/Progressive nonsense into both the curriculum taught to school children and the acceptance of such ideas in popular films and television.

The Progressive plan for America stretches back to the early 20th Century, and accelerated on college campuses during the late 1960s. One can see just how successful they have been by ticking off these "goals for America" taken from the book "The Naked Communist" and entered into the Congressional record in 1963.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Also see "The Movement toward a New America" by Mitchell Goodman (1970), a fat compilation of essays and other writings from the counterculture of late 1960s, including works from politicians, media, university professors, radical students and others. You can find copies via a simple search online. These writings bookend the list added to the Congressional Record, and many of the writers included now have high positions in government, education and the entertainment industry, where they continue their work in "fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The surprise (for Progressives) election of Donald Trump wiped out nearly thirty years of globalist/Progressive progress. The EU is near collapse as populist influence continues to make gains. America is moving toward retaking the planetary big boy seat.

All their work to remake the world into some goofy "We Are The World" centrally-controlled utopia is disintegrating before their eyes.

THAT is why the true believers are angry. The rest merely follow along stupidly.
There's nothing wrong with "We Are The World." If you haven't got ideals, you haven't got shit.
The crumbling of ideals is what is so troublesome. The media is turning it to hysteria, as they are wont to do, because ... ratings.

I have ideals. They just don't include transforming the United States into a third-world shithole.
Social programs don't make it a shithole. There are plenty of successful democracies that have social programs that take care of their citizens' basic needs. The education a person needs to earn a decent living and healthcare to stay alive and thriving should not be contingent on a person's financial status.

right, socialism makes it a shithole, ask anyone living in Venezuela today
I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.

you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.

If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.

I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up

It’s not whether or not I want it. I certainly don’t want a president who is a Russian asset, wittingly or not.

It doesn’t matter if a vote was changed or not. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime even if you don’t get away with any money.

The collusion has already been shown, it’s now just a matter of what Trump senior knew of the Trump Tower “dirt on Hillary” meeting.

Don’t look now...

Perspective | To lawyers like us, Michael Cohen looks like he’s ready to flip on Trump
you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.

If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.

I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up

It’s not whether or not I want it. I certainly don’t want a president who is a Russian asset, wittingly or not.

It doesn’t matter if a vote was changed or not. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime even if you don’t get away with any money.

The collusion has already been shown, it’s now just a matter of what Trump senior knew of the Trump Tower “dirt on Hillary” meeting.

Don’t look now...

Perspective | To lawyers like us, Michael Cohen looks like he’s ready to flip on Trump

you don't want a president who is a Russian asset, I don't either. How about an Iranian asset? we had a president who was an Iranian asset for 8 years.

you say it doesn't matter if votes were changed only if there was an attempt------------do you consider the fake Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign to be an attempt to change votes? yes or no.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.

If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.

I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up

It’s not whether or not I want it. I certainly don’t want a president who is a Russian asset, wittingly or not.

It doesn’t matter if a vote was changed or not. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime even if you don’t get away with any money.

The collusion has already been shown, it’s now just a matter of what Trump senior knew of the Trump Tower “dirt on Hillary” meeting.

Don’t look now...

Perspective | To lawyers like us, Michael Cohen looks like he’s ready to flip on Trump

you don't want a president who is a Russian asset, I don't either.

Well you got one. We just need to know if it was unwittingly or not.

Russian charged with Trump’s ex-campaign chief was key figure in pro-Russia strategy

How about an Iranian asset? we had a president who was an Iranian asset for 8 years.

Oh stop. Why? Because the multi nation deal President Obama struck with Iran was much better than Trump getting fleeced by Kim Kong Un?

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

you say it doesn't matter if votes were changed only if there was an attempt------------do you consider the fake Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign to be an attempt to change votes? yes or no.

The not yet fully verified, but not at all debunked intelligence notes from renowned MI6 agent Christopher Steele were not disclosed until after the election.

Four Pinocchios

Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get 'dirt' on Trump to feed it to the FBI?

Oh and...

Evidence Russia tipped election for Trump “staggering,” says former U.S. intelligence chief James Clapper
If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.

I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up

It’s not whether or not I want it. I certainly don’t want a president who is a Russian asset, wittingly or not.

It doesn’t matter if a vote was changed or not. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime even if you don’t get away with any money.

The collusion has already been shown, it’s now just a matter of what Trump senior knew of the Trump Tower “dirt on Hillary” meeting.

Don’t look now...

Perspective | To lawyers like us, Michael Cohen looks like he’s ready to flip on Trump

you don't want a president who is a Russian asset, I don't either.

Well you got one. We just need to know if it was unwittingly or not.

Russian charged with Trump’s ex-campaign chief was key figure in pro-Russia strategy

How about an Iranian asset? we had a president who was an Iranian asset for 8 years.

Oh stop. Why? Because the multi nation deal President Obama struck with Iran was much better than Trump getting fleeced by Kim Kong Un?

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

you say it doesn't matter if votes were changed only if there was an attempt------------do you consider the fake Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign to be an attempt to change votes? yes or no.

The not yet fully verified, but not at all debunked intelligence notes from renowned MI6 agent Christopher Steele were not disclosed until after the election.

Four Pinocchios

Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get 'dirt' on Trump to feed it to the FBI?

Oh and...

Evidence Russia tipped election for Trump “staggering,” says former U.S. intelligence chief James Clapper

You cite Clapper as a valid source????????????????? you are a lunatic.

The Clinton campaign paid Steele for the fake dossier prepared by Russians, and the Russians favored Trump? are you fricken crazy?
By what standard do you judge your claim that "if he had anything, it would already be out"?


Looks like he's doing just fine in comparison.

