Why Talk about Conscientious Objection with Youth?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
As a witness for peace in Fayetteville, North Carolina, home of Fort Bragg (the largest base of military personnel), we at Quaker House see the winds of war on the horizon long before the rest of the country does. Through our GI Rights Hotline and Domestic Violence in the Military counselors and through our presentations, we see the invisible wounds of war: post-traumatic stress disorder, moral injury, and domestic violence. These are the wounds too many of our service members suffer, particularly when the conscience re-awakens to the realities of war.

We are often asked why we work with teens considering conscientious objection. The answer is two-fold: first, we are developing a conscientious objection to war to safeguard them in case a draft is ever reinstated. We would prefer to prepare for an event that may never happen than to be unprepared. The second response, however, is more important: we are nurturing a conscientious commitment to peace, or a testimony of nonviolence, that the young people carry with them into adulthood. Articulating and discerning a stance as a conscientious objector (CO) has both immediate and long-range benefits. It develops a young person’s conscience in meaningful and lasting ways.

We live in a war-illiterate nation. Nationalism is at a high point. We are at war in seven nations and rattle our sabers at others. We have nearly 800 military bases worldwide. The federal budget for the military peaked in 2010, but it is still far too high with a 2017 projected budget of $582 billion. Legislation has been introduced to require women to register for Selective Service. Repeated deployments and stop-loss involuntary extensions of a service member’s active duty service strain both active duty and reserve personnel. Talk of reinstating a military draft gets louder.

Then, sadly, our conscientious objector heroes from previous wars are passing away. These role models represented a living, historical testimony to deeply held convictions. Some went to jail; others fled the country, while some were able to perform alternative service as a way of serving their country. Unfortunately, their voices and living memories are being forgotten as their generation passes away.

Selective Service registration has evolved into an automatic, seamless process. Most teens do not even realize they are being registered because in almost all states Selective Service registration is now linked to an application for a driver’s license.

More than ever, talking about conscientious objection with our youth is exactly what we should be doing.
Is conscientious objection fading away from our Quaker consciousness?
Why Talk about Conscientious Objection with Youth?

It's been awhile since I have heard anything new from the Friends on conscientious objection. The whole magazine appears to be devoted to it this month.
seems to me after quick and maybe incomplete perusal of the article that 'quakers' are unAmerican propagandists . Don't get me wrong , Conscientious Objection is valid in my opinion but looks to me that 'quakers' are pushing their pacifist point of view on non 'quakers' . Course 'quakers' benefit from every war that the USA has ever fought Disir .
I would have to believe that the opposite "propaganda" was American. I don't believe that.
Nationalism is at an all time LOW. National sports figures are constantly exhibiting anti-Americanism without consequences.

The wars are more of an imperial flavor than nationalism.
ANY CO in my family would get to see exactly how far their pacifistic tendencies went when the Men of the family beat that individual to death.

If you will not fight, kill, or die for anythi g, then you don't really believe in it.
seems to me after quick and maybe incomplete perusal of the article that 'quakers' are unAmerican propagandists . Don't get me wrong , Conscientious Objection is valid in my opinion but looks to me that 'quakers' are pushing their pacifist point of view on non 'quakers' . Course 'quakers' benefit from every war that the USA has ever fought Disir .

Dear pismoe
All Americans also have benefited from the peaceful lobbying by Quakers to abolish slavery. The Quaker group that started the Alternatives to Violence Project have changed prison culture, across the states and internationally, by transformed criminal offenders and gang members into proactive volunteer leaders in outreach to educate and change the lives of others, both inside and outside prisons. Generations of people around the world benefit from that outreach started by Quakers and run by volunteers.

One interesting case study in history that can be credited to William Penn and the Quakers, was the concept of jury nullification and voting by conscience on the spirit and letter of the law. After Penn was arrested for preaching an "illegal religion," the jury refused to find him guilty because they found the local law to be unconstitutional by the First Amendment. Even though the jury was sequestered, and reported to be punished or even tortured by the judge to coerce them, they refused to convict him though the law was clearly established, and the violation was undisputed.

Today the Libertarians and Constitutionalists who believe that laws or agencies of govt that are unconstitutional should be "nullified" might benefit from a rebirth of the "conscientious objectors" approach taken by Quakers to oppose and demand nonviolent change out of respect for religious beliefs, in this case political beliefs which the contested laws violate.

If more people from more parties united following the Quakers' example, we might lead the next stage of the civil rights movement that Dr. King Jr. started, but this time, finish the process by implementing corrections and restitution in sustainable solutions in keeping with constitutional ethics.
ANY CO in my family would get to see exactly how far their pacifistic tendencies went when the Men of the family beat that individual to death.

If you will not fight, kill, or die for anythi g, then you don't really believe in it.
Your entire family-no matter how distantly related-should be involuntarily and irreversibly sterilized. You are a poster child for abortion and lobotomization.

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