Why so much hate from the left?

Dems screamed against conservatives who reflexively rejected everything Obama said and did, but they are making those conservatives look mild with their irrational, hateful attitude toward President Trump.

Can you just imagine what liberals would have said if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve Obama's press secretary and his family simply because he worked for Obama? They would have--correctly--called that bigotry and intolerance, not to mention un-American. But, liberals are just fine with that sort of thing now.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

You are kurrekt, the Democrats are the open minded and tolerant peace loving people, weeeeeelll except for all of the Democratic Party's hate groups: La Raza, Klan, Nation of Islam, Brown Berets, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, Mecha, Antifa, LULAC, BLM, Aztlán Nationalist.....

The eeeevuuuul Republicans have the Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, VFW, great neighborhoods, Girl Scouts, good schools, pro-business, National Honor Society, Junior League, American Legion…........................………… juuuuust grilling and chilling…..
Re: the thread question

1. Some liberals are full of hate because:

a. They truly believe they are right on the issues.
b. They are afraid that President Trump is trying to take us back to the bad old days.
c. For eight years under President Obama, they felt that he was leading us to a wonderful new world.
d. They (like all of us) were shocked beyond imagination by the results of election night in 2016.
e. The hate is being stoked by the "Resistance" media.
f. The 2016 Democratic presidential candidate is a sore loser.
We should be spending less attention on immigration and more attention on the fact that we have a President who filed for bankruptcy 4 to 5 times. He is so bad at running businesses, that no bank would loan him money. And the only place he could get a loan, was from Russian oligarchs. Now that is a threat to this country. Not someone making minimum wage.

An interesting twist...

Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew
“Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Yeah...that’s such civil discourse...

"impeach him, impeach him" you guys were screaming that even before he was sworn in. don't be so naïve, seetwitchey. There were never right wing/conservative/tea party riots, burning of cities, destruction of public and private party, no calls for open attacks on libs and dems.

If you are honest, and I actually think you may be, you will admit that the hate from the left today vastly exceeds anything that was said about Obama.

Now you’re comparing Trump to posters on a message board? Good analogy actually. Trump is a Brietbart comment section, racism and all.

actually the impeachment (before swearing in) calls were made by democrats in congress, the media, and fools like you. They are still screaming it today, even though he has committed no impeachable offence and is doing the JOB of president much better than any of his recent predecessors.

and that is what really scares you libs, that he is getting the job done, and is actually making this country a better place for American citizens.

its perfectly fine if you don't like the man personally, if you don't like his style or his New York persona. But none of that matters as to doing the job of president, but you cant acknowledge that because to do so would be to admit that your left wing socialist ideology is a massive failure.

Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.

always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans. What is the origin of all this hate?

The answer is simple. It lies partly in genetics and partly in environment. If you and I disagree, you may think me wrong, confused, mistaken, ill-informed, even an idiot. But that doesn't affect you, that is my problem, you forget about it and go on your way. As a conservative, you see yourself and others as autonomous entities free to decide their individual destiny.

When you disagree with a Leftist, you are challenging their entire validity system. You are a threat, part of an organized effort, a danger which must be stopped at all cost. As a Leftist, they see values as absolute and people as parts of sociopolitical factions. They think in groups, organize in groups and like a pack, attack in groups and so assume you do as well.

Very nice post. Thank you.
"impeach him, impeach him" you guys were screaming that even before he was sworn in. don't be so naïve, seetwitchey. There were never right wing/conservative/tea party riots, burning of cities, destruction of public and private party, no calls for open attacks on libs and dems.

If you are honest, and I actually think you may be, you will admit that the hate from the left today vastly exceeds anything that was said about Obama.

Now you’re comparing Trump to posters on a message board? Good analogy actually. Trump is a Brietbart comment section, racism and all.

actually the impeachment (before swearing in) calls were made by democrats in congress, the media, and fools like you. They are still screaming it today, even though he has committed no impeachable offence and is doing the JOB of president much better than any of his recent predecessors.

and that is what really scares you libs, that he is getting the job done, and is actually making this country a better place for American citizens.

its perfectly fine if you don't like the man personally, if you don't like his style or his New York persona. But none of that matters as to doing the job of president, but you cant acknowledge that because to do so would be to admit that your left wing socialist ideology is a massive failure.

Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.

always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.

you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
We should be spending less attention on immigration and more attention on the fact that we have a President who filed for bankruptcy 4 to 5 times. He is so bad at running businesses, that no bank would loan him money. And the only place he could get a loan, was from Russian oligarchs. Now that is a threat to this country. Not someone making minimum wage.

