Why the Benghazi Cover-Up is Not the Next Watergate

Didn't Obama say it was a terorist attack the day after? the gop is trying to tie this to an al queda planned, bankrolled and trained conspiracy ... but it doesn't fly. It's meat to the Issa and Lindsey Graham voters.

CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' - CNN.com

He blamed a video right?

Is that an impeachable offense now?!?! :eusa_eh:

No the criminality rests with the cover-up and the lies that followed. That includes all those in the conspiracy to keep the truth from the American People. That goes from the top (Obama, Clinton, Panetta Dempsey and Axelrod) down.
Why the Benghazi Cover-Up is Not the Next Watergate

Damn, that was quick.

Thought the wingers wouldn't be despairing over what a nothingburger these hearings are turning out to be until after they're done.

Too bad they're done. I enjoyed every last minute of it!

You can deny it all you want, Obama and his cronies are screwed. Royally screwed.
INHMO, This administration is counting on the indifference of the public to weather this incompetence produced by Mr. Obama and his appointed absentee CEO's at the State Department. Just how many of these people have been dismissed based upon their performance in the debacle of the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12?

Who was it again was first to post in any number of nutball-echo threads that no one who matters gives a fuck about a cowboy bureaucrat getting himself killed? No question it is sad that he got some better people killed with him, but he won't be missed.

Just as the white trash who breached reason in 2004 to re elect the most measurably failed president in US history, the reason no one who matters gives a shit is fatigue with Bush League meddling. Sure this particular event is 100% Obama, but the syphilitic-dementia'd-out cocksucker from Tejas got at least 60 killed in similar venues, so once again the filthy lowlife scum of the earth have only themselves to blame for the lack of interest outside NutballLand.

Ho hum.
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You're denying the the hate video caused violence? 7 days in Obama may have mistakenly thought the video was tied to Benghazi, but the fact is we don't know, and he may well even now be right. Can you tell whether the crowd was larger because of the outrage? Can you tell whether without the crowd, the ambassador might have escaped? You can't. We don't know. We know that some local milita, aka street thugs, planned the attack with infantry support weapons ahead of time. And, most likely, Obama downplayed the preplanned attack angle when the admin found out sometime before the election.

You are simply desperate to achieve partisan ends. That's it. It's all you got. Which is why MSM is pretty much holding its nose and trying to ignore you.

ROTF... That is ridiculous, The so-called video has been disproven as the cause of the attack. There was no mistake on Obama's part it was obvious well thought out with the help from the MSM. Hmm..., did you view the UAV tapes, I certainly have not. We already know from the little the investigation has revealed that it was a planned attack. Obama and his flunkies already knew that before they made the claim about the video and sent Susan Rice out to spread the perjurious lies.
I'm sure the Republicans think they got the talking points they need to retain control of the House in 2014 and to thrawt a Hillary Presidency in 2016.

They didn't. They hurt themselves while continuing to made a mockery out of this tragic situation.

What a sad day to be a Republican.

You're denying the the hate video caused violence? 7 days in Obama may have mistakenly thought the video was tied to Benghazi, but the fact is we don't know, and he may well even now be right. Can you tell whether the crowd was larger because of the outrage? Can you tell whether without the crowd, the ambassador might have escaped? You can't. We don't know. We know that some local milita, aka street thugs, planned the attack with infantry support weapons ahead of time. And, most likely, Obama downplayed the preplanned attack angle when the admin found out sometime before the election.

You are simply desperate to achieve partisan ends. That's it. It's all you got. Which is why MSM is pretty much holding its nose and trying to ignore you.

ROTF... That is ridiculous, The so-called video has been disproven as the cause of the attack. There was no mistake on Obama's part it was obvious well thought out with the help from the MSM. Hmm..., did you view the UAV tapes, I certainly have not. We already know from the little the investigation has revealed that it was a planned attack. Obama and his flunkies already knew that before they made the claim about the video and sent Susan Rice out to spread the perjurious lies.

So you know some of the attackers? What have they told you about their motives. Why haven't you gone to the authorities with this information?

Are you some kind of double agent/traitor or what?

Oh wait, I'm talking to Wolfie, nevermind..........:cuckoo:
You're denying the the hate video caused violence? 7 days in Obama may have mistakenly thought the video was tied to Benghazi, but the fact is we don't know, and he may well even now be right. Can you tell whether the crowd was larger because of the outrage? Can you tell whether without the crowd, the ambassador might have escaped? You can't. We don't know. We know that some local milita, aka street thugs, planned the attack with infantry support weapons ahead of time. And, most likely, Obama downplayed the preplanned attack angle when the admin found out sometime before the election.