Trump will be lucky to serve out his first term. If his criminal activities don't get him, the stress of the job, his poor diet and zero exercise certainly has a chance. Unless Russia helps him even more this time, he won't be re-elected.

I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up

It’s not whether or not I want it. I certainly don’t want a president who is a Russian asset, wittingly or not.

It doesn’t matter if a vote was changed or not. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime even if you don’t get away with any money.

The collusion has already been shown, it’s now just a matter of what Trump senior knew of the Trump Tower “dirt on Hillary” meeting.

Don’t look now...

Perspective | To lawyers like us, Michael Cohen looks like he’s ready to flip on Trump

you don't want a president who is a Russian asset, I don't either.

Well you got one. We just need to know if it was unwittingly or not.

Russian charged with Trump’s ex-campaign chief was key figure in pro-Russia strategy

How about an Iranian asset? we had a president who was an Iranian asset for 8 years.

Oh stop. Why? Because the multi nation deal President Obama struck with Iran was much better than Trump getting fleeced by Kim Kong Un?

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

you say it doesn't matter if votes were changed only if there was an attempt------------do you consider the fake Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign to be an attempt to change votes? yes or no.

The not yet fully verified, but not at all debunked intelligence notes from renowned MI6 agent Christopher Steele were not disclosed until after the election.

Four Pinocchios

Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get 'dirt' on Trump to feed it to the FBI?

Oh and...

Evidence Russia tipped election for Trump “staggering,” says former U.S. intelligence chief James Clapper

You cite Clapper as a valid source????????????????? you are a lunatic.

The Clinton campaign paid Steele for the fake dossier prepared by Russians, and the Russians favored Trump? are you fricken crazy?

Yes, the Russians favored Trump. There is not an intelligence agency in this country that denies that fact. The Senate just reaffirmed that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton. The only people denying it are Trump and his cultists.
I understand that you desperately want Heir Mewler to find some criminality committed by Trump. I don't care if this waste of taxpayer money investigation goes on for 5 more years, there was no Trump/Russia collusion in 2016. There was however, Clinton/Russia collusion. But you don't care about that, right?

If Mewler's job is to investigate Russia's involvement with our election, he should be looking at both candidates, the FBI, DOJ, and the DNC.

As to Trump getting a second term, care to place a wager on that?

exactly what did Russia do to help Trump win? give us specifics. How many votes were changed by Russian influence, in which states?

Screaming Russia Russia Russia, constantly does not prove anything. Put up or shut up

It’s not whether or not I want it. I certainly don’t want a president who is a Russian asset, wittingly or not.

It doesn’t matter if a vote was changed or not. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime even if you don’t get away with any money.

The collusion has already been shown, it’s now just a matter of what Trump senior knew of the Trump Tower “dirt on Hillary” meeting.

Don’t look now...

Perspective | To lawyers like us, Michael Cohen looks like he’s ready to flip on Trump

you don't want a president who is a Russian asset, I don't either.

Well you got one. We just need to know if it was unwittingly or not.

Russian charged with Trump’s ex-campaign chief was key figure in pro-Russia strategy

How about an Iranian asset? we had a president who was an Iranian asset for 8 years.

Oh stop. Why? Because the multi nation deal President Obama struck with Iran was much better than Trump getting fleeced by Kim Kong Un?

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

you say it doesn't matter if votes were changed only if there was an attempt------------do you consider the fake Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign to be an attempt to change votes? yes or no.

The not yet fully verified, but not at all debunked intelligence notes from renowned MI6 agent Christopher Steele were not disclosed until after the election.

Four Pinocchios

Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get 'dirt' on Trump to feed it to the FBI?

Oh and...

Evidence Russia tipped election for Trump “staggering,” says former U.S. intelligence chief James Clapper

You cite Clapper as a valid source????????????????? you are a lunatic.

The Clinton campaign paid Steele for the fake dossier prepared by Russians, and the Russians favored Trump? are you fricken crazy?

Yes, the Russians favored Trump. There is not an intelligence agency in this country that denies that fact. The Senate just reaffirmed that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton. The only people denying it are Trump and his cultists.

OK, lets try to walk through this slowly so you might understand.

Russia had Hillary's 30,000 missing emails
Russia gave 145 Million to the Clinton foundation (the Clinton family bank account)
the Clinton campaign paid Russia for the fake dossier
Hillary brokered the uranium one deal that gave Russia access to 20% of our uranium
Russians paid Bill Clinton 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow

Russia owned the Clintons, But they preferred Trump according to you? Come on Twitchey, you are smarter than that.
"the left" HATES fascism, bigotry, misogyny, and all things deplorable...

so much to "hate", so little time! :eusa_clap:
"What changed was the administration’s handling of these cases. Undocumented immigrant families seeking asylum previously were released and went into the civil court system, but now the parents are being detained and sent to criminal courts while their kids are resettled in the United States as though they were unaccompanied minors."

"Most of the parents who have been impacted by Trump's "zero tolerance" policy have presented themselves as political asylum-seekers at a U.S. port-of-entry, from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Rather than processing their claims, they have been taken into custody on the spot and had their children ripped from their arms. The ACLU alleges that this practice violates the Asylum Act, and the UN asserts that it violates the UN Treaty on the State of Refugees, one of the few treaties the US has ratified. This is an illegal act on the part of the United States government, not to mention morally and ethically reprehensible."

Myth-busting ahead:

The catastrophe unfolding at the border is ENTIRELY on TRUMP's shoulders. He has demonized the poor, the uneducated, the desperate, the foreign, the brown, the black. To the point that his supporters are able to defend crimes of humanity against them and say THEY DESERVE IT.

If you can defend this calamity, you have truly lost your ability to reason and your soul.

Trump would LIKE you to believe his lies... GET INFORMED.

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