Why Ted Cruz Will NOT Win A Contested Convention


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...
Cruz has already won countless challenges to that. If that's what you're strategy is relying on, you better have a plan B
Cruz or Trump are not electable their best bet is to form a unity ticket
A person can't be born in Alberta Canada and be Vice President either...

Cruz has already won countless challenges to that. If that's what you're strategy is relying on, you better have a plan B

"Countless"? Really? Do you understand what that word means? Cruz hasn't won THE challenge though...check the OP for when and where that will be..and what it will mean for the GOP shot at winning the general this Fall..

...a thing BOTH Tiny Hands and Alberta-Ted consistently poll LOSING to Hillary on.. Though I believe that Kasich was polling 17 points ahead of Hillary in the general in Pennsylvania recently...
Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. Now whether or not it's authentic is up for grabs. But Cruz ACTUALLY PRODUCED A CANADIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE...and does not denounce it! He can't singularly change the US Laws set up to protect our national security from the very earliest days simply because he wants what he wants..
Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. Now whether or not it's authentic is up for grabs. But Cruz ACTUALLY PRODUCED A CANADIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE...and does not denounce it! He can't singularly change the US Laws set up to protect our national security from the very earliest days simply because he wants what he wants..

And what U.S. law would that be?

What U.S. law says that a person born in Canada cannot be President?

I say this as someone who think Cruz is not qualified to be President.
I believe the courts recently put that challenge in file 13.
One court has ruled that Cruz is eligible.

Sure there will be other challenges. I am surprised that Trump hasn't really pushed harder on the issue- after all Trump is a huge Birther and has used the issue to remind Americans that Cruz was not born in the United States- which appeals to Trumps base.
Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. Now whether or not it's authentic is up for grabs. But Cruz ACTUALLY PRODUCED A CANADIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE...and does not denounce it! He can't singularly change the US Laws set up to protect our national security from the very earliest days simply because he wants what he wants..

And what U.S. law would that be?

What U.S. law says that a person born in Canada cannot be President?

I say this as someone who think Cruz is not qualified to be President.
The bone of contention is the meaning of the phrase "natural born" in the U.S. Constitution (that's the U.S. Law you're looking for), some Constitutional Scholars contend that it means born on U.S. soil based on the English Common Law meaning of the phrase, there is also the 1790 Naturalization Act which specifies that children born to at least one United States parent (even outside U.S. soil) are U.S. Citizens, however since they are only U.S. citizens because of this 1790 Act (an act of congress) that would make them NATURALIZED (by an act of congress) as opposed to NATURAL BORN (by an act of nature).

IMHO It's a rather prickly legal distinction but the OP has a point, there's a valid potential challenge to Cruz's eligibility if SCOTUS were to decide to take it up and a Cruz nomination does carry a risk that SCOTUS will do so and rule against him.
Look the GOP establishment are lying backstabbers and they don't like Cruz. Cruz is a fool if he thinks they will nominate him.
Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. Now whether or not it's authentic is up for grabs. But Cruz ACTUALLY PRODUCED A CANADIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE...and does not denounce it! He can't singularly change the US Laws set up to protect our national security from the very earliest days simply because he wants what he wants..

And what U.S. law would that be?

What U.S. law says that a person born in Canada cannot be President?

I say this as someone who think Cruz is not qualified to be President.
The bone of contention is the meaning of the phrase "natural born" in the U.S. Constitution (that's the U.S. Law you're looking for), some Constitutional Scholars contend that it means born on U.S. soil based on the English Common Law meaning of the phrase, there is also the 1790 Naturalization Act which specifies that children born to at least one United States parent (even outside U.S. soil) are U.S. Citizens, however since they are only U.S. citizens because of this 1790 Act (an act of congress) that would make them NATURALIZED (by an act of congress) as opposed to NATURAL BORN (by an act of nature).

IMHO It's a rather prickly legal distinction but the OP has a point, there's a valid potential challenge to Cruz's eligibility if SCOTUS were to decide to take it up and a Cruz nomination does carry a risk that SCOTUS will do so and rule against him.

Oh I agree with you. Silhouette actually has never bothered to research the issue beyond the headlines. There is a slight controversy- and certainly there will be more court challenges.

IF for example, Cruz got the nomination over Trump, I would expect Trump to be in court the very next day making the argument. Trump loves to sue.

The 1790 Naturalization Act by the way- doesn't help anyone- first of all- it was superceded by the 1795 act- and by others.