You are simply desperate to achieve partisan ends. That's it. It's all you got. Which is why MSM is pretty much holding its nose and trying to ignore you.

ROTF... That is ridiculous, The so-called video has been disproven as the cause of the attack. There was no mistake on Obama's part it was obvious well thought out with the help from the MSM. Hmm..., did you view the UAV tapes, I certainly have not. We already know from the little the investigation has revealed that it was a planned attack. Obama and his flunkies already knew that before they made the claim about the video and sent Susan Rice out to spread the perjurious lies.

So you know some of the attackers? What have they told you about their motives. Why haven't you gone to the authorities with this information?

Are you some kind of double agent/traitor or what?

Oh wait, I'm talking to Wolfie, nevermind..........:cuckoo:

What are you inferring?
Mr. Hicks when asked about the 5 TV appearances of Susan Rice making the allegations about a video the cause of the attack, he replied "Shocked"
This administration knew from the get go that it was not due to a demonstration about a video. Testimony today proves it.
Questioning my loyalty to America is really low. I left some of my blood in Nam that's a lot more than you ever did for America
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Why the Benghazi Cover-Up is Not the Next Watergate

Damn, that was quick.

Thought the wingers wouldn't be despairing over what a nothingburger these hearings are turning out to be until after they're done.

Too bad they're done. I enjoyed every last minute of it!

You can deny it all you want, Obama and his cronies are screwed. Royally screwed.

Yep...anyone who watched the whole thing knows it as well.
Dems took it up the butt all day long. And it aint over by a long shot.
This thing had it all,cover ups,retaliation lies and more lies.
I love how the dems gave it up towards the end. Pretty much stopped asking questions because they looked so foolish.

I wonder why the dems around here aren't commenting on what was said? They were either scared to watch it. Didnt care enough to watch it. Or they did and know they got their ass handed to em.
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By David Martosko

A top State Department appointee told Libya´s president one day after the military-style assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that the terror group Ansar al-Shariah was responsible. But four days later, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on television that it was the product of a spontaneous protest. During a fiery and emotional congressional hearing on the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy read aloud from an email dated Sept. 12, 2012 to senior State Department officers, from Elizabeth Jones, the acting Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.


Read more:
Secret email shows top State Department official TOLD LIBYA'S PRESIDENT on Sept. 12 that terrorists were behind Benghazi attack the day before | Mail Online

This report from the UK only confirms what I have been stating, of course this is not confirmed by the biased MSM, but Messrs. Hicks, Thompson and Nordstrom who have testified under oath before Congress.
ROTF... That is ridiculous, The so-called video has been disproven as the cause of the attack. There was no mistake on Obama's part it was obvious well thought out with the help from the MSM. Hmm..., did you view the UAV tapes, I certainly have not. We already know from the little the investigation has revealed that it was a planned attack. Obama and his flunkies already knew that before they made the claim about the video and sent Susan Rice out to spread the perjurious lies.

So you know some of the attackers? What have they told you about their motives. Why haven't you gone to the authorities with this information?

Are you some kind of double agent/traitor or what?

Oh wait, I'm talking to Wolfie, nevermind..........:cuckoo:

What are you inferring?
Mr. Hicks when asked about the 5 TV appearances of Susan Rice making the allegations about a video the cause of the attack, he replied "Shocked"
This administration knew from the get go that it was not due to a demonstration about a video. Testimony today proves it.
Questioning my loyalty to America is really low. I left some of my blood in Nam that's a lot more than you ever did for America

The hearing proved no such thing. Just the opposite. They still don't know the movtives of the indiviiduals who attacked the consulate that night. Hick's was not in Benghazi and interviewed no one.

So are you admitting you don't know any of the attackers or their motives?
Didn't Obama say it was a terorist attack the day after? the gop is trying to tie this to an al queda planned, bankrolled and trained conspiracy ... but it doesn't fly. It's meat to the Issa and Lindsey Graham voters.

CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' - CNN.com

He blamed a video right?

Is that an impeachable offense now?!?! :eusa_eh:

It's funny when libs pretend they dont know the real reason he lied.
They dont mind looking like morons for the messiah.

If obammy asked for a BJ they'd ask how deep and should I swallow.
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He blamed a video right?

Is that an impeachable offense now?!?! :eusa_eh:

It's funny when libs pretend they dont know the real reason he lied.
They dont mind looking like morons for the messiah.

If obammy asked for a BJ they'd ask how deep and should I swallow.

Tell me, how long did they wait after they won, mmmm er,,,,,stole the election before they confessed and said that there was no Cairo like video inspired demonstration?

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