An interesting twist...

Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew

oh, here we go. Kennedy has been Trump's puppet for hundreds of years. The desperation of you liberals is pathetic. Maybe Trump's father and JFK's father were running illegal booze together and justice Kennedy was in on it. Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The most vile divisive public figure in America occupies the oval office and you ponder the origin of "all the hate"?

Irony poisoning!!!

wrong, the most divisive person ever to occupy the whitehouse was Obama, and he did it on purpose because he hates this country and everything it stands for.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

I don't know wtf "see twitchy" is supposed to mean but your title brings up "hate". So I quoted several examples, by no means a comprehensive list but having a single source in common ---- which you yourself are about to acknowledge in the next part of this post. Please, do go on....

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE.

Bernie Sanders comes from the same place. Even down to the silent H in the word "huge". Ever hear Sanders crowing he'd be the "greatest (whatever) President that god ever created"? Ever hear him declaring "they're rapists" or "shut down/register Muslims" or "beat the crap out of 'im" or "fire the sumbitches" or making juvenile gyrations on stage to mock a reporter's congenital condition or suggesting his supporters should riot or shoot his opponent? Can you even imagine Sanders strutting out on stage impersonating Alfred Hitchcock and then crowing "I alone can fix it"?

"Typical New Yorker" my ASS. No Sprinkles, you don't get to brush off direct refutation of your own attempted premise with a puerile No True Scotsman fallacy. Like it or not, individuals *ARE* responsible for their own words and actions, REGARDLESS where they come from. Shall I deconstruct your lame premise here as "typical Yat" instead of spelling out these points? Is that like an escape hatch I can use?

LAME, doodles.

What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.

All of which is *COMPLETELY* off the point you began with, 'where the hate is coming from', so here you're reduced to derailing your own thread. In effect you started out with "where's the hate coming from" and when shown the source, wailing "well so what, it doesn't matter anyway".


poor hoppystick. try to pay attention. seetwitchey is my name for the poster known as seawytch. She is one of the most disingenuous posters on this board, so I enjoy making fun of her.

She, gnat, Rw, Jake and a few others post left wing hate right here every day. If you cant see that, there is nothing I can do or say to open your eyes.

You seem to be an intelligent person, but when you go left you revert to mindless drivel. How about trying using facts and civility for a few posts just to see if you like it.?
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why would putin prefer Trump over Hillary when he had tons of material to use to blackmail Hillary into doing exactly what he wanted? uranium one, 145M to the Clinton foundation, wikileaks and her emails (of course Russia has all of them).

you on the left keep saying that Putin helped Trump, why would he do that?
you on the left keep saying that Putin helped Trump, why would he do that?

They keep saying that because the DNC won't have the Clintons out of their hair until they are dead and buried and they realize they still haven't anyone better to run! And they realize in all likelihood they will have to run her a THIRD time because the Clintons have them by the BALLS, and the Clintons and them still have many untold favors and debts to repay around the world that only she can do, and the last thing they want to admit is that the Hilldabeast lost because she was a horribly inept and unlikable candidate! No, it has to be to some "outside influence" by which poor Hillary was the VICTIM of. Trump and Putin are both woman-haters; women of the world UNITE to overcome the male chauvinists!!! It really is that simple, and all the paid socks here that attack Trump daily and defend her KNOW THIS.

you on the left keep saying that Putin helped Trump, why would he do that?

They keep saying that because the DNC won't have the Clintons out of their hair until they are dead and buried and they realize they still haven't anyone better to run! And they realize in all likelihood they will have to run her a THIRD time because the Clintons have them by the BALLS, and the Clintons and them still have many untold favors and debts to repay around the world that only she can do, and the last thing they want to admit is that the Hilldabeast lost because she was a horribly inept and unlikable candidate! No, it has to be to some "outside influence" by which poor Hillary was the VICTIM of. Trump and Putin are both woman-haters; women of the world UNITE to overcome the male chauvinists!!! It really is that simple, and all the paid socks here that attack Trump daily and defend her KNOW THIS.


nice summary, the party of Truman and Kennedy is dead and gone. Its now the party of crooked Hillary and crazy Maxine.
Now you’re comparing Trump to posters on a message board? Good analogy actually. Trump is a Brietbart comment section, racism and all.

actually the impeachment (before swearing in) calls were made by democrats in congress, the media, and fools like you. They are still screaming it today, even though he has committed no impeachable offence and is doing the JOB of president much better than any of his recent predecessors.

and that is what really scares you libs, that he is getting the job done, and is actually making this country a better place for American citizens.

its perfectly fine if you don't like the man personally, if you don't like his style or his New York persona. But none of that matters as to doing the job of president, but you cant acknowledge that because to do so would be to admit that your left wing socialist ideology is a massive failure.

Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.

always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.

you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.
wrong, the most divisive person ever to occupy the whitehouse was Obama, and he did it on purpose because he hates this country and everything it stands for.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

I don't know wtf "see twitchy" is supposed to mean but your title brings up "hate". So I quoted several examples, by no means a comprehensive list but having a single source in common ---- which you yourself are about to acknowledge in the next part of this post. Please, do go on....

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE.

Bernie Sanders comes from the same place. Even down to the silent H in the word "huge". Ever hear Sanders crowing he'd be the "greatest (whatever) President that god ever created"? Ever hear him declaring "they're rapists" or "shut down/register Muslims" or "beat the crap out of 'im" or "fire the sumbitches" or making juvenile gyrations on stage to mock a reporter's congenital condition or suggesting his supporters should riot or shoot his opponent? Can you even imagine Sanders strutting out on stage impersonating Alfred Hitchcock and then crowing "I alone can fix it"?

"Typical New Yorker" my ASS. No Sprinkles, you don't get to brush off direct refutation of your own attempted premise with a puerile No True Scotsman fallacy. Like it or not, individuals *ARE* responsible for their own words and actions, REGARDLESS where they come from. Shall I deconstruct your lame premise here as "typical Yat" instead of spelling out these points? Is that like an escape hatch I can use?

LAME, doodles.

What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.

All of which is *COMPLETELY* off the point you began with, 'where the hate is coming from', so here you're reduced to derailing your own thread. In effect you started out with "where's the hate coming from" and when shown the source, wailing "well so what, it doesn't matter anyway".


poor hoppystick. try to pay attention. seetwitchey is my name for the poster known as seawytch. She is one of the most disingenuous posters on this board, so I enjoy making fun of her.

She, gnat, Rw, Jake and a few others post left wing hate right here every day. If you cant see that, there is nothing I can do or say to open your eyes.

You seem to be an intelligent person, but when you go left you revert to mindless drivel. How about trying using facts and civility for a few posts just to see if you like it.?

No actually YOU pay attention. I schooled your ass on the fallacy of lumping diverse things/people into an imaginary collective monolith, and here you are demonstrating it yet again. You just rattled off several pet names of posters none of which are me, nor do any of them consult with me nor I with them.

What the fuck is it about the concept of "individual" that wilfully eludes you?
actually the impeachment (before swearing in) calls were made by democrats in congress, the media, and fools like you. They are still screaming it today, even though he has committed no impeachable offence and is doing the JOB of president much better than any of his recent predecessors.

and that is what really scares you libs, that he is getting the job done, and is actually making this country a better place for American citizens.

its perfectly fine if you don't like the man personally, if you don't like his style or his New York persona. But none of that matters as to doing the job of president, but you cant acknowledge that because to do so would be to admit that your left wing socialist ideology is a massive failure.

Are you Dory from Finding Nemo? No short term memory?

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

The Orange Oligarch is a danger to this country. He's Putin's cock holster...And Putin has been getting his money's worth of late.

always have to use a sexual reference, don't ya? you are a sick pathetic excuse for a human being. I actually feel sorry for someone who is as miserable in life as you are.

I use the analogy appropriate for the situation. Doddering Don, the Russian puppet is owned by Putin and has been trying to do his bidding since he got into office from lifting sanctions to destroying Western alliances.

there was never a vote in congress to impeach obozo, the dems have tried several on Trump, of course they were a complete farce, just like everything spewing from the desperate dems lately.

Dems have no power. They've done nothing. Trump should be impeached, but he likely won't be because unlike with Nixon, today's Republicans have chosen Trump over country.

How exactly has Putin benefitted from Trump being president?

He has tried to lift sanctions, he continually attacks our allies and embraces adversaries, Putin tells him to stop South Korean exercises, he stops them. Putin wants chaos, Trump is giving it to him.

Trump Is Fulfilling Russia’s Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance

second question: why would good relations with Russia be a bad thing for the US and the world?