Secondly the language specifies that they would be 'natural born citizens'

And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens:

Written in 1790- one year after the U.S. Constitution was approved- I think we can assume those who wrote the 1790 Act knew what the U.S. Constitution said- and they believed Congress could pass a law recognizing that someone born overseas is a natural born citizen.

My actual expectations is that if this every gets to the court, that the Supreme Court will dismiss any law suit, ruling that it is outside the jurisdiction of the court- and it is for Congress to decide.

Congress has the authority to both remove a President- and is tasked with approving the election of a President- not the courts.

And Congress- even as they despise Cruz- would approve his election.
IF for example, Cruz got the nomination over Trump, I would expect Trump to be in court the very next day making the argument. Trump loves to sue.
Agreed, I have little doubt that Trump would sue, nothing to lose by doing so and it keeps him in the spotlight which is what he craves.
The 1790 Naturalization Act by the way- doesn't help anyone- first of all- it was superceded by the 1795 act- and by others.
The point of contention is that the citizenship is achieved by an act of congress, which means that no matter what it says the citizen is naturalized not natural born (according to the side arguing against Cruz's eligibility, not me). I'm no lawyer and frankly haven't done a deep dive into the subject but on the surface it seems like a plausible legal argument; not saying that it's a VALID argument just that SCOTUS might deem it worth of a hearing and once it gets to SCOTUS there is the potential ideological bias of the court to consider. So yeah I think there might be some risk to a Cruz nomination, how big a risk? no idea, I'll leave that to the lawyers to figure out.

My actual expectations is that if this every gets to the court, that the Supreme Court will dismiss any law suit, ruling that it is outside the jurisdiction of the court- and it is for Congress to decide.
That's certainly a strong possibility I suppose and it seems that it would be the Constitutionally correct course of action, although personally I wouldn't rule out ideology playing a part in the decision to accept the suit or not.
IF for example, Cruz got the nomination over Trump, I would expect Trump to be in court the very next day making the argument. Trump loves to sue.
Agreed, I have little doubt that Trump would sue, nothing to lose by doing so and it keeps him in the spotlight which is what he craves.
The 1790 Naturalization Act by the way- doesn't help anyone- first of all- it was superceded by the 1795 act- and by others.
The point of contention is that the citizenship is achieved by an act of congress, which means that no matter what it says the citizen is naturalized not natural born (according to the side arguing against Cruz's eligibility, not me). I'm no lawyer and frankly haven't done a deep dive into the subject but on the surface it seems like a plausible legal argument; not saying that it's a VALID argument just that SCOTUS might deem it worth of a hearing and once it gets to SCOTUS there is the potential ideological bias of the court to consider. So yeah I think there might be some risk to a Cruz nomination, how big a risk? no idea, I'll leave that to the lawyers to figure out.

My actual expectations is that if this every gets to the court, that the Supreme Court will dismiss any law suit, ruling that it is outside the jurisdiction of the court- and it is for Congress to decide.
That's certainly a strong possibility I suppose and it seems that it would be the Constitutionally correct course of action, although personally I wouldn't rule out ideology playing a part in the decision to accept the suit or not.

I actually think that it is more likely that the Court would try to dodge this, as they often dodge issues with large political ramifications.

But it is enjoyable speculating.

Isn't this the most entertaining primary? Certainly the most entertaining in my life time.

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...

Oh drop the crap. His mother was American. Obviously the founding fathers didn't mean that if they had two kids, one born in the USA and the other born in Europe that only one could be President. They were referring to people who were born in foreign countries of foreign parents.

Come back when you can explain why Madison thought if his kid was born in Europe, he shouldn't be President. Obviously he didn't think that. Just so you know too, the Constitution doesn't say that ...
Does trump really love law suits? He threatens them all the time sure, but he never follows up. He's been threatening to sue Cruz over on this issue since before Iowa. He has threatened to see him over alleged cheating. All they are is threats. I can't imagine him suing when he knows he will lose anyway.

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...
Obama produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. Now whether or not it's authentic is up for grabs. But Cruz ACTUALLY PRODUCED A CANADIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE...and does not denounce it! He can't singularly change the US Laws set up to protect our national security from the very earliest days simply because he wants what he wants..

And what U.S. law would that be?

What U.S. law says that a person born in Canada cannot be President?

I say this as someone who think Cruz is not qualified to be President.
yeah Sillywet. We're all ears crazygrl

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