Relations are one thing, doing the bidding of, sucking up to, authoritarian dictators that just attacked our electoral system is another. Russia attacked us. Just because hundreds of people haven't died doesn't lessen what they did. You don't let the fox back into the henhouse to meet the new chickens after he just slaughtered the old ones.

you are pathetic,see twitchey. nothing in your post is true. I now remember why I had you on ignore in the past. you contribute nothing here because you are incapable of civil debate based on facts. Some of your liberal buddies can discuss the issues in a civil sane manner, but you, gnat, jakey, RW, and a few others are nothing but talking point repeating parrots.
You had me on fake ignore because I provided you with facts you couldn't counter, just like now. Mueller will finish his investigation and the facts will be revealed. It will be up to Republicans to do something about it. Goldwater told Nixon do resign. I don't see any Goldwaters in the currently serving GOP.

If heir mewler had anything, it would already be out. He has nothing, he has gone back 20 years on everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump and is trying to prosecute them for things that had no relation or bearing on the 2016 campaign.

Trump will serve 8 years and replace 3 SC justices. Deal with reality and stop the bullshit.

I had you on my ignore list for several months, if you continue to post meaningless partisan talking points, you will return to that status. I have no time to waste with those who are incapable of thinking for themselves.
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QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

QUOTE: "He's not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

QUOTE: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her, wherever."

QUOTE: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

QUOTE: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I don't know."

And that was just while campaigning. Now you...(in context)

I made much the same point yesterday (with different quotes). The OP pretended not to see it so he could stay in his safe-space Bubble.

Obviously he can't handle the obvious answers to his own question.

none of those Trump quotes posted by see twitchy amount to hate speech. that's why I ignored them.

I don't know wtf "see twitchy" is supposed to mean but your title brings up "hate". So I quoted several examples, by no means a comprehensive list but having a single source in common ---- which you yourself are about to acknowledge in the next part of this post. Please, do go on....

here's the bottom line: Trump talks like a typical new Yorker, he exaggerates, blusters, and uses hyperbole. Its just who he is. but I DONT CARE.

Bernie Sanders comes from the same place. Even down to the silent H in the word "huge". Ever hear Sanders crowing he'd be the "greatest (whatever) President that god ever created"? Ever hear him declaring "they're rapists" or "shut down/register Muslims" or "beat the crap out of 'im" or "fire the sumbitches" or making juvenile gyrations on stage to mock a reporter's congenital condition or suggesting his supporters should riot or shoot his opponent? Can you even imagine Sanders strutting out on stage impersonating Alfred Hitchcock and then crowing "I alone can fix it"?

"Typical New Yorker" my ASS. No Sprinkles, you don't get to brush off direct refutation of your own attempted premise with a puerile No True Scotsman fallacy. Like it or not, individuals *ARE* responsible for their own words and actions, REGARDLESS where they come from. Shall I deconstruct your lame premise here as "typical Yat" instead of spelling out these points? Is that like an escape hatch I can use?

LAME, doodles.

What I care about is that he is 1. doing what he promised during the campaign, and 2. putting America first.

So bitch and whine all you want. Trump won, is winning and will continue winning for America. Hillary lost, Obama failed, liberalism failed, the Dem party is self destructing with leaders like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, and Schumer. Hollywood sucks, the MSM lies. But the American people have seen through the bullshit and are rejecting dems and libs.

All of which is *COMPLETELY* off the point you began with, 'where the hate is coming from', so here you're reduced to derailing your own thread. In effect you started out with "where's the hate coming from" and when shown the source, wailing "well so what, it doesn't matter anyway".


poor hoppystick. try to pay attention. seetwitchey is my name for the poster known as seawytch. She is one of the most disingenuous posters on this board, so I enjoy making fun of her.

She, gnat, Rw, Jake and a few others post left wing hate right here every day. If you cant see that, there is nothing I can do or say to open your eyes.

You seem to be an intelligent person, but when you go left you revert to mindless drivel. How about trying using facts and civility for a few posts just to see if you like it.?

No actually YOU pay attention. I schooled your ass on the fallacy of lumping diverse things/people into an imaginary collective monolith, and here you are demonstrating it yet again. You just rattled off several pet names of posters none of which are me, nor do any of them consult with me nor I with them.

What the fuck is it about the concept of "individual" that wilfully eludes you?

I am all for individual freedom and expression, but the vast majority of lefties on this board post the exact same talking points over and over and over. If you are the exception, great. Prove it.

as to "schooling" you have never schooled me or anyone else with partisan drivel.

I am ready and willing to engage in a civil debate based on facts and reality. If you are too, then bring it.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

8 years of hating Obama, and the right is complaining about hate.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

8 years of hating Obama, and the right is complaining about hate.

I never hated Obama. I hated what his left wing policies were doing to our country, but I never hated the man.

See, that's the difference between right and left, you lefties always make it personal, we don't.